// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not // use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of // the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under // the License. couchTests.replication = function(debug) { if (debug) debugger; var host = CouchDB.host; var dbPairs = [ {source:"test_suite_db_a", target:"test_suite_db_b"}, {source:"test_suite_db_a", target:"http://" + host + "/test_suite_db_b"}, {source:"http://" + host + "/test_suite_db_a", target:"test_suite_db_b"}, {source:"http://" + host + "/test_suite_db_a", target:"http://" + host + "/test_suite_db_b"} ] var dbA = new CouchDB("test_suite_db_a", {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"}); var dbB = new CouchDB("test_suite_db_b", {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"}); var numDocs = 10; var xhr; for (var testPair = 0; testPair < dbPairs.length; testPair++) { var A = dbPairs[testPair].source var B = dbPairs[testPair].target dbA.deleteDb(); dbA.createDb(); dbB.deleteDb(); dbB.createDb(); var repTests = { // copy and paste and put your code in. delete unused steps. test_template: new function () { this.init = function(dbA, dbB) { // before anything has happened } this.afterAB1 = function(dbA, dbB) { // called after replicating src=A tgt=B first time. }; this.afterBA1 = function(dbA, dbB) { // called after replicating src=B tgt=A first time. }; this.afterAB2 = function(dbA, dbB) { // called after replicating src=A tgt=B second time. }; this.afterBA2 = function(dbA, dbB) { // etc... }; }, simple_test: new function () { this.init = function(dbA, dbB) { var docs = makeDocs(0, numDocs); dbA.bulkSave(docs); }; this.afterAB1 = function(dbA, dbB) { for (var j = 0; j < numDocs; j++) { var docA = dbA.open("" + j); var docB = dbB.open("" + j); T(docA._rev == docB._rev); } }; }, deletes_test: new function () { // make sure deletes are replicated this.init = function(dbA, dbB) { T(dbA.save({_id:"foo1",value:"a"}).ok); }; this.afterAB1 = function(dbA, dbB) { var docA = dbA.open("foo1"); var docB = dbB.open("foo1"); T(docA._rev == docB._rev); dbA.deleteDoc(docA); }; this.afterAB2 = function(dbA, dbB) { T(dbA.open("foo1") == null); T(dbB.open("foo1") == null); }; }, deleted_test : new function() { // docs created and deleted on a single node are also replicated this.init = function(dbA, dbB) { T(dbA.save({_id:"del1",value:"a"}).ok); var docA = dbA.open("del1"); dbA.deleteDoc(docA); }; this.afterAB1 = function(dbA, dbB) { var rows = dbB.changes().results; var rowCnt = 0; for (var i=0; i < rows.length; i++) { if (rows[i].id == "del1") { rowCnt += 1; T(rows[i].deleted == true); } }; T(rowCnt == 1); }; }, slashes_in_ids_test: new function () { // make sure docs with slashes in id replicate properly this.init = function(dbA, dbB) { dbA.save({ _id:"abc/def", val:"one" }); }; this.afterAB1 = function(dbA, dbB) { var docA = dbA.open("abc/def"); var docB = dbB.open("abc/def"); T(docA._rev == docB._rev); }; }, design_docs_test: new function() { // make sure design docs replicate properly this.init = function(dbA, dbB) { dbA.save({ _id:"_design/test" }); }; this.afterAB1 = function() { var docA = dbA.open("_design/test"); var docB = dbB.open("_design/test"); T(docA._rev == docB._rev); }; }, attachments_test: new function () { // Test attachments this.init = function(dbA, dbB) { dbA.save({ _id:"bin_doc", _attachments:{ "foo+bar.txt": { "type":"base64", "data": "VGhpcyBpcyBhIGJhc2U2NCBlbmNvZGVkIHRleHQ=" } } }); // make sure on design docs as well dbA.save({ _id:"_design/with_bin", _attachments:{ "foo+bar.txt": { "type":"base64", "data": "VGhpcyBpcyBhIGJhc2U2NCBlbmNvZGVkIHRleHQ=" } } }); }; this.afterAB1 = function(dbA, dbB) { var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db_a/bin_doc/foo%2Bbar.txt"); T(xhr.responseText == "This is a base64 encoded text") xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db_b/bin_doc/foo%2Bbar.txt"); T(xhr.responseText == "This is a base64 encoded text") // and the design-doc xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db_a/_design/with_bin/foo%2Bbar.txt"); T(xhr.responseText == "This is a base64 encoded text") xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db_b/_design/with_bin/foo%2Bbar.txt"); T(xhr.responseText == "This is a base64 encoded text") }; }, conflicts_test: new function () { // test conflicts this.init = function(dbA, dbB) { dbA.save({_id:"foo",value:"a"}); dbB.save({_id:"foo",value:"b"}); }; this.afterBA1 = function(dbA, dbB) { var docA = dbA.open("foo", {conflicts: true}); var docB = dbB.open("foo", {conflicts: true}); // make sure the same rev is in each db T(docA._rev === docB._rev); // make sure the conflicts are the same in each db T(docA._conflicts[0] === docB._conflicts[0]); // delete a conflict. dbA.deleteDoc({_id:"foo", _rev:docA._conflicts[0]}); }; this.afterBA2 = function(dbA, dbB) { // open documents and include the conflict meta data var docA = dbA.open("foo", {conflicts: true, deleted_conflicts: true}); var docB = dbB.open("foo", {conflicts: true, deleted_conflicts: true}); // We should have no conflicts this time T(docA._conflicts === undefined) T(docB._conflicts === undefined); // They show up as deleted conflicts instead T(docA._deleted_conflicts[0] == docB._deleted_conflicts[0]); }; } }; var test; for(test in repTests) { if(repTests[test].init) { repTests[test].init(dbA, dbB); } } var result = CouchDB.replicate(A, B); var seqA = result.source_last_seq; T(0 == result.history[0].start_last_seq); T(result.history[1] === undefined) for(test in repTests) { if(repTests[test].afterAB1) repTests[test].afterAB1(dbA, dbB); } result = CouchDB.replicate(B, A); var seqB = result.source_last_seq; T(0 == result.history[0].start_last_seq); T(result.history[1] === undefined) for(test in repTests) { if(repTests[test].afterBA1) repTests[test].afterBA1(dbA, dbB); } var result2 = CouchDB.replicate(A, B); // each successful replication produces a new session id T(result2.session_id != result.session_id); T(seqA < result2.source_last_seq); T(seqA == result2.history[0].start_last_seq); T(result2.history[1].end_last_seq == seqA) seqA = result2.source_last_seq; for(test in repTests) { if(repTests[test].afterAB2) repTests[test].afterAB2(dbA, dbB); } result = CouchDB.replicate(B, A) T(seqB < result.source_last_seq); T(seqB == result.history[0].start_last_seq); T(result.history[1].end_last_seq == seqB) seqB = result.source_last_seq; for(test in repTests) { if(repTests[test].afterBA2) repTests[test].afterBA2(dbA, dbB); } // do an replication where nothing has changed result2 = CouchDB.replicate(B, A); T(result2.no_changes == true); T(result2.session_id == result.session_id); } // test optional automatic creation of the target db var dbA = new CouchDB("test_suite_db_a", {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"}); var dbB = new CouchDB("test_suite_db_b", {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"}); dbA.deleteDb(); dbA.createDb(); dbB.deleteDb(); // local CouchDB.replicate(dbA.name, "test_suite_db_b", { body: {"create_target": true} }); TEquals("test_suite_db_b", dbB.info().db_name, "Target database should exist"); // remote dbB.deleteDb(); CouchDB.replicate(dbA.name, "http://" + CouchDB.host + "/test_suite_db_b", { body: {"create_target": true} }); TEquals("test_suite_db_b", dbB.info().db_name, "Target database should exist"); // continuous var continuousResult = CouchDB.replicate(dbA.name, "test_suite_db_b", { body: {"continuous": true} }); T(continuousResult.ok) T(continuousResult._local_id) var cancelResult = CouchDB.replicate(dbA.name, "test_suite_db_b", { body: {"cancel": true} }); T(cancelResult.ok) T(continuousResult._local_id == cancelResult._local_id) try { var cancelResult2 = CouchDB.replicate(dbA.name, "test_suite_db_b", { body: {"cancel": true} }); } catch (e) { T(e.error == "not_found") } // test replication object option doc_ids var dbA = new CouchDB("test_suite_rep_docs_db_a", {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"}); var dbB = new CouchDB("test_suite_rep_docs_db_b", {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"}); dbA.deleteDb(); dbA.createDb(); dbB.deleteDb(); dbB.createDb(); T(dbA.save({_id:"foo1",value:"a"}).ok); T(dbA.save({_id:"foo2",value:"b"}).ok); T(dbA.save({_id:"foo3",value:"c"}).ok); var dbPairs = [ {source:"test_suite_rep_docs_db_a", target:"test_suite_rep_docs_db_b"}, {source:"test_suite_rep_docs_db_a", target:"http://" + host + "/test_suite_rep_docs_db_b"}, {source:"http://" + host + "/test_suite_rep_docs_db_a", target:"test_suite_rep_docs_db_b"}, {source:"http://" + host + "/test_suite_rep_docs_db_a", target:"http://" + host + "/test_suite_rep_docs_db_b"} ]; for (var i = 0; i < dbPairs.length; i++) { var dbA = dbPairs[i].source; var dbB = dbPairs[i].target; var repResult = CouchDB.replicate(dbA, dbB, { body: {"doc_ids": ["foo1", "foo3", "foo666"]} }); T(repResult.ok); T(repResult.docs_written === 2); T(repResult.docs_read === 2); T(repResult.doc_write_failures === 0); dbB = new CouchDB("test_suite_rep_docs_db_b"); var docFoo1 = dbB.open("foo1"); T(docFoo1 !== null); T(docFoo1.value === "a"); var docFoo2 = dbB.open("foo2"); T(docFoo2 === null); var docFoo3 = dbB.open("foo3"); T(docFoo3 !== null); T(docFoo3.value === "c"); var docFoo666 = dbB.open("foo666"); T(docFoo666 === null); } };