// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not // use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of // the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under // the License. (function($) { $.couch = $.couch || {}; function encodeDocId(docID) { var parts = docID.split("/"); if (parts[0] == "_design") { parts.shift(); return "_design/" + encodeURIComponent(parts.join('/')); } return encodeURIComponent(docID); } $.extend($.couch, { activeTasks: function(options) { ajax( {url: "/_active_tasks"}, options, "Active task status could not be retrieved" ); }, allDbs: function(options) { ajax( {url: "/_all_dbs"}, options, "An error occurred retrieving the list of all databases" ); }, config: function(options, section, option, value) { var req = {url: "/_config/"}; if (section) { req.url += encodeURIComponent(section) + "/"; if (option) { req.url += encodeURIComponent(option); } } if (value !== undefined) { req.method = "PUT"; req.data = toJSON(value); req.contentType = "application/json"; req.processData = false } ajax(req, options, "An error occurred retrieving/updating the server configuration" ); }, db: function(name) { return { name: name, uri: "/" + encodeURIComponent(name) + "/", compact: function(options) { $.extend(options, {successStatus: 202}); ajax({ type: "POST", url: this.uri + "_compact", data: "", processData: false }, options, "The database could not be compacted" ); }, create: function(options) { $.extend(options, {successStatus: 201}); ajax({ type: "PUT", url: this.uri, contentType: "application/json", data: "", processData: false }, options, "The database could not be created" ); }, drop: function(options) { ajax( {type: "DELETE", url: this.uri}, options, "The database could not be deleted" ); }, info: function(options) { ajax( {url: this.uri}, options, "Database information could not be retrieved" ); }, allDocs: function(options) { ajax( {url: this.uri + "_all_docs" + encodeOptions(options)}, options, "An error occurred retrieving a list of all documents" ); }, allDesignDocs: function(options) { this.allDocs($.extend({startkey:"_design", endkey:"_design0"}, options)); }, allApps: function(options) { options = options || {}; var self = this; if (options.eachApp) { this.allDesignDocs({ success: function(resp) { $.each(resp.rows, function() { self.openDoc(this.id, { success: function(ddoc) { var index, appPath, appName = ddoc._id.split('/'); appName.shift(); appName = appName.join('/'); index = ddoc.couchapp && ddoc.couchapp.index; if (index) { appPath = ['', name, ddoc._id, index].join('/'); } else if (ddoc._attachments && ddoc._attachments["index.html"]) { appPath = ['', name, ddoc._id, "index.html"].join('/'); } if (appPath) options.eachApp(appName, appPath, ddoc); } }); }); } }); } else { alert("please provide an eachApp function for allApps()"); } }, openDoc: function(docId, options, ajaxOptions) { ajax({url: this.uri + encodeDocId(docId) + encodeOptions(options)}, options, "The document could not be retrieved", ajaxOptions ); }, saveDoc: function(doc, options) { options = options || {}; if (doc._id === undefined) { var method = "POST"; var uri = this.uri; } else { var method = "PUT"; var uri = this.uri + encodeDocId(doc._id); } $.ajax({ type: method, url: uri + encodeOptions(options), contentType: "application/json", dataType: "json", data: toJSON(doc), complete: function(req) { var resp = $.httpData(req, "json"); if (req.status == 201) { doc._id = resp.id; doc._rev = resp.rev; if (options.success) options.success(resp); } else if (options.error) { options.error(req.status, resp.error, resp.reason); } else { alert("The document could not be saved: " + resp.reason); } } }); }, bulkSave: function(docs, options) { $.extend(options, {successStatus: 201}); ajax({ type: "POST", url: this.uri + "_bulk_docs" + encodeOptions(options) }, options, "The documents could not be saved" ); }, removeDoc: function(doc, options) { ajax({ type: "DELETE", url: this.uri + encodeDocId(doc._id) + encodeOptions({rev: doc._rev}) }, options, "The document could not be deleted" ); }, query: function(mapFun, reduceFun, language, options) { language = language || "javascript"; if (typeof(mapFun) !== "string") { mapFun = mapFun.toSource ? mapFun.toSource() : "(" + mapFun.toString() + ")"; } var body = {language: language, map: mapFun}; if (reduceFun != null) { if (typeof(reduceFun) !== "string") reduceFun = reduceFun.toSource ? reduceFun.toSource() : "(" + reduceFun.toString() + ")"; body.reduce = reduceFun; } ajax({ type: "POST", url: this.uri + "_temp_view" + encodeOptions(options), contentType: "application/json", data: toJSON(body) }, options, "An error occurred querying the database" ); }, view: function(name, options) { name = name.split('/'); ajax({ url: this.uri + "_design/" + name[0] + "/_view/" + name[1] + encodeOptions(options) }, options, "An error occurred accessing the view" ); } }; }, encodeDocId: encodeDocId, info: function(options) { ajax( {url: "/"}, options, "Server information could not be retrieved" ); }, replicate: function(source, target, options) { ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/_replicate", data: JSON.stringify({source: source, target: target}), contentType: "application/json" }, options, "Replication failed" ); } }); function ajax(obj, options, errorMessage, ajaxOptions) { options = $.extend({successStatus: 200}, options); errorMessage = errorMessage || "Unknown error"; $.ajax($.extend({ type: "GET", dataType: "json", complete: function(req) { var resp = $.httpData(req, "json"); if (req.status == options.successStatus) { if (options.success) options.success(resp); } else if (options.error) { options.error(req.status, resp.error, resp.reason); } else { alert(errorMessage + ": " + resp.reason); } } }, obj), ajaxOptions); } // Convert a options object to an url query string. // ex: {key:'value',key2:'value2'} becomes '?key="value"&key2="value2"' function encodeOptions(options) { var buf = []; if (typeof(options) === "object" && options !== null) { for (var name in options) { if (~["error", "success"].indexOf(name)) continue; var value = options[name]; if (~["key", "startkey", "endkey"].indexOf(name)) { value = toJSON(value); } buf.push(encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value)); } } return buf.length ? "?" + buf.join("&") : ""; } function toJSON(obj) { return obj !== null ? JSON.stringify(obj) : null; } })(jQuery);