// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not // use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy // of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under // the License. // Used by replication test if (typeof window == 'undefined' || !window) { CouchDB.host = ""; CouchDB.inBrowser = false; } else { CouchDB.host = window.location.host; CouchDB.inBrowser = true; } var tests = { // Do some basic tests. basics: function(debug) { var result = JSON.parse(CouchDB.request("GET", "/").responseText); T(result.couchdb == "Welcome"); var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db"); db.deleteDb(); // bug COUCHDB-100: DELETE on non-existent DB returns 500 instead of 404 db.deleteDb(); db.createDb(); // PUT on existing DB should return 409 instead of 500 xhr = CouchDB.request("PUT", "/test_suite_db/"); T(xhr.status == 409); if (debug) debugger; // Get the database info, check the db_name T(db.info().db_name == "test_suite_db"); // Get the database info, check the doc_count T(db.info().doc_count == 0); // create a document and save it to the database var doc = {_id:"0",a:1,b:1}; var result = db.save(doc); T(result.ok==true); // return object has an ok member with a value true T(result.id); // the _id of the document is set. T(result.rev); // the revision id of the document is set. // Verify the input doc is now set with the doc id and rev // (for caller convenience). T(doc._id == result.id && doc._rev == result.rev); var id = result.id; // save off the id for later // make sure the revs_info status is good var doc = db.open(id, {revs_info:true}); T(doc._revs_info[0].status == "available"); // Create some more documents. // Notice the use of the ok member on the return result. T(db.save({_id:"1",a:2,b:4}).ok); T(db.save({_id:"2",a:3,b:9}).ok); T(db.save({_id:"3",a:4,b:16}).ok); // Check the database doc count T(db.info().doc_count == 4); // Test a simple map functions // create a map function that selects all documents whose "a" member // has a value of 4, and then returns the document's b value. var mapFunction = function(doc){ if (doc.a==4) emit(null, doc.b); }; results = db.query(mapFunction); // verify only one document found and the result value (doc.b). T(results.total_rows == 1 && results.rows[0].value == 16); // reopen document we saved earlier existingDoc = db.open(id); T(existingDoc.a==1); //modify and save existingDoc.a=4; db.save(existingDoc); // redo the map query results = db.query(mapFunction); // the modified document should now be in the results. T(results.total_rows == 2); // write 2 more documents T(db.save({a:3,b:9}).ok); T(db.save({a:4,b:16}).ok); results = db.query(mapFunction); // 1 more document should now be in the result. T(results.total_rows == 3); T(db.info().doc_count == 6); var reduceFunction = function(keys, values){ return sum(values); }; results = db.query(mapFunction, reduceFunction); T(results.rows[0].value == 33); // delete a document T(db.deleteDoc(existingDoc).ok); // make sure we can't open the doc T(db.open(existingDoc._id) == null); results = db.query(mapFunction); // 1 less document should now be in the results. T(results.total_rows == 2); T(db.info().doc_count == 5); // make sure we can still open the old rev of the deleted doc T(db.open(existingDoc._id, {rev: existingDoc._rev}) != null); // make sure restart works T(db.ensureFullCommit().ok); restartServer(); // make sure we can still open T(db.open(existingDoc._id, {rev: existingDoc._rev}) != null); }, delayed_commits: function(debug) { var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db"); db.deleteDb(); db.createDb(); if (debug) debugger; // By default, couchdb doesn't fully commit documents to disk right away, // it waits about a second to batch the full commit flush along with any // other updates. If it crashes or is restarted you may lose the most // recent commits. T(db.save({_id:"1",a:2,b:4}).ok); T(db.open("1") != null); restartServer(); T(db.open("1") == null); // lost the update. // note if we waited > 1 sec before the restart, the doc would likely // commit. // Retry the same thing but with full commits on. var db2 = new CouchDB("test_suite_db", {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"true"}); T(db2.save({_id:"1",a:2,b:4}).ok); T(db2.open("1") != null); restartServer(); T(db2.open("1") != null); // You can update but without committing immediately, and then ensure // everything is commited in the last step. T(db.save({_id:"2",a:2,b:4}).ok); T(db.open("2") != null); T(db.ensureFullCommit().ok); restartServer(); T(db.open("2") != null); // However, it's possible even when flushed, that the server crashed between // the update and the commit, and you don't want to check to make sure // every doc you updated actually made it to disk. So record the instance // start time of the database before the updates and then check it again // after the flush (the instance start time is returned by the flush // operation). if they are the same, we know everything was updated // safely. // First try it with a crash. var instanceStartTime = db.info().instance_start_time; T(db.save({_id:"3",a:2,b:4}).ok); T(db.open("3") != null); restartServer(); var commitResult = db.ensureFullCommit(); T(commitResult.ok && commitResult.instance_start_time != instanceStartTime); // start times don't match, meaning the server lost our change T(db.open("3") == null); // yup lost it // retry with no server restart var instanceStartTime = db.info().instance_start_time; T(db.save({_id:"4",a:2,b:4}).ok); T(db.open("4") != null); var commitResult = db.ensureFullCommit(); T(commitResult.ok && commitResult.instance_start_time == instanceStartTime); // Successful commit, start times match! restartServer(); T(db.open("4") != null); }, all_docs: function(debug) { var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db"); db.deleteDb(); db.createDb(); if (debug) debugger; // Create some more documents. // Notice the use of the ok member on the return result. T(db.save({_id:"0",a:1,b:1}).ok); T(db.save({_id:"3",a:4,b:16}).ok); T(db.save({_id:"1",a:2,b:4}).ok); T(db.save({_id:"2",a:3,b:9}).ok); // Check the all docs var results = db.allDocs(); var rows = results.rows; T(results.total_rows == results.rows.length); for(var i=0; i < rows.length; i++) { T(rows[i].id >= "0" && rows[i].id <= "4"); } // Check _all_docs with descending=true var desc = db.allDocs({descending:true}); T(desc.total_rows == desc.rows.length); // Check _all_docs offset var all = db.allDocs({startkey:"2"}); T(all.offset == 2); // check that the docs show up in the seq view in the order they were created var all_seq = db.allDocsBySeq(); var ids = ["0","3","1","2"]; for (var i=0; i < all_seq.rows.length; i++) { var row = all_seq.rows[i]; T(row.id == ids[i]); }; // it should work in reverse as well all_seq = db.allDocsBySeq({descending:true}); ids = ["2","1","3","0"]; for (var i=0; i < all_seq.rows.length; i++) { var row = all_seq.rows[i]; T(row.id == ids[i]); }; // check that deletions also show up right var doc1 = db.open("1"); var deleted = db.deleteDoc(doc1); T(deleted.ok); all_seq = db.allDocsBySeq(); // the deletion should make doc id 1 have the last seq num T(all_seq.rows.length == 4); T(all_seq.rows[3].id == "1"); T(all_seq.rows[3].value.deleted); // is this a bug? // T(all_seq.rows.length == all_seq.total_rows); // do an update var doc2 = db.open("3"); doc2.updated = "totally"; db.save(doc2); all_seq = db.allDocsBySeq(); // the update should make doc id 3 have the last seq num T(all_seq.rows.length == 4); T(all_seq.rows[3].id == "3"); // ok now lets see what happens with include docs all_seq = db.allDocsBySeq({include_docs: true}); T(all_seq.rows.length == 4); T(all_seq.rows[3].id == "3"); T(all_seq.rows[3].doc.updated == "totally"); // and on the deleted one, no doc T(all_seq.rows[2].value.deleted); T(!all_seq.rows[2].doc); // test the all docs collates sanely db.save({_id: "Z", foo: "Z"}); db.save({_id: "a", foo: "a"}); var rows = db.allDocs({startkey: "Z", endkey: "Z"}).rows; T(rows.length == 1); }, // Do some edit conflict detection tests conflicts: function(debug) { var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db"); db.deleteDb(); db.createDb(); if (debug) debugger; // create a doc and save var doc = {_id:"foo",a:1,b:1}; T(db.save(doc).ok); // reopen var doc2 = db.open(doc._id); // ensure the revisions are the same T(doc._id == doc2._id && doc._rev == doc2._rev); // edit the documents. doc.a = 2; doc2.a = 3; // save one document T(db.save(doc).ok); // save the other document try { db.save(doc2); // this should generate a conflict exception T("no save conflict 1" && false); // we shouldn't hit here } catch (e) { T(e.error == "conflict"); } // Now clear out the _rev member and save. This indicates this document is // new, not based on an existing revision. doc2._rev = undefined; try { db.save(doc2); // this should generate a conflict exception T("no save conflict 2" && false); // we shouldn't hit here } catch (e) { T(e.error == "conflict"); } // Now delete the document from the database T(db.deleteDoc(doc).ok); T(db.save(doc2).ok); // we can save a new document over a deletion without // knowing the deletion rev. }, recreate_doc: function(debug) { var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db"); db.deleteDb(); db.createDb(); if (debug) debugger; // First create a new document with the ID "foo", and delete it again var doc = {_id: "foo", a: "bar", b: 42}; T(db.save(doc).ok); T(db.deleteDoc(doc).ok); // Now create a new document with the same ID, save it, and then modify it // This should work fine, but currently results in a conflict error, at // least "sometimes" for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { doc = {_id: "foo"}; T(db.save(doc).ok); doc = db.open("foo"); doc.a = "baz"; try { T(db.save(doc).ok); } finally { // And now, we can't even delete the document anymore :/ T(db.deleteDoc(doc).rev != undefined); } } }, copy_move_doc: function(debug) { var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db"); db.deleteDb(); db.createDb(); if (debug) debugger; // copy a doc T(db.save({_id:"doc_to_be_copied",v:1}).ok); var xhr = CouchDB.request("COPY", "/test_suite_db/doc_to_be_copied", { headers: {"Destination":"doc_that_was_copied"} }); T(xhr.status == 201); T(db.open("doc_that_was_copied").v == 1); // move a doc // test error condition var xhr = CouchDB.request("MOVE", "/test_suite_db/doc_to_be_copied", { headers: {"Destination":"doc_that_was_moved"} }); T(xhr.status == 400); // bad request, MOVE requires source rev. var rev = db.open("doc_to_be_copied")._rev; var xhr = CouchDB.request("MOVE", "/test_suite_db/doc_to_be_copied?rev=" + rev, { headers: {"Destination":"doc_that_was_moved"} }); T(xhr.status == 201); T(db.open("doc_that_was_moved").v == 1); T(db.open("doc_to_be_copied") == null); // COPY with existing target T(db.save({_id:"doc_to_be_copied",v:1}).ok); var doc = db.save({_id:"doc_to_be_overwritten",v:2}); T(doc.ok); // error condition var xhr = CouchDB.request("COPY", "/test_suite_db/doc_to_be_copied", { headers: {"Destination":"doc_to_be_overwritten"} }); T(xhr.status == 412); // conflict var rev = db.open("doc_to_be_overwritten")._rev; var xhr = CouchDB.request("COPY", "/test_suite_db/doc_to_be_copied", { headers: {"Destination":"doc_to_be_overwritten?rev=" + rev} }); T(xhr.status == 201); var over = db.open("doc_to_be_overwritten"); T(rev != over._rev); T(over.v == 1); }, uuids: function(debug) { var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db"); db.deleteDb(); db.createDb(); if (debug) debugger; // a single UUID without an explicit count var xhr = CouchDB.request("POST", "/_uuids"); T(xhr.status == 200); var result = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); T(result.uuids.length == 1); var first = result.uuids[0]; // a single UUID with an explicit count xhr = CouchDB.request("POST", "/_uuids?count=1"); T(xhr.status == 200); result = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); T(result.uuids.length == 1); var second = result.uuids[0]; T(first != second); // no collisions with 1,000 UUIDs xhr = CouchDB.request("POST", "/_uuids?count=1000"); T(xhr.status == 200); result = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); T( result.uuids.length == 1000 ); var seen = {}; for(var i in result.uuids) { var id = result.uuids[i]; T(seen[id] === undefined); seen[id] = 1; } // check our library }, bulk_docs: function(debug) { var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db"); db.deleteDb(); db.createDb(); if (debug) debugger; var docs = makeDocs(5); // Create the docs var result = db.bulkSave(docs); T(result.ok); T(result.new_revs.length == 5); for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { T(result.new_revs[i].id == docs[i]._id); T(result.new_revs[i].rev); docs[i].string = docs[i].string + ".00"; } // Update the docs result = db.bulkSave(docs); T(result.ok); T(result.new_revs.length == 5); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { T(result.new_revs[i].id == i.toString()); docs[i]._deleted = true; } // Delete the docs result = db.bulkSave(docs); T(result.ok); T(result.new_revs.length == 5); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { T(db.open(docs[i]._id) == null); } // verify creating a document with no id returns a new id var req = CouchDB.request("POST", "/test_suite_db/_bulk_docs", { body: JSON.stringify({"docs": [{"foo":"bar"}]}) }); result = JSON.parse(req.responseText); T(result.new_revs[0].id != ""); T(result.new_revs[0].rev != ""); }, // test saving a semi-large quanitity of documents and do some view queries. lots_of_docs: function(debug) { var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db"); db.deleteDb(); db.createDb(); if (debug) debugger; // keep number lowish for now to keep tests fasts. Crank up manually to // to really test. var numDocsToCreate = 500; for(var i=0; i < numDocsToCreate; i += 100) { var createNow = Math.min(numDocsToCreate - i, 100); var docs = makeDocs(i, i + createNow); T(db.bulkSave(docs).ok); } // query all documents, and return the doc.integer member as a key. results = db.query(function(doc){ emit(doc.integer, null) }); T(results.total_rows == numDocsToCreate); // validate the keys are ordered ascending for(var i=0; i 0) { str = str + str; } return str; } var designDoc = { _id:"_design/test", // turn off couch.js id escaping? language: "javascript", views: { all_docs_twice: {map: "function(doc) { emit(doc.integer, null); emit(doc.integer, null) }"}, no_docs: {map: "function(doc) {}"}, single_doc: {map: "function(doc) { if (doc._id == \"1\") { emit(1, null) }}"}, summate: {map:"function (doc) {emit(doc.integer, doc.integer)};", reduce:"function (keys, values) { return sum(values); };"}, summate2: {map:"function (doc) {emit(doc.integer, doc.integer)};", reduce:"function (keys, values) { return sum(values); };"}, huge_src_and_results: {map: "function(doc) { if (doc._id == \"1\") { emit(\"" + makebigstring(16) + "\", null) }}", reduce:"function (keys, values) { return \"" + makebigstring(16) + "\"; };"} } } T(db.save(designDoc).ok); T(db.bulkSave(makeDocs(1, numDocs + 1)).ok); // test that the _all_docs view returns correctly with keys var results = db.allDocs({startkey:"_design", endkey:"_design0"}); T(results.rows.length == 1); for (var loop = 0; loop < 2; loop++) { var rows = db.view("test/all_docs_twice").rows; for (var i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) { T(rows[2*i].key == i+1); T(rows[(2*i)+1].key == i+1); } T(db.view("test/no_docs").total_rows == 0) T(db.view("test/single_doc").total_rows == 1) T(db.ensureFullCommit().ok); restartServer(); }; // test when language not specified, Javascript is implied var designDoc2 = { _id:"_design/test2", // language: "javascript", views: { single_doc: {map: "function(doc) { if (doc._id == \"1\") { emit(1, null) }}"} } }; T(db.save(designDoc2).ok); T(db.view("test2/single_doc").total_rows == 1); var summate = function(N) {return (N+1)*N/2;}; var result = db.view("test/summate"); T(result.rows[0].value == summate(numDocs)); result = db.view("test/summate", {startkey:4,endkey:4}); T(result.rows[0].value == 4); result = db.view("test/summate", {startkey:4,endkey:5}); T(result.rows[0].value == 9); result = db.view("test/summate", {startkey:4,endkey:6}); T(result.rows[0].value == 15); // Verify that a shared index (view def is an exact copy of "summate") // does not confuse the reduce stage result = db.view("test/summate2", {startkey:4,endkey:6}); T(result.rows[0].value == 15); for(var i=1; i= 0; i -= 10) { var queryResults = db.query(queryFun, null, { startkey: i, startkey_docid: i, descending: true, limit: 10 }); T(queryResults.rows.length == 10) T(queryResults.total_rows == docs.length) T(queryResults.offset == docs.length - i - 1) var j; for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) { T(queryResults.rows[j].key == i - j); } } // ignore decending=false. CouchDB should just ignore that. for (i = 0; i < docs.length; i += 10) { var queryResults = db.query(queryFun, null, { startkey: i, startkey_docid: i, descending: false, limit: 10 }); T(queryResults.rows.length == 10) T(queryResults.total_rows == docs.length) T(queryResults.offset == i) var j; for (j = 0; j < 10;j++) { T(queryResults.rows[j].key == i + j); } } // test endkey_docid var queryResults = db.query(function(doc) { emit(null, null);}, null, { startkey: null, startkey_docid: 1, endkey: null, endkey_docid: 40 }); T(queryResults.rows.length == 35) T(queryResults.total_rows == docs.length) T(queryResults.offset == 1) T(queryResults.rows[0].id == "1"); T(queryResults.rows[1].id == "10"); T(queryResults.rows[2].id == "11"); T(queryResults.rows[3].id == "12"); T(queryResults.rows[4].id == "13"); T(queryResults.rows[5].id == "14"); T(queryResults.rows[6].id == "15"); T(queryResults.rows[7].id == "16"); T(queryResults.rows[8].id == "17"); T(queryResults.rows[9].id == "18"); T(queryResults.rows[10].id == "19"); T(queryResults.rows[11].id == "2"); T(queryResults.rows[12].id == "20"); T(queryResults.rows[13].id == "21"); T(queryResults.rows[14].id == "22"); T(queryResults.rows[15].id == "23"); T(queryResults.rows[16].id == "24"); T(queryResults.rows[17].id == "25"); T(queryResults.rows[18].id == "26"); T(queryResults.rows[19].id == "27"); T(queryResults.rows[20].id == "28"); T(queryResults.rows[21].id == "29"); T(queryResults.rows[22].id == "3"); T(queryResults.rows[23].id == "30"); T(queryResults.rows[24].id == "31"); T(queryResults.rows[25].id == "32"); T(queryResults.rows[26].id == "33"); T(queryResults.rows[27].id == "34"); T(queryResults.rows[28].id == "35"); T(queryResults.rows[29].id == "36"); T(queryResults.rows[30].id == "37"); T(queryResults.rows[31].id == "38"); T(queryResults.rows[32].id == "39"); T(queryResults.rows[33].id == "4"); T(queryResults.rows[34].id == "40"); }, view_sandboxing: function(debug) { var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db"); db.deleteDb(); db.createDb(); if (debug) debugger; var doc = {integer: 1, string: "1", array: [1, 2, 3]}; T(db.save(doc).ok); /* // make sure that attempting to change the document throws an error var results = db.query(function(doc) { doc.integer = 2; emit(null, doc); }); T(results.total_rows == 0); var results = db.query(function(doc) { doc.array[0] = 0; emit(null, doc); }); T(results.total_rows == 0); */ // make sure that a view cannot invoke interpreter internals such as the // garbage collector var results = db.query(function(doc) { gc(); emit(null, doc); }); T(results.total_rows == 0); // make sure that a view cannot access the map_funs array defined used by // the view server var results = db.query(function(doc) { map_funs.push(1); emit(null, doc) }); T(results.total_rows == 0); // make sure that a view cannot access the map_results array defined used by // the view server var results = db.query(function(doc) { map_results.push(1); emit(null, doc) }); T(results.total_rows == 0); }, view_xml: function(debug) { var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db"); db.deleteDb(); db.createDb(); if (debug) debugger; db.save({content: "Testing XML"}); db.save({content: "Testing E4X"}); var results = db.query( "function(doc) {\n" + " var xml = new XML(doc.content);\n" + " emit(xml.title.text(), null);\n" + "}"); T(results.total_rows == 2); T(results.rows[0].key == "Testing E4X"); T(results.rows[1].key == "Testing XML"); var results = db.query( "function(doc) {\n" + " var xml = new XML(doc.content);\n" + " emit(xml.title.@id, null);\n" + "}"); T(results.total_rows == 2); T(results.rows[0].key == "e4x"); T(results.rows[1].key == "xml"); }, replication: function(debug) { if (debug) debugger; var host = CouchDB.host; var dbPairs = [ {source:"test_suite_db_a", target:"test_suite_db_b"}, {source:"test_suite_db_a", target:"http://" + host + "/test_suite_db_b"}, {source:"http://" + host + "/test_suite_db_a", target:"test_suite_db_b"}, {source:"http://" + host + "/test_suite_db_a", target:"http://" + host + "/test_suite_db_b"} ] var dbA = new CouchDB("test_suite_db_a"); var dbB = new CouchDB("test_suite_db_b"); var numDocs = 10; var xhr; for (var testPair = 0; testPair < dbPairs.length; testPair++) { var A = dbPairs[testPair].source var B = dbPairs[testPair].target dbA.deleteDb(); dbA.createDb(); dbB.deleteDb(); dbB.createDb(); var repTests = { // copy and paste and put your code in. delete unused steps. test_template: new function () { this.init = function(dbA, dbB) { // before anything has happened } this.afterAB1 = function(dbA, dbB) { // called after replicating src=A tgt=B first time. }; this.afterBA1 = function(dbA, dbB) { // called after replicating src=B tgt=A first time. }; this.afterAB2 = function(dbA, dbB) { // called after replicating src=A tgt=B second time. }; this.afterBA2 = function(dbA, dbB) { // etc... }; }, simple_test: new function () { this.init = function(dbA, dbB) { var docs = makeDocs(0, numDocs); T(dbA.bulkSave(docs).ok); }; this.afterAB1 = function(dbA, dbB) { for (var j = 0; j < numDocs; j++) { var docA = dbA.open("" + j); var docB = dbB.open("" + j); T(docA._rev == docB._rev); } }; }, deletes_test: new function () { this.init = function(dbA, dbB) { T(dbA.save({_id:"foo1",value:"a"}).ok); }; this.afterAB1 = function(dbA, dbB) { var docA = dbA.open("foo1"); var docB = dbB.open("foo1"); T(docA._rev == docB._rev); dbA.deleteDoc(docA); }; this.afterAB2 = function(dbA, dbB) { T(dbA.open("foo1") == null); T(dbB.open("foo1") == null); }; }, slashes_in_ids_test: new function () { // make sure docs with slashes in id replicate properly this.init = function(dbA, dbB) { dbA.save({ _id:"abc/def", val:"one" }); }; this.afterAB1 = function(dbA, dbB) { var docA = dbA.open("abc/def"); var docB = dbB.open("abc/def"); T(docA._rev == docB._rev); }; }, attachments_test: new function () { // Test attachments this.init = function(dbA, dbB) { dbA.save({ _id:"bin_doc", _attachments:{ "foo.txt": { "type":"base64", "data": "VGhpcyBpcyBhIGJhc2U2NCBlbmNvZGVkIHRleHQ=" } } }); }; this.afterAB1 = function(dbA, dbB) { var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db_a/bin_doc/foo.txt"); T(xhr.responseText == "This is a base64 encoded text") xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db_b/bin_doc/foo.txt"); T(xhr.responseText == "This is a base64 encoded text") }; }, conflicts_test: new function () { // test conflicts this.init = function(dbA, dbB) { dbA.save({_id:"foo",value:"a"}); dbB.save({_id:"foo",value:"b"}); }; this.afterBA1 = function(dbA, dbB) { var docA = dbA.open("foo", {conflicts: true}); var docB = dbB.open("foo", {conflicts: true}); // make sure the same rev is in each db T(docA._rev === docB._rev); // make sure the conflicts are the same in each db T(docA._conflicts[0] === docB._conflicts[0]); // delete a conflict. dbA.deleteDoc({_id:"foo", _rev:docA._conflicts[0]}); }; this.afterBA2 = function(dbA, dbB) { // open documents and include the conflict meta data var docA = dbA.open("foo", {conflicts: true}); var docB = dbB.open("foo", {conflicts: true}); // We should have no conflicts this time T(docA._conflicts === undefined) T(docB._conflicts === undefined); }; } }; var test; for(test in repTests) { if(repTests[test].init) { repTests[test].init(dbA, dbB); } } T(CouchDB.replicate(A, B).ok); for(test in repTests) { if(repTests[test].afterAB1) repTests[test].afterAB1(dbA, dbB); } T(CouchDB.replicate(B, A).ok); for(test in repTests) { if(repTests[test].afterBA1) repTests[test].afterBA1(dbA, dbB); } T(CouchDB.replicate(A, B).ok); for(test in repTests) { if(repTests[test].afterAB2) repTests[test].afterAB2(dbA, dbB); } T(CouchDB.replicate(B, A).ok); for(test in repTests) { if(repTests[test].afterBA2) repTests[test].afterBA2(dbA, dbB); } } }, etags_head: function(debug) { var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db"); db.deleteDb(); db.createDb(); if (debug) debugger; var xhr; // create a new doc xhr = CouchDB.request("PUT", "/test_suite_db/1", { body: "{}" }); T(xhr.status == 201); // extract the ETag header values var etag = xhr.getResponseHeader("etag") // get the doc and verify the headers match xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/1"); T(etag == xhr.getResponseHeader("etag")); // 'head' the doc and verify the headers match xhr = CouchDB.request("HEAD", "/test_suite_db/1", { headers: {"if-none-match": "s"} }); T(etag == xhr.getResponseHeader("etag")); // replace a doc xhr = CouchDB.request("PUT", "/test_suite_db/1", { body: "{}", headers: {"if-match": etag} }); T(xhr.status == 201); // extract the new ETag value var etagOld= etag; etag = xhr.getResponseHeader("etag") // fail to replace a doc xhr = CouchDB.request("PUT", "/test_suite_db/1", { body: "{}" }); T(xhr.status == 412) // verify get w/Etag xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/1", { headers: {"if-none-match": etagOld} }); T(xhr.status == 200); xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/1", { headers: {"if-none-match": etag} }); T(xhr.status == 304); // fail to delete a doc xhr = CouchDB.request("DELETE", "/test_suite_db/1", { headers: {"if-match": etagOld} }); T(xhr.status == 412); //now do it for real xhr = CouchDB.request("DELETE", "/test_suite_db/1", { headers: {"if-match": etag} }); T(xhr.status == 200) }, show_documents: function(debug) { var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db"); db.deleteDb(); db.createDb(); if (debug) debugger; function stringFun(fun) { var string = fun.toSource ? fun.toSource() : "(" + fun.toString() + ")"; return string; } var designDoc = { _id:"_design/template", language: "javascript", shows: { "hello" : stringFun(function() { return { body : "Hello World" }; }), "just-name" : stringFun(function(doc, req) { return { body : "Just " + doc.name }; }), "req-info" : stringFun(function(doc, req) { return { json : req } }), "xml-type" : stringFun(function(doc, req) { return { "headers" : { "Content-Type" : "application/xml" }, "body" : new XML('') } }), "no-set-etag" : stringFun(function(doc, req) { return { headers : { "Etag" : "skipped" }, "body" : "something" } }), "accept-switch" : stringFun(function(doc, req) { if (req.headers["Accept"].match(/image/)) { return { // a 16x16 px version of the CouchDB logo "base64" : ["iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAMAAAAoLQ9TAAAAsV", "BMVEUAAAD////////////////////////5ur3rEBn////////////////wDBL/", "AADuBAe9EB3IEBz/7+//X1/qBQn2AgP/f3/ilpzsDxfpChDtDhXeCA76AQH/v7", "/84eLyWV/uc3bJPEf/Dw/uw8bRWmP1h4zxSlD6YGHuQ0f6g4XyQkXvCA36MDH6", "wMH/z8/yAwX64ODeh47BHiv/Ly/20dLQLTj98PDXWmP/Pz//39/wGyJ7Iy9JAA", "AADHRSTlMAbw8vf08/bz+Pv19jK/W3AAAAg0lEQVR4Xp3LRQ4DQRBD0QqTm4Y5", "zMxw/4OleiJlHeUtv2X6RbNO1Uqj9g0RMCuQO0vBIg4vMFeOpCWIWmDOw82fZx", "vaND1c8OG4vrdOqD8YwgpDYDxRgkSm5rwu0nQVBJuMg++pLXZyr5jnc1BaH4GT", "LvEliY253nA3pVhQqdPt0f/erJkMGMB8xucAAAAASUVORK5CYII="].join(''), headers : { "Content-Type" : "image/png", "Vary" : "Accept" // we set this for proxy caches } }; } else { return { "body" : "accepting text requests", headers : { "Content-Type" : "text/html", "Vary" : "Accept" } }; } }), "respondWith" : stringFun(function(doc, req) { registerType("foo", "application/foo","application/x-foo"); return respondWith(req, { html : function() { return { body:"Ha ha, you said \"" + doc.word + "\"." }; }, xml : function() { var xml = new XML(''); // Becase Safari can't stand to see that dastardly // E4X outside of a string. Outside of tests you // can just use E4X literals. this.eval('xml.node.@foo = doc.word'); return { body: xml }; }, foo : function() { return { body: "foofoo" }; }, fallback : "html" }); }) } }; T(db.save(designDoc).ok); var doc = {"word":"plankton", "name":"Rusty"} var resp = db.save(doc); T(resp.ok); var docid = resp.id; // show error var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/_show/"); T(xhr.status == 404); T(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).reason == "Invalid path."); // hello template world xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/_show/template/hello/"+docid); T(xhr.responseText == "Hello World"); // show with doc xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/_show/template/just-name/"+docid); T(xhr.responseText == "Just Rusty"); // show with missing doc xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/_show/template/just-name/missingdoc"); T(xhr.status == 404); var resp = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); T(resp.error == "not_found"); T(resp.reason == "missing"); // show with missing func xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/_show/template/missing/"+docid); T(xhr.status == 404); // missing design doc xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/_show/missingdoc/just-name/"+docid); T(xhr.status == 404); var resp = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); T(resp.error == "not_found"); // query parameters xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/_show/template/req-info/"+docid+"?foo=bar", { headers: { "Accept": "text/html;text/plain;*/*", "X-Foo" : "bar" } }); var resp = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); T(equals(resp.headers["X-Foo"], "bar")); T(equals(resp.query, {foo:"bar"})); T(equals(resp.verb, "GET")); T(equals(resp.path[4], docid)); T(equals(resp.info.db_name, "test_suite_db")); // returning a content-type xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/_show/template/xml-type/"+docid); T("application/xml" == xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type")); T("Accept" == xhr.getResponseHeader("Vary")); // accept header switching // different mime has different etag xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/_show/template/accept-switch/"+docid, { headers: {"Accept": "text/html;text/plain;*/*"} }); T("text/html" == xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type")); T("Accept" == xhr.getResponseHeader("Vary")); var etag = xhr.getResponseHeader("etag"); xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/_show/template/accept-switch/"+docid, { headers: {"Accept": "image/png;*/*"} }); T(xhr.responseText.match(/PNG/)) T("image/png" == xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type")); var etag2 = xhr.getResponseHeader("etag"); T(etag2 != etag); // proper etags // show with doc xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/_show/template/just-name/"+docid); // extract the ETag header values etag = xhr.getResponseHeader("etag"); // get again with etag in request xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/_show/template/just-name/"+docid, { headers: {"if-none-match": etag} }); // should be 304 T(xhr.status == 304); // update the doc doc.name = "Crusty"; resp = db.save(doc); T(resp.ok); // req with same etag xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/_show/template/just-name/"+docid, { headers: {"if-none-match": etag} }); // status is 200 T(xhr.status == 200); // get new etag and request again etag = xhr.getResponseHeader("etag"); xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/_show/template/just-name/"+docid, { headers: {"if-none-match": etag} }); // should be 304 T(xhr.status == 304); // update design doc (but not function) designDoc.isChanged = true; T(db.save(designDoc).ok); xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/_show/template/just-name/"+docid, { headers: {"if-none-match": etag} }); // should be 304 T(xhr.status == 304); // update design doc function designDoc.shows["just-name"] = (function(doc, req) { return { body : "Just old " + doc.name }; }).toString(); T(db.save(designDoc).ok); xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/_show/template/just-name/"+docid, { headers: {"if-none-match": etag} }); // status is 200 T(xhr.status == 200); // JS can't set etag xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/_show/template/no-set-etag/"+docid); // extract the ETag header values etag = xhr.getResponseHeader("etag"); T(etag != "skipped") // test the respondWith mime matcher xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/_show/template/respondWith/"+docid, { headers: { "Accept": 'text/html,application/atom+xml; q=0.9' } }); T(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type") == "text/html"); T(xhr.responseText == "Ha ha, you said \"plankton\"."); // now with xml xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/_show/template/respondWith/"+docid, { headers: { "Accept": 'application/xml' } }); T(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type") == "application/xml"); T(xhr.responseText.match(/node/)); T(xhr.responseText.match(/plankton/)); // registering types works xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/_show/template/respondWith/"+docid, { headers: { "Accept": "application/x-foo" } }); T(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type") == "application/x-foo"); T(xhr.responseText.match(/foofoo/)); }, list_views : function(debug) { var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db"); db.deleteDb(); db.createDb(); if (debug) debugger; function stringFun(fun) { var string = fun.toSource ? fun.toSource() : "(" + fun.toString() + ")"; return string; } var designDoc = { _id:"_design/lists", language: "javascript", views : { basicView : { map : stringFun(function(doc) { emit(doc.integer, doc.string); }) }, withReduce : { map : stringFun(function(doc) { emit(doc.integer, doc.string); }), reduce : stringFun(function(keys, values, rereduce) { if (rereduce) { return sum(values); } else { return values.length; } }) } }, lists: { simpleForm: stringFun(function(head, row, req) { if (row) { // we ignore headers on rows and tail return {body : '\n
  • Key: '+row.key+' Value: '+row.value+'
  • '}; } else if (head) { // we return an object (like those used by external and show) // so that we can specify headers return { body : '

    Total Rows: ' + head.total_rows + ' Offset: ' + head.offset + '

    '}; } }), acceptSwitch: stringFun(function(head, row, req) { return respondWith(req, { html : function() { // If you're outputting text and you're not setting // any headers, you can just return a string. if (head) { return "HTML "; } }, xml : function() { if (head) { return '' +'Test XML Feed'; } else if (row) { // Becase Safari can't stand to see that dastardly // E4X outside of a string. Outside of tests you // can just use E4X literals. var entry = new XML(''); entry.id = row.id; entry.title = row.key; entry.content = row.value; // We'll also let you return just an E4X object // if you aren't setting headers. return entry; } else { return ""; } } }) }) } }; T(db.save(designDoc).ok); var docs = makeDocs(0, 10); var saveResult = db.bulkSave(docs); T(saveResult.ok); var view = db.view('lists/basicView'); T(view.total_rows == 10); // standard get var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/_list/lists/simpleForm/basicView"); T(xhr.status == 200); T(/Total Rows/.test(xhr.responseText)); T(/Key: 1/.test(xhr.responseText)); // get with query params var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/_list/lists/simpleForm/basicView?startkey=3"); T(xhr.status == 200); T(/Total Rows/.test(xhr.responseText)); T(!(/Key: 1/.test(xhr.responseText))); // with 0 rows var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/_list/lists/simpleForm/basicView?startkey=30"); T(xhr.status == 200); T(/Total Rows/.test(xhr.responseText)); T(/Offset: null/.test(xhr.responseText)); // when there is a reduce present, but not used var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/_list/lists/simpleForm/withReduce?reduce=false"); T(xhr.status == 200); T(/Total Rows/.test(xhr.responseText)); T(/Key: 1/.test(xhr.responseText)); // with accept headers for HTML xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/_list/lists/acceptSwitch/basicView", { headers: { "Accept": 'text/html' } }); T(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type") == "text/html"); T(xhr.responseText.match(/HTML/)); T(xhr.responseText.match(/Value/)); // now with xml xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/_list/lists/acceptSwitch/basicView", { headers: { "Accept": 'application/xml' } }); T(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type") == "application/xml"); T(xhr.responseText.match(/XML/)); T(xhr.responseText.match(/entry/)); }, compact: function(debug) { var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db"); db.deleteDb(); db.createDb(); if (debug) debugger; var docs = makeDocs(0, 10); var saveResult = db.bulkSave(docs); T(saveResult.ok); var binAttDoc = { _id: "bin_doc", _attachments:{ "foo.txt": { content_type:"text/plain", data: "VGhpcyBpcyBhIGJhc2U2NCBlbmNvZGVkIHRleHQ=" } } } T(db.save(binAttDoc).ok); var originalsize = db.info().disk_size; for(var i in docs) { db.deleteDoc(docs[i]); } db.setAdmins(["Foo bar"]); var deletesize = db.info().disk_size; T(deletesize > originalsize); var xhr = CouchDB.request("POST", "/test_suite_db/_compact"); T(xhr.status == 202); // compaction isn't instantaneous, loop until done while (db.info().compact_running) {}; T(db.ensureFullCommit().ok); restartServer(); var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/bin_doc/foo.txt"); T(xhr.responseText == "This is a base64 encoded text") T(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type") == "text/plain") T(db.info().doc_count == 1); T(db.info().disk_size < deletesize); }, purge: function(debug) { var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db"); db.deleteDb(); db.createDb(); if (debug) debugger; /* purge is not to be confused with a document deletion. It removes the document and all edit history from the local instance of the database. */ var numDocs = 10; var designDoc = { _id:"_design/test", language: "javascript", views: { all_docs_twice: {map: "function(doc) { emit(doc.integer, null); emit(doc.integer, null) }"}, single_doc: {map: "function(doc) { if (doc._id == \"1\") { emit(1, null) }}"} } } T(db.save(designDoc).ok); T(db.bulkSave(makeDocs(1, numDocs + 1)).ok); // go ahead and validate the views before purging var rows = db.view("test/all_docs_twice").rows; for (var i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) { T(rows[2*i].key == i+1); T(rows[(2*i)+1].key == i+1); } T(db.view("test/single_doc").total_rows == 1); var info = db.info(); var doc1 = db.open("1"); var doc2 = db.open("2"); // purge the documents var xhr = CouchDB.request("POST", "/test_suite_db/_purge", { body: JSON.stringify({"1":[doc1._rev], "2":[doc2._rev]}), }); T(xhr.status == 200); var newInfo = db.info(); // purging increments the update sequence T(info.update_seq+1 == newInfo.update_seq); // and it increments the purge_seq T(info.purge_seq+1 == newInfo.purge_seq); var result = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); T(result.purged["1"][0] == doc1._rev); T(result.purged["2"][0] == doc2._rev); T(db.open("1") == null); T(db.open("2") == null); var rows = db.view("test/all_docs_twice").rows; for (var i = 2; i < numDocs; i++) { T(rows[2*(i-2)].key == i+1); T(rows[(2*(i-2))+1].key == i+1); } T(db.view("test/single_doc").total_rows == 0); // purge documents twice in a row without loading views // (causes full view rebuilds) var doc3 = db.open("3"); var doc4 = db.open("4"); xhr = CouchDB.request("POST", "/test_suite_db/_purge", { body: JSON.stringify({"3":[doc3._rev]}), }); T(xhr.status == 200); xhr = CouchDB.request("POST", "/test_suite_db/_purge", { body: JSON.stringify({"4":[doc4._rev]}), }); T(xhr.status == 200); var rows = db.view("test/all_docs_twice").rows; for (var i = 4; i < numDocs; i++) { T(rows[2*(i-4)].key == i+1); T(rows[(2*(i-4))+1].key == i+1); } T(db.view("test/single_doc").total_rows == 0); }, config : function(debug) { var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db"); db.deleteDb(); db.createDb(); if (debug) debugger; // test that /_config returns all the settings var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/_config"); var config = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); /* if we run on standard ports, we can't extract the number from the URL. Instead we try to guess from the protocol what port we are running on. If we can't guess, we don't test for the port. Overengineering FTW. */ var server_port = CouchDB.host.split(':'); if(server_port.length == 1 && CouchDB.inBrowser) { var proto = window.location.protocol; if(proto == "http:") { port = 80; } if(proto == "https:") { port = 443; } } else { port = server_port.pop(); } if(port) { T(config.httpd.port == port); } T(config.couchdb.database_dir); T(config.daemons.httpd); T(config.httpd_global_handlers._config); T(config.log.level); T(config.query_servers.javascript); // test that settings can be altered xhr = CouchDB.request("PUT", "/_config/test/foo",{ body : JSON.stringify("bar") }); T(xhr.status == 200); xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/_config/test"); config = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); T(config.foo == "bar"); // you can get a single key xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/_config/test/foo"); T(xhr.responseText == '"bar"'); }, security_validation : function(debug) { // This tests couchdb's security and validation features. This does // not test authentication, except to use test authentication code made // specifically for this testing. It is a WWWW-Authenticate scheme named // X-Couch-Test-Auth, and the user names and passwords are hard coded // on the server-side. // // We could have used Basic authentication, however the XMLHttpRequest // implementation for Firefox and Safari, and probably other browsers are // broken (Firefox always prompts the user on 401 failures, Safari gives // odd security errors when using different name/passwords, perhaps due // to cross site scripting prevention). These problems essentially make Basic // authentication testing in the browser impossible. But while hard to // test automated in the browser, Basic auth may still useful for real // world use where these bugs/behaviors don't matter. // // So for testing purposes we are using this custom X-Couch-Test-Auth. // It's identical to Basic auth, except it doesn't even base64 encode // the "username:password" string, it's sent completely plain text. // Firefox and Safari both deal with this correctly (which is to say // they correctly do nothing special). var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db"); db.deleteDb(); db.createDb(); if (debug) debugger; run_on_modified_server( [{section: "httpd", key: "authentication_handler", value: "{couch_httpd, special_test_authentication_handler}"}, {section:"httpd", key: "WWW-Authenticate", value: "X-Couch-Test-Auth"}], function () { // try saving document usin the wrong credentials var wrongPasswordDb = new CouchDB("test_suite_db", {"WWW-Authenticate": "X-Couch-Test-Auth Damien Katz:foo"} ); try { wrongPasswordDb.save({foo:1,author:"Damien Katz"}); T(false && "Can't get here. Should have thrown an error 1"); } catch (e) { T(e.error == "unauthorized"); T(wrongPasswordDb.last_req.status == 401); } // Create the design doc that will run custom validation code var designDoc = { _id:"_design/test", language: "javascript", validate_doc_update: "(" + (function (newDoc, oldDoc, userCtx) { // docs should have an author field. if (!newDoc._deleted && !newDoc.author) { throw {forbidden: "Documents must have an author field"}; } if (oldDoc && oldDoc.author != userCtx.name) { throw {unauthorized: "You are not the author of this document. You jerk."}; } }).toString() + ")" } // Save a document normally var userDb = new CouchDB("test_suite_db", {"WWW-Authenticate": "X-Couch-Test-Auth Damien Katz:pecan pie"} ); T(userDb.save({_id:"testdoc", foo:1, author:"Damien Katz"}).ok); // Attempt to save the design as a non-admin try { userDb.save(designDoc); T(false && "Can't get here. Should have thrown an error on design doc"); } catch (e) { T(e.error == "unauthorized"); T(userDb.last_req.status == 401); } // add user as admin db.setAdmins(["Damien Katz"]); T(userDb.save(designDoc).ok); // update the document var doc = userDb.open("testdoc"); doc.foo=2; T(userDb.save(doc).ok); // Save a document that's missing an author field. try { userDb.save({foo:1}); T(false && "Can't get here. Should have thrown an error 2"); } catch (e) { T(e.error == "forbidden"); T(userDb.last_req.status == 403); } // Now attempt to update the document as a different user, Jan var user2Db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db", {"WWW-Authenticate": "X-Couch-Test-Auth Jan Lehnardt:apple"} ); var doc = user2Db.open("testdoc"); doc.foo=3; try { user2Db.save(doc); T(false && "Can't get here. Should have thrown an error 3"); } catch (e) { T(e.error == "unauthorized"); T(user2Db.last_req.status == 401); } // Now have Damien change the author to Jan doc = userDb.open("testdoc"); doc.author="Jan Lehnardt"; T(userDb.save(doc).ok); // Now update the document as Jan doc = user2Db.open("testdoc"); doc.foo = 3; T(user2Db.save(doc).ok); // Damien can't delete it try { userDb.deleteDoc(doc); T(false && "Can't get here. Should have thrown an error 4"); } catch (e) { T(e.error == "unauthorized"); T(userDb.last_req.status == 401); } // Now delete document T(user2Db.deleteDoc(doc).ok); }); }, max_dbs_open : function(debug) { if (debug) debugger; restartServer(); var max = 5; run_on_modified_server( [{section: "couchdb", key: "max_dbs_open", value: max.toString()}], function () { for(var i=0; i