// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not // use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy // of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under // the License. var tests = { // Do some basic tests. basics: function(debug) { var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db"); db.deleteDb(); db.createDb(); if (debug) debugger; // Get the database info, check the doc_count T(db.info().doc_count == 0); // create a document and save it to the database var doc = {_id:"0",a:1,b:1}; var result = db.save(doc); T(result.ok==true); // return object has an ok member with a value true T(result.id); // the _id of the document is set. T(result.rev); // the revision id of the document is set. // Verify the input doc is now set with the doc id and rev // (for caller convenience). T(doc._id == result.id && doc._rev == result.rev); var id = result.id; // save off the id for later // Create some more documents. // Notice the use of the ok member on the return result. T(db.save({_id:"1",a:2,b:4}).ok); T(db.save({_id:"2",a:3,b:9}).ok); T(db.save({_id:"3",a:4,b:16}).ok); // Check the database doc count T(db.info().doc_count == 4); // Check the all docs var results = db.allDocs(); var rows = results.rows; for(var i=0; i < rows.length; i++) { T(rows[i].id >= "0" && rows[i].id <= "4"); } // Test a simple map functions // create a map function that selects all documents whose "a" member // has a value of 4, and then returns the document's b value. var mapFunction = function(doc){ if(doc.a==4) map(null, doc.b); }; results = db.query(mapFunction); // verify only one document found and the result value (doc.b). T(results.total_rows == 1 && results.rows[0].value == 16); // reopen document we saved earlier existingDoc = db.open(id); T(existingDoc.a==1); //modify and save existingDoc.a=4; db.save(existingDoc); // redo the map query results = db.query(mapFunction); // the modified document should now be in the results. T(results.total_rows == 2); // write 2 more documents T(db.save({a:3,b:9}).ok); T(db.save({a:4,b:16}).ok); results = db.query(mapFunction); // 1 more document should now be in the result. T(results.total_rows == 3); T(db.info().doc_count == 6); var reduceFunction = function(keys, values){ return sum(values); }; result = db.reduce_query(mapFunction, reduceFunction); T(result.result == 33); // delete a document T(db.deleteDoc(existingDoc).ok); // make sure we can't open the doc T(db.open(existingDoc._id) == null); results = db.query(mapFunction); // 1 less document should now be in the results. T(results.total_rows == 2); T(db.info().doc_count == 5); }, // Do some edit conflict detection tests conflicts: function(debug) { var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db"); db.deleteDb(); db.createDb(); if (debug) debugger; // create a doc and save var doc = {_id:"foo",a:1,b:1}; T(db.save(doc).ok); // reopen var doc2 = db.open(doc._id); // ensure the revisions are the same T(doc._id == doc2._id && doc._rev == doc2._rev); // edit the documents. doc.a = 2; doc2.a = 3; // save one document T(db.save(doc).ok); // save the other document try { db.save(doc2); // this should generate a conflict exception T("no save conflict 1" && false); // we shouldn't hit here } catch (e) { T(e.error == "conflict"); } // Now clear out the _rev member and save. This indicates this document is // new, not based on an existing revision. doc2._rev = undefined; try { db.save(doc2); // this should generate a conflict exception T("no save conflict 2" && false); // we shouldn't hit here } catch (e) { T(e.error == "conflict"); } // Now delete the document from the database T(db.deleteDoc(doc).ok); T(db.save(doc2).ok); // we can save a new document over a deletion without // knowing the deletion rev. }, recreate_doc: function(debug) { var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db"); db.deleteDb(); db.createDb(); if (debug) debugger; // First create a new document with the ID "foo", and delete it again var doc = {_id: "foo", a: "bar", b: 42}; T(db.save(doc).ok); T(db.deleteDoc(doc).ok); // Now create a new document with the same ID, save it, and then modify it // This should work fine, but currently results in a conflict error, at // least "sometimes" for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { doc = {_id: "foo"}; T(db.save(doc).ok); doc = db.open("foo"); doc.a = "baz"; try { T(db.save(doc).ok); } finally { // And now, we can't even delete the document anymore :/ T(db.deleteDoc(doc).rev != undefined); } } }, // test saving a semi-large quanitity of documents and do some view queries. lots_of_docs: function(debug) { var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db"); db.deleteDb(); db.createDb(); if (debug) debugger; // keep number lowish for now to keep tests fasts. Crank up manually to // to really test. var numDocsToCreate = 500; for(var i=0; i < numDocsToCreate; i += 100) { var createNow = Math.min(numDocsToCreate - i, 100); var docs = makeDocs(i, i + createNow); T(db.bulkSave(docs).ok); } // query all documents, and return the doc.integer member as a key. results = db.query(function(doc){ map(doc.integer, null) }); T(results.total_rows == numDocsToCreate); // validate the keys are ordered ascending for(var i=0; i= 0; i -= 10) { var queryResults = db.query(queryFun, {startkey:i, startkey_docid:i, count:-10}) T(queryResults.rows.length == 10) T(queryResults.total_rows == docs.length) T(queryResults.offset == i - 9) var j; for (j = 0; j < 10;j++) { T(queryResults.rows[j].key == i - 9 + j); } } // page through the view descending and going forward for (i = docs.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 10) { var queryResults = db.query(queryFun, {startkey:i, startkey_docid:i, descending:true, count:10}) T(queryResults.rows.length == 10) T(queryResults.total_rows == docs.length) T(queryResults.offset == docs.length - i - 1) var j; for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) { T(queryResults.rows[j].key == i - j); } } // page through the view descending and going backward for (i = 0; i < docs.length; i += 10) { var queryResults = db.query(queryFun, {startkey:i, startkey_docid:i, descending:true, count:-10}); T(queryResults.rows.length == 10) T(queryResults.total_rows == docs.length) T(queryResults.offset == docs.length - i - 10) var j; for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) { T(queryResults.rows[j].key == i + 9 - j); } } // ignore decending=false. CouchDB should just ignore that. for (i = 0; i < docs.length; i += 10) { var queryResults = db.query(queryFun, {startkey:i, startkey_docid:i, descending:false, count:10}); T(queryResults.rows.length == 10) T(queryResults.total_rows == docs.length) T(queryResults.offset == i) var j; for (j = 0; j < 10;j++) { T(queryResults.rows[j].key == i + j); } } }, view_sandboxing: function(debug) { var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db"); db.deleteDb(); db.createDb(); if (debug) debugger; var docs = makeDocs(1, 2); T(db.bulkSave(docs).ok); // make sure that attempting to change the document throws an error var results = db.query(function(doc) { doc._id = "foo"; map(null, doc); }); T(results.total_rows == 0); // make sure that a view cannot invoke interpreter internals such as the // garbage collector var results = db.query(function(doc) { gc(); map(null, doc); }); T(results.total_rows == 0); // make sure that a view cannot access the map_funs array defined used by // the view server var results = db.query(function(doc) { map_funs.push(1); map(null, doc) }); T(results.total_rows == 0); // make sure that a view cannot access the map_results array defined used by // the view server var results = db.query(function(doc) { map_results.push(1); map(null, doc) }); T(results.total_rows == 0); }, view_xml: function(debug) { var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db"); db.deleteDb(); db.createDb(); if (debug) debugger; db.save({content: "Testing XML"}); db.save({content: "Testing E4X"}); var results = db.query( "function(doc) {\n" + " var xml = new XML(doc.content);\n" + " map(xml.title.text(), null);\n" + "}"); T(results.total_rows == 2); T(results.rows[0].key == "Testing E4X"); T(results.rows[1].key == "Testing XML"); var results = db.query( "function(doc) {\n" + " var xml = new XML(doc.content);\n" + " map(xml.title.@id, null);\n" + "}"); T(results.total_rows == 2); T(results.rows[0].key == "e4x"); T(results.rows[1].key == "xml"); }, replication: function(debug) { if (debug) debugger; var dbPairs = [ {source:"test_suite_db_a", target:"test_suite_db_b"}, {source:"test_suite_db_a", target:"http://localhost:5984/test_suite_db_b"}, {source:"http://localhost:5984/test_suite_db_a", target:"test_suite_db_b"}, {source:"http://localhost:5984/test_suite_db_a", target:"http://localhost:5984/test_suite_db_b"} ] var dbA = new CouchDB("test_suite_db_a"); var dbB = new CouchDB("test_suite_db_b"); var numDocs = 10; var xhr; for (var testPair = 0; testPair < dbPairs.length; testPair++) { var A = dbPairs[testPair].source var B = dbPairs[testPair].target dbA.deleteDb(); dbA.createDb(); dbB.deleteDb(); dbB.createDb(); var docs = makeDocs(0, numDocs); T(dbA.bulkSave(docs).ok); T(CouchDB.replicate(A, B).ok); for (var j = 0; j < numDocs; j++) { docA = dbA.open("" + j); docB = dbB.open("" + j); T(docA._rev == docB._rev); } // now check binary attachments var binDoc = { _id:"bin_doc", _attachments:{ "foo.txt": { "type":"base64", "data": "VGhpcyBpcyBhIGJhc2U2NCBlbmNvZGVkIHRleHQ=" } } } dbA.save(binDoc); T(CouchDB.replicate(A, B).ok); T(CouchDB.replicate(B, A).ok); xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db_a/bin_doc/foo.txt"); T(xhr.responseText == "This is a base64 encoded text") xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db_b/bin_doc/foo.txt"); T(xhr.responseText == "This is a base64 encoded text") dbA.save({_id:"foo1",value:"a"}); T(CouchDB.replicate(A, B).ok); T(CouchDB.replicate(B, A).ok); docA = dbA.open("foo1"); docB = dbB.open("foo1"); T(docA._rev == docB._rev); dbA.deleteDoc(docA); T(CouchDB.replicate(A, B).ok); T(CouchDB.replicate(B, A).ok); T(dbA.open("foo1") == null); T(dbB.open("foo1") == null); dbA.save({_id:"foo",value:"a"}); dbB.save({_id:"foo",value:"b"}); T(CouchDB.replicate(A, B).ok); T(CouchDB.replicate(B, A).ok); // open documents and include the conflict meta data docA = dbA.open("foo", {conflicts: true}); docB = dbB.open("foo", {conflicts: true}); // make sure the same rev is in each db T(docA._rev === docB._rev); // make sure the conflicts are the same in each db T(docA._conflicts[0] === docB._conflicts[0]); // delete a conflict. dbA.deleteDoc({_id:"foo", _rev:docA._conflicts[0]}); // replicate the change T(CouchDB.replicate(A, B).ok); // open documents and include the conflict meta data docA = dbA.open("foo", {conflicts: true}); docB = dbB.open("foo", {conflicts: true}); // We should have no conflicts this time T(docA._conflicts === undefined) T(docB._conflicts === undefined); } }, etags_head: function(debug) { var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db"); db.deleteDb(); db.createDb(); if (debug) debugger; var xhr; // create a new doc xhr = CouchDB.request("PUT", "/test_suite_db/1", { body: "{}" }); T(xhr.status == 201); // extract the ETag header values var etag = xhr.getResponseHeader("etag") // get the doc and verify the headers match xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/1"); T(etag == xhr.getResponseHeader("etag")); // 'head' the doc and verify the headers match xhr = CouchDB.request("HEAD", "/test_suite_db/1", { headers: {"if-none-match": "s"} }); T(etag == xhr.getResponseHeader("etag")); // replace a doc xhr = CouchDB.request("PUT", "/test_suite_db/1", { body: "{}", headers: {"if-match": etag} }); T(xhr.status == 201); // extract the new ETag value var etagOld= etag; etag = xhr.getResponseHeader("etag") // fail to replace a doc xhr = CouchDB.request("PUT", "/test_suite_db/1", { body: "{}" }); T(xhr.status == 412) // verify get w/Etag xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/1", { headers: {"if-none-match": etagOld} }); T(xhr.status == 200); xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/1", { headers: {"if-none-match": etag} }); T(xhr.status == 304); // fail to delete a doc xhr = CouchDB.request("DELETE", "/test_suite_db/1", { headers: {"if-match": etagOld} }); T(xhr.status == 412); //now do it for real xhr = CouchDB.request("DELETE", "/test_suite_db/1", { headers: {"if-match": etag} }); T(xhr.status == 202) }, compact: function(debug) { var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db"); db.deleteDb(); db.createDb(); if (debug) debugger; var docs = makeDocs(0, 10); var saveResult = db.bulkSave(docs); T(saveResult.ok); var binAttDoc = { _id:"bin_doc", _attachments:{ "foo.txt": { "content-type":"text/plain", "data": "VGhpcyBpcyBhIGJhc2U2NCBlbmNvZGVkIHRleHQ=" } } } T(db.save(binAttDoc).ok); var originalsize = db.info().disk_size; for(var i in docs) { db.deleteDoc(docs[i]); } var deletesize = db.info().disk_size; T(deletesize > originalsize); var xhr = CouchDB.request("POST", "/test_suite_db/_compact"); T(xhr.status == 202); //compaction isn't instantaneous, loop until done while(db.info().compact_running) {}; var xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/test_suite_db/bin_doc/foo.txt"); T(xhr.responseText == "This is a base64 encoded text") T(xhr.getResponseHeader("content-type") == "text/plain") var compactedsize = db.info().disk_size; T(deletesize > originalsize); } }; function makeDocs(start, end, templateDoc) { var templateDocSrc = templateDoc ? templateDoc.toSource() : "{}" var docs = [] for(var i=start; i<=end; i++) { var newDoc = eval("(" + templateDocSrc + ")"); newDoc._id = (i).toString(); newDoc.integer = i newDoc.string = (i).toString(); docs.push(newDoc) } return docs; } // *********************** Test Framework of Sorts ************************* // function patchTest(fun) { var source = fun.toString(); var output = ""; var i = 0; var testMarker = "T(" while (i < source.length) { var testStart = source.indexOf(testMarker, i); if (testStart == -1) { output = output + source.substring(i, source.length); break; } var testEnd = source.indexOf(");", testStart); var testCode = source.substring(testStart + testMarker.length, testEnd); output += source.substring(i, testStart) + "T(" + testCode + "," + JSON.stringify(testCode); i = testEnd; } try { return eval("(" + output + ")"); } catch (e) { return null; } } function runAllTests() { var rows = $("#tests tbody.content tr"); $("td", rows).html(" "); $("td.status", rows).removeClass("error").removeClass("failure").removeClass("success").text("not run"); var offset = 0; function runNext() { if (offset < rows.length) { var row = rows.get(offset); runTest($("th button", row).get(0), function() { offset += 1; setTimeout(runNext, 1000); }); } } runNext(); } var numFailures = 0; var currentRow = null; function runTest(button, callback, debug) { if (currentRow != null) { alert("Can not run multiple tests simultaneously."); return; } var row = currentRow = $(button).parents("tr").get(0); $("td.status", row).removeClass("error").removeClass("failure").removeClass("success"); $("td", row).html(" "); var testFun = tests[row.id]; function run() { numFailures = 0; var start = new Date().getTime(); try { if (debug == undefined || !debug) { testFun = patchTest(testFun) || testFun; } testFun(debug); var status = numFailures > 0 ? "failure" : "success"; } catch (e) { var status = "error"; if ($("td.details ol", row).length == 0) { $("
    ").appendTo($("td.details", row)); } $("
  1. Exception raised:
  2. ") .find("code").text(JSON.stringify(e)).end() .appendTo($("td.details ol", row)); if (debug) { currentRow = null; throw e; } } if ($("td.details ol", row).length) { $("Run with debugger").click(function() { runTest(this, undefined, true); }).prependTo($("td.details ol", row)); } var duration = new Date().getTime() - start; $("td.status", row).removeClass("running").addClass(status).text(status); $("td.duration", row).text(duration + "ms"); updateTestsFooter(); currentRow = null; if (callback) callback(); } $("td.status", row).addClass("running").text("running…"); setTimeout(run, 100); } function showSource(cell) { var name = $(cell).text(); var win = window.open("", name, "width=700,height=500,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes"); win.document.title = name; $("
    function updateTestsListing() {
      for (var name in tests) {
        if (!tests.hasOwnProperty(name)) continue;
        var testFunction = tests[name];
        var row = $("")
          .find("th").text(name).attr("title", "Show source").click(function() {
          .find("td:nth(0)").addClass("status").text("not run").end()
          .find("td:nth(1)").addClass("duration").html(" ").end()
          .find("td:nth(2)").addClass("details").html(" ").end();
        $("").click(function() {
          return false;
        row.attr("id", name).appendTo("#tests tbody.content");
      $("#tests tr").removeClass("odd").filter(":odd").addClass("odd");
    function updateTestsFooter() {
      var tests = $("#tests tbody.content tr td.status");
      var testsRun = tests.not(":contains('not run'))");
      var testsFailed = testsRun.not(".success");
      $("#tests tbody.footer td").text(testsRun.length + " of " + tests.length +
        " test(s) run, " + testsFailed.length + " failures");
    // Use T to perform a test that returns false on failure and if the test fails,
    // display the line that failed.
    // Example:
    // T(MyValue==1);
    function T(arg1, arg2) {
      if (!arg1) {
        if (currentRow) {
          if ($("td.details ol", currentRow).length == 0) {
      ").appendTo($("td.details", currentRow)); } $("
    1. Assertion failed:
    2. ") .find("code").text((arg2 != null ? arg2 : arg1).toString()).end() .appendTo($("td.details ol", currentRow)); } numFailures += 1 } } function equals(a,b) { if (a === b) return true; try { return repr(a) === repr(b); } catch (e) { return false; } } function repr(val) { if (val === undefined) { return null; } else if (val === null) { return "null"; } else { return JSON.stringify(val); } } function restartServer() { var xhr = CouchDB.request("POST", "/_restart"); do { xhr = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"); } while(xhr.status != 200); }