// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not // use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy // of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under // the License. // *********************** Test Framework of Sorts ************************* // function loadTests(url) { document.write(''); }; function patchTest(fun) { var source = fun.toString(); var output = ""; var i = 0; var testMarker = "T(" while (i < source.length) { var testStart = source.indexOf(testMarker, i); if (testStart == -1) { output = output + source.substring(i, source.length); break; } var testEnd = source.indexOf(");", testStart); var testCode = source.substring(testStart + testMarker.length, testEnd); output += source.substring(i, testStart) + "T(" + testCode + "," + JSON.stringify(testCode); i = testEnd; } try { return eval("(" + output + ")"); } catch (e) { return null; } } function runAllTests() { var rows = $("#tests tbody.content tr"); $("td", rows).html(" "); $("td.status", rows).removeClass("error").removeClass("failure").removeClass("success").text("not run"); var offset = 0; function runNext() { if (offset < rows.length) { var row = rows.get(offset); runTest($("th button", row).get(0), function() { offset += 1; setTimeout(runNext, 100); }); } } runNext(); } var numFailures = 0; var currentRow = null; function runTest(button, callback, debug) { if (currentRow != null) { alert("Can not run multiple tests simultaneously."); return; } var row = currentRow = $(button).parents("tr").get(0); $("td.status", row).removeClass("error").removeClass("failure").removeClass("success"); $("td", row).html(" "); var testFun = tests[row.id]; function run() { numFailures = 0; var start = new Date().getTime(); try { if (debug == undefined || !debug) { testFun = patchTest(testFun) || testFun; } testFun(debug); var status = numFailures > 0 ? "failure" : "success"; } catch (e) { var status = "error"; if ($("td.details ol", row).length == 0) { $("
    ").appendTo($("td.details", row)); } $("
  1. Exception raised:
  2. ") .find("code").text(JSON.stringify(e)).end() .appendTo($("td.details ol", row)); if (debug) { currentRow = null; throw e; } } if ($("td.details ol", row).length) { $("Run with debugger").click(function() { runTest(this, undefined, true); }).prependTo($("td.details ol", row)); } var duration = new Date().getTime() - start; $("td.status", row).removeClass("running").addClass(status).text(status); $("td.duration", row).text(duration + "ms"); updateTestsFooter(); currentRow = null; if (callback) callback(); } $("td.status", row).addClass("running").text("running…"); setTimeout(run, 100); } function showSource(cell) { var name = $(cell).text(); var win = window.open("", name, "width=700,height=500,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes"); win.document.title = name; $("
    function updateTestsListing() {
      for (var name in tests) {
        if (!tests.hasOwnProperty(name)) continue;
        var testFunction = tests[name];
        var row = $("")
          .find("th").text(name).attr("title", "Show source").click(function() {
          .find("td:nth(0)").addClass("status").text("not run").end()
          .find("td:nth(1)").addClass("duration").html(" ").end()
          .find("td:nth(2)").addClass("details").html(" ").end();
        $("").click(function() {
          return false;
        row.attr("id", name).appendTo("#tests tbody.content");
      $("#tests tr").removeClass("odd").filter(":odd").addClass("odd");
    function updateTestsFooter() {
      var tests = $("#tests tbody.content tr td.status");
      var testsRun = tests.filter(".success, .error, .failure");
      var testsFailed = testsRun.not(".success");
      $("#tests tbody.footer td").text(testsRun.length + " of " + tests.length +
        " test(s) run, " + testsFailed.length + " failures");
    // Use T to perform a test that returns false on failure and if the test fails,
    // display the line that failed.
    // Example:
    // T(MyValue==1);
    function T(arg1, arg2) {
      if (!arg1) {
        if (currentRow) {
          if ($("td.details ol", currentRow).length == 0) {
      ").appendTo($("td.details", currentRow)); } $("
    1. Assertion failed:
    2. ") .find("code").text((arg2 != null ? arg2 : arg1).toString()).end() .appendTo($("td.details ol", currentRow)); } numFailures += 1 } } function equals(a,b) { if (a === b) return true; try { return repr(a) === repr(b); } catch (e) { return false; } } function repr(val) { if (val === undefined) { return null; } else if (val === null) { return "null"; } else { return JSON.stringify(val); } }