// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not // use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of // the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under // the License. // A simple class to represent a database. Uses XMLHttpRequest to interface with // the CouchDB server. function CouchDB(name, httpHeaders) { this.name = name; this.uri = "/" + encodeURIComponent(name) + "/"; // The XMLHttpRequest object from the most recent request. Callers can // use this to check result http status and headers. this.last_req = null; this.request = function(method, uri, requestOptions) { requestOptions = requestOptions || {} requestOptions.headers = combine(requestOptions.headers, httpHeaders) return CouchDB.request(method, uri, requestOptions); } // Creates the database on the server this.createDb = function() { this.last_req = this.request("PUT", this.uri); CouchDB.maybeThrowError(this.last_req); return JSON.parse(this.last_req.responseText); } // Deletes the database on the server this.deleteDb = function() { this.last_req = this.request("DELETE", this.uri); if (this.last_req.status == 404) { return false; } CouchDB.maybeThrowError(this.last_req); return JSON.parse(this.last_req.responseText); } // Save a document to the database this.save = function(doc, options) { if (doc._id == undefined) { doc._id = CouchDB.newUuids(1)[0]; } this.last_req = this.request("PUT", this.uri + encodeURIComponent(doc._id) + encodeOptions(options), {body: JSON.stringify(doc)}); CouchDB.maybeThrowError(this.last_req); var result = JSON.parse(this.last_req.responseText); doc._rev = result.rev; return result; } // Open a document from the database this.open = function(docId, options) { this.last_req = this.request("GET", this.uri + encodeURIComponent(docId) + encodeOptions(options)); if (this.last_req.status == 404) { return null; } CouchDB.maybeThrowError(this.last_req); return JSON.parse(this.last_req.responseText); } // Deletes a document from the database this.deleteDoc = function(doc) { this.last_req = this.request("DELETE", this.uri + encodeURIComponent(doc._id) + "?rev=" + doc._rev); CouchDB.maybeThrowError(this.last_req); var result = JSON.parse(this.last_req.responseText); doc._rev = result.rev; //record rev in input document doc._deleted = true; return result; } // Deletes an attachment from a document this.deleteDocAttachment = function(doc, attachment_name) { this.last_req = this.request("DELETE", this.uri + encodeURIComponent(doc._id) + "/" + attachment_name + "?rev=" + doc._rev); CouchDB.maybeThrowError(this.last_req); var result = JSON.parse(this.last_req.responseText); doc._rev = result.rev; //record rev in input document return result; } this.bulkSave = function(docs, options) { // first prepoulate the UUIDs for new documents var newCount = 0 for (var i=0; i<docs.length; i++) { if (docs[i]._id == undefined) { newCount++; } } var newUuids = CouchDB.newUuids(docs.length); var newCount = 0 for (var i=0; i<docs.length; i++) { if (docs[i]._id == undefined) { docs[i]._id = newUuids.pop(); } } var json = {"docs": docs}; // put any options in the json for (var option in options) { json[option] = options[option]; } this.last_req = this.request("POST", this.uri + "_bulk_docs", { body: JSON.stringify(json) }); if (this.last_req.status == 417) { return {errors: JSON.parse(this.last_req.responseText)}; } else { CouchDB.maybeThrowError(this.last_req); var results = JSON.parse(this.last_req.responseText); for (var i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) { if(results[i] && results[i].rev) { docs[i]._rev = results[i].rev; } } return results; } } this.ensureFullCommit = function() { this.last_req = this.request("POST", this.uri + "_ensure_full_commit"); CouchDB.maybeThrowError(this.last_req); return JSON.parse(this.last_req.responseText); } // Applies the map function to the contents of database and returns the results. this.query = function(mapFun, reduceFun, options, keys, language) { var body = {language: language || "javascript"}; if(keys) { body.keys = keys ; } if (typeof(mapFun) != "string") { mapFun = mapFun.toSource ? mapFun.toSource() : "(" + mapFun.toString() + ")"; } body.map = mapFun; if (reduceFun != null) { if (typeof(reduceFun) != "string") { reduceFun = reduceFun.toSource ? reduceFun.toSource() : "(" + reduceFun.toString() + ")"; } body.reduce = reduceFun; } if (options && options.options != undefined) { body.options = options.options; delete options.options; } this.last_req = this.request("POST", this.uri + "_temp_view" + encodeOptions(options), { headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, body: JSON.stringify(body) }); CouchDB.maybeThrowError(this.last_req); return JSON.parse(this.last_req.responseText); } this.view = function(viewname, options, keys) { var viewParts = viewname.split('/'); var viewPath = this.uri + "_design/" + viewParts[0] + "/_view/" + viewParts[1] + encodeOptions(options); if(!keys) { this.last_req = this.request("GET", viewPath); } else { this.last_req = this.request("POST", viewPath, { headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, body: JSON.stringify({keys:keys}) }); } if (this.last_req.status == 404) { return null; } CouchDB.maybeThrowError(this.last_req); return JSON.parse(this.last_req.responseText); } // gets information about the database this.info = function() { this.last_req = this.request("GET", this.uri); CouchDB.maybeThrowError(this.last_req); return JSON.parse(this.last_req.responseText); } // gets information about a design doc this.designInfo = function(docid) { this.last_req = this.request("GET", this.uri + docid + "/_info"); CouchDB.maybeThrowError(this.last_req); return JSON.parse(this.last_req.responseText); } this.allDocs = function(options,keys) { if(!keys) { this.last_req = this.request("GET", this.uri + "_all_docs" + encodeOptions(options)); } else { this.last_req = this.request("POST", this.uri + "_all_docs" + encodeOptions(options), { headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, body: JSON.stringify({keys:keys}) }); } CouchDB.maybeThrowError(this.last_req); return JSON.parse(this.last_req.responseText); } this.designDocs = function() { return this.allDocs({startkey:"_design", endkey:"_design0"}); }; this.changes = function(options) { this.last_req = this.request("GET", this.uri + "_changes" + encodeOptions(options)); CouchDB.maybeThrowError(this.last_req); return JSON.parse(this.last_req.responseText); } this.compact = function() { this.last_req = this.request("POST", this.uri + "_compact"); CouchDB.maybeThrowError(this.last_req); return JSON.parse(this.last_req.responseText); } this.viewCleanup = function() { this.last_req = this.request("POST", this.uri + "_view_cleanup"); CouchDB.maybeThrowError(this.last_req); return JSON.parse(this.last_req.responseText); } this.setDbProperty = function(propId, propValue) { this.last_req = this.request("PUT", this.uri + propId,{ body:JSON.stringify(propValue) }); CouchDB.maybeThrowError(this.last_req); return JSON.parse(this.last_req.responseText); } this.getDbProperty = function(propId) { this.last_req = this.request("GET", this.uri + propId); CouchDB.maybeThrowError(this.last_req); return JSON.parse(this.last_req.responseText); } this.setSecObj = function(secObj) { this.last_req = this.request("PUT", this.uri + "_security",{ body:JSON.stringify(secObj) }); CouchDB.maybeThrowError(this.last_req); return JSON.parse(this.last_req.responseText); } this.getSecObj = function() { this.last_req = this.request("GET", this.uri + "_security"); CouchDB.maybeThrowError(this.last_req); return JSON.parse(this.last_req.responseText); } // Convert a options object to an url query string. // ex: {key:'value',key2:'value2'} becomes '?key="value"&key2="value2"' function encodeOptions(options) { var buf = [] if (typeof(options) == "object" && options !== null) { for (var name in options) { if (!options.hasOwnProperty(name)) { continue }; var value = options[name]; if (name == "key" || name == "startkey" || name == "endkey") { value = toJSON(value); } buf.push(encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value)); } } if (!buf.length) { return ""; } return "?" + buf.join("&"); } function toJSON(obj) { return obj !== null ? JSON.stringify(obj) : null; } function combine(object1, object2) { if (!object2) { return object1; } if (!object1) { return object2; } for (var name in object2) { object1[name] = object2[name]; } return object1; } } // this is the XMLHttpRequest object from last request made by the following // CouchDB.* functions (except for calls to request itself). // Use this from callers to check HTTP status or header values of requests. CouchDB.last_req = null; CouchDB.urlPrefix = ''; CouchDB.login = function(name, password) { CouchDB.last_req = CouchDB.request("POST", "/_session", { headers: {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "X-CouchDB-WWW-Authenticate": "Cookie"}, body: "name=" + encodeURIComponent(name) + "&password=" + encodeURIComponent(password) }); return JSON.parse(CouchDB.last_req.responseText); } CouchDB.logout = function() { CouchDB.last_req = CouchDB.request("DELETE", "/_session", { headers: {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "X-CouchDB-WWW-Authenticate": "Cookie"} }); return JSON.parse(CouchDB.last_req.responseText); } CouchDB.session = function(options) { options = options || {}; CouchDB.last_req = CouchDB.request("GET", "/_session", options); CouchDB.maybeThrowError(CouchDB.last_req); return JSON.parse(CouchDB.last_req.responseText); }; CouchDB.user_prefix = "org.couchdb.user:"; CouchDB.prepareUserDoc = function(user_doc, new_password) { user_doc._id = user_doc._id || CouchDB.user_prefix + user_doc.name; if (new_password) { // handle the password crypto user_doc.salt = CouchDB.newUuids(1)[0]; user_doc.password_sha = hex_sha1(new_password + user_doc.salt); } user_doc.type = "user"; if (!user_doc.roles) { user_doc.roles = [] } return user_doc; }; CouchDB.allDbs = function() { CouchDB.last_req = CouchDB.request("GET", "/_all_dbs"); CouchDB.maybeThrowError(CouchDB.last_req); return JSON.parse(CouchDB.last_req.responseText); }; CouchDB.allDesignDocs = function() { var ddocs = {}, dbs = CouchDB.allDbs(); for (var i=0; i < dbs.length; i++) { var db = new CouchDB(dbs[i]); ddocs[dbs[i]] = db.designDocs(); }; return ddocs; }; CouchDB.getVersion = function() { CouchDB.last_req = CouchDB.request("GET", "/"); CouchDB.maybeThrowError(CouchDB.last_req); return JSON.parse(CouchDB.last_req.responseText).version; } CouchDB.replicate = function(source, target, rep_options) { rep_options = rep_options || {}; var headers = rep_options.headers || {}; var body = rep_options.body || {}; body.source = source; body.target = target; CouchDB.last_req = CouchDB.request("POST", "/_replicate", { headers: headers, body: JSON.stringify(body) }); CouchDB.maybeThrowError(CouchDB.last_req); return JSON.parse(CouchDB.last_req.responseText); } CouchDB.newXhr = function() { if (typeof(XMLHttpRequest) != "undefined") { return new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (typeof(ActiveXObject) != "undefined") { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } else { throw new Error("No XMLHTTPRequest support detected"); } } CouchDB.request = function(method, uri, options) { options = options || {}; options.headers = options.headers || {}; options.headers["Content-Type"] = options.headers["Content-Type"] || options.headers["content-type"] || "application/json"; options.headers["Accept"] = options.headers["Accept"] || options.headers["accept"] || "application/json"; var req = CouchDB.newXhr(); if(uri.substr(0, "http://".length) != "http://") { uri = CouchDB.urlPrefix + uri } req.open(method, uri, false); if (options.headers) { var headers = options.headers; for (var headerName in headers) { if (!headers.hasOwnProperty(headerName)) { continue; } req.setRequestHeader(headerName, headers[headerName]); } } req.send(options.body || ""); return req; } CouchDB.requestStats = function(module, key, test) { var query_arg = ""; if(test !== null) { query_arg = "?flush=true"; } var url = "/_stats/" + module + "/" + key + query_arg; var stat = CouchDB.request("GET", url).responseText; return JSON.parse(stat)[module][key]; } CouchDB.uuids_cache = []; CouchDB.newUuids = function(n, buf) { buf = buf || 100; if (CouchDB.uuids_cache.length >= n) { var uuids = CouchDB.uuids_cache.slice(CouchDB.uuids_cache.length - n); if(CouchDB.uuids_cache.length - n == 0) { CouchDB.uuids_cache = []; } else { CouchDB.uuids_cache = CouchDB.uuids_cache.slice(0, CouchDB.uuids_cache.length - n); } return uuids; } else { CouchDB.last_req = CouchDB.request("GET", "/_uuids?count=" + (buf + n)); CouchDB.maybeThrowError(CouchDB.last_req); var result = JSON.parse(CouchDB.last_req.responseText); CouchDB.uuids_cache = CouchDB.uuids_cache.concat(result.uuids.slice(0, buf)); return result.uuids.slice(buf); } } CouchDB.maybeThrowError = function(req) { if (req.status >= 400) { try { var result = JSON.parse(req.responseText); } catch (ParseError) { var result = {error:"unknown", reason:req.responseText}; } throw result; } } CouchDB.params = function(options) { options = options || {}; var returnArray = []; for(var key in options) { var value = options[key]; returnArray.push(key + "=" + value); } return returnArray.join("&"); };