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    <title>Browse Database</title>
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      var page = new $.futon.CouchDatabasePage();

      $.futon.navigation.ready(function() {
        this.updateSelection(location.pathname, "?" + page.db.name);

      $(function() {
        if (page.redirecting) return;
        $("h1 strong").text(page.db.name);
        var viewPath = page.viewName || "_all_docs";
        if (/^_design\//.test(viewPath)) {
          var parts = viewPath.split("/");
          parts.splice(2, 0, "_view");
          viewPath = parts.join("/");
        if (viewPath != "_temp_view" && viewPath != "_design_docs") {
          $("h1 a.raw").attr("href", "/" + encodeURIComponent(page.db.name) +
            "/" + viewPath);

        $("#viewcode span").click(function() {
        $("#viewcode button.run").click(function() {
        $("#viewcode button.revert").click(function() {
        $("#viewcode button.save").click(function() {
        $("#viewcode button.saveas").click(function() {
        $("#viewcode textarea").makeResizable({
          always: true,
          grippie: $("#viewcode .bottom"),
          vertical: true
        $("#viewcode td.map").makeResizable({
          always: true,
          grippie: $("#viewcode td.splitter"),
          horizontal: true

        // Restore preferences/state from cookies
        var desc = $.cookies.get(page.db.name + ".desc");
        if (desc) $("#documents thead th.key").addClass("desc");
        var rowsPerPage = $.cookies.get(page.db.name + ".perpage");
        if (rowsPerPage) $("#perpage").val(rowsPerPage);

        if (!page.isTempView) {
        } else {

        $("#switch select").change(function() {
          var viewName = $(this).val();
          if (!viewName) $.cookies.remove(page.db.name + ".view");
          location.href = "?" + encodeURIComponent(page.db.name) +
            (viewName ? "/" + encodeURIComponent(viewName)  : "");
        $("#documents thead th.key").click(function() {
        $("#perpage").change(function() {
          $.cookies.set(page.db.name + ".perpage", this.value);
        $("#toolbar button.add").click(page.addDocument);
        $("#toolbar button.compact").click(page.compactDatabase);
        $("#toolbar button.delete").click(page.deleteDatabase);

  <body><div id="wrap">
      <a href="index.html">Overview</a>
      <a class="raw" title="Raw view"></a>
    <div id="content">
      <div id="switch">
        <label>Select view: <select autocomplete="false">
          <option value="_all_docs">All documents</option>
          <option value="_design_docs">Design documents</option>
          <option value="_temp_view">Temporary view…</option>
      <ul id="toolbar">
        <li><button class="add">Create Document …</button></li>
        <li><button class="compact">Compact Database</button></li>
        <li><button class="delete">Delete Database</button></li>

      <div id="viewcode" class="collapsed" style="display: none">
        <div class="top">
          <a id="designdoc-link"></a>
          <span id="view-toggle">View Code</span>
        <table summary="View functions" cellspacing="0"><tr>
          <td class="code map">
            <label for="viewcode_map">Map Function:</label>
            <textarea id="viewcode_map" class="map" rows="5" cols="20" spellcheck="false" wrap="off"></textarea>
          <td class="splitter"></td>
          <td class="code reduce">
            <label for="viewcode_reduce">Reduce Function (optional):</label>
            <textarea id="viewcode_reduce" class="reduce" rows="5" cols="20" spellcheck="false" wrap="off"></textarea>
        <div class="bottom">
          <button class="save" type="button" disabled>Save</button>
          <button class="saveas" type="button">Save As…</button>
          <button class="revert" type="button" disabled>Revert</button>
          <button class="run" type="button">Run</button>
          <label>Language: <select id="language"></select></label>
      <p id="tempwarn">
        <strong>Warning</strong>: Please note that temporary views are not
        suitable for use in production, as they are really slow for any
        database with more than a few dozen documents. You can use a temporary
        view to experiment with view functions, but switch to a permanent view
        before using them in an application.

      <table id="documents" class="listing" cellspacing="0">
            <th class="key"><div>Key</div></th>
            <th class="value">Value</th>
        <tbody class="content">
        <tbody class="footer">
            <td colspan="4">
              <div id="paging">
                <a class="prev">← Previous Page</a> |
                <label>Rows per page: <select id="perpage">
                  <option selected>10</option>
                </select></label> |
                <a class="next">Next Page →</a>
      <p id="grouptruenotice">
        <strong>Note</strong>: Views with a reduce function will return a single row of reduced values.
        If you are looking for the same results that you can see here in Futon,
        add a <code>?group=true</code> parameter to your view query. Futon does
        this automatically.