#!/bin/sh -e # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not # use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. # # usage: time benchbulk.sh # it takes about 30 seconds to run on my old MacBook with bulksize 1000 BULKSIZE=100 DOCSIZE=10 INSERTS=10 ROUNDS=10 DBURL="" POSTURL="$DBURL/_bulk_docs" function make_bulk_docs() { ROW=0 SIZE=$(($1-1)) START=$2 BODYSIZE=$3 BODY=$(printf "%0${BODYSIZE}d") echo '{"docs":[' while [ $ROW -lt $SIZE ]; do printf '{"_id":"%020d", "body":"'$BODY'"},' $(($ROW + $START)) let ROW=ROW+1 done printf '{"_id":"%020d", "body":"'$BODY'"}' $(($ROW + $START)) echo ']}' } echo "Making $INSERTS bulk inserts of $BULKSIZE docs each" echo "Attempt to delete db at $DBURL" curl -X DELETE $DBURL -w\\n echo "Attempt to create db at $DBURL" curl -X PUT $DBURL -w\\n echo "Running $ROUNDS rounds of $INSERTS concurrent inserts to $POSTURL" RUN=0 while [ $RUN -lt $ROUNDS ]; do POSTS=0 while [ $POSTS -lt $INSERTS ]; do STARTKEY=$[ POSTS * BULKSIZE + RUN * BULKSIZE * INSERTS ] echo "startkey $STARTKEY bulksize $BULKSIZE" DOCS=$(make_bulk_docs $BULKSIZE $STARTKEY $DOCSIZE) # echo $DOCS echo $DOCS | curl -T - -X POST $POSTURL -w%{http_code}\ %{time_total}\ sec\\n -o out.file 2> /dev/null & let POSTS=POSTS+1 done echo "waiting" wait let RUN=RUN+1 done curl $DBURL -w\\n