%% @author Bob Ippolito <bob@mochimedia.com> %% @copyright 2007 Mochi Media, Inc. %% @doc Utilities for parsing and quoting. -module(mochiweb_util). -author('bob@mochimedia.com'). -export([join/2, quote_plus/1, urlencode/1, parse_qs/1, unquote/1]). -export([path_split/1]). -export([urlsplit/1, urlsplit_path/1, urlunsplit/1, urlunsplit_path/1]). -export([guess_mime/1, parse_header/1]). -export([shell_quote/1, cmd/1, cmd_string/1, cmd_port/2]). -export([record_to_proplist/2, record_to_proplist/3]). -export([safe_relative_path/1, partition/2]). -export([parse_qvalues/1, pick_accepted_encodings/3]). -export([test/0]). -define(PERCENT, 37). % $\% -define(FULLSTOP, 46). % $\. -define(IS_HEX(C), ((C >= $0 andalso C =< $9) orelse (C >= $a andalso C =< $f) orelse (C >= $A andalso C =< $F))). -define(QS_SAFE(C), ((C >= $a andalso C =< $z) orelse (C >= $A andalso C =< $Z) orelse (C >= $0 andalso C =< $9) orelse (C =:= ?FULLSTOP orelse C =:= $- orelse C =:= $~ orelse C =:= $_))). hexdigit(C) when C < 10 -> $0 + C; hexdigit(C) when C < 16 -> $A + (C - 10). unhexdigit(C) when C >= $0, C =< $9 -> C - $0; unhexdigit(C) when C >= $a, C =< $f -> C - $a + 10; unhexdigit(C) when C >= $A, C =< $F -> C - $A + 10. %% @spec partition(String, Sep) -> {String, [], []} | {Prefix, Sep, Postfix} %% @doc Inspired by Python 2.5's str.partition: %% partition("foo/bar", "/") = {"foo", "/", "bar"}, %% partition("foo", "/") = {"foo", "", ""}. partition(String, Sep) -> case partition(String, Sep, []) of undefined -> {String, "", ""}; Result -> Result end. partition("", _Sep, _Acc) -> undefined; partition(S, Sep, Acc) -> case partition2(S, Sep) of undefined -> [C | Rest] = S, partition(Rest, Sep, [C | Acc]); Rest -> {lists:reverse(Acc), Sep, Rest} end. partition2(Rest, "") -> Rest; partition2([C | R1], [C | R2]) -> partition2(R1, R2); partition2(_S, _Sep) -> undefined. %% @spec safe_relative_path(string()) -> string() | undefined %% @doc Return the reduced version of a relative path or undefined if it %% is not safe. safe relative paths can be joined with an absolute path %% and will result in a subdirectory of the absolute path. safe_relative_path("/" ++ _) -> undefined; safe_relative_path(P) -> safe_relative_path(P, []). safe_relative_path("", Acc) -> case Acc of [] -> ""; _ -> string:join(lists:reverse(Acc), "/") end; safe_relative_path(P, Acc) -> case partition(P, "/") of {"", "/", _} -> %% /foo or foo//bar undefined; {"..", _, _} when Acc =:= [] -> undefined; {"..", _, Rest} -> safe_relative_path(Rest, tl(Acc)); {Part, "/", ""} -> safe_relative_path("", ["", Part | Acc]); {Part, _, Rest} -> safe_relative_path(Rest, [Part | Acc]) end. %% @spec shell_quote(string()) -> string() %% @doc Quote a string according to UNIX shell quoting rules, returns a string %% surrounded by double quotes. shell_quote(L) -> shell_quote(L, [$\"]). %% @spec cmd_port([string()], Options) -> port() %% @doc open_port({spawn, mochiweb_util:cmd_string(Argv)}, Options). cmd_port(Argv, Options) -> open_port({spawn, cmd_string(Argv)}, Options). %% @spec cmd([string()]) -> string() %% @doc os:cmd(cmd_string(Argv)). cmd(Argv) -> os:cmd(cmd_string(Argv)). %% @spec cmd_string([string()]) -> string() %% @doc Create a shell quoted command string from a list of arguments. cmd_string(Argv) -> join([shell_quote(X) || X <- Argv], " "). %% @spec join([string()], Separator) -> string() %% @doc Join a list of strings together with the given separator %% string or char. join([], _Separator) -> []; join([S], _Separator) -> lists:flatten(S); join(Strings, Separator) -> lists:flatten(revjoin(lists:reverse(Strings), Separator, [])). revjoin([], _Separator, Acc) -> Acc; revjoin([S | Rest], Separator, []) -> revjoin(Rest, Separator, [S]); revjoin([S | Rest], Separator, Acc) -> revjoin(Rest, Separator, [S, Separator | Acc]). %% @spec quote_plus(atom() | integer() | float() | string() | binary()) -> string() %% @doc URL safe encoding of the given term. quote_plus(Atom) when is_atom(Atom) -> quote_plus(atom_to_list(Atom)); quote_plus(Int) when is_integer(Int) -> quote_plus(integer_to_list(Int)); quote_plus(Binary) when is_binary(Binary) -> quote_plus(binary_to_list(Binary)); quote_plus(Float) when is_float(Float) -> quote_plus(mochinum:digits(Float)); quote_plus(String) -> quote_plus(String, []). quote_plus([], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc); quote_plus([C | Rest], Acc) when ?QS_SAFE(C) -> quote_plus(Rest, [C | Acc]); quote_plus([$\s | Rest], Acc) -> quote_plus(Rest, [$+ | Acc]); quote_plus([C | Rest], Acc) -> <<Hi:4, Lo:4>> = <<C>>, quote_plus(Rest, [hexdigit(Lo), hexdigit(Hi), ?PERCENT | Acc]). %% @spec urlencode([{Key, Value}]) -> string() %% @doc URL encode the property list. urlencode(Props) -> RevPairs = lists:foldl(fun ({K, V}, Acc) -> [[quote_plus(K), $=, quote_plus(V)] | Acc] end, [], Props), lists:flatten(revjoin(RevPairs, $&, [])). %% @spec parse_qs(string() | binary()) -> [{Key, Value}] %% @doc Parse a query string or application/x-www-form-urlencoded. parse_qs(Binary) when is_binary(Binary) -> parse_qs(binary_to_list(Binary)); parse_qs(String) -> parse_qs(String, []). parse_qs([], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc); parse_qs(String, Acc) -> {Key, Rest} = parse_qs_key(String), {Value, Rest1} = parse_qs_value(Rest), parse_qs(Rest1, [{Key, Value} | Acc]). parse_qs_key(String) -> parse_qs_key(String, []). parse_qs_key([], Acc) -> {qs_revdecode(Acc), ""}; parse_qs_key([$= | Rest], Acc) -> {qs_revdecode(Acc), Rest}; parse_qs_key(Rest=[$; | _], Acc) -> {qs_revdecode(Acc), Rest}; parse_qs_key(Rest=[$& | _], Acc) -> {qs_revdecode(Acc), Rest}; parse_qs_key([C | Rest], Acc) -> parse_qs_key(Rest, [C | Acc]). parse_qs_value(String) -> parse_qs_value(String, []). parse_qs_value([], Acc) -> {qs_revdecode(Acc), ""}; parse_qs_value([$; | Rest], Acc) -> {qs_revdecode(Acc), Rest}; parse_qs_value([$& | Rest], Acc) -> {qs_revdecode(Acc), Rest}; parse_qs_value([C | Rest], Acc) -> parse_qs_value(Rest, [C | Acc]). %% @spec unquote(string() | binary()) -> string() %% @doc Unquote a URL encoded string. unquote(Binary) when is_binary(Binary) -> unquote(binary_to_list(Binary)); unquote(String) -> qs_revdecode(lists:reverse(String)). qs_revdecode(S) -> qs_revdecode(S, []). qs_revdecode([], Acc) -> Acc; qs_revdecode([$+ | Rest], Acc) -> qs_revdecode(Rest, [$\s | Acc]); qs_revdecode([Lo, Hi, ?PERCENT | Rest], Acc) when ?IS_HEX(Lo), ?IS_HEX(Hi) -> qs_revdecode(Rest, [(unhexdigit(Lo) bor (unhexdigit(Hi) bsl 4)) | Acc]); qs_revdecode([C | Rest], Acc) -> qs_revdecode(Rest, [C | Acc]). %% @spec urlsplit(Url) -> {Scheme, Netloc, Path, Query, Fragment} %% @doc Return a 5-tuple, does not expand % escapes. Only supports HTTP style %% URLs. urlsplit(Url) -> {Scheme, Url1} = urlsplit_scheme(Url), {Netloc, Url2} = urlsplit_netloc(Url1), {Path, Query, Fragment} = urlsplit_path(Url2), {Scheme, Netloc, Path, Query, Fragment}. urlsplit_scheme(Url) -> urlsplit_scheme(Url, []). urlsplit_scheme([], Acc) -> {"", lists:reverse(Acc)}; urlsplit_scheme(":" ++ Rest, Acc) -> {string:to_lower(lists:reverse(Acc)), Rest}; urlsplit_scheme([C | Rest], Acc) -> urlsplit_scheme(Rest, [C | Acc]). urlsplit_netloc("//" ++ Rest) -> urlsplit_netloc(Rest, []); urlsplit_netloc(Path) -> {"", Path}. urlsplit_netloc(Rest=[C | _], Acc) when C =:= $/; C =:= $?; C =:= $# -> {lists:reverse(Acc), Rest}; urlsplit_netloc([C | Rest], Acc) -> urlsplit_netloc(Rest, [C | Acc]). %% @spec path_split(string()) -> {Part, Rest} %% @doc Split a path starting from the left, as in URL traversal. %% path_split("foo/bar") = {"foo", "bar"}, %% path_split("/foo/bar") = {"", "foo/bar"}. path_split(S) -> path_split(S, []). path_split("", Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), ""}; path_split("/" ++ Rest, Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), Rest}; path_split([C | Rest], Acc) -> path_split(Rest, [C | Acc]). %% @spec urlunsplit({Scheme, Netloc, Path, Query, Fragment}) -> string() %% @doc Assemble a URL from the 5-tuple. Path must be absolute. urlunsplit({Scheme, Netloc, Path, Query, Fragment}) -> lists:flatten([case Scheme of "" -> ""; _ -> [Scheme, "://"] end, Netloc, urlunsplit_path({Path, Query, Fragment})]). %% @spec urlunsplit_path({Path, Query, Fragment}) -> string() %% @doc Assemble a URL path from the 3-tuple. urlunsplit_path({Path, Query, Fragment}) -> lists:flatten([Path, case Query of "" -> ""; _ -> [$? | Query] end, case Fragment of "" -> ""; _ -> [$# | Fragment] end]). %% @spec urlsplit_path(Url) -> {Path, Query, Fragment} %% @doc Return a 3-tuple, does not expand % escapes. Only supports HTTP style %% paths. urlsplit_path(Path) -> urlsplit_path(Path, []). urlsplit_path("", Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), "", ""}; urlsplit_path("?" ++ Rest, Acc) -> {Query, Fragment} = urlsplit_query(Rest), {lists:reverse(Acc), Query, Fragment}; urlsplit_path("#" ++ Rest, Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), "", Rest}; urlsplit_path([C | Rest], Acc) -> urlsplit_path(Rest, [C | Acc]). urlsplit_query(Query) -> urlsplit_query(Query, []). urlsplit_query("", Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), ""}; urlsplit_query("#" ++ Rest, Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), Rest}; urlsplit_query([C | Rest], Acc) -> urlsplit_query(Rest, [C | Acc]). %% @spec guess_mime(string()) -> string() %% @doc Guess the mime type of a file by the extension of its filename. guess_mime(File) -> case filename:extension(File) of ".html" -> "text/html"; ".xhtml" -> "application/xhtml+xml"; ".xml" -> "application/xml"; ".css" -> "text/css"; ".js" -> "application/x-javascript"; ".jpg" -> "image/jpeg"; ".gif" -> "image/gif"; ".png" -> "image/png"; ".swf" -> "application/x-shockwave-flash"; ".zip" -> "application/zip"; ".bz2" -> "application/x-bzip2"; ".gz" -> "application/x-gzip"; ".tar" -> "application/x-tar"; ".tgz" -> "application/x-gzip"; ".txt" -> "text/plain"; ".doc" -> "application/msword"; ".pdf" -> "application/pdf"; ".xls" -> "application/vnd.ms-excel"; ".rtf" -> "application/rtf"; ".mov" -> "video/quicktime"; ".mp3" -> "audio/mpeg"; ".z" -> "application/x-compress"; ".wav" -> "audio/x-wav"; ".ico" -> "image/x-icon"; ".bmp" -> "image/bmp"; ".m4a" -> "audio/mpeg"; ".m3u" -> "audio/x-mpegurl"; ".exe" -> "application/octet-stream"; ".csv" -> "text/csv"; _ -> "text/plain" end. %% @spec parse_header(string()) -> {Type, [{K, V}]} %% @doc Parse a Content-Type like header, return the main Content-Type %% and a property list of options. parse_header(String) -> %% TODO: This is exactly as broken as Python's cgi module. %% Should parse properly like mochiweb_cookies. [Type | Parts] = [string:strip(S) || S <- string:tokens(String, ";")], F = fun (S, Acc) -> case lists:splitwith(fun (C) -> C =/= $= end, S) of {"", _} -> %% Skip anything with no name Acc; {_, ""} -> %% Skip anything with no value Acc; {Name, [$\= | Value]} -> [{string:to_lower(string:strip(Name)), unquote_header(string:strip(Value))} | Acc] end end, {string:to_lower(Type), lists:foldr(F, [], Parts)}. unquote_header("\"" ++ Rest) -> unquote_header(Rest, []); unquote_header(S) -> S. unquote_header("", Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc); unquote_header("\"", Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc); unquote_header([$\\, C | Rest], Acc) -> unquote_header(Rest, [C | Acc]); unquote_header([C | Rest], Acc) -> unquote_header(Rest, [C | Acc]). %% @spec record_to_proplist(Record, Fields) -> proplist() %% @doc calls record_to_proplist/3 with a default TypeKey of '__record' record_to_proplist(Record, Fields) -> record_to_proplist(Record, Fields, '__record'). %% @spec record_to_proplist(Record, Fields, TypeKey) -> proplist() %% @doc Return a proplist of the given Record with each field in the %% Fields list set as a key with the corresponding value in the Record. %% TypeKey is the key that is used to store the record type %% Fields should be obtained by calling record_info(fields, record_type) %% where record_type is the record type of Record record_to_proplist(Record, Fields, TypeKey) when tuple_size(Record) - 1 =:= length(Fields) -> lists:zip([TypeKey | Fields], tuple_to_list(Record)). shell_quote([], Acc) -> lists:reverse([$\" | Acc]); shell_quote([C | Rest], Acc) when C =:= $\" orelse C =:= $\` orelse C =:= $\\ orelse C =:= $\$ -> shell_quote(Rest, [C, $\\ | Acc]); shell_quote([C | Rest], Acc) -> shell_quote(Rest, [C | Acc]). %% @spec parse_qvalues(string()) -> [qvalue()] | error() %% @type qvalue() -> {element(), q()} %% @type element() -> string() %% @type q() -> 0.0 .. 1.0 %% @type error() -> invalid_qvalue_string %% %% @doc Parses a list (given as a string) of elements with Q values associated %% to them. Elements are separated by commas and each element is separated %% from its Q value by a semicolon. Q values are optional but when missing %% the value of an element is considered as 1.0. A Q value is always in the %% range [0.0, 1.0]. A Q value list is used for example as the value of the %% HTTP "Accept-Encoding" header. %% %% Q values are described in section 2.9 of the RFC 2616 (HTTP 1.1). %% %% Example: %% %% parse_qvalues("gzip; q=0.5, deflate, identity;q=0.0") -> %% [{"gzip", 0.5}, {"deflate", 1.0}, {"identity", 0.0}] %% parse_qvalues(QValuesStr) -> try {ok, Re} = re:compile("^\\s*q\\s*=\\s*((?:0|1)(?:\\.\\d{1,3})?)\\s*$"), lists:map( fun(Pair) -> case string:tokens(Pair, ";") of [Enc] -> {string:strip(Enc), 1.0}; [Enc, QStr] -> case re:run(QStr, Re, [{capture, [1], list}]) of {match, [Q]} -> QVal = case Q of "0" -> 0.0; "1" -> 1.0; Else -> list_to_float(Else) end, case QVal < 0.0 orelse QVal > 1.0 of false -> {string:strip(Enc), QVal} end end end end, string:tokens(string:to_lower(QValuesStr), ",") ) catch _Type:_Error -> invalid_qvalue_string end. %% @spec pick_accepted_encodings(qvalues(), [encoding()], encoding()) -> %% [encoding()] %% @type qvalues() -> [ {encoding(), q()} ] %% @type encoding() -> string() %% @type q() -> 0.0 .. 1.0 %% %% @doc Determines which encodings specified in the given Q values list are %% valid according to a list of supported encodings and a default encoding. %% %% The returned list of encodings is sorted, descendingly, according to the %% Q values of the given list. The last element of this list is the given %% default encoding unless this encoding is explicitily or implicitily %% marked with a Q value of 0.0 in the given Q values list. %% Note: encodings with the same Q value are kept in the same order as %% found in the input Q values list. %% %% This encoding picking process is described in section 14.3 of the %% RFC 2616 (HTTP 1.1). %% %% Example: %% %% pick_accepted_encodings( %% [{"gzip", 0.5}, {"deflate", 1.0}], %% ["gzip", "identity"], %% "identity" %% ) -> %% ["gzip", "identity"] %% pick_accepted_encodings(AcceptedEncs, SupportedEncs, DefaultEnc) -> SortedQList = lists:reverse( lists:sort(fun({_, Q1}, {_, Q2}) -> Q1 < Q2 end, AcceptedEncs) ), {Accepted, Refused} = lists:foldr( fun({E, Q}, {A, R}) -> case Q > 0.0 of true -> {[E | A], R}; false -> {A, [E | R]} end end, {[], []}, SortedQList ), Refused1 = lists:foldr( fun(Enc, Acc) -> case Enc of "*" -> lists:subtract(SupportedEncs, Accepted) ++ Acc; _ -> [Enc | Acc] end end, [], Refused ), Accepted1 = lists:foldr( fun(Enc, Acc) -> case Enc of "*" -> lists:subtract(SupportedEncs, Accepted ++ Refused1) ++ Acc; _ -> [Enc | Acc] end end, [], Accepted ), Accepted2 = case lists:member(DefaultEnc, Accepted1) of true -> Accepted1; false -> Accepted1 ++ [DefaultEnc] end, [E || E <- Accepted2, lists:member(E, SupportedEncs), not lists:member(E, Refused1)]. test() -> test_join(), test_quote_plus(), test_unquote(), test_urlencode(), test_parse_qs(), test_urlsplit_path(), test_urlunsplit_path(), test_urlsplit(), test_urlunsplit(), test_path_split(), test_guess_mime(), test_parse_header(), test_shell_quote(), test_cmd(), test_cmd_string(), test_partition(), test_safe_relative_path(), test_parse_qvalues(), test_pick_accepted_encodings(), ok. test_shell_quote() -> "\"foo \\$bar\\\"\\`' baz\"" = shell_quote("foo $bar\"`' baz"), ok. test_cmd() -> "$bling$ `word`!\n" = cmd(["echo", "$bling$ `word`!"]), ok. test_cmd_string() -> "\"echo\" \"\\$bling\\$ \\`word\\`!\"" = cmd_string(["echo", "$bling$ `word`!"]), ok. test_parse_header() -> {"multipart/form-data", [{"boundary", "AaB03x"}]} = parse_header("multipart/form-data; boundary=AaB03x"), ok. test_guess_mime() -> "text/plain" = guess_mime(""), "text/plain" = guess_mime(".text"), "application/zip" = guess_mime(".zip"), "application/zip" = guess_mime("x.zip"), "text/html" = guess_mime("x.html"), "application/xhtml+xml" = guess_mime("x.xhtml"), ok. test_path_split() -> {"", "foo/bar"} = path_split("/foo/bar"), {"foo", "bar"} = path_split("foo/bar"), {"bar", ""} = path_split("bar"), ok. test_urlsplit() -> {"", "", "/foo", "", "bar?baz"} = urlsplit("/foo#bar?baz"), {"http", "host:port", "/foo", "", "bar?baz"} = urlsplit("http://host:port/foo#bar?baz"), ok. test_urlsplit_path() -> {"/foo/bar", "", ""} = urlsplit_path("/foo/bar"), {"/foo", "baz", ""} = urlsplit_path("/foo?baz"), {"/foo", "", "bar?baz"} = urlsplit_path("/foo#bar?baz"), {"/foo", "", "bar?baz#wibble"} = urlsplit_path("/foo#bar?baz#wibble"), {"/foo", "bar", "baz"} = urlsplit_path("/foo?bar#baz"), {"/foo", "bar?baz", "baz"} = urlsplit_path("/foo?bar?baz#baz"), ok. test_urlunsplit() -> "/foo#bar?baz" = urlunsplit({"", "", "/foo", "", "bar?baz"}), "http://host:port/foo#bar?baz" = urlunsplit({"http", "host:port", "/foo", "", "bar?baz"}), ok. test_urlunsplit_path() -> "/foo/bar" = urlunsplit_path({"/foo/bar", "", ""}), "/foo?baz" = urlunsplit_path({"/foo", "baz", ""}), "/foo#bar?baz" = urlunsplit_path({"/foo", "", "bar?baz"}), "/foo#bar?baz#wibble" = urlunsplit_path({"/foo", "", "bar?baz#wibble"}), "/foo?bar#baz" = urlunsplit_path({"/foo", "bar", "baz"}), "/foo?bar?baz#baz" = urlunsplit_path({"/foo", "bar?baz", "baz"}), ok. test_join() -> "foo,bar,baz" = join(["foo", "bar", "baz"], $,), "foo,bar,baz" = join(["foo", "bar", "baz"], ","), "foo bar" = join([["foo", " bar"]], ","), "foo bar,baz" = join([["foo", " bar"], "baz"], ","), "foo" = join(["foo"], ","), "foobarbaz" = join(["foo", "bar", "baz"], ""), ok. test_quote_plus() -> "foo" = quote_plus(foo), "1" = quote_plus(1), "1.1" = quote_plus(1.1), "foo" = quote_plus("foo"), "foo+bar" = quote_plus("foo bar"), "foo%0A" = quote_plus("foo\n"), "foo%0A" = quote_plus("foo\n"), "foo%3B%26%3D" = quote_plus("foo;&="), ok. test_unquote() -> "foo bar" = unquote("foo+bar"), "foo bar" = unquote("foo%20bar"), "foo\r\n" = unquote("foo%0D%0A"), ok. test_urlencode() -> "foo=bar&baz=wibble+%0D%0A&z=1" = urlencode([{foo, "bar"}, {"baz", "wibble \r\n"}, {z, 1}]), ok. test_parse_qs() -> [{"foo", "bar"}, {"baz", "wibble \r\n"}, {"z", "1"}] = parse_qs("foo=bar&baz=wibble+%0D%0A&z=1"), ok. test_partition() -> {"foo", "", ""} = partition("foo", "/"), {"foo", "/", "bar"} = partition("foo/bar", "/"), {"foo", "/", ""} = partition("foo/", "/"), {"", "/", "bar"} = partition("/bar", "/"), {"f", "oo/ba", "r"} = partition("foo/bar", "oo/ba"), ok. test_safe_relative_path() -> "foo" = safe_relative_path("foo"), "foo/" = safe_relative_path("foo/"), "foo" = safe_relative_path("foo/bar/.."), "bar" = safe_relative_path("foo/../bar"), "bar/" = safe_relative_path("foo/../bar/"), "" = safe_relative_path("foo/.."), "" = safe_relative_path("foo/../"), undefined = safe_relative_path("/foo"), undefined = safe_relative_path("../foo"), undefined = safe_relative_path("foo/../.."), undefined = safe_relative_path("foo//"), ok. test_parse_qvalues() -> [] = parse_qvalues(""), [{"identity", 0.0}] = parse_qvalues("identity;q=0"), [{"identity", 0.0}] = parse_qvalues("identity ;q=0"), [{"identity", 0.0}] = parse_qvalues(" identity; q =0 "), [{"identity", 0.0}] = parse_qvalues("identity ; q = 0"), [{"identity", 0.0}] = parse_qvalues("identity ; q= 0.0"), [{"gzip", 1.0}, {"deflate", 1.0}, {"identity", 0.0}] = parse_qvalues( "gzip,deflate,identity;q=0.0" ), [{"deflate", 1.0}, {"gzip", 1.0}, {"identity", 0.0}] = parse_qvalues( "deflate,gzip,identity;q=0.0" ), [{"gzip", 1.0}, {"deflate", 1.0}, {"gzip", 1.0}, {"identity", 0.0}] = parse_qvalues("gzip,deflate,gzip,identity;q=0"), [{"gzip", 1.0}, {"deflate", 1.0}, {"identity", 0.0}] = parse_qvalues( "gzip, deflate , identity; q=0.0" ), [{"gzip", 1.0}, {"deflate", 1.0}, {"identity", 0.0}] = parse_qvalues( "gzip; q=1, deflate;q=1.0, identity;q=0.0" ), [{"gzip", 0.5}, {"deflate", 1.0}, {"identity", 0.0}] = parse_qvalues( "gzip; q=0.5, deflate;q=1.0, identity;q=0" ), [{"gzip", 0.5}, {"deflate", 1.0}, {"identity", 0.0}] = parse_qvalues( "gzip; q=0.5, deflate , identity;q=0.0" ), [{"gzip", 0.5}, {"deflate", 0.8}, {"identity", 0.0}] = parse_qvalues( "gzip; q=0.5, deflate;q=0.8, identity;q=0.0" ), [{"gzip", 0.5}, {"deflate", 1.0}, {"identity", 1.0}] = parse_qvalues( "gzip; q=0.5,deflate,identity" ), [{"gzip", 0.5}, {"deflate", 1.0}, {"identity", 1.0}, {"identity", 1.0}] = parse_qvalues("gzip; q=0.5,deflate,identity, identity "), invalid_qvalue_string = parse_qvalues("gzip; q=1.1, deflate"), invalid_qvalue_string = parse_qvalues("gzip; q=0.5, deflate;q=2"), invalid_qvalue_string = parse_qvalues("gzip, deflate;q=AB"), invalid_qvalue_string = parse_qvalues("gzip; q=2.1, deflate"), ok. test_pick_accepted_encodings() -> ["identity"] = pick_accepted_encodings( [], ["gzip", "identity"], "identity" ), ["gzip", "identity"] = pick_accepted_encodings( [{"gzip", 1.0}], ["gzip", "identity"], "identity" ), ["identity"] = pick_accepted_encodings( [{"gzip", 0.0}], ["gzip", "identity"], "identity" ), ["gzip", "identity"] = pick_accepted_encodings( [{"gzip", 1.0}, {"deflate", 1.0}], ["gzip", "identity"], "identity" ), ["gzip", "identity"] = pick_accepted_encodings( [{"gzip", 0.5}, {"deflate", 1.0}], ["gzip", "identity"], "identity" ), ["identity"] = pick_accepted_encodings( [{"gzip", 0.0}, {"deflate", 0.0}], ["gzip", "identity"], "identity" ), ["gzip"] = pick_accepted_encodings( [{"gzip", 1.0}, {"deflate", 1.0}, {"identity", 0.0}], ["gzip", "identity"], "identity" ), ["gzip", "deflate", "identity"] = pick_accepted_encodings( [{"gzip", 1.0}, {"deflate", 1.0}], ["gzip", "deflate", "identity"], "identity" ), ["gzip", "deflate"] = pick_accepted_encodings( [{"gzip", 1.0}, {"deflate", 1.0}, {"identity", 0.0}], ["gzip", "deflate", "identity"], "identity" ), ["deflate", "gzip", "identity"] = pick_accepted_encodings( [{"gzip", 0.2}, {"deflate", 1.0}], ["gzip", "deflate", "identity"], "identity" ), ["deflate", "deflate", "gzip", "identity"] = pick_accepted_encodings( [{"gzip", 0.2}, {"deflate", 1.0}, {"deflate", 1.0}], ["gzip", "deflate", "identity"], "identity" ), ["deflate", "gzip", "gzip", "identity"] = pick_accepted_encodings( [{"gzip", 0.2}, {"deflate", 1.0}, {"gzip", 1.0}], ["gzip", "deflate", "identity"], "identity" ), ["gzip", "deflate", "gzip", "identity"] = pick_accepted_encodings( [{"gzip", 0.2}, {"deflate", 0.9}, {"gzip", 1.0}], ["gzip", "deflate", "identity"], "identity" ), [] = pick_accepted_encodings( [{"*", 0.0}], ["gzip", "deflate", "identity"], "identity" ), ["gzip", "deflate", "identity"] = pick_accepted_encodings( [{"*", 1.0}], ["gzip", "deflate", "identity"], "identity" ), ["gzip", "deflate", "identity"] = pick_accepted_encodings( [{"*", 0.6}], ["gzip", "deflate", "identity"], "identity" ), ["gzip"] = pick_accepted_encodings( [{"gzip", 1.0}, {"*", 0.0}], ["gzip", "deflate", "identity"], "identity" ), ["gzip", "deflate"] = pick_accepted_encodings( [{"gzip", 1.0}, {"deflate", 0.6}, {"*", 0.0}], ["gzip", "deflate", "identity"], "identity" ), ["deflate", "gzip"] = pick_accepted_encodings( [{"gzip", 0.5}, {"deflate", 1.0}, {"*", 0.0}], ["gzip", "deflate", "identity"], "identity" ), ["gzip", "identity"] = pick_accepted_encodings( [{"deflate", 0.0}, {"*", 1.0}], ["gzip", "deflate", "identity"], "identity" ), ["gzip", "identity"] = pick_accepted_encodings( [{"*", 1.0}, {"deflate", 0.0}], ["gzip", "deflate", "identity"], "identity" ), ok.