% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not % use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of % the License at % % http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 % % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software % distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT % WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the % License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under % the License. -module(couch_view_group). -behaviour(gen_server). %% API -export([start_link/1, request_group/2, trigger_group_update/2, request_group_info/1]). -export([open_db_group/2, open_temp_group/5, design_doc_to_view_group/1,design_root/2]). %% Exports for the compactor -export([get_index_header_data/1]). %% gen_server callbacks -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). -include("couch_db.hrl"). -record(group_state, { type, db_name, init_args, group, updater_pid=nil, compactor_pid=nil, waiting_commit=false, waiting_list=[], ref_counter=nil }). % api methods request_group(Pid, Seq) -> ?LOG_DEBUG("request_group {Pid, Seq} ~p", [{Pid, Seq}]), case gen_server:call(Pid, {request_group, Seq}, infinity) of {ok, Group, _RefCounter} -> {ok, Group}; Error -> ?LOG_DEBUG("request_group Error ~p", [Error]), throw(Error) end. request_group_info(Pid) -> case gen_server:call(Pid, request_group_info) of {ok, GroupInfoList} -> {ok, GroupInfoList}; Error -> throw(Error) end. trigger_group_update(Pid, RequestSeq) -> gen_server:cast(Pid, {update_group, RequestSeq}). % from template start_link(InitArgs) -> case gen_server:start_link(couch_view_group, {InitArgs, self(), Ref = make_ref()}, []) of {ok, Pid} -> {ok, Pid}; ignore -> receive {Ref, Pid, Error} -> case process_info(self(), trap_exit) of {trap_exit, true} -> receive {'EXIT', Pid, _} -> ok end; {trap_exit, false} -> ok end, Error end; Error -> Error end. % init creates a closure which spawns the appropriate view_updater. init({{_, DbName, _} = InitArgs, ReturnPid, Ref}) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), case prepare_group(InitArgs, false) of {ok, Db, #group{fd=Fd, current_seq=Seq}=Group} -> case Seq > couch_db:get_update_seq(Db) of true -> ReturnPid ! {Ref, self(), {error, invalid_view_seq}}, couch_db:close(Db), ignore; _ -> try couch_db:monitor(Db) after couch_db:close(Db) end, {ok, #group_state{ db_name=DbName, init_args=InitArgs, group=Group, ref_counter=erlang:monitor(process,Fd)}} end; Error -> ReturnPid ! {Ref, self(), Error}, ignore end. % There are two sources of messages: couch_view, which requests an up to date % view group, and the couch_view_updater, which when spawned, updates the % group and sends it back here. We employ a caching mechanism, so that between % database writes, we don't have to spawn a couch_view_updater with every view % request. % The caching mechanism: each request is submitted with a seq_id for the % database at the time it was read. We guarantee to return a view from that % sequence or newer. % If the request sequence is higher than our current high_target seq, we set % that as the highest seqence. If the updater is not running, we launch it. handle_call({request_group, RequestSeq}, From, #group_state{ db_name=DbName, group=#group{current_seq=Seq}=Group, updater_pid=nil, waiting_list=WaitList }=State) when RequestSeq > Seq -> Owner = self(), Pid = spawn_link(fun()-> couch_view_updater:update(Owner, Group, DbName) end), {noreply, State#group_state{ updater_pid=Pid, waiting_list=[{From,RequestSeq}|WaitList] }, infinity}; % If the request seqence is less than or equal to the seq_id of a known Group, % we respond with that Group. handle_call({request_group, RequestSeq}, _From, #group_state{ group = #group{current_seq=GroupSeq} = Group, ref_counter = RefCounter } = State) when RequestSeq =< GroupSeq -> {reply, {ok, Group, RefCounter}, State}; % Otherwise: TargetSeq => RequestSeq > GroupSeq % We've already initiated the appropriate action, so just hold the response until the group is up to the RequestSeq handle_call({request_group, RequestSeq}, From, #group_state{waiting_list=WaitList}=State) -> {noreply, State#group_state{ waiting_list=[{From, RequestSeq}|WaitList] }, infinity}; handle_call(request_group_info, _From, State) -> GroupInfo = get_group_info(State), {reply, {ok, GroupInfo}, State}; handle_call({start_compact, CompactFun}, _From, #group_state{compactor_pid=nil} = State) -> #group_state{ group = #group{name = GroupId, sig = GroupSig} = Group, init_args = {RootDir, DbName, _} } = State, ?LOG_INFO("View index compaction starting for ~s ~s", [DbName, GroupId]), {ok, Db} = couch_db:open_int(DbName, []), {ok, Fd} = open_index_file(compact, RootDir, DbName, GroupSig), NewGroup = reset_file(Db, Fd, DbName, Group), couch_db:close(Db), Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> CompactFun(Group, NewGroup, DbName) end), {reply, {ok, Pid}, State#group_state{compactor_pid = Pid}}; handle_call({start_compact, _}, _From, #group_state{compactor_pid=Pid} = State) -> %% compact already running, this is a no-op {reply, {ok, Pid}, State}; handle_call({compact_done, #group{fd=NewFd, current_seq=NewSeq} = NewGroup}, _From, #group_state{group = #group{current_seq=OldSeq}} = State) when NewSeq >= OldSeq -> #group_state{ group = #group{name=GroupId, fd=OldFd, sig=GroupSig}, init_args = {RootDir, DbName, _}, updater_pid = UpdaterPid, compactor_pid = CompactorPid, ref_counter = RefCounter } = State, ?LOG_INFO("View index compaction complete for ~s ~s", [DbName, GroupId]), FileName = index_file_name(RootDir, DbName, GroupSig), CompactName = index_file_name(compact, RootDir, DbName, GroupSig), ok = couch_file:delete(RootDir, FileName), ok = file:rename(CompactName, FileName), %% if an updater is running, kill it and start a new one NewUpdaterPid = if is_pid(UpdaterPid) -> unlink(UpdaterPid), exit(UpdaterPid, view_compaction_complete), Owner = self(), spawn_link(fun()-> couch_view_updater:update(Owner, NewGroup, DbName) end); true -> nil end, %% cleanup old group unlink(CompactorPid), receive {'EXIT', CompactorPid, normal} -> ok after 0 -> ok end, unlink(OldFd), erlang:demonitor(RefCounter), self() ! delayed_commit, {reply, ok, State#group_state{ group=NewGroup, ref_counter=erlang:monitor(process,NewFd), compactor_pid=nil, updater_pid=NewUpdaterPid }}; handle_call({compact_done, NewGroup}, _From, State) -> #group_state{ group = #group{name = GroupId, current_seq = CurrentSeq}, init_args={_RootDir, DbName, _} } = State, ?LOG_INFO("View index compaction still behind for ~s ~s -- current: ~p " ++ "compact: ~p", [DbName, GroupId, CurrentSeq, NewGroup#group.current_seq]), {reply, update, State}. handle_cast({partial_update, Pid, NewGroup}, #group_state{updater_pid=Pid} = State) -> #group_state{ db_name = DbName, waiting_commit = WaitingCommit } = State, NewSeq = NewGroup#group.current_seq, ?LOG_DEBUG("checkpointing view update at seq ~p for ~s ~s", [NewSeq, DbName, NewGroup#group.name]), if not WaitingCommit -> erlang:send_after(1000, self(), delayed_commit); true -> ok end, {noreply, State#group_state{group=NewGroup, waiting_commit=true}}; handle_cast({partial_update, _, _}, State) -> %% message from an old (probably pre-compaction) updater; ignore {noreply, State}. handle_info(delayed_commit, #group_state{db_name=DbName,group=Group}=State) -> {ok, Db} = couch_db:open_int(DbName, []), CommittedSeq = couch_db:get_committed_update_seq(Db), couch_db:close(Db), if CommittedSeq >= Group#group.current_seq -> % save the header Header = {Group#group.sig, get_index_header_data(Group)}, ok = couch_file:write_header(Group#group.fd, Header), {noreply, State#group_state{waiting_commit=false}}; true -> % We can't commit the header because the database seq that's fully % committed to disk is still behind us. If we committed now and the % database lost those changes our view could be forever out of sync % with the database. But a crash before we commit these changes, no big % deal, we only lose incremental changes since last committal. erlang:send_after(1000, self(), delayed_commit), {noreply, State#group_state{waiting_commit=true}} end; handle_info({'EXIT', FromPid, {new_group, Group}}, #group_state{db_name=DbName, updater_pid=UpPid, ref_counter=RefCounter, waiting_list=WaitList, waiting_commit=WaitingCommit}=State) when UpPid == FromPid -> if not WaitingCommit -> erlang:send_after(1000, self(), delayed_commit); true -> ok end, case reply_with_group(Group, WaitList, [], RefCounter) of [] -> {noreply, State#group_state{waiting_commit=true, waiting_list=[], group=Group, updater_pid=nil}}; StillWaiting -> % we still have some waiters, reopen the database and reupdate the index Owner = self(), Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> couch_view_updater:update(Owner, Group, DbName) end), {noreply, State#group_state{waiting_commit=true, waiting_list=StillWaiting, updater_pid=Pid}} end; handle_info({'EXIT', _, {new_group, _}}, State) -> %% message from an old (probably pre-compaction) updater; ignore {noreply, State}; handle_info({'EXIT', UpPid, reset}, #group_state{init_args=InitArgs, updater_pid=UpPid} = State) -> case prepare_group(InitArgs, true) of {ok, Db, ResetGroup} -> Owner = self(), couch_db:close(Db), Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> couch_view_updater:update(Owner, ResetGroup, Db#db.name) end), {noreply, State#group_state{ updater_pid=Pid, group=ResetGroup}}; Error -> {stop, normal, reply_all(State, Error)} end; handle_info({'EXIT', _, reset}, State) -> %% message from an old (probably pre-compaction) updater; ignore {noreply, State}; handle_info({'EXIT', _FromPid, normal}, State) -> {noreply, State}; handle_info({'EXIT', FromPid, {{nocatch, Reason}, _Trace}}, State) -> ?LOG_DEBUG("Uncaught throw() in linked pid: ~p", [{FromPid, Reason}]), {stop, Reason, State}; handle_info({'EXIT', FromPid, Reason}, State) -> ?LOG_DEBUG("Exit from linked pid: ~p", [{FromPid, Reason}]), {stop, Reason, State}; handle_info({'DOWN',_,_,Pid,Reason}, #group_state{group=G}=State) -> ?LOG_INFO("Shutting down group server ~p, db ~p closing w/ reason~n~p", [G#group.name, Pid, Reason]), {stop, normal, reply_all(State, shutdown)}. terminate(Reason, #group_state{updater_pid=Update, compactor_pid=Compact}=S) -> reply_all(S, Reason), couch_util:shutdown_sync(Update), couch_util:shutdown_sync(Compact), ok. code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %% Local Functions % reply_with_group/3 % for each item in the WaitingList {Pid, Seq} % if the Seq is =< GroupSeq, reply reply_with_group(Group=#group{current_seq=GroupSeq}, [{Pid, Seq}|WaitList], StillWaiting, RefCounter) when Seq =< GroupSeq -> gen_server:reply(Pid, {ok, Group, RefCounter}), reply_with_group(Group, WaitList, StillWaiting, RefCounter); % else % put it in the continuing waiting list reply_with_group(Group, [{Pid, Seq}|WaitList], StillWaiting, RefCounter) -> reply_with_group(Group, WaitList, [{Pid, Seq}|StillWaiting], RefCounter); % return the still waiting list reply_with_group(_Group, [], StillWaiting, _RefCounter) -> StillWaiting. reply_all(#group_state{waiting_list=WaitList}=State, Reply) -> [catch gen_server:reply(Pid, Reply) || {Pid, _} <- WaitList], State#group_state{waiting_list=[]}. prepare_group({RootDir, DbName, #group{sig=Sig}=Group}, ForceReset)-> case couch_db:open_int(DbName, []) of {ok, Db} -> case open_index_file(RootDir, DbName, Sig) of {ok, Fd} -> if ForceReset -> % this can happen if we missed a purge {ok, Db, reset_file(Db, Fd, DbName, Group)}; true -> % 09 UPGRADE CODE ok = couch_file:upgrade_old_header(Fd, <<$r, $c, $k, 0>>), case (catch couch_file:read_header(Fd)) of {ok, {Sig, HeaderInfo}} -> % sigs match! {ok, Db, init_group(Db, Fd, Group, HeaderInfo)}; _ -> % this happens on a new file {ok, Db, reset_file(Db, Fd, DbName, Group)} end end; Error -> catch delete_index_file(RootDir, DbName, Sig), Error end; Else -> Else end. get_index_header_data(#group{current_seq=Seq, purge_seq=PurgeSeq, id_btree=IdBtree,views=Views}) -> ViewStates = [ {couch_btree:get_state(V#view.btree), V#view.update_seq, V#view.purge_seq} || V <- Views ], #index_header{ seq=Seq, purge_seq=PurgeSeq, id_btree_state=couch_btree:get_state(IdBtree), view_states=ViewStates }. hex_sig(GroupSig) -> couch_util:to_hex(?b2l(GroupSig)). design_root(RootDir, DbName) -> RootDir ++ "/." ++ ?b2l(DbName) ++ "_design/". index_file_name(RootDir, DbName, GroupSig) -> design_root(RootDir, DbName) ++ hex_sig(GroupSig) ++".view". index_file_name(compact, RootDir, DbName, GroupSig) -> design_root(RootDir, DbName) ++ hex_sig(GroupSig) ++".compact.view". open_index_file(RootDir, DbName, GroupSig) -> FileName = index_file_name(RootDir, DbName, GroupSig), case couch_file:open(FileName) of {ok, Fd} -> {ok, Fd}; {error, enoent} -> couch_file:open(FileName, [create]); Error -> Error end. open_index_file(compact, RootDir, DbName, GroupSig) -> FileName = index_file_name(compact, RootDir, DbName, GroupSig), case couch_file:open(FileName) of {ok, Fd} -> {ok, Fd}; {error, enoent} -> couch_file:open(FileName, [create]); Error -> Error end. open_temp_group(DbName, Language, DesignOptions, MapSrc, RedSrc) -> case couch_db:open_int(DbName, []) of {ok, Db} -> View = #view{map_names=[<<"_temp">>], id_num=0, btree=nil, def=MapSrc, reduce_funs= if RedSrc==[] -> []; true -> [{<<"_temp">>, RedSrc}] end, options=DesignOptions}, couch_db:close(Db), {ok, set_view_sig(#group{name = <<"_temp">>,lib={[]}, views=[View], def_lang=Language, design_options=DesignOptions})}; Error -> Error end. set_view_sig(#group{ views=Views, lib={[]}, def_lang=Language, design_options=DesignOptions}=G) -> ViewInfo = [old_view_format(V) || V <- Views], G#group{sig=couch_util:md5(term_to_binary({ViewInfo, Language, DesignOptions}))}; set_view_sig(#group{ views=Views, lib=Lib, def_lang=Language, design_options=DesignOptions}=G) -> ViewInfo = [old_view_format(V) || V <- Views], G#group{sig=couch_util:md5(term_to_binary({ViewInfo, Language, DesignOptions, sort_lib(Lib)}))}. % Use the old view record format so group sig's don't change old_view_format(View) -> { view, View#view.id_num, View#view.map_names, View#view.def, View#view.btree, View#view.reduce_funs, View#view.options }. sort_lib({Lib}) -> sort_lib(Lib, []). sort_lib([], LAcc) -> lists:keysort(1, LAcc); sort_lib([{LName, {LObj}}|Rest], LAcc) -> LSorted = sort_lib(LObj, []), % descend into nested object sort_lib(Rest, [{LName, LSorted}|LAcc]); sort_lib([{LName, LCode}|Rest], LAcc) -> sort_lib(Rest, [{LName, LCode}|LAcc]). open_db_group(DbName, GroupId) -> {Pid, Ref} = spawn_monitor(fun() -> exit(try fabric:open_doc(mem3:dbname(DbName), GroupId, []) catch error:database_does_not_exist -> {ok, Db} = couch_db:open(DbName, []), couch_db:open_doc(Db, GroupId) end) end), receive {'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, {ok, Doc}} -> {ok, design_doc_to_view_group(Doc)}; {'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, Error} -> Error end. get_group_info(State) -> #group_state{ group=Group, updater_pid=UpdaterPid, compactor_pid=CompactorPid, waiting_commit=WaitingCommit, waiting_list=WaitersList } = State, #group{ fd = Fd, sig = GroupSig, def_lang = Lang, views = Views, current_seq=CurrentSeq, purge_seq=PurgeSeq } = Group, {ok, Size} = couch_file:bytes(Fd), [ {signature, ?l2b(hex_sig(GroupSig))}, {language, Lang}, {disk_size, Size}, {data_size, compute_data_size(Views)}, {updater_running, UpdaterPid /= nil}, {compact_running, CompactorPid /= nil}, {waiting_commit, WaitingCommit}, {waiting_clients, length(WaitersList)}, {update_seq, CurrentSeq}, {purge_seq, PurgeSeq} ]. compute_data_size(ViewList) -> lists:foldl(fun(#view{btree=Btree}, Acc) -> {ok, {_, _, Size}} = couch_btree:full_reduce(Btree), Size + Acc end, 0, ViewList). % maybe move to another module design_doc_to_view_group(#doc{id=Id,body={Fields}}) -> Language = couch_util:get_value(<<"language">>, Fields, <<"javascript">>), {DesignOptions} = couch_util:get_value(<<"options">>, Fields, {[]}), {RawViews} = couch_util:get_value(<<"views">>, Fields, {[]}), Lib = couch_util:get_value(<<"lib">>, RawViews, {[]}), % add the views to a dictionary object, with the map source as the key DictBySrc = lists:foldl( fun({Name, {MRFuns}}, DictBySrcAcc) -> case couch_util:get_value(<<"map">>, MRFuns) of undefined -> DictBySrcAcc; MapSrc -> RedSrc = couch_util:get_value(<<"reduce">>, MRFuns, null), {ViewOptions} = couch_util:get_value(<<"options">>, MRFuns, {[]}), View = case dict:find({MapSrc, ViewOptions}, DictBySrcAcc) of {ok, View0} -> View0; error -> #view{def=MapSrc, options=ViewOptions} % create new view object end, View2 = if RedSrc == null -> View#view{map_names=[Name|View#view.map_names]}; true -> View#view{reduce_funs=[{Name,RedSrc}|View#view.reduce_funs]} end, dict:store({MapSrc, ViewOptions}, View2, DictBySrcAcc) end end, dict:new(), RawViews), % number the views {Views, _N} = lists:mapfoldl( fun({_Src, View}, N) -> {View#view{id_num=N},N+1} end, 0, lists:sort(dict:to_list(DictBySrc))), set_view_sig(#group{name=Id, lib=Lib, views=Views, def_lang=Language, design_options=DesignOptions}). reset_group(#group{views=Views}=Group) -> Views2 = [View#view{btree=nil} || View <- Views], Group#group{fd=nil,query_server=nil,current_seq=0, id_btree=nil,views=Views2}. reset_file(Db, Fd, DbName, #group{sig=Sig,name=Name} = Group) -> ?LOG_DEBUG("Resetting group index \"~s\" in db ~s", [Name, DbName]), ok = couch_file:truncate(Fd, 0), ok = couch_file:write_header(Fd, {Sig, nil}), init_group(Db, Fd, reset_group(Group), nil). delete_index_file(RootDir, DbName, GroupSig) -> couch_file:delete(RootDir, index_file_name(RootDir, DbName, GroupSig)). init_group(Db, Fd, #group{views=Views}=Group, nil) -> init_group(Db, Fd, Group, #index_header{seq=0, purge_seq=couch_db:get_purge_seq(Db), id_btree_state=nil, view_states=[{nil, 0, 0} || _ <- Views]}); init_group(_Db, Fd, #group{def_lang=Lang,views=Views}= Group, IndexHeader) -> #index_header{seq=Seq, purge_seq=PurgeSeq, id_btree_state=IdBtreeState, view_states=ViewStates} = IndexHeader, StateUpdate = fun ({_, _, _}=State) -> State; (State) -> {State, 0, 0} end, ViewStates2 = lists:map(StateUpdate, ViewStates), {ok, IdBtree} = couch_btree:open(IdBtreeState, Fd), Views2 = lists:zipwith( fun({BTState, USeq, PSeq}, #view{reduce_funs=RedFuns,options=Options}=View) -> FunSrcs = [FunSrc || {_Name, FunSrc} <- RedFuns], ReduceFun = fun(reduce, KVs) -> KVs2 = couch_view:expand_dups(KVs,[]), KVs3 = couch_view:detuple_kvs(KVs2,[]), {ok, Reduced} = couch_query_servers:reduce(Lang, FunSrcs, KVs3), {length(KVs3), Reduced, couch_view:data_size(KVs3, Reduced)}; (rereduce, Reds) -> Count = lists:sum(extract(Reds, counts)), DataSize = lists:sum(extract(Reds, data_size)), UserReds = extract(Reds, user_reds), {ok, Reduced} = couch_query_servers:rereduce(Lang, FunSrcs, UserReds), {Count, Reduced, DataSize} end, case couch_util:get_value(<<"collation">>, Options, <<"default">>) of <<"default">> -> Less = fun couch_view:less_json_ids/2; <<"raw">> -> Less = fun(A,B) -> A < B end end, {ok, Btree} = couch_btree:open(BTState, Fd, [{less, Less}, {reduce, ReduceFun}] ), View#view{btree=Btree, update_seq=USeq, purge_seq=PSeq} end, ViewStates2, Views), Group#group{fd=Fd, current_seq=Seq, purge_seq=PurgeSeq, id_btree=IdBtree, views=Views2}. extract(Reds, counts) -> [element(1, R) || R <- Reds]; extract(Reds, user_reds) -> [element(2, R) || R <- Reds]; extract(Reds, data_size) -> lists:map(fun({_, _}) -> 0; ({_, _, Size}) -> Size end, Reds).