-module(couch_proc_manager). -behaviour(gen_server). -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). -export([start_link/0, get_proc_count/0]). -include("couch_db.hrl"). -record(state, {tab}). start_link() -> gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []). get_proc_count() -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, get_proc_count). init([]) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), {ok, #state{tab = ets:new(procs, [{keypos, #proc.pid}])}}. handle_call(get_table, _From, State) -> {reply, State#state.tab, State}; handle_call(get_proc_count, _From, State) -> {reply, ets:info(State#state.tab, size), State}; handle_call({get_proc, #doc{body={Props}}=DDoc, DDocKey}, {Client, _}, State) -> Lang = couch_util:get_value(<<"language">>, Props, <<"javascript">>), try get_procs(State#state.tab, Lang) of Procs -> case proc_with_ddoc(DDoc, DDocKey, Procs) of {ok, Proc0} -> Proc = Proc0#proc{client = erlang:monitor(process, Client)}, ets:insert(State#state.tab, Proc), {reply, {ok, Proc, get_query_server_config()}, State}; {error, Reason} -> {reply, {error, Reason}, State} end catch {unknown_query_language, _} -> {reply, {unknown_query_language, Lang}, State}; error:Reason -> ?LOG_ERROR("~p ~p ~p", [?MODULE, Reason, erlang:get_stacktrace()]), {reply, {error, Reason}, State} end; handle_call({get_proc, Lang}, {Client, _}, State) -> try get_procs(State#state.tab, Lang) of [Proc0|_] -> Proc = Proc0#proc{client = erlang:monitor(process, Client)}, ets:insert(State#state.tab, Proc), {reply, {ok, Proc, get_query_server_config()}, State} catch {unknown_query_language, _} -> {reply, {unknown_query_language, Lang}, State}; error:Reason -> ?LOG_ERROR("~p ~p ~p", [?MODULE, Reason, erlang:get_stacktrace()]), {reply, {error, Reason}, State} end; handle_call({ret_proc, #proc{client=Ref, pid=Pid} = Proc}, _From, State) -> erlang:demonitor(Ref, [flush]), % We need to check if the process is alive here, as the client could be % handing us a #proc{} with a dead one. We would have already removed the % #proc{} from our own table, so the alternative is to do a lookup in the % table before the insert. Don't know which approach is cheaper. case is_process_alive(Pid) of true -> maybe_reuse_proc(State#state.tab, Proc); false -> ok end, {reply, true, State}; handle_call(_Call, _From, State) -> {reply, ignored, State}. handle_cast(_Msg, State) -> {noreply, State}. handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, State) -> ?LOG_INFO("~p ~p died ~p", [?MODULE, Pid, Reason]), ets:delete(State#state.tab, Pid), {noreply, State}; handle_info({'DOWN', Ref, _, _, _Reason}, State) -> case ets:match_object(State#state.tab, #proc{client=Ref, _='_'}) of [] -> ok; [#proc{pid = Pid} = Proc] -> case is_process_alive(Pid) of true -> maybe_reuse_proc(State#state.tab, Proc); false -> ok end end, {noreply, State}; handle_info(_Msg, State) -> {noreply, State}. terminate(_Reason, #state{tab=Tab}) -> ets:foldl(fun(#proc{pid=P}, _) -> couch_util:shutdown_sync(P) end, 0, Tab), ok. code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. maybe_reuse_proc(Tab, #proc{pid = Pid} = Proc) -> Limit = couch_config:get("query_server_config", "os_process_soft_limit", "100"), case ets:info(Tab, size) > list_to_integer(Limit) of true -> ets:delete(Tab, Pid), unlink(Pid), exit(Pid, kill); false -> garbage_collect(Pid), ets:insert(Tab, Proc#proc{client=nil}) end. get_procs(Tab, Lang) when is_binary(Lang) -> get_procs(Tab, binary_to_list(Lang)); get_procs(Tab, Lang) when is_list(Lang) -> case ets:match_object(Tab, #proc{lang=Lang, client=nil, _='_'}) of [] -> {ok, NewProc} = new_proc(Lang), % check OS process limit [NewProc]; Procs -> Procs end. new_proc(Lang) when is_binary(Lang) -> new_proc(binary_to_list(Lang)); new_proc(Lang) when is_list(Lang) -> case couch_config:get("query_servers", Lang) of undefined -> case couch_config:get("native_query_servers", Lang) of undefined -> throw({unknown_query_language, Lang}); SpecStr -> {ok, {M,F,A}} = couch_util:parse_term(SpecStr), {ok, Pid} = apply(M, F, A), make_proc(Pid, Lang, M) end; Command -> {ok, Pid} = couch_os_process:start_link(Command), make_proc(Pid, Lang, couch_os_process) end. make_proc(Pid, Lang, Mod) -> Proc = #proc{ lang = Lang, pid = Pid, prompt_fun = {Mod, prompt}, set_timeout_fun = {Mod, set_timeout}, stop_fun = {Mod, stop} }, {ok, Proc}. get_query_server_config() -> Limit = couch_config:get("query_server_config", "reduce_limit", "true"), {[{<<"reduce_limit">>, list_to_atom(Limit)}]}. proc_with_ddoc(DDoc, DDocKey, Procs) -> Filter = fun(#proc{ddoc_keys=Keys}) -> not lists:member(DDocKey, Keys) end, case lists:dropwhile(Filter, Procs) of [DDocProc|_] -> {ok, DDocProc}; [] -> teach_any_proc(DDoc, DDocKey, Procs) end. teach_any_proc(DDoc, DDocKey, [Proc|Rest]) -> try teach_ddoc(DDoc, DDocKey, Proc) catch _:_ -> teach_any_proc(DDoc, DDocKey, Rest) end; teach_any_proc(_, _, []) -> {error, noproc}. teach_ddoc(DDoc, {DDocId, _Rev}=DDocKey, #proc{ddoc_keys=Keys}=Proc) -> % send ddoc over the wire % we only share the rev with the client we know to update code % but it only keeps the latest copy, per each ddoc, around. true = couch_query_servers:proc_prompt(Proc, [<<"ddoc">>, <<"new">>, DDocId, couch_doc:to_json_obj(DDoc, [])]), % we should remove any other ddocs keys for this docid % because the query server overwrites without the rev Keys2 = [{D,R} || {D,R} <- Keys, D /= DDocId], % add ddoc to the proc {ok, Proc#proc{ddoc_keys=[DDocKey|Keys2]}}.