% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not % use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of % the License at % % http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 % % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software % distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT % WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the % License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under % the License. -module(couch_doc). -export([to_doc_info/1,to_doc_info_path/1,parse_rev/1,parse_revs/1,rev_to_str/1,revs_to_strs/1]). -export([att_foldl/3,range_att_foldl/5,att_foldl_decode/3,get_validate_doc_fun/1]). -export([from_json_obj/1,to_json_obj/2,has_stubs/1, merge_stubs/2]). -export([validate_docid/1]). -export([doc_from_multi_part_stream/2]). -export([doc_to_multi_part_stream/5, len_doc_to_multi_part_stream/4]). -include("couch_db.hrl"). % helpers used by to_json_obj to_json_rev(0, []) -> []; to_json_rev(Start, [FirstRevId|_]) -> [{<<"_rev">>, ?l2b([integer_to_list(Start),"-",revid_to_str(FirstRevId)])}]. to_json_body(true, {Body}) -> Body ++ [{<<"_deleted">>, true}]; to_json_body(false, {Body}) -> Body. to_json_revisions(Options, Start, RevIds) -> case lists:member(revs, Options) of false -> []; true -> [{<<"_revisions">>, {[{<<"start">>, Start}, {<<"ids">>, [revid_to_str(R) ||R <- RevIds]}]}}] end. revid_to_str(RevId) when size(RevId) =:= 16 -> ?l2b(couch_util:to_hex(RevId)); revid_to_str(RevId) -> RevId. rev_to_str({Pos, RevId}) -> ?l2b([integer_to_list(Pos),"-",revid_to_str(RevId)]). revs_to_strs([]) -> []; revs_to_strs([{Pos, RevId}| Rest]) -> [rev_to_str({Pos, RevId}) | revs_to_strs(Rest)]. to_json_meta(Meta) -> lists:map( fun({revs_info, Start, RevsInfo}) -> {JsonRevsInfo, _Pos} = lists:mapfoldl( fun({RevId, Status}, PosAcc) -> JsonObj = {[{<<"rev">>, rev_to_str({PosAcc, RevId})}, {<<"status">>, ?l2b(atom_to_list(Status))}]}, {JsonObj, PosAcc - 1} end, Start, RevsInfo), {<<"_revs_info">>, JsonRevsInfo}; ({local_seq, Seq}) -> {<<"_local_seq">>, Seq}; ({conflicts, Conflicts}) -> {<<"_conflicts">>, revs_to_strs(Conflicts)}; ({deleted_conflicts, DConflicts}) -> {<<"_deleted_conflicts">>, revs_to_strs(DConflicts)} end, Meta). to_json_attachments(Attachments, Options) -> to_json_attachments( Attachments, lists:member(attachments, Options), lists:member(follows, Options), lists:member(att_encoding_info, Options) ). to_json_attachments([], _OutputData, _DataToFollow, _ShowEncInfo) -> []; to_json_attachments(Atts, OutputData, DataToFollow, ShowEncInfo) -> AttProps = lists:map( fun(#att{disk_len=DiskLen, att_len=AttLen, encoding=Enc}=Att) -> {Att#att.name, {[ {<<"content_type">>, Att#att.type}, {<<"revpos">>, Att#att.revpos}] ++ case Att#att.md5 of <<>> -> []; Md5 -> EncodedMd5 = base64:encode(Md5), [{<<"digest">>, <<"md5-",EncodedMd5/binary>>}] end ++ if not OutputData orelse Att#att.data == stub -> [{<<"length">>, DiskLen}, {<<"stub">>, true}]; true -> if DataToFollow -> [{<<"length">>, DiskLen}, {<<"follows">>, true}]; true -> AttData = case Enc of gzip -> zlib:gunzip(att_to_bin(Att)); identity -> att_to_bin(Att) end, [{<<"data">>, base64:encode(AttData)}] end end ++ case {ShowEncInfo, Enc} of {false, _} -> []; {true, identity} -> []; {true, _} -> [ {<<"encoding">>, couch_util:to_binary(Enc)}, {<<"encoded_length">>, AttLen} ] end }} end, Atts), [{<<"_attachments">>, {AttProps}}]. to_json_obj(#doc{id=Id,deleted=Del,body=Body,revs={Start, RevIds}, meta=Meta}=Doc,Options)-> {[{<<"_id">>, Id}] ++ to_json_rev(Start, RevIds) ++ to_json_body(Del, Body) ++ to_json_revisions(Options, Start, RevIds) ++ to_json_meta(Meta) ++ to_json_attachments(Doc#doc.atts, Options) }. from_json_obj({Props}) -> transfer_fields(Props, #doc{body=[]}); from_json_obj(_Other) -> throw({bad_request, "Document must be a JSON object"}). parse_revid(RevId) when size(RevId) =:= 32 -> RevInt = erlang:list_to_integer(?b2l(RevId), 16), <>; parse_revid(RevId) when length(RevId) =:= 32 -> RevInt = erlang:list_to_integer(RevId, 16), <>; parse_revid(RevId) when is_binary(RevId) -> RevId; parse_revid(RevId) when is_list(RevId) -> ?l2b(RevId). parse_rev(Rev) when is_binary(Rev) -> parse_rev(?b2l(Rev)); parse_rev(Rev) when is_list(Rev) -> SplitRev = lists:splitwith(fun($-) -> false; (_) -> true end, Rev), case SplitRev of {Pos, [$- | RevId]} -> {list_to_integer(Pos), parse_revid(RevId)}; _Else -> throw({bad_request, <<"Invalid rev format">>}) end; parse_rev(_BadRev) -> throw({bad_request, <<"Invalid rev format">>}). parse_revs([]) -> []; parse_revs([Rev | Rest]) -> [parse_rev(Rev) | parse_revs(Rest)]. validate_docid(Id) when is_binary(Id) -> case couch_util:validate_utf8(Id) of false -> throw({bad_request, <<"Document id must be valid UTF-8">>}); true -> ok end, case Id of <<"_design/", _/binary>> -> ok; <<"_local/", _/binary>> -> ok; <<"_", _/binary>> -> throw({bad_request, <<"Only reserved document ids may start with underscore.">>}); _Else -> ok end; validate_docid(Id) -> ?LOG_DEBUG("Document id is not a string: ~p", [Id]), throw({bad_request, <<"Document id must be a string">>}). transfer_fields([], #doc{body=Fields}=Doc) -> % convert fields back to json object Doc#doc{body={lists:reverse(Fields)}}; transfer_fields([{<<"_id">>, Id} | Rest], Doc) -> validate_docid(Id), transfer_fields(Rest, Doc#doc{id=Id}); transfer_fields([{<<"_rev">>, Rev} | Rest], #doc{revs={0, []}}=Doc) -> {Pos, RevId} = parse_rev(Rev), transfer_fields(Rest, Doc#doc{revs={Pos, [RevId]}}); transfer_fields([{<<"_rev">>, _Rev} | Rest], Doc) -> % we already got the rev from the _revisions transfer_fields(Rest,Doc); transfer_fields([{<<"_attachments">>, {JsonBins}} | Rest], Doc) -> Atts = lists:map(fun({Name, {BinProps}}) -> Md5 = case couch_util:get_value(<<"digest">>, BinProps) of <<"md5-",EncodedMd5/binary>> -> base64:decode(EncodedMd5); _ -> <<>> end, case couch_util:get_value(<<"stub">>, BinProps) of true -> Type = couch_util:get_value(<<"content_type">>, BinProps), RevPos = couch_util:get_value(<<"revpos">>, BinProps, nil), DiskLen = couch_util:get_value(<<"length">>, BinProps), {Enc, EncLen} = att_encoding_info(BinProps), #att{name=Name, data=stub, type=Type, att_len=EncLen, disk_len=DiskLen, encoding=Enc, revpos=RevPos, md5=Md5}; _ -> Type = couch_util:get_value(<<"content_type">>, BinProps, ?DEFAULT_ATTACHMENT_CONTENT_TYPE), RevPos = couch_util:get_value(<<"revpos">>, BinProps, 0), case couch_util:get_value(<<"follows">>, BinProps) of true -> DiskLen = couch_util:get_value(<<"length">>, BinProps), {Enc, EncLen} = att_encoding_info(BinProps), #att{name=Name, data=follows, type=Type, encoding=Enc, att_len=EncLen, disk_len=DiskLen, revpos=RevPos, md5=Md5}; _ -> Value = couch_util:get_value(<<"data">>, BinProps), Bin = base64:decode(Value), LenBin = size(Bin), #att{name=Name, data=Bin, type=Type, att_len=LenBin, disk_len=LenBin, revpos=RevPos} end end end, JsonBins), transfer_fields(Rest, Doc#doc{atts=Atts}); transfer_fields([{<<"_revisions">>, {Props}} | Rest], Doc) -> RevIds = couch_util:get_value(<<"ids">>, Props), Start = couch_util:get_value(<<"start">>, Props), if not is_integer(Start) -> throw({doc_validation, "_revisions.start isn't an integer."}); not is_list(RevIds) -> throw({doc_validation, "_revisions.ids isn't a array."}); true -> ok end, [throw({doc_validation, "RevId isn't a string"}) || RevId <- RevIds, not is_binary(RevId)], RevIds2 = [parse_revid(RevId) || RevId <- RevIds], transfer_fields(Rest, Doc#doc{revs={Start, RevIds2}}); transfer_fields([{<<"_deleted">>, B} | Rest], Doc) when is_boolean(B) -> transfer_fields(Rest, Doc#doc{deleted=B}); % ignored fields transfer_fields([{<<"_revs_info">>, _} | Rest], Doc) -> transfer_fields(Rest, Doc); transfer_fields([{<<"_local_seq">>, _} | Rest], Doc) -> transfer_fields(Rest, Doc); transfer_fields([{<<"_conflicts">>, _} | Rest], Doc) -> transfer_fields(Rest, Doc); transfer_fields([{<<"_deleted_conflicts">>, _} | Rest], Doc) -> transfer_fields(Rest, Doc); % special fields for replication documents transfer_fields([{<<"_replication_state">>, _} = Field | Rest], #doc{body=Fields} = Doc) -> transfer_fields(Rest, Doc#doc{body=[Field|Fields]}); transfer_fields([{<<"_replication_state_time">>, _} = Field | Rest], #doc{body=Fields} = Doc) -> transfer_fields(Rest, Doc#doc{body=[Field|Fields]}); transfer_fields([{<<"_replication_id">>, _} = Field | Rest], #doc{body=Fields} = Doc) -> transfer_fields(Rest, Doc#doc{body=[Field|Fields]}); % unknown special field transfer_fields([{<<"_",Name/binary>>, _} | _], _) -> throw({doc_validation, ?l2b(io_lib:format("Bad special document member: _~s", [Name]))}); transfer_fields([Field | Rest], #doc{body=Fields}=Doc) -> transfer_fields(Rest, Doc#doc{body=[Field|Fields]}). att_encoding_info(BinProps) -> DiskLen = couch_util:get_value(<<"length">>, BinProps), case couch_util:get_value(<<"encoding">>, BinProps) of undefined -> {identity, DiskLen}; Enc -> EncodedLen = couch_util:get_value(<<"encoded_length">>, BinProps, DiskLen), {list_to_existing_atom(?b2l(Enc)), EncodedLen} end. to_doc_info(FullDocInfo) -> {DocInfo, _Path} = to_doc_info_path(FullDocInfo), DocInfo. max_seq([], Max) -> Max; max_seq([#rev_info{seq=Seq}|Rest], Max) -> max_seq(Rest, if Max > Seq -> Max; true -> Seq end). to_doc_info_path(#full_doc_info{id=Id,rev_tree=Tree}) -> RevInfosAndPath = [{#rev_info{deleted=Del,body_sp=Bp,seq=Seq,rev={Pos,RevId}}, Path} || {#leaf{deleted=Del, ptr=Bp, seq=Seq},{Pos, [RevId|_]}=Path} <- couch_key_tree:get_all_leafs(Tree)], SortedRevInfosAndPath = lists:sort( fun({#rev_info{deleted=DeletedA,rev=RevA}, _PathA}, {#rev_info{deleted=DeletedB,rev=RevB}, _PathB}) -> % sort descending by {not deleted, rev} {not DeletedA, RevA} > {not DeletedB, RevB} end, RevInfosAndPath), [{_RevInfo, WinPath}|_] = SortedRevInfosAndPath, RevInfos = [RevInfo || {RevInfo, _Path} <- SortedRevInfosAndPath], {#doc_info{id=Id, high_seq=max_seq(RevInfos, 0), revs=RevInfos}, WinPath}. att_foldl(#att{data=Bin}, Fun, Acc) when is_binary(Bin) -> Fun(Bin, Acc); att_foldl(#att{data={Fd,Sp},att_len=Len}, Fun, Acc) when is_tuple(Sp) orelse Sp == null -> % 09 UPGRADE CODE couch_stream:old_foldl(Fd, Sp, Len, Fun, Acc); att_foldl(#att{data={Fd,Sp},md5=Md5}, Fun, Acc) -> couch_stream:foldl(Fd, Sp, Md5, Fun, Acc); att_foldl(#att{data=DataFun,att_len=Len}, Fun, Acc) when is_function(DataFun) -> fold_streamed_data(DataFun, Len, Fun, Acc). range_att_foldl(#att{data={Fd,Sp}}, From, To, Fun, Acc) -> couch_stream:range_foldl(Fd, Sp, From, To, Fun, Acc). att_foldl_decode(#att{data={Fd,Sp},md5=Md5,encoding=Enc}, Fun, Acc) -> couch_stream:foldl_decode(Fd, Sp, Md5, Enc, Fun, Acc); att_foldl_decode(#att{data=Fun2,att_len=Len, encoding=identity}, Fun, Acc) -> fold_streamed_data(Fun2, Len, Fun, Acc). att_to_bin(#att{data=Bin}) when is_binary(Bin) -> Bin; att_to_bin(#att{data=Iolist}) when is_list(Iolist) -> iolist_to_binary(Iolist); att_to_bin(#att{data={_Fd,_Sp}}=Att) -> iolist_to_binary( lists:reverse(att_foldl( Att, fun(Bin,Acc) -> [Bin|Acc] end, [] )) ); att_to_bin(#att{data=DataFun, att_len=Len}) when is_function(DataFun)-> iolist_to_binary( lists:reverse(fold_streamed_data( DataFun, Len, fun(Data, Acc) -> [Data | Acc] end, [] )) ). get_validate_doc_fun({Props}) -> get_validate_doc_fun(couch_doc:from_json_obj({Props})); get_validate_doc_fun(#doc{body={Props}}=DDoc) -> case couch_util:get_value(<<"validate_doc_update">>, Props) of undefined -> nil; _Else -> fun(EditDoc, DiskDoc, Ctx, SecObj) -> couch_query_servers:validate_doc_update(DDoc, EditDoc, DiskDoc, Ctx, SecObj) end end. has_stubs(#doc{atts=Atts}) -> has_stubs(Atts); has_stubs([]) -> false; has_stubs([#att{data=stub}|_]) -> true; has_stubs([_Att|Rest]) -> has_stubs(Rest). merge_stubs(#doc{id=Id,atts=MemBins}=StubsDoc, #doc{atts=DiskBins}) -> BinDict = dict:from_list([{Name, Att} || #att{name=Name}=Att <- DiskBins]), MergedBins = lists:map( fun(#att{name=Name, data=stub, revpos=StubRevPos}) -> case dict:find(Name, BinDict) of {ok, #att{revpos=DiskRevPos}=DiskAtt} when DiskRevPos == StubRevPos orelse StubRevPos == nil -> DiskAtt; _ -> throw({missing_stub, <<"Invalid attachment stub in ", Id/binary, " for ", Name/binary>>}) end; (Att) -> Att end, MemBins), StubsDoc#doc{atts= MergedBins}. fold_streamed_data(_RcvFun, 0, _Fun, Acc) -> Acc; fold_streamed_data(RcvFun, LenLeft, Fun, Acc) when LenLeft > 0-> Bin = RcvFun(), ResultAcc = Fun(Bin, Acc), fold_streamed_data(RcvFun, LenLeft - size(Bin), Fun, ResultAcc). len_doc_to_multi_part_stream(Boundary, JsonBytes, Atts, SendEncodedAtts) -> AttsSize = lists:foldl(fun(#att{data=Data} = Att, AccAttsSize) -> case Data of stub -> AccAttsSize; _ -> AccAttsSize + 4 + % "\r\n\r\n" case SendEncodedAtts of true -> Att#att.att_len; _ -> Att#att.disk_len end + 4 + % "\r\n--" size(Boundary) end end, 0, Atts), if AttsSize == 0 -> {<<"application/json">>, iolist_size(JsonBytes)}; true -> {<<"multipart/related; boundary=\"", Boundary/binary, "\"">>, 2 + % "--" size(Boundary) + 36 + % "\r\ncontent-type: application/json\r\n\r\n" iolist_size(JsonBytes) + 4 + % "\r\n--" size(Boundary) + + AttsSize + 2 % "--" } end. doc_to_multi_part_stream(Boundary, JsonBytes, Atts, WriteFun, SendEncodedAtts) -> case lists:any(fun(#att{data=Data})-> Data /= stub end, Atts) of true -> WriteFun([<<"--", Boundary/binary, "\r\ncontent-type: application/json\r\n\r\n">>, JsonBytes, <<"\r\n--", Boundary/binary>>]), atts_to_mp(Atts, Boundary, WriteFun, SendEncodedAtts); false -> WriteFun(JsonBytes) end. atts_to_mp([], _Boundary, WriteFun, _SendEncAtts) -> WriteFun(<<"--">>); atts_to_mp([#att{data=stub} | RestAtts], Boundary, WriteFun, SendEncodedAtts) -> atts_to_mp(RestAtts, Boundary, WriteFun, SendEncodedAtts); atts_to_mp([Att | RestAtts], Boundary, WriteFun, SendEncodedAtts) -> WriteFun(<<"\r\n\r\n">>), AttFun = case SendEncodedAtts of false -> fun att_foldl_decode/3; true -> fun att_foldl/3 end, AttFun(Att, fun(Data, _) -> WriteFun(Data) end, ok), WriteFun(<<"\r\n--", Boundary/binary>>), atts_to_mp(RestAtts, Boundary, WriteFun, SendEncodedAtts). doc_from_multi_part_stream(ContentType, DataFun) -> Parent = self(), Parser = spawn_link(fun() -> {<<"--">>, _, _} = couch_httpd:parse_multipart_request( ContentType, DataFun, fun(Next) -> mp_parse_doc(Next, []) end), unlink(Parent), Parent ! {self(), finished} end), Parser ! {get_doc_bytes, self()}, receive {doc_bytes, DocBytes} -> Doc = from_json_obj(?JSON_DECODE(DocBytes)), % we'll send the Parser process ID to the remote nodes so they can % retrieve their own copies of the attachment data Atts2 = lists:map( fun(#att{data=follows}=A) -> A#att{data={follows, Parser}}; (A) -> A end, Doc#doc.atts), WaitFun = fun() -> receive {Parser, finished} -> ok end, erlang:put(mochiweb_request_recv, true) end, {ok, Doc#doc{atts=Atts2}, WaitFun} end. mp_parse_doc({headers, H}, []) -> case couch_util:get_value("content-type", H) of {"application/json", _} -> fun (Next) -> mp_parse_doc(Next, []) end end; mp_parse_doc({body, Bytes}, AccBytes) -> fun (Next) -> mp_parse_doc(Next, [Bytes | AccBytes]) end; mp_parse_doc(body_end, AccBytes) -> receive {get_doc_bytes, From} -> From ! {doc_bytes, lists:reverse(AccBytes)} end, fun (Next) -> mp_parse_atts(Next, {[], 0, orddict:new(), []}) end. mp_parse_atts({headers, _}, Acc) -> fun(Next) -> mp_parse_atts(Next, Acc) end; mp_parse_atts(body_end, Acc) -> fun(Next) -> mp_parse_atts(Next, Acc) end; mp_parse_atts({body, Bytes}, {DataList, Offset, Counters, Waiting}) -> NewAcc = maybe_send_data({DataList++[Bytes], Offset, Counters, Waiting}), fun(Next) -> mp_parse_atts(Next, NewAcc) end; mp_parse_atts(eof, {DataList, Offset, Counters, Waiting}) -> N = list_to_integer(couch_config:get("cluster", "n", "3")), M = length(Counters), case (M == N) andalso DataList == [] of true -> ok; false -> receive {get_bytes, From} -> C2 = orddict:update_counter(From, 1, Counters), NewAcc = maybe_send_data({DataList, Offset, C2, [From|Waiting]}), mp_parse_atts(eof, NewAcc) after 3600000 -> ok end end. maybe_send_data({ChunkList, Offset, Counters, Waiting}) -> receive {get_bytes, From} -> NewCounters = orddict:update_counter(From, 1, Counters), maybe_send_data({ChunkList, Offset, NewCounters, [From|Waiting]}) after 0 -> % reply to as many writers as possible NewWaiting = lists:filter(fun(Writer) -> WhichChunk = orddict:fetch(Writer, Counters), ListIndex = WhichChunk - Offset, if ListIndex =< length(ChunkList) -> Writer ! {bytes, lists:nth(ListIndex, ChunkList)}, false; true -> true end end, Waiting), % check if we can drop a chunk from the head of the list case Counters of [] -> SmallestIndex = 0; _ -> SmallestIndex = lists:min(element(2, lists:unzip(Counters))) end, Size = length(Counters), N = list_to_integer(couch_config:get("cluster", "n", "3")), if Size == N andalso SmallestIndex == (Offset+1) -> NewChunkList = tl(ChunkList), NewOffset = Offset+1; true -> NewChunkList = ChunkList, NewOffset = Offset end, % we should wait for a writer if no one has written the last chunk LargestIndex = lists:max([0|element(2, lists:unzip(Counters))]), if LargestIndex >= (Offset + length(ChunkList)) -> % someone has written all possible chunks, keep moving {NewChunkList, NewOffset, Counters, NewWaiting}; true -> receive {get_bytes, X} -> C2 = orddict:update_counter(X, 1, Counters), maybe_send_data({NewChunkList, NewOffset, C2, [X|NewWaiting]}) end end end.