Apache CouchDB THANKS ===================== Apache CouchDB was originally developed by Damien Katz <damien_katz@yahoo.com> and a number of other contributors. Many people further contributed to Apache CouchDB by reporting problems, suggesting various improvements or submitting changes. A list of these people is included below. * Chris Anderson <jchris@grabb.it> * William Beh <willbeh@gmail.com> * Yoan Blanc <yoan.blanc@gmail.com> * Benoit Chesneau <bchesneau@gmail.com> * Paul Joseph Davis <paul.joseph.davis@gmail.com> * Till Klampaeckel <till@klampaeckel.de> * Roger Leigh <rleigh@debian.org> * Jim Lindley <web@jimlindley.com> * Sam Ruby <rubys@intertwingly.net> * Dirk Schalge <dirk@epd-me.net> * Carlos Valiente <superdupont@gmail.com> For a list of authors see the `AUTHORS` file.