Apache CouchDB News =================== Version 0.7.3a1 -------------- * Changed core licensing to the Apache License 2.0. * Improved handling of ICU shared libraries. * Apache CouchDB can automatically respawn following a server crash. * Apache CouchDB no longer refuses to start with a stale PID file. * System logrotate configuration provided. * Miscellaneous improvements to the `couchdb' command. Version 0.7.2 ------------- * Small changes to build process and couchdb command. * CouchDB's official port is now 5984 TCP/UDP instead of 8888. Version 0.7.1 ------------- * Small compatibility issue with Firefox 3 fixed. Version 0.7.0 ------------- * CouchDB has been rewritten to use the GNU build system for portability. * The built-in database browsing tool has been rewritten to provide a much nicer interface for interacting directly with CouchDB from your web browser. * XML and Fabric have been replaced with JSON and JavaScript for data transport and View definitions. Version 0.6.0 ------------- * A replication facility is now available. * CouchPeek can now create, delete and view documents. * Building from source is easier and less error prone. Version 0.5.0 ------------- * A built-in CouchPeek utility. * A full install kit buildable from a single command. * A new GNU/Linux version is available. An OS X version is coming soon. Version 0.4.0 ------------- * Non-existant variables are now nil lists. * Couch error codes and messages are no longer sent in the HTTP fields, instead they are exclusively returned in the XML body. This is to avoid HTTP header parsing problems with oddly formed error messages. * Returned error messages are now logged at the server at the `info' level to make general debugging easier. * Fixed a problem where big table builds caused timesout errors. * Lots of changes in the low level machinery. Most formulas will continue to function the same. * Added full compiler support for extended characters in formula source. * Support for Perl/Ruby like regular expressions. * Added `total_rows' and `result_start' attributes to tables. Version 0.3.0 ------------- * CouchDB now fully supports Unicode and locale specific collation via the ICU library, both in the Fabric engine and computed tables. * The `in' operator has been added to Fabric. * The `startdoc' query string variable specifies the starting document to use if there are multiple rows with identical startkeys. * The `skip' query string variable specifies the number of rows to skip before returning results. The `skip' value must be a positive integer. If used with a `count' variable the skipped rows aren't counted as output. * Various changes to the output XML format.