Installing on Microsoft Windows =============================== Windows ~~~~~~~ The Windows build process is very similar to the Erlang build process. Build Tools ^^^^^^^^^^^ To build on Windows, you will need the following installed: * Erlang OTP (>=R12B5) ( * ICU ( * OpenSSL ( * Mozilla SpiderMonkey (=1.8) ( * libcurl ( * Cygwin ( * Visual Studio 2008 ( Please note: * When installing Erlang, you must build it from source. The CouchDB build makes use of a number of the Erlang build scripts. * When installing ICU, select the binaries built with Visual Studio 2008. * When installing Cygwin, be sure to select all the `development` tools. * When installing libcurl, be sure to install by hand as the Cygwin binaries are built with an incompatible compiler and will not work with Erlang. Setting Up ^^^^^^^^^^ Before starting any Cygwin terminals, run the following command: set CYGWIN=nontsec To set up your environment, run the following command: [VS_BIN]/vcvars32.bat Replace [VS_BIN] with the path to your Visual Studio `bin` directory. After you have done this, `link.exe` and `cl.exe` should be on your path and correspond to the Microsoft linker and compiler, respectively. To set up your environment, run the following command: eval `./otp_build env_win32` Do this even if you have already built Erlang because the CouchDB build system needs the environment variables set up by this script. To set up your path, run the following command: export PATH=$ERL_TOP/release/win32/erts-5.7.2/bin:$PATH Everything should be set up properly now. Building ^^^^^^^^ We start by bootstrapping: $ cd $COUCHDB_TOP $ ./bootstrap You have bootstrapped Apache CouchDB, time to relax. Run `./configure' to configure the source before you install. $ Relax. Now we need to run a complicated configure command-line. $ ./configure \ --with-js-include=/cygdrive/c/path_to_seamonkey_include \ --with-js-lib=/cygdrive/c/path_to_seamonkey_lib \ --with-win32-icu-binaries=/cygdrive/c/path_to_icu_binaries_root \ --with-erlang=$ERL_TOP/release/win32/usr/include \ --with-win32-curl=/cygdrive/c/path/to/curl/root/directory \ --with-openssl-bin-dir=/cygdrive/c/openssl/bin \ --with-msvc-redist-dir=/cygdrive/c/dir/with/vcredist_platform_executable \ --prefix=$ERL_TOP/release/win32 Relax, then relax some more, then get a beer and relax some more; the above command may take many many minutes to complete... Note that all paths must be in cygwin format (ie, using '/cygdrive/c/dir/...' rather than 'c:/dir'.) Those starting with $ERL_TOP can be entered literally, assuming ERL_TOP is set as described above. Notes: When building the installer, the necessary openssl binaries are pulled from the directory pointed to --with-openssl-bin-dir. Now we can build it and "install" it into the $ERL_TOP/release/win32 (or wherever you set --prefix to above) directory: $ make install Relax on your new couch: The $ERL_TOP/release/win32 directory is now ready to .zip up, be packaged by an installer, etc. To test it in-place, execute: $ $ERL_TOP/release/win32/bin/couchdb.bat and everything should work fine. To create an installer, execute: $ make dist and look for etc/windows/setup-couch*.exe. Note - only do this after a clean build, not after testing in-place - otherwise your test database and log files will be shipped! Notes ^^^^^ Building Erlang +++++++++++++++ * Follow the instructions as described. You do need openssl, but don't need the GUI tools. You can skip them with the following command: echo "skipping gs" > lib/gs/SKIP echo "skipping ic" > lib/ic/SKIP * Ensure `which link` points at the Microsoft linker. If you do not do this, the one in /usr/bin may be found instead. * After executing `./otp_build release -a`, be sure to execute Install.exe in the release/win32 directory to setup the release/win32/bin dir correctly.