Building From Checkout ====================== You only need to follow these instructions if you are building from a direct repository checkout. If you are installing CouchDB from a tarball you can skip to the installation section in the `README` file. You will need the following installed: * GNU Automake (>=1.6.3) ( * GNU Autoconf (>=2.59) ( * GNU Libtool ( * GNU help2man ( The `help2man` tool is optional, but will generate `man` pages for you. Debian-based (inc. Ubuntu) Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can install the dependencies by running: apt-get install automake autoconf libtool help2man Be sure to update the version numbers to match your system's available packages. Mac OS X ~~~~~~~~ You can install the dependencies by running: port install automake autoconf libtool help2man You will need MacPorts installed to use the `port` command. Bootstrapping ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bootstrap the pristine source by running: ./bootstrap You must repeat this step every time you update your checkout.