path: root/src/partitions.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/partitions.erl')
1 files changed, 217 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/partitions.erl b/src/partitions.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ade8efe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/partitions.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+%% API
+-export([fullmap/2, fullmap/3, hash/1, install_fullmap/4]).
+-export([for_key/2, all_parts/1]).
+-define(RINGTOP, trunc(math:pow(2,160))). % SHA-1 space
+%% API
+%% @doc build a full partition map
+fullmap(DbName, Options) ->
+ {ok, FullNodes} = mem3:fullnodes(),
+ {_, Nodes, _} = lists:unzip3(lists:keysort(1, FullNodes)),
+ fullmap(DbName, Nodes, Options).
+fullmap(DbName, Nodes, Options) ->
+ {N,Q} = db_init_constants(Options),
+ NewNodes = ordered_nodes(DbName, Nodes),
+ Pmap = pmap(Q, NewNodes),
+ int_fullmap(DbName, N, Pmap, NewNodes).
+%% @spec hash(term()) -> Digest::binary()
+%% @doc uses SHA-1 as its hash
+hash(Item) when is_binary(Item) ->
+ crypto:sha(Item);
+hash(Item) ->
+ crypto:sha(term_to_binary(Item)).
+install_fullmap(DbName, Fullmap, FullNodes, Options) ->
+ {N,Q} = db_init_constants(Options),
+ Doc = {[{<<"_id">>,DbName},
+ {map, jsonify(map, Fullmap)},
+ {nodes, jsonify(nodes, FullNodes)},
+ {n,N},
+ {q,Q}]},
+ write_db_doc(Doc).
+for_key(DbName, Key) ->
+ HashKey = hash_int(hash(Key)),
+ Head = #shard{
+ name = '_',
+ node = '_',
+ dbname = DbName,
+ range = ['$1','$2'],
+ ref = '_'
+ },
+ Conditions = [{'<', '$1', HashKey}, {'<', HashKey, '$2'}],
+ case ets:select(partitions, [{Head, Conditions, ['$_']}]) of
+ [] ->
+ erlang:error(database_does_not_exist);
+ Shards ->
+ Shards
+ end.
+all_parts(DbName) ->
+ ets:lookup(partitions, DbName).
+% %% @doc for the given key, return a list of {Node,Part} tuples. Nodes are both
+% %% primary and replication partner nodes, and should number N.
+% int_node_parts_for_key(Key) ->
+% Config = configuration:get_config(),
+% Hash = lib_misc:hash(Key),
+% Part = partitions:hash_to_partition(Hash, Config#config.q),
+% NodePartList = all_nodes_parts(true),
+% lists:filter(fun({_N,P}) -> P =:= Part end, NodePartList).
+%% Internal functions
+%% @doc get cluster constants from options or config
+db_init_constants(Options) ->
+ {const(n, Options), const(q, Options)}.
+%% @doc get individual constant
+const(Const, Options) ->
+ ListResult = case couch_util:get_value(Const, Options) of
+ undefined -> couch_config:get("cluster", atom_to_list(Const));
+ Val -> Val
+ end,
+ list_to_integer(ListResult).
+%% @doc hash the dbname, and return the corresponding node for seeding a ring
+seednode(DbName, Nodes) ->
+ Hash = hash(DbName),
+ HashInt = hash_int(Hash),
+ Size = partition_range(length(Nodes)),
+ Factor = (HashInt div Size),
+ lists:nth(Factor+1, Nodes).
+%% @doc take the list of nodes, and rearrange it, starting with the node that
+%% results from hashing the Term
+ordered_nodes(Term, Nodes) ->
+ SeedNode = seednode(Term, Nodes),
+ {A, B} = lists:splitwith(fun(N) -> N /= SeedNode end, Nodes),
+ lists:append(B,A).
+%% @doc create a partition map
+pmap(NumPartitions, Nodes) ->
+ Increment = ?RINGTOP div NumPartitions,
+ Parts = parts(?RINGTOP, Increment, 0, []),
+ make_map(Nodes, Nodes, Parts, []).
+%% @doc makes a {beg, end} list of partition ranges
+%% last range may have an extra few values, because Increment is created
+%% with Ringtop 'div' NumPartitions above.
+parts(Top, _, Beg, Acc) when Beg > Top -> Acc;
+parts(Top, Increment, Beg, Acc) ->
+ End = case Beg + 2*Increment of
+ Over when Over > Top -> Top;
+ _ -> Beg + Increment - 1
+ end,
+ NewAcc = [{Beg, End} | Acc],
+ parts(Top, Increment, End+1, NewAcc).
+%% @doc create a full map, which is a pmap with N-1 replication partner nodes
+%% added per partition
+int_fullmap(DbName, N, Pmap, Nodes) ->
+ Full = lists:foldl(fun({Node,{B,E} = Part}, AccIn) ->
+ Primary = [#shard{dbname=DbName, node=Node, range=[B,E],
+ name=shard_name(B,DbName)}],
+ Partners = partners(DbName, N, Node, Nodes, Part),
+ lists:append([Primary, Partners, AccIn])
+ end, [], Pmap),
+ lists:reverse(Full).
+partners(DbName, N, Node, Nodes, {Beg,End}) ->
+ {A, [Node|B]} = lists:splitwith(fun(Nd) -> Nd /= Node end, Nodes),
+ Nodes1 = lists:append(B,A),
+ Partners = lists:sublist(Nodes1, N-1), % N-1 replication partner nodes
+ lists:map(fun(Partner) ->
+ #shard{dbname=DbName, node=Partner, range=[Beg,End],
+ name=shard_name(Beg,DbName)}
+ end, Partners).
+%% @doc turn hash into an integer
+hash_int(Hash) when is_binary(Hash) ->
+ <<IndexAsInt:160/integer>> = Hash,
+ IndexAsInt;
+hash_int(Hash) when is_integer(Hash) ->
+ Hash.
+%% @doc size of one partition in the ring
+partition_range(Q) ->
+ trunc( ?RINGTOP / Q ). % SHA-1 space / Q
+%% @doc assign nodes to each of the partitions. When you run out of nodes,
+%% start at the beginning of the node list again.
+%% The provided node list starts with the seed node (seednode fun)
+make_map(_,_,[], Acc) ->
+ lists:keysort(2,Acc);
+make_map(AllNodes, [], Parts, Acc) ->
+ % start back at beginning of node list
+ make_map(AllNodes, AllNodes, Parts, Acc);
+make_map(AllNodes, [Node|RestNodes], [Part|RestParts], Acc) ->
+ % add a node/part combo to the Acc
+ make_map(AllNodes, RestNodes, RestParts, [{Node,Part}|Acc]).
+jsonify(map, Map) ->
+ lists:map(fun(#shard{node=Node, range=[Beg,End]}) ->
+ {[{node, Node}, {b, Beg}, {e, End}]}
+ end, Map);
+jsonify(nodes, Nodes) ->
+ lists:map(fun({Order, Node, Options}) ->
+ {[{order, Order}, {node, Node}, {options, Options}]}
+ end, Nodes).
+write_db_doc(EDoc) ->
+ Doc = couch_doc:from_json_obj(EDoc),
+ {ok, Db} = couch_db:open(<<"dbs">>, []),
+ {ok, NewRev} = couch_db:update_doc(Db, Doc, []),
+ NewRev.
+shard_name(Part, DbName) when is_list(DbName) ->
+ shard_name(Part, ?l2b(DbName));
+shard_name(Part, DbName) ->
+ PartHex = ?l2b(showroom_utils:int_to_hexstr(Part)),
+ <<"x", PartHex/binary, "/", DbName/binary, "_", PartHex/binary>>.
+% %% @doc given an int and a partition map from ets cache table,
+% %% get the first part greater than Int.
+% int_to_nps(_, [], _, Acc) -> Acc;
+% int_to_nps(Int, [{_,{N,P}} | Rest], CurrentPart, NPAcc) ->
+% case P > Int of
+% true ->
+% case P =/= CurrentPart of
+% true -> NPAcc;
+% _ ->
+% NewAcc = [{N,P}|NPAcc],
+% int_to_nps(Int, Rest, P, NewAcc)
+% end;
+% _ -> int_to_nps(Int, Rest, P, NPAcc)
+% end.
+% % get parts
+% {_,NPs} = lists:unzip(Map),
+% {_,AllParts} = lists:unzip(NPs),
+% Parts = lists:usort(AllParts),
+% % lookup part
+% Rem = lists:dropwhile(fun(E) -> E < Int end, Parts),
+% Part = case Rem of
+% [] -> 0; % wrap-around-ring case (back to 0)
+% [H|_T] -> H
+% end,
+% % get nodes/parts
+% ok.