path: root/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_headers.erl
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 251 deletions
diff --git a/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_headers.erl b/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_headers.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index d90fd679..00000000
--- a/src/mochiweb/mochiweb_headers.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-%% @author Bob Ippolito <>
-%% @copyright 2007 Mochi Media, Inc.
-%% @doc Case preserving (but case insensitive) HTTP Header dictionary.
--export([empty/0, from_list/1, insert/3, enter/3, get_value/2, lookup/2]).
--export([delete_any/2, get_primary_value/2]).
--export([default/3, enter_from_list/2, default_from_list/2]).
--export([to_list/1, make/1]).
-%% @type headers().
-%% @type key() = atom() | binary() | string().
-%% @type value() = atom() | binary() | string() | integer().
-%% @spec test() -> ok
-%% @doc Run tests for this module.
-test() ->
- H = ?MODULE:make([{hdr, foo}, {"Hdr", "bar"}, {'Hdr', 2}]),
- [{hdr, "foo, bar, 2"}] = ?MODULE:to_list(H),
- H1 = ?MODULE:insert(taco, grande, H),
- [{hdr, "foo, bar, 2"}, {taco, "grande"}] = ?MODULE:to_list(H1),
- H2 = ?MODULE:make([{"Set-Cookie", "foo"}]),
- [{"Set-Cookie", "foo"}] = ?MODULE:to_list(H2),
- H3 = ?MODULE:insert("Set-Cookie", "bar", H2),
- [{"Set-Cookie", "foo"}, {"Set-Cookie", "bar"}] = ?MODULE:to_list(H3),
- "foo, bar" = ?MODULE:get_value("set-cookie", H3),
- {value, {"Set-Cookie", "foo, bar"}} = ?MODULE:lookup("set-cookie", H3),
- undefined = ?MODULE:get_value("shibby", H3),
- none = ?MODULE:lookup("shibby", H3),
- H4 = ?MODULE:insert("content-type",
- "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf8",
- H3),
- "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" = ?MODULE:get_primary_value(
- "content-type", H4),
- H4 = ?MODULE:delete_any("nonexistent-header", H4),
- H3 = ?MODULE:delete_any("content-type", H4),
- HB = <<"Content-Length: 47\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n">>,
- H_HB = ?MODULE:from_binary(HB),
- H_HB = ?MODULE:from_binary(binary_to_list(HB)),
- "47" = ?MODULE:get_value("Content-Length", H_HB),
- "text/plain" = ?MODULE:get_value("Content-Type", H_HB),
- L_H_HB = ?MODULE:to_list(H_HB),
- 2 = length(L_H_HB),
- true = lists:member({'Content-Length', "47"}, L_H_HB),
- true = lists:member({'Content-Type', "text/plain"}, L_H_HB),
- HL = [ <<"Content-Length: 47\r\n">>, <<"Content-Type: text/plain\r\n">> ],
- HL2 = [ "Content-Length: 47\r\n", <<"Content-Type: text/plain\r\n">> ],
- HL3 = [ <<"Content-Length: 47\r\n">>, "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" ],
- H_HL = ?MODULE:from_binary(HL),
- H_HL = ?MODULE:from_binary(HL2),
- H_HL = ?MODULE:from_binary(HL3),
- "47" = ?MODULE:get_value("Content-Length", H_HL),
- "text/plain" = ?MODULE:get_value("Content-Type", H_HL),
- L_H_HL = ?MODULE:to_list(H_HL),
- 2 = length(L_H_HL),
- true = lists:member({'Content-Length', "47"}, L_H_HL),
- true = lists:member({'Content-Type', "text/plain"}, L_H_HL),
- [] = ?MODULE:to_list(?MODULE:from_binary(<<>>)),
- [] = ?MODULE:to_list(?MODULE:from_binary(<<"">>)),
- [] = ?MODULE:to_list(?MODULE:from_binary(<<"\r\n">>)),
- [] = ?MODULE:to_list(?MODULE:from_binary(<<"\r\n\r\n">>)),
- [] = ?MODULE:to_list(?MODULE:from_binary("")),
- [] = ?MODULE:to_list(?MODULE:from_binary([<<>>])),
- [] = ?MODULE:to_list(?MODULE:from_binary([<<"">>])),
- [] = ?MODULE:to_list(?MODULE:from_binary([<<"\r\n">>])),
- [] = ?MODULE:to_list(?MODULE:from_binary([<<"\r\n\r\n">>])),
- ok.
-%% @spec empty() -> headers()
-%% @doc Create an empty headers structure.
-empty() ->
- gb_trees:empty().
-%% @spec make(headers() | [{key(), value()}]) -> headers()
-%% @doc Construct a headers() from the given list.
-make(L) when is_list(L) ->
- from_list(L);
-%% assume a tuple is already mochiweb_headers.
-make(T) when is_tuple(T) ->
- T.
-%% @spec from_binary(RawHttpHeader()) -> headers()
-%% @type RawHttpHeader() -> string() | binary() | [ string() | binary() ]
-%% @doc Transforms a raw HTTP header into a mochiweb headers structure.
-%% The given raw HTTP header can be one of the following:
-%% 1) A string or a binary representing a full HTTP header ending with
-%% double CRLF.
-%% Examples:
-%% "Content-Length: 47\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"
-%% <<"Content-Length: 47\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n">>
-%% 2) A list of binaries or strings where each element represents a raw
-%% HTTP header line ending with a single CRLF.
-%% Examples:
-%% [ <<"Content-Length: 47\r\n">>, <<"Content-Type: text/plain\r\n">> ]
-%% [ "Content-Length: 47\r\n", "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" ]
-%% [ "Content-Length: 47\r\n", <<"Content-Type: text/plain\r\n">> ]
-from_binary(RawHttpHeader) when is_binary(RawHttpHeader) ->
- from_binary(RawHttpHeader, []);
-from_binary(RawHttpHeaderList) ->
- from_binary(list_to_binary([RawHttpHeaderList, "\r\n"])).
-from_binary(RawHttpHeader, Acc) ->
- case erlang:decode_packet(httph, RawHttpHeader, []) of
- { ok, {http_header, _, H, _, V}, Rest } ->
- from_binary(Rest, [{H, V} | Acc]);
- _ ->
- make(Acc)
- end.
-%% @spec from_list([{key(), value()}]) -> headers()
-%% @doc Construct a headers() from the given list.
-from_list(List) ->
- lists:foldl(fun ({K, V}, T) -> insert(K, V, T) end, empty(), List).
-%% @spec enter_from_list([{key(), value()}], headers()) -> headers()
-%% @doc Insert pairs into the headers, replace any values for existing keys.
-enter_from_list(List, T) ->
- lists:foldl(fun ({K, V}, T1) -> enter(K, V, T1) end, T, List).
-%% @spec default_from_list([{key(), value()}], headers()) -> headers()
-%% @doc Insert pairs into the headers for keys that do not already exist.
-default_from_list(List, T) ->
- lists:foldl(fun ({K, V}, T1) -> default(K, V, T1) end, T, List).
-%% @spec to_list(headers()) -> [{key(), string()}]
-%% @doc Return the contents of the headers. The keys will be the exact key
-%% that was first inserted (e.g. may be an atom or binary, case is
-%% preserved).
-to_list(T) ->
- F = fun ({K, {array, L}}, Acc) ->
- L1 = lists:reverse(L),
- lists:foldl(fun (V, Acc1) -> [{K, V} | Acc1] end, Acc, L1);
- (Pair, Acc) ->
- [Pair | Acc]
- end,
- lists:reverse(lists:foldl(F, [], gb_trees:values(T))).
-%% @spec get_value(key(), headers()) -> string() | undefined
-%% @doc Return the value of the given header using a case insensitive search.
-%% undefined will be returned for keys that are not present.
-get_value(K, T) ->
- case lookup(K, T) of
- {value, {_, V}} ->
- expand(V);
- none ->
- undefined
- end.
-%% @spec get_primary_value(key(), headers()) -> string() | undefined
-%% @doc Return the value of the given header up to the first semicolon using
-%% a case insensitive search. undefined will be returned for keys
-%% that are not present.
-get_primary_value(K, T) ->
- case get_value(K, T) of
- undefined ->
- undefined;
- V ->
- lists:takewhile(fun (C) -> C =/= $; end, V)
- end.
-%% @spec lookup(key(), headers()) -> {value, {key(), string()}} | none
-%% @doc Return the case preserved key and value for the given header using
-%% a case insensitive search. none will be returned for keys that are
-%% not present.
-lookup(K, T) ->
- case gb_trees:lookup(normalize(K), T) of
- {value, {K0, V}} ->
- {value, {K0, expand(V)}};
- none ->
- none
- end.
-%% @spec default(key(), value(), headers()) -> headers()
-%% @doc Insert the pair into the headers if it does not already exist.
-default(K, V, T) ->
- K1 = normalize(K),
- V1 = any_to_list(V),
- try gb_trees:insert(K1, {K, V1}, T)
- catch
- error:{key_exists, _} ->
- T
- end.
-%% @spec enter(key(), value(), headers()) -> headers()
-%% @doc Insert the pair into the headers, replacing any pre-existing key.
-enter(K, V, T) ->
- K1 = normalize(K),
- V1 = any_to_list(V),
- gb_trees:enter(K1, {K, V1}, T).
-%% @spec insert(key(), value(), headers()) -> headers()
-%% @doc Insert the pair into the headers, merging with any pre-existing key.
-%% A merge is done with Value = V0 ++ ", " ++ V1.
-insert(K, V, T) ->
- K1 = normalize(K),
- V1 = any_to_list(V),
- try gb_trees:insert(K1, {K, V1}, T)
- catch
- error:{key_exists, _} ->
- {K0, V0} = gb_trees:get(K1, T),
- V2 = merge(K1, V1, V0),
- gb_trees:update(K1, {K0, V2}, T)
- end.
-%% @spec delete_any(key(), headers()) -> headers()
-%% @doc Delete the header corresponding to key if it is present.
-delete_any(K, T) ->
- K1 = normalize(K),
- gb_trees:delete_any(K1, T).
-%% Internal API
-expand({array, L}) ->
- mochiweb_util:join(lists:reverse(L), ", ");
-expand(V) ->
- V.
-merge("set-cookie", V1, {array, L}) ->
- {array, [V1 | L]};
-merge("set-cookie", V1, V0) ->
- {array, [V1, V0]};
-merge(_, V1, V0) ->
- V0 ++ ", " ++ V1.
-normalize(K) when is_list(K) ->
- string:to_lower(K);
-normalize(K) when is_atom(K) ->
- normalize(atom_to_list(K));
-normalize(K) when is_binary(K) ->
- normalize(binary_to_list(K)).
-any_to_list(V) when is_list(V) ->
- V;
-any_to_list(V) when is_atom(V) ->
- atom_to_list(V);
-any_to_list(V) when is_binary(V) ->
- binary_to_list(V);
-any_to_list(V) when is_integer(V) ->
- integer_to_list(V).