path: root/src/mem_utils.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mem_utils.erl')
1 files changed, 129 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mem_utils.erl b/src/mem_utils.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ffefd5cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mem_utils.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+-export([fix_mappings/3, get_remote_fullmap/1, join_type/3, pmap_from_full/1,
+ nodeparts_up/1, remove_partition/3, use_persistent/2,
+ was_i_nodedown/2]).
+join_type(Node, Fullmap, Options) ->
+ case proplists:get_value(replace, Options) of
+ undefined ->
+ case lists:filter(fun({N,_P,_T}) -> N =:= Node end, Fullmap) of
+ [] -> new;
+ _ -> rejoin
+ end;
+ OldNode when is_atom(OldNode) ->
+ % not a particularly strong guard, but will have to do
+ {replace, OldNode};
+ _ -> new
+ end.
+%% @doc return a {PMap, Fullmap} tuple that has corrections for
+%% down, rejoining, or replacing Node
+fix_mappings(nodedown, Node, OldFullmap) ->
+ fix_mappings_fold(fun({N,P,T}, AccIn) ->
+ case {N,T} of
+ {Node, {nodedown, Type}} ->
+ % already marked as nodedown, so leave it
+ [{N,P, {nodedown, Type}} | AccIn];
+ {Node, _} ->
+ % mark it as nodedown
+ [{N,P, {nodedown, T}} | AccIn];
+ _ -> [{N,P,T} | AccIn]
+ end
+ end, [], OldFullmap);
+fix_mappings(rejoin, Node, OldFullmap) ->
+ fix_mappings_fold(fun({N,P,{nodedown,T}}, AccIn) when N =:= Node ->
+ [{N,P,T} | AccIn];
+ (NPT, AccIn) -> [NPT | AccIn]
+ end, [], OldFullmap);
+fix_mappings(replace, {OldNode, NewNode}, OldFullmap) ->
+ fix_mappings_fold(fun({N,P,T}, AccIn) ->
+ case {N, T} of
+ {OldNode, {nodedown,T1}} -> [{NewNode,P,T1} | AccIn];
+ {OldNode, _} -> [{NewNode,P,T} | AccIn];
+ _ -> [{N,P,T} | AccIn]
+ end
+ end, [], OldFullmap).
+fix_mappings_fold(Fun, Acc0, OldFullmap) ->
+ NewFullmap = lists:foldl(Fun, Acc0, OldFullmap),
+ NewPMap = pmap_from_full(NewFullmap),
+ {NewPMap, NewFullmap}.
+%% @doc create a PMap (primary nodes only) from provided Fullmap
+%% If a primary node is down, a partner will be supplied
+pmap_from_full(Fullmap) ->
+ NodePartList = nodeparts_up(Fullmap),
+ lists:keysort(2,lists:foldl(fun({N,P,T}, AccIn) ->
+ case T of
+ primary -> [{N,P} | AccIn];
+ {nodedown, primary} ->
+ NewNode = case lists:delete(N,
+ membership2:nodes_for_part(P, NodePartList)) of
+ [First|_] -> First;
+ [] -> N % wtf, are all partners down too?
+ end,
+ [{NewNode,P} | AccIn];
+ _ -> AccIn
+ end
+ end, [], Fullmap)).
+nodeparts_up(Fullmap) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun({_N,_P,{nodedown,_}}, AccIn) -> AccIn;
+ ({N,P,_T}, AccIn) -> [{N,P} | AccIn]
+ end, [], Fullmap).
+%% @doc if Node is in the Fullmap as {nodedown,_} return true
+was_i_nodedown(Node, Fullmap) ->
+ lists:member(yes, lists:map(fun({N,_P,{nodedown,_T}}) ->
+ case N of
+ Node -> yes;
+ _ -> no
+ end;
+ (_) -> no
+ end, Fullmap)).
+remove_partition(FullMap, Node, Partition) ->
+ case lists:filter(
+ fun({N,P,_Type}) -> N =:= Node andalso P =:= Partition end,
+ FullMap) of
+ [Elem|_] ->
+ lists:delete(Elem, FullMap);
+ Other ->
+ ?LOG_ERROR("~nNo partition to remove: ~p~n"
+ "Node: ~p~nPartition: ~p~n", [Other, Node, Partition]),
+ FullMap
+ end.
+use_persistent(_PartnersPlus, undefined) ->
+ false;
+use_persistent(PartnersPlus, _PersistentParts) ->
+ % get a fullmap from a partner
+ % this may need rework for network partitions, as you could get a bad
+ % fullmap from another node that was partitioned w/ this one :\
+ RemoteFullmap = get_remote_fullmap(PartnersPlus),
+ % return opposite of was_i_nodedown
+ not mem_utils:was_i_nodedown(node(), RemoteFullmap).
+get_remote_fullmap([]) ->
+ []; % no remote fullmap available, so return empty list
+get_remote_fullmap([Node|Rest]) ->
+ case gen_server:call({membership, Node}, fullmap) of
+ {ok, Fullmap} -> Fullmap;
+ _ -> get_remote_fullmap(Rest)
+ end.