path: root/src/ibrowse/ibrowse_http_client.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/ibrowse/ibrowse_http_client.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1821 deletions
diff --git a/src/ibrowse/ibrowse_http_client.erl b/src/ibrowse/ibrowse_http_client.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dce321c..00000000
--- a/src/ibrowse/ibrowse_http_client.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1821 +0,0 @@
-%%% File : ibrowse_http_client.erl
-%%% Author : Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
-%%% Description : The name says it all
-%%% Created : 11 Oct 2003 by Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi <>
-%% Include files
-%% External exports
- start_link/1,
- start/1,
- stop/1,
- send_req/7
- ]).
-%% gen_server callbacks
- init/1,
- handle_call/3,
- handle_cast/2,
- handle_info/2,
- terminate/2,
- code_change/3
- ]).
--record(state, {host, port, connect_timeout,
- inactivity_timer_ref,
- use_proxy = false, proxy_auth_digest,
- ssl_options = [], is_ssl = false, socket,
- proxy_tunnel_setup = false,
- tunnel_setup_queue = [],
- reqs=queue:new(), cur_req, status=idle, http_status_code,
- reply_buffer = <<>>, rep_buf_size=0, streamed_size = 0,
- recvd_headers=[],
- status_line, raw_headers,
- is_closing, send_timer, content_length,
- deleted_crlf = false, transfer_encoding,
- chunk_size, chunk_size_buffer = <<>>,
- recvd_chunk_size, interim_reply_sent = false,
- lb_ets_tid, cur_pipeline_size = 0, prev_req_id
- }).
--record(request, {url, method, options, from,
- stream_to, caller_controls_socket = false,
- caller_socket_options = [],
- req_id,
- stream_chunk_size,
- save_response_to_file = false,
- tmp_file_name, tmp_file_fd, preserve_chunked_encoding,
- response_format}).
--import(ibrowse_lib, [
- get_value/2,
- get_value/3,
- do_trace/2
- ]).
--define(DEFAULT_STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE, 1024*1024).
--define(dec2hex(X), erlang:integer_to_list(X, 16)).
-%% External functions
-%% Function: start_link/0
-%% Description: Starts the server
-start(Args) ->
- gen_server:start(?MODULE, Args, []).
-start_link(Args) ->
- gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, Args, []).
-stop(Conn_pid) ->
- case catch gen_server:call(Conn_pid, stop) of
- {'EXIT', {timeout, _}} ->
- exit(Conn_pid, kill),
- ok;
- _ ->
- ok
- end.
-send_req(Conn_Pid, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout) ->
- gen_server:call(
- Conn_Pid,
- {send_req, {Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout}}, Timeout).
-%% Server functions
-%% Function: init/1
-%% Description: Initiates the server
-%% Returns: {ok, State} |
-%% {ok, State, Timeout} |
-%% ignore |
-%% {stop, Reason}
-init({Lb_Tid, #url{host = Host, port = Port}, {SSLOptions, Is_ssl}}) ->
- State = #state{host = Host,
- port = Port,
- ssl_options = SSLOptions,
- is_ssl = Is_ssl,
- lb_ets_tid = Lb_Tid},
- put(ibrowse_trace_token, [Host, $:, integer_to_list(Port)]),
- put(my_trace_flag, ibrowse_lib:get_trace_status(Host, Port)),
- {ok, State};
-init(Url) when is_list(Url) ->
- case catch ibrowse_lib:parse_url(Url) of
- #url{protocol = Protocol} = Url_rec ->
- init({undefined, Url_rec, {[], Protocol == https}});
- {'EXIT', _} ->
- {error, invalid_url}
- end;
-init({Host, Port}) ->
- State = #state{host = Host,
- port = Port},
- put(ibrowse_trace_token, [Host, $:, integer_to_list(Port)]),
- put(my_trace_flag, ibrowse_lib:get_trace_status(Host, Port)),
- {ok, State}.
-%% Function: handle_call/3
-%% Description: Handling call messages
-%% Returns: {reply, Reply, State} |
-%% {reply, Reply, State, Timeout} |
-%% {noreply, State} |
-%% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
-%% {stop, Reason, Reply, State} | (terminate/2 is called)
-%% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called)
-%% Received a request when the remote server has already sent us a
-%% Connection: Close header
-handle_call({send_req, _}, _From, #state{is_closing = true} = State) ->
- {reply, {error, connection_closing}, State};
-handle_call({send_req, {Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout}},
- From, State) ->
- send_req_1(From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout, State);
-handle_call(stop, _From, State) ->
- do_close(State),
- do_error_reply(State, closing_on_request),
- {stop, normal, ok, State};
-handle_call(Request, _From, State) ->
- Reply = {unknown_request, Request},
- {reply, Reply, State}.
-%% Function: handle_cast/2
-%% Description: Handling cast messages
-%% Returns: {noreply, State} |
-%% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
-%% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called)
-handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
- {noreply, State}.
-%% Function: handle_info/2
-%% Description: Handling all non call/cast messages
-%% Returns: {noreply, State} |
-%% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
-%% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called)
-handle_info({tcp, _Sock, Data}, #state{status = Status} = State) ->
-%% io:format("Recvd data: ~p~n", [Data]),
- do_trace("Data recvd in state: ~p. Size: ~p. ~p~n~n", [Status, size(Data), Data]),
- handle_sock_data(Data, State);
-handle_info({ssl, _Sock, Data}, State) ->
- handle_sock_data(Data, State);
-handle_info({stream_next, Req_id}, #state{socket = Socket,
- cur_req = #request{req_id = Req_id}} = State) ->
- %% io:format("Client process set {active, once}~n", []),
- do_setopts(Socket, [{active, once}], State),
- {noreply, State};
-handle_info({stream_next, _Req_id}, State) ->
- _Cur_req_id = case State#state.cur_req of
- #request{req_id = Cur} ->
- Cur;
- _ ->
- undefined
- end,
-%% io:format("Ignoring stream_next as ~1000.p is not cur req (~1000.p)~n",
-%% [_Req_id, _Cur_req_id]),
- {noreply, State};
-handle_info({stream_close, _Req_id}, State) ->
- shutting_down(State),
- do_close(State),
- do_error_reply(State, closing_on_request),
- {stop, normal, State};
-handle_info({tcp_closed, _Sock}, State) ->
- do_trace("TCP connection closed by peer!~n", []),
- handle_sock_closed(State),
- {stop, normal, State};
-handle_info({ssl_closed, _Sock}, State) ->
- do_trace("SSL connection closed by peer!~n", []),
- handle_sock_closed(State),
- {stop, normal, State};
-handle_info({tcp_error, _Sock}, State) ->
- do_trace("Error on connection to ~1000.p:~1000.p~n", [, State#state.port]),
- handle_sock_closed(State),
- {stop, normal, State};
-handle_info({ssl_error, _Sock}, State) ->
- do_trace("Error on SSL connection to ~1000.p:~1000.p~n", [, State#state.port]),
- handle_sock_closed(State),
- {stop, normal, State};
-handle_info({req_timedout, From}, State) ->
- case lists:keymember(From, #request.from, queue:to_list(State#state.reqs)) of
- false ->
- {noreply, State};
- true ->
- shutting_down(State),
- do_error_reply(State, req_timedout),
- {stop, normal, State}
- end;
-handle_info(timeout, State) ->
- do_trace("Inactivity timeout triggered. Shutting down connection~n", []),
- shutting_down(State),
- do_error_reply(State, req_timedout),
- {stop, normal, State};
-handle_info({trace, Bool}, State) ->
- put(my_trace_flag, Bool),
- {noreply, State};
-handle_info(Info, State) ->
- io:format("Unknown message recvd for ~1000.p:~1000.p -> ~p~n",
- [, State#state.port, Info]),
- io:format("Recvd unknown message ~p when in state: ~p~n", [Info, State]),
- {noreply, State}.
-%% Function: terminate/2
-%% Description: Shutdown the server
-%% Returns: any (ignored by gen_server)
-terminate(_Reason, State) ->
- do_close(State),
- ok.
-%% Func: code_change/3
-%% Purpose: Convert process state when code is changed
-%% Returns: {ok, NewState}
-code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
- {ok, State}.
-%%% Internal functions
-%% Handles data recvd on the socket
-handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status=idle}=State) ->
- do_trace("Data recvd on socket in state idle!. ~1000.p~n", [Data]),
- shutting_down(State),
- do_error_reply(State, data_in_status_idle),
- do_close(State),
- {stop, normal, State};
-handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status = get_header}=State) ->
- case parse_response(Data, State) of
- {error, _Reason} ->
- shutting_down(State),
- {stop, normal, State};
- #state{socket = Socket, status = Status, cur_req = CurReq} = State_1 ->
- case {Status, CurReq} of
- {get_header, #request{caller_controls_socket = true}} ->
- do_setopts(Socket, [{active, once}], State_1);
- _ ->
- active_once(State_1)
- end,
- {noreply, set_inac_timer(State_1)}
- end;
-handle_sock_data(Data, #state{status = get_body,
- socket = Socket,
- content_length = CL,
- http_status_code = StatCode,
- recvd_headers = Headers,
- chunk_size = CSz} = State) ->
- case (CL == undefined) and (CSz == undefined) of
- true ->
- case accumulate_response(Data, State) of
- {error, Reason} ->
- shutting_down(State),
- fail_pipelined_requests(State,
- {error, {Reason, {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers}}),
- {stop, normal, State};
- State_1 ->
- active_once(State_1),
- State_2 = set_inac_timer(State_1),
- {noreply, State_2}
- end;
- _ ->
- case parse_11_response(Data, State) of
- {error, Reason} ->
- shutting_down(State),
- fail_pipelined_requests(State,
- {error, {Reason, {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers}}),
- {stop, normal, State};
- #state{cur_req = #request{caller_controls_socket = Ccs},
- interim_reply_sent = Irs} = State_1 ->
- case Irs of
- true ->
- active_once(State_1);
- false when Ccs == true ->
- do_setopts(Socket, [{active, once}], State);
- false ->
- active_once(State_1)
- end,
- State_2 = State_1#state{interim_reply_sent = false},
- State_3 = set_inac_timer(State_2),
- {noreply, State_3};
- State_1 ->
- active_once(State_1),
- State_2 = set_inac_timer(State_1),
- {noreply, State_2}
- end
- end.
- #state{
- cur_req = #request{save_response_to_file = Srtf,
- tmp_file_fd = undefined} = CurReq,
- http_status_code=[$2 | _]}=State) when Srtf /= false ->
- TmpFilename = make_tmp_filename(Srtf),
- case file:open(TmpFilename, [write, delayed_write, raw]) of
- {ok, Fd} ->
- accumulate_response(Data, State#state{
- cur_req = CurReq#request{
- tmp_file_fd = Fd,
- tmp_file_name = TmpFilename}});
- {error, Reason} ->
- {error, {file_open_error, Reason}}
- end;
-accumulate_response(Data, #state{cur_req = #request{save_response_to_file = Srtf,
- tmp_file_fd = Fd},
- transfer_encoding=chunked,
- reply_buffer = Reply_buf,
- http_status_code=[$2 | _]
- } = State) when Srtf /= false ->
- case file:write(Fd, [Reply_buf, Data]) of
- ok ->
- State#state{reply_buffer = <<>>};
- {error, Reason} ->
- {error, {file_write_error, Reason}}
- end;
-accumulate_response(Data, #state{cur_req = #request{save_response_to_file = Srtf,
- tmp_file_fd = Fd},
- reply_buffer = RepBuf,
- http_status_code=[$2 | _]
- } = State) when Srtf /= false ->
- case file:write(Fd, [RepBuf, Data]) of
- ok ->
- State#state{reply_buffer = <<>>};
- {error, Reason} ->
- {error, {file_write_error, Reason}}
- end;
-accumulate_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer = RepBuf,
- rep_buf_size = RepBufSize,
- streamed_size = Streamed_size,
- cur_req = CurReq}=State) ->
- #request{stream_to = StreamTo,
- req_id = ReqId,
- stream_chunk_size = Stream_chunk_size,
- response_format = Response_format,
- caller_controls_socket = Caller_controls_socket} = CurReq,
- RepBuf_1 = <<RepBuf/binary, Data/binary>>,
- New_data_size = RepBufSize - Streamed_size,
- case StreamTo of
- undefined ->
- State#state{reply_buffer = RepBuf_1};
- _ when Caller_controls_socket == true ->
- do_interim_reply(StreamTo, Response_format, ReqId, RepBuf_1),
- State#state{reply_buffer = <<>>,
- interim_reply_sent = true,
- streamed_size = Streamed_size + size(RepBuf_1)};
- _ when New_data_size >= Stream_chunk_size ->
- {Stream_chunk, Rem_data} = split_binary(RepBuf_1, Stream_chunk_size),
- do_interim_reply(StreamTo, Response_format, ReqId, Stream_chunk),
- State_1 = State#state{
- reply_buffer = <<>>,
- interim_reply_sent = true,
- streamed_size = Streamed_size + Stream_chunk_size},
- case Rem_data of
- <<>> ->
- State_1;
- _ ->
- accumulate_response(Rem_data, State_1)
- end;
- _ ->
- State#state{reply_buffer = RepBuf_1}
- end.
-make_tmp_filename(true) ->
- DownloadDir = ibrowse:get_config_value(download_dir, filename:absname("./")),
- {A,B,C} = now(),
- filename:join([DownloadDir,
- "ibrowse_tmp_file_"++
- integer_to_list(A) ++
- integer_to_list(B) ++
- integer_to_list(C)]);
-make_tmp_filename(File) when is_list(File) ->
- File.
-%% Handles the case when the server closes the socket
-handle_sock_closed(#state{status=get_header} = State) ->
- shutting_down(State),
- do_error_reply(State, connection_closed);
-handle_sock_closed(#state{cur_req=undefined} = State) ->
- shutting_down(State);
-%% We check for IsClosing because this the server could have sent a
-%% Connection-Close header and has closed the socket to indicate end
-%% of response. There maybe requests pipelined which need a response.
-handle_sock_closed(#state{reply_buffer = Buf, reqs = Reqs, http_status_code = SC,
- is_closing = IsClosing,
- cur_req = #request{tmp_file_name=TmpFilename,
- tmp_file_fd=Fd} = CurReq,
- status = get_body,
- recvd_headers = Headers,
- status_line = Status_line,
- raw_headers = Raw_headers
- }=State) ->
- #request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
- response_format = Resp_format,
- options = Options} = CurReq,
- case IsClosing of
- true ->
- {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
- Body = case TmpFilename of
- undefined ->
- Buf;
- _ ->
- file:close(Fd),
- {file, TmpFilename}
- end,
- Reply = case get_value(give_raw_headers, Options, false) of
- true ->
- {ok, Status_line, Raw_headers, Body};
- false ->
- {ok, SC, Headers, Buf}
- end,
- do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, Reply),
- do_error_reply(State#state{reqs = Reqs_1}, connection_closed),
- State;
- _ ->
- do_error_reply(State, connection_closed),
- State
- end.
-do_connect(Host, Port, Options, #state{is_ssl = true,
- use_proxy = false,
- ssl_options = SSLOptions},
- Timeout) ->
- Caller_socket_options = get_value(socket_options, Options, []),
- Other_sock_options = filter_sock_options(SSLOptions ++ Caller_socket_options),
- ssl:connect(Host, Port,
- [binary, {nodelay, true}, {active, false} | Other_sock_options],
- Timeout);
-do_connect(Host, Port, Options, _State, Timeout) ->
- Caller_socket_options = get_value(socket_options, Options, []),
- Other_sock_options = filter_sock_options(Caller_socket_options),
- gen_tcp:connect(Host, to_integer(Port),
- [binary, {nodelay, true}, {active, false} | Other_sock_options],
- Timeout).
-%% We don't want the caller to specify certain options
-filter_sock_options(Opts) ->
- lists:filter(fun({active, _}) ->
- false;
- ({packet, _}) ->
- false;
- (list) ->
- false;
- (_) ->
- true
- end, Opts).
-do_send(Req, #state{socket = Sock,
- is_ssl = true,
- use_proxy = true,
- proxy_tunnel_setup = Pts}) when Pts /= done -> gen_tcp:send(Sock, Req);
-do_send(Req, #state{socket = Sock, is_ssl = true}) -> ssl:send(Sock, Req);
-do_send(Req, #state{socket = Sock, is_ssl = false}) -> gen_tcp:send(Sock, Req).
-%% @spec do_send_body(Sock::socket_descriptor(), Source::source_descriptor(), IsSSL::boolean()) -> ok | error()
-%% source_descriptor() = fun_arity_0 |
-%% {fun_arity_0} |
-%% {fun_arity_1, term()}
-%% error() = term()
-do_send_body(Source, State, TE) when is_function(Source) ->
- do_send_body({Source}, State, TE);
-do_send_body({Source}, State, TE) when is_function(Source) ->
- do_send_body1(Source, Source(), State, TE);
-do_send_body({Source, Source_state}, State, TE) when is_function(Source) ->
- do_send_body1(Source, Source(Source_state), State, TE);
-do_send_body(Body, State, _TE) ->
- do_send(Body, State).
-do_send_body1(Source, Resp, State, TE) ->
- case Resp of
- {ok, Data} ->
- do_send(maybe_chunked_encode(Data, TE), State),
- do_send_body({Source}, State, TE);
- {ok, Data, New_source_state} ->
- do_send(maybe_chunked_encode(Data, TE), State),
- do_send_body({Source, New_source_state}, State, TE);
- eof when TE == true ->
- do_send(<<"0\r\n\r\n">>, State),
- ok;
- eof ->
- ok;
- Err ->
- Err
- end.
-maybe_chunked_encode(Data, false) ->
- Data;
-maybe_chunked_encode(Data, true) ->
- [?dec2hex(size(to_binary(Data))), "\r\n", Data, "\r\n"].
-do_close(#state{socket = undefined}) -> ok;
-do_close(#state{socket = Sock,
- is_ssl = true,
- use_proxy = true,
- proxy_tunnel_setup = Pts
- }) when Pts /= done -> catch gen_tcp:close(Sock);
-do_close(#state{socket = Sock, is_ssl = true}) -> catch ssl:close(Sock);
-do_close(#state{socket = Sock, is_ssl = false}) -> catch gen_tcp:close(Sock).
-active_once(#state{cur_req = #request{caller_controls_socket = true}}) ->
- ok;
-active_once(#state{socket = Socket} = State) ->
- do_setopts(Socket, [{active, once}], State).
-do_setopts(_Sock, [], _) -> ok;
-do_setopts(Sock, Opts, #state{is_ssl = true,
- use_proxy = true,
- proxy_tunnel_setup = Pts}
- ) when Pts /= done -> inet:setopts(Sock, Opts);
-do_setopts(Sock, Opts, #state{is_ssl = true}) -> ssl:setopts(Sock, Opts);
-do_setopts(Sock, Opts, _) -> inet:setopts(Sock, Opts).
-check_ssl_options(Options, State) ->
- case get_value(is_ssl, Options, false) of
- false ->
- State;
- true ->
- State#state{is_ssl=true, ssl_options=get_value(ssl_options, Options)}
- end.
- #url{host = Host,
- port = Port} = Url,
- Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout,
- #state{socket = undefined} = State) ->
- {Host_1, Port_1, State_1} =
- case get_value(proxy_host, Options, false) of
- false ->
- {Host, Port, State};
- PHost ->
- ProxyUser = get_value(proxy_user, Options, []),
- ProxyPassword = get_value(proxy_password, Options, []),
- Digest = http_auth_digest(ProxyUser, ProxyPassword),
- {PHost, get_value(proxy_port, Options, 80),
- State#state{use_proxy = true,
- proxy_auth_digest = Digest}}
- end,
- State_2 = check_ssl_options(Options, State_1),
- do_trace("Connecting...~n", []),
- Conn_timeout = get_value(connect_timeout, Options, Timeout),
- case do_connect(Host_1, Port_1, Options, State_2, Conn_timeout) of
- {ok, Sock} ->
- do_trace("Connected! Socket: ~1000.p~n", [Sock]),
- State_3 = State_2#state{socket = Sock,
- connect_timeout = Conn_timeout},
- send_req_1(From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout, State_3);
- Err ->
- shutting_down(State_2),
- do_trace("Error connecting. Reason: ~1000.p~n", [Err]),
- gen_server:reply(From, {error, {conn_failed, Err}}),
- {stop, normal, State_2}
- end;
-%% Send a CONNECT request.
-%% Wait for 200 OK
-%% Upgrade to SSL connection
-%% Then send request
- #url{
- host = Server_host,
- port = Server_port
- } = Url,
- Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout,
- #state{
- proxy_tunnel_setup = false,
- use_proxy = true,
- is_ssl = true} = State) ->
- NewReq = #request{
- method = connect,
- preserve_chunked_encoding = get_value(preserve_chunked_encoding, Options, false),
- options = Options
- },
- State_1 = State#state{reqs=queue:in(NewReq, State#state.reqs)},
- Pxy_auth_headers = maybe_modify_headers(Url, Method, Options, [], State_1),
- Path = [Server_host, $:, integer_to_list(Server_port)],
- {Req, Body_1} = make_request(connect, Pxy_auth_headers,
- Path, Path,
- [], Options, State_1, undefined),
- TE = is_chunked_encoding_specified(Options),
- trace_request(Req),
- case do_send(Req, State) of
- ok ->
- case do_send_body(Body_1, State_1, TE) of
- ok ->
- trace_request_body(Body_1),
- active_once(State_1),
- Ref = case Timeout of
- infinity ->
- undefined;
- _ ->
- erlang:send_after(Timeout, self(), {req_timedout, From})
- end,
- State_2 = State_1#state{status = get_header,
- cur_req = NewReq,
- send_timer = Ref,
- proxy_tunnel_setup = in_progress,
- tunnel_setup_queue = [{From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout}]},
- State_3 = set_inac_timer(State_2),
- {noreply, State_3};
- Err ->
- shutting_down(State_1),
- do_trace("Send failed... Reason: ~p~n", [Err]),
- gen_server:reply(From, {error, {send_failed, Err}}),
- {stop, normal, State_1}
- end;
- Err ->
- shutting_down(State_1),
- do_trace("Send failed... Reason: ~p~n", [Err]),
- gen_server:reply(From, {error, {send_failed, Err}}),
- {stop, normal, State_1}
- end;
-send_req_1(From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout,
- #state{proxy_tunnel_setup = in_progress,
- tunnel_setup_queue = Q} = State) ->
- do_trace("Queued SSL request awaiting tunnel setup: ~n"
- "URL : ~s~n"
- "Method : ~p~n"
- "Headers : ~p~n", [Url, Method, Headers]),
- {noreply, State#state{tunnel_setup_queue = [{From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout} | Q]}};
- #url{abspath = AbsPath,
- path = RelPath} = Url,
- Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout,
- #state{status = Status,
- socket = Socket} = State) ->
- cancel_timer(State#state.inactivity_timer_ref, {eat_message, timeout}),
- ReqId = make_req_id(),
- Resp_format = get_value(response_format, Options, list),
- Caller_socket_options = get_value(socket_options, Options, []),
- {StreamTo, Caller_controls_socket} =
- case get_value(stream_to, Options, undefined) of
- {Caller, once} when is_pid(Caller) or
- is_atom(Caller) ->
- Async_pid_rec = {{req_id_pid, ReqId}, self()},
- true = ets:insert(ibrowse_stream, Async_pid_rec),
- {Caller, true};
- undefined ->
- {undefined, false};
- Caller when is_pid(Caller) or
- is_atom(Caller) ->
- {Caller, false};
- Stream_to_inv ->
- exit({invalid_option, {stream_to, Stream_to_inv}})
- end,
- SaveResponseToFile = get_value(save_response_to_file, Options, false),
- NewReq = #request{url = Url,
- method = Method,
- stream_to = StreamTo,
- caller_controls_socket = Caller_controls_socket,
- caller_socket_options = Caller_socket_options,
- options = Options,
- req_id = ReqId,
- save_response_to_file = SaveResponseToFile,
- stream_chunk_size = get_stream_chunk_size(Options),
- response_format = Resp_format,
- from = From,
- preserve_chunked_encoding = get_value(preserve_chunked_encoding, Options, false)
- },
- State_1 = State#state{reqs=queue:in(NewReq, State#state.reqs)},
- Headers_1 = maybe_modify_headers(Url, Method, Options, Headers, State_1),
- {Req, Body_1} = make_request(Method,
- Headers_1,
- AbsPath, RelPath, Body, Options, State_1,
- ReqId),
- trace_request(Req),
- do_setopts(Socket, Caller_socket_options, State_1),
- TE = is_chunked_encoding_specified(Options),
- case do_send(Req, State_1) of
- ok ->
- case do_send_body(Body_1, State_1, TE) of
- ok ->
- trace_request_body(Body_1),
- State_2 = inc_pipeline_counter(State_1),
- active_once(State_2),
- Ref = case Timeout of
- infinity ->
- undefined;
- _ ->
- erlang:send_after(Timeout, self(), {req_timedout, From})
- end,
- State_3 = case Status of
- idle ->
- State_2#state{status = get_header,
- cur_req = NewReq,
- send_timer = Ref};
- _ ->
- State_2#state{send_timer = Ref}
- end,
- case StreamTo of
- undefined ->
- ok;
- _ ->
- gen_server:reply(From, {ibrowse_req_id, ReqId})
- end,
- State_4 = set_inac_timer(State_3),
- {noreply, State_4};
- Err ->
- shutting_down(State_1),
- do_trace("Send failed... Reason: ~p~n", [Err]),
- gen_server:reply(From, {error, {send_failed, Err}}),
- {stop, normal, State_1}
- end;
- Err ->
- shutting_down(State_1),
- do_trace("Send failed... Reason: ~p~n", [Err]),
- gen_server:reply(From, {error, {send_failed, Err}}),
- {stop, normal, State_1}
- end.
-maybe_modify_headers(#url{}, connect, _, Headers, State) ->
- add_proxy_auth_headers(State, Headers);
-maybe_modify_headers(#url{host = Host, port = Port} = Url,
- _Method,
- Options, Headers, State) ->
- case get_value(headers_as_is, Options, false) of
- false ->
- Headers_1 = add_auth_headers(Url, Options, Headers, State),
- HostHeaderValue = case lists:keysearch(host_header, 1, Options) of
- false ->
- case Port of
- 80 -> Host;
- 443 -> Host;
- _ -> [Host, ":", integer_to_list(Port)]
- end;
- {value, {_, Host_h_val}} ->
- Host_h_val
- end,
- [{"Host", HostHeaderValue} | Headers_1];
- true ->
- Headers
- end.
-add_auth_headers(#url{username = User,
- password = UPw},
- Options,
- Headers,
- State) ->
- Headers_1 = case User of
- undefined ->
- case get_value(basic_auth, Options, undefined) of
- undefined ->
- Headers;
- {U,P} ->
- [{"Authorization", ["Basic ", http_auth_digest(U, P)]} | Headers]
- end;
- _ ->
- [{"Authorization", ["Basic ", http_auth_digest(User, UPw)]} | Headers]
- end,
- add_proxy_auth_headers(State, Headers_1).
-add_proxy_auth_headers(#state{use_proxy = false}, Headers) ->
- Headers;
-add_proxy_auth_headers(#state{proxy_auth_digest = []}, Headers) ->
- Headers;
-add_proxy_auth_headers(#state{proxy_auth_digest = Auth_digest}, Headers) ->
- [{"Proxy-Authorization", ["Basic ", Auth_digest]} | Headers].
-http_auth_digest([], []) ->
- [];
-http_auth_digest(Username, Password) ->
- ibrowse_lib:encode_base64(Username ++ [$: | Password]).
-make_request(Method, Headers, AbsPath, RelPath, Body, Options,
- #state{use_proxy = UseProxy, is_ssl = Is_ssl}, ReqId) ->
- HttpVsn = http_vsn_string(get_value(http_vsn, Options, {1,1})),
- Fun1 = fun({X, Y}) when is_atom(X) ->
- {to_lower(atom_to_list(X)), X, Y};
- ({X, Y}) when is_list(X) ->
- {to_lower(X), X, Y}
- end,
- Headers_0 = [Fun1(X) || X <- Headers],
- Headers_1 =
- case lists:keysearch("content-length", 1, Headers_0) of
- false when (Body =:= [] orelse Body =:= <<>>) andalso
- (Method =:= post orelse Method =:= put) ->
- [{"content-length", "Content-Length", "0"} | Headers_0];
- false when is_binary(Body) orelse is_list(Body) ->
- [{"content-length", "Content-Length", integer_to_list(iolist_size(Body))} | Headers_0];
- _ ->
- %% Content-Length is already specified or Body is a
- %% function or function/state pair
- Headers_0
- end,
- {Headers_2, Body_1} =
- case is_chunked_encoding_specified(Options) of
- false ->
- {[{Y, Z} || {_, Y, Z} <- Headers_1], Body};
- true ->
- Chunk_size_1 = case get_value(transfer_encoding, Options) of
- chunked ->
- 5120;
- {chunked, Chunk_size} ->
- Chunk_size
- end,
- {[{Y, Z} || {X, Y, Z} <- Headers_1,
- X /= "content-length"] ++
- [{"Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"}],
- chunk_request_body(Body, Chunk_size_1)}
- end,
- Headers_3 = case lists:member({include_ibrowse_req_id, true}, Options) of
- true ->
- [{"x-ibrowse-request-id", io_lib:format("~1000.p",[ReqId])} | Headers_2];
- false ->
- Headers_2
- end,
- Headers_4 = cons_headers(Headers_3),
- Uri = case get_value(use_absolute_uri, Options, false) or UseProxy of
- true ->
- case Is_ssl of
- true ->
- RelPath;
- false ->
- AbsPath
- end;
- false ->
- RelPath
- end,
- {[method(Method), " ", Uri, " ", HttpVsn, crnl(), Headers_4, crnl()], Body_1}.
-is_chunked_encoding_specified(Options) ->
- case get_value(transfer_encoding, Options, false) of
- false ->
- false;
- {chunked, _} ->
- true;
- chunked ->
- true
- end.
-http_vsn_string({0,9}) -> "HTTP/0.9";
-http_vsn_string({1,0}) -> "HTTP/1.0";
-http_vsn_string({1,1}) -> "HTTP/1.1".
-cons_headers(Headers) ->
- cons_headers(Headers, []).
-cons_headers([], Acc) ->
- encode_headers(Acc);
-cons_headers([{basic_auth, {U,P}} | T], Acc) ->
- cons_headers(T, [{"Authorization",
- ["Basic ", ibrowse_lib:encode_base64(U++":"++P)]} | Acc]);
-cons_headers([{cookie, Cookie} | T], Acc) ->
- cons_headers(T, [{"Cookie", Cookie} | Acc]);
-cons_headers([{content_length, L} | T], Acc) ->
- cons_headers(T, [{"Content-Length", L} | Acc]);
-cons_headers([{content_type, L} | T], Acc) ->
- cons_headers(T, [{"Content-Type", L} | Acc]);
-cons_headers([H | T], Acc) ->
- cons_headers(T, [H | Acc]).
-encode_headers(L) ->
- encode_headers(L, []).
-encode_headers([{http_vsn, _Val} | T], Acc) ->
- encode_headers(T, Acc);
-encode_headers([{Name,Val} | T], Acc) when is_list(Name) ->
- encode_headers(T, [[Name, ": ", fmt_val(Val), crnl()] | Acc]);
-encode_headers([{Name,Val} | T], Acc) when is_atom(Name) ->
- encode_headers(T, [[atom_to_list(Name), ": ", fmt_val(Val), crnl()] | Acc]);
-encode_headers([], Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc).
-chunk_request_body(Body, _ChunkSize) when is_tuple(Body) orelse
- is_function(Body) ->
- Body;
-chunk_request_body(Body, ChunkSize) ->
- chunk_request_body(Body, ChunkSize, []).
-chunk_request_body(Body, _ChunkSize, Acc) when Body == <<>>; Body == [] ->
- LastChunk = "0\r\n",
- lists:reverse(["\r\n", LastChunk | Acc]);
-chunk_request_body(Body, ChunkSize, Acc) when is_binary(Body),
- size(Body) >= ChunkSize ->
- <<ChunkBody:ChunkSize/binary, Rest/binary>> = Body,
- Chunk = [?dec2hex(ChunkSize),"\r\n",
- ChunkBody, "\r\n"],
- chunk_request_body(Rest, ChunkSize, [Chunk | Acc]);
-chunk_request_body(Body, _ChunkSize, Acc) when is_binary(Body) ->
- BodySize = size(Body),
- Chunk = [?dec2hex(BodySize),"\r\n",
- Body, "\r\n"],
- LastChunk = "0\r\n",
- lists:reverse(["\r\n", LastChunk, Chunk | Acc]);
-chunk_request_body(Body, ChunkSize, Acc) when length(Body) >= ChunkSize ->
- {ChunkBody, Rest} = split_list_at(Body, ChunkSize),
- Chunk = [?dec2hex(ChunkSize),"\r\n",
- ChunkBody, "\r\n"],
- chunk_request_body(Rest, ChunkSize, [Chunk | Acc]);
-chunk_request_body(Body, _ChunkSize, Acc) when is_list(Body) ->
- BodySize = length(Body),
- Chunk = [?dec2hex(BodySize),"\r\n",
- Body, "\r\n"],
- LastChunk = "0\r\n",
- lists:reverse(["\r\n", LastChunk, Chunk | Acc]).
-parse_response(_Data, #state{cur_req = undefined}=State) ->
- State#state{status = idle};
-parse_response(Data, #state{reply_buffer = Acc, reqs = Reqs,
- cur_req = CurReq} = State) ->
- #request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
- method=Method, response_format = Resp_format,
- options = Options
- } = CurReq,
- MaxHeaderSize = ibrowse:get_config_value(max_headers_size, infinity),
- case scan_header(Acc, Data) of
- {yes, Headers, Data_1} ->
- do_trace("Recvd Header Data -> ~s~n----~n", [Headers]),
- do_trace("Recvd headers~n--- Headers Begin ---~n~s~n--- Headers End ---~n~n", [Headers]),
- {HttpVsn, StatCode, Headers_1, Status_line, Raw_headers} = parse_headers(Headers),
- do_trace("HttpVsn: ~p StatusCode: ~p Headers_1 -> ~1000.p~n", [HttpVsn, StatCode, Headers_1]),
- LCHeaders = [{to_lower(X), Y} || {X,Y} <- Headers_1],
- ConnClose = to_lower(get_value("connection", LCHeaders, "false")),
- IsClosing = is_connection_closing(HttpVsn, ConnClose),
- case IsClosing of
- true ->
- shutting_down(State);
- false ->
- ok
- end,
- Give_raw_headers = get_value(give_raw_headers, Options, false),
- State_1 = case Give_raw_headers of
- true ->
- State#state{recvd_headers=Headers_1, status=get_body,
- reply_buffer = <<>>,
- status_line = Status_line,
- raw_headers = Raw_headers,
- http_status_code=StatCode, is_closing=IsClosing};
- false ->
- State#state{recvd_headers=Headers_1, status=get_body,
- reply_buffer = <<>>,
- http_status_code=StatCode, is_closing=IsClosing}
- end,
- put(conn_close, ConnClose),
- TransferEncoding = to_lower(get_value("transfer-encoding", LCHeaders, "false")),
- case get_value("content-length", LCHeaders, undefined) of
- _ when Method == connect,
- hd(StatCode) == $2 ->
- cancel_timer(State#state.send_timer),
- {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
- upgrade_to_ssl(set_cur_request(State#state{reqs = Reqs_1,
- recvd_headers = [],
- status = idle
- }));
- _ when Method == connect ->
- {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
- do_error_reply(State#state{reqs = Reqs_1},
- {error, proxy_tunnel_failed}),
- {error, proxy_tunnel_failed};
- _ when Method == head ->
- {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
- send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, Give_raw_headers, State_1),
- State_1_1 = do_reply(State_1, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format,
- {ok, StatCode, Headers_1, []}),
- cancel_timer(State_1_1#state.send_timer, {eat_message, {req_timedout, From}}),
- State_2 = reset_state(State_1_1),
- State_3 = set_cur_request(State_2#state{reqs = Reqs_1}),
- parse_response(Data_1, State_3);
- _ when hd(StatCode) =:= $1 ->
- %% No message body is expected. Server may send
- %% one or more 1XX responses before a proper
- %% response.
- send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, Give_raw_headers, State_1),
- do_trace("Recvd a status code of ~p. Ignoring and waiting for a proper response~n", [StatCode]),
- parse_response(Data_1, State_1#state{recvd_headers = [],
- status = get_header});
- _ when StatCode =:= "204";
- StatCode =:= "304" ->
- %% No message body is expected for these Status Codes.
- %% RFC2616 - Sec 4.4
- {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
- send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, Give_raw_headers, State_1),
- State_1_1 = do_reply(State_1, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format,
- {ok, StatCode, Headers_1, []}),
- cancel_timer(State_1_1#state.send_timer, {eat_message, {req_timedout, From}}),
- State_2 = reset_state(State_1_1),
- State_3 = set_cur_request(State_2#state{reqs = Reqs_1}),
- parse_response(Data_1, State_3);
- _ when TransferEncoding =:= "chunked" ->
- do_trace("Chunked encoding detected...~n",[]),
- send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, Give_raw_headers, State_1),
- case parse_11_response(Data_1, State_1#state{transfer_encoding=chunked,
- chunk_size=chunk_start,
- reply_buffer = <<>>}) of
- {error, Reason} ->
- fail_pipelined_requests(State_1,
- {error, {Reason,
- {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers_1}}),
- {error, Reason};
- State_2 ->
- State_2
- end;
- undefined when HttpVsn =:= "HTTP/1.0";
- ConnClose =:= "close" ->
- send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, Give_raw_headers, State_1),
- State_1#state{reply_buffer = Data_1};
- undefined ->
- fail_pipelined_requests(State_1,
- {error, {content_length_undefined,
- {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers}}),
- {error, content_length_undefined};
- V ->
- case catch list_to_integer(V) of
- V_1 when is_integer(V_1), V_1 >= 0 ->
- send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, Give_raw_headers, State_1),
- do_trace("Recvd Content-Length of ~p~n", [V_1]),
- State_2 = State_1#state{rep_buf_size=0,
- reply_buffer = <<>>,
- content_length=V_1},
- case parse_11_response(Data_1, State_2) of
- {error, Reason} ->
- fail_pipelined_requests(State_1,
- {error, {Reason,
- {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers_1}}),
- {error, Reason};
- State_3 ->
- State_3
- end;
- _ ->
- fail_pipelined_requests(State_1,
- {error, {content_length_undefined,
- {stat_code, StatCode}, Headers}}),
- {error, content_length_undefined}
- end
- end;
- {no, Acc_1} when MaxHeaderSize == infinity ->
- State#state{reply_buffer = Acc_1};
- {no, Acc_1} when size(Acc_1) < MaxHeaderSize ->
- State#state{reply_buffer = Acc_1};
- {no, _Acc_1} ->
- fail_pipelined_requests(State, {error, max_headers_size_exceeded}),
- {error, max_headers_size_exceeded}
- end.
-upgrade_to_ssl(#state{socket = Socket,
- connect_timeout = Conn_timeout,
- ssl_options = Ssl_options,
- tunnel_setup_queue = Q} = State) ->
- case ssl:connect(Socket, Ssl_options, Conn_timeout) of
- {ok, Ssl_socket} ->
- do_trace("Upgraded to SSL socket!!~n", []),
- State_1 = State#state{socket = Ssl_socket,
- proxy_tunnel_setup = done},
- send_queued_requests(lists:reverse(Q), State_1);
- Err ->
- do_trace("Upgrade to SSL socket failed. Reson: ~p~n", [Err]),
- do_error_reply(State, {error, {send_failed, Err}}),
- {error, send_failed}
- end.
-send_queued_requests([], State) ->
- do_trace("Sent all queued requests via SSL connection~n", []),
- State#state{tunnel_setup_queue = []};
-send_queued_requests([{From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout} | Q],
- State) ->
- case send_req_1(From, Url, Headers, Method, Body, Options, Timeout, State) of
- {noreply, State_1} ->
- send_queued_requests(Q, State_1);
- Err ->
- do_trace("Error sending queued SSL request: ~n"
- "URL : ~s~n"
- "Method : ~p~n"
- "Headers : ~p~n", [Url, Method, Headers]),
- do_error_reply(State, {error, {send_failed, Err}}),
- {error, send_failed}
- end.
-is_connection_closing("HTTP/0.9", _) -> true;
-is_connection_closing(_, "close") -> true;
-is_connection_closing("HTTP/1.0", "false") -> true;
-is_connection_closing(_, _) -> false.
-%% This clause determines the chunk size when given data from the beginning of the chunk
- #state{transfer_encoding = chunked,
- chunk_size = chunk_start,
- chunk_size_buffer = Chunk_sz_buf
- } = State) ->
- case scan_crlf(Chunk_sz_buf, DataRecvd) of
- {yes, ChunkHeader, Data_1} ->
- State_1 = maybe_accumulate_ce_data(State, <<ChunkHeader/binary, $\r, $\n>>),
- ChunkSize = parse_chunk_header(ChunkHeader),
- %%
- %% Do we have to preserve the chunk encoding when
- %% streaming? NO. This should be transparent to the client
- %% process. Chunked encoding was only introduced to make
- %% it efficient for the server.
- %%
- RemLen = size(Data_1),
- do_trace("Determined chunk size: ~p. Already recvd: ~p~n",
- [ChunkSize, RemLen]),
- parse_11_response(Data_1, State_1#state{chunk_size_buffer = <<>>,
- deleted_crlf = true,
- recvd_chunk_size = 0,
- chunk_size = ChunkSize});
- {no, Data_1} ->
- State#state{chunk_size_buffer = Data_1}
- end;
-%% This clause is to remove the CRLF between two chunks
- #state{transfer_encoding = chunked,
- chunk_size = tbd,
- chunk_size_buffer = Buf
- } = State) ->
- case scan_crlf(Buf, DataRecvd) of
- {yes, _, NextChunk} ->
- State_1 = maybe_accumulate_ce_data(State, <<$\r, $\n>>),
- State_2 = State_1#state{chunk_size = chunk_start,
- chunk_size_buffer = <<>>,
- deleted_crlf = true},
- parse_11_response(NextChunk, State_2);
- {no, Data_1} ->
- State#state{chunk_size_buffer = Data_1}
- end;
-%% This clause deals with the end of a chunked transfer. ibrowse does
-%% not support Trailers in the Chunked Transfer encoding. Any trailer
-%% received is silently discarded.
- #state{transfer_encoding = chunked, chunk_size = 0,
- cur_req = CurReq,
- deleted_crlf = DelCrlf,
- chunk_size_buffer = Trailer,
- reqs = Reqs} = State) ->
- do_trace("Detected end of chunked transfer...~n", []),
- DataRecvd_1 = case DelCrlf of
- false ->
- DataRecvd;
- true ->
- <<$\r, $\n, DataRecvd/binary>>
- end,
- case scan_header(Trailer, DataRecvd_1) of
- {yes, TEHeaders, Rem} ->
- {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
- State_1 = maybe_accumulate_ce_data(State, <<TEHeaders/binary, $\r, $\n>>),
- State_2 = handle_response(CurReq,
- State_1#state{reqs = Reqs_1}),
- parse_response(Rem, reset_state(State_2));
- {no, Rem} ->
- accumulate_response(<<>>, State#state{chunk_size_buffer = Rem, deleted_crlf = false})
- end;
-%% This clause extracts a chunk, given the size.
- #state{transfer_encoding = chunked,
- chunk_size = CSz,
- recvd_chunk_size = Recvd_csz,
- rep_buf_size = RepBufSz} = State) ->
- NeedBytes = CSz - Recvd_csz,
- DataLen = size(DataRecvd),
- do_trace("Recvd more data: size: ~p. NeedBytes: ~p~n", [DataLen, NeedBytes]),
- case DataLen >= NeedBytes of
- true ->
- {RemChunk, RemData} = split_binary(DataRecvd, NeedBytes),
- do_trace("Recvd another chunk...~p~n", [RemChunk]),
- do_trace("RemData -> ~p~n", [RemData]),
- case accumulate_response(RemChunk, State) of
- {error, Reason} ->
- do_trace("Error accumulating response --> ~p~n", [Reason]),
- {error, Reason};
- #state{} = State_1 ->
- State_2 = State_1#state{chunk_size=tbd},
- parse_11_response(RemData, State_2)
- end;
- false ->
- accumulate_response(DataRecvd,
- State#state{rep_buf_size = RepBufSz + DataLen,
- recvd_chunk_size = Recvd_csz + DataLen})
- end;
-%% This clause to extract the body when Content-Length is specified
- #state{content_length=CL, rep_buf_size=RepBufSz,
- reqs=Reqs}=State) ->
- NeedBytes = CL - RepBufSz,
- DataLen = size(DataRecvd),
- case DataLen >= NeedBytes of
- true ->
- {RemBody, Rem} = split_binary(DataRecvd, NeedBytes),
- {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
- State_1 = accumulate_response(RemBody, State),
- State_2 = handle_response(State_1#state.cur_req, State_1#state{reqs=Reqs_1}),
- State_3 = reset_state(State_2),
- parse_response(Rem, State_3);
- false ->
- accumulate_response(DataRecvd, State#state{rep_buf_size = (RepBufSz+DataLen)})
- end.
-maybe_accumulate_ce_data(#state{cur_req = #request{preserve_chunked_encoding = false}} = State, _) ->
- State;
-maybe_accumulate_ce_data(State, Data) ->
- accumulate_response(Data, State).
-handle_response(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
- response_format = Resp_format,
- save_response_to_file = SaveResponseToFile,
- tmp_file_name = TmpFilename,
- tmp_file_fd = Fd,
- options = Options
- },
- #state{http_status_code = SCode,
- status_line = Status_line,
- raw_headers = Raw_headers,
- send_timer = ReqTimer,
- reply_buffer = RepBuf,
- recvd_headers = RespHeaders}=State) when SaveResponseToFile /= false ->
- Body = RepBuf,
- file:close(Fd),
- ResponseBody = case TmpFilename of
- undefined ->
- Body;
- _ ->
- {file, TmpFilename}
- end,
- {Resp_headers_1, Raw_headers_1} = maybe_add_custom_headers(RespHeaders, Raw_headers, Options),
- Reply = case get_value(give_raw_headers, Options, false) of
- true ->
- {ok, Status_line, Raw_headers_1, ResponseBody};
- false ->
- {ok, SCode, Resp_headers_1, ResponseBody}
- end,
- State_1 = do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, Reply),
- cancel_timer(ReqTimer, {eat_message, {req_timedout, From}}),
- set_cur_request(State_1);
-handle_response(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
- response_format = Resp_format,
- options = Options},
- #state{http_status_code = SCode,
- status_line = Status_line,
- raw_headers = Raw_headers,
- recvd_headers = Resp_headers,
- reply_buffer = RepBuf,
- send_timer = ReqTimer} = State) ->
- Body = RepBuf,
- {Resp_headers_1, Raw_headers_1} = maybe_add_custom_headers(Resp_headers, Raw_headers, Options),
- Reply = case get_value(give_raw_headers, Options, false) of
- true ->
- {ok, Status_line, Raw_headers_1, Body};
- false ->
- {ok, SCode, Resp_headers_1, Body}
- end,
- State_1 = do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, Reply),
- cancel_timer(ReqTimer, {eat_message, {req_timedout, From}}),
- set_cur_request(State_1).
-reset_state(State) ->
- State#state{status = get_header,
- rep_buf_size = 0,
- streamed_size = 0,
- content_length = undefined,
- reply_buffer = <<>>,
- chunk_size_buffer = <<>>,
- recvd_headers = [],
- status_line = undefined,
- raw_headers = undefined,
- deleted_crlf = false,
- http_status_code = undefined,
- chunk_size = undefined,
- transfer_encoding = undefined
- }.
-set_cur_request(#state{reqs = Reqs, socket = Socket} = State) ->
- case queue:to_list(Reqs) of
- [] ->
- State#state{cur_req = undefined};
- [#request{caller_controls_socket = Ccs} = NextReq | _] ->
- case Ccs of
- true ->
- do_setopts(Socket, [{active, once}], State);
- _ ->
- ok
- end,
- State#state{cur_req = NextReq}
- end.
-parse_headers(Headers) ->
- case scan_crlf(Headers) of
- {yes, StatusLine, T} ->
- parse_headers(StatusLine, T);
- {no, StatusLine} ->
- parse_headers(StatusLine, <<>>)
- end.
-parse_headers(StatusLine, Headers) ->
- Headers_1 = parse_headers_1(Headers),
- case parse_status_line(StatusLine) of
- {ok, HttpVsn, StatCode, _Msg} ->
- put(http_prot_vsn, HttpVsn),
- {HttpVsn, StatCode, Headers_1, StatusLine, Headers};
- _ -> %% A HTTP 0.9 response?
- put(http_prot_vsn, "HTTP/0.9"),
- {"HTTP/0.9", undefined, Headers, StatusLine, Headers}
- end.
-% From RFC 2616
-% HTTP/1.1 header field values can be folded onto multiple lines if
-% the continuation line begins with a space or horizontal tab. All
-% linear white space, including folding, has the same semantics as
-% SP. A recipient MAY replace any linear white space with a single
-% SP before interpreting the field value or forwarding the message
-% downstream.
-parse_headers_1(B) when is_binary(B) ->
- parse_headers_1(binary_to_list(B));
-parse_headers_1(String) ->
- parse_headers_1(String, [], []).
-parse_headers_1([$\n, H |T], [$\r | L], Acc) when H =:= 32;
- H =:= $\t ->
- parse_headers_1(lists:dropwhile(fun(X) ->
- is_whitespace(X)
- end, T), [32 | L], Acc);
-parse_headers_1([$\n|T], [$\r | L], Acc) ->
- case parse_header(lists:reverse(L)) of
- invalid ->
- parse_headers_1(T, [], Acc);
- NewHeader ->
- parse_headers_1(T, [], [NewHeader | Acc])
- end;
-parse_headers_1([H|T], L, Acc) ->
- parse_headers_1(T, [H|L], Acc);
-parse_headers_1([], [], Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc);
-parse_headers_1([], L, Acc) ->
- Acc_1 = case parse_header(lists:reverse(L)) of
- invalid ->
- Acc;
- NewHeader ->
- [NewHeader | Acc]
- end,
- lists:reverse(Acc_1).
-parse_status_line(Line) when is_binary(Line) ->
- parse_status_line(binary_to_list(Line));
-parse_status_line(Line) ->
- parse_status_line(Line, get_prot_vsn, [], []).
-parse_status_line([32 | T], get_prot_vsn, ProtVsn, StatCode) ->
- parse_status_line(T, get_status_code, ProtVsn, StatCode);
-parse_status_line([32 | T], get_status_code, ProtVsn, StatCode) ->
- {ok, lists:reverse(ProtVsn), lists:reverse(StatCode), T};
-parse_status_line([], get_status_code, ProtVsn, StatCode) ->
- {ok, lists:reverse(ProtVsn), lists:reverse(StatCode), []};
-parse_status_line([H | T], get_prot_vsn, ProtVsn, StatCode) ->
- parse_status_line(T, get_prot_vsn, [H|ProtVsn], StatCode);
-parse_status_line([H | T], get_status_code, ProtVsn, StatCode) ->
- parse_status_line(T, get_status_code, ProtVsn, [H | StatCode]);
-parse_status_line([], _, _, _) ->
- http_09.
-parse_header(L) ->
- parse_header(L, []).
-parse_header([$: | V], Acc) ->
- {lists:reverse(Acc), string:strip(V)};
-parse_header([H | T], Acc) ->
- parse_header(T, [H | Acc]);
-parse_header([], _) ->
- invalid.
-scan_header(Bin) ->
- case get_crlf_crlf_pos(Bin, 0) of
- {yes, Pos} ->
- {Headers, <<_:4/binary, Body/binary>>} = split_binary(Bin, Pos),
- {yes, Headers, Body};
- no ->
- {no, Bin}
- end.
-scan_header(Bin1, Bin2) when size(Bin1) < 4 ->
- scan_header(<<Bin1/binary, Bin2/binary>>);
-scan_header(Bin1, <<>>) ->
- scan_header(Bin1);
-scan_header(Bin1, Bin2) ->
- Bin1_already_scanned_size = size(Bin1) - 4,
- <<Headers_prefix:Bin1_already_scanned_size/binary, Rest/binary>> = Bin1,
- Bin_to_scan = <<Rest/binary, Bin2/binary>>,
- case get_crlf_crlf_pos(Bin_to_scan, 0) of
- {yes, Pos} ->
- {Headers_suffix, <<_:4/binary, Body/binary>>} = split_binary(Bin_to_scan, Pos),
- {yes, <<Headers_prefix/binary, Headers_suffix/binary>>, Body};
- no ->
- {no, <<Bin1/binary, Bin2/binary>>}
- end.
-get_crlf_crlf_pos(<<$\r, $\n, $\r, $\n, _/binary>>, Pos) -> {yes, Pos};
-get_crlf_crlf_pos(<<_, Rest/binary>>, Pos) -> get_crlf_crlf_pos(Rest, Pos + 1);
-get_crlf_crlf_pos(<<>>, _) -> no.
-scan_crlf(Bin) ->
- case get_crlf_pos(Bin) of
- {yes, Pos} ->
- {Prefix, <<_, _, Suffix/binary>>} = split_binary(Bin, Pos),
- {yes, Prefix, Suffix};
- no ->
- {no, Bin}
- end.
-scan_crlf(<<>>, Bin2) ->
- scan_crlf(Bin2);
-scan_crlf(Bin1, Bin2) when size(Bin1) < 2 ->
- scan_crlf(<<Bin1/binary, Bin2/binary>>);
-scan_crlf(Bin1, Bin2) ->
- scan_crlf_1(size(Bin1) - 2, Bin1, Bin2).
-scan_crlf_1(Bin1_head_size, Bin1, Bin2) ->
- <<Bin1_head:Bin1_head_size/binary, Bin1_tail/binary>> = Bin1,
- Bin3 = <<Bin1_tail/binary, Bin2/binary>>,
- case get_crlf_pos(Bin3) of
- {yes, Pos} ->
- {Prefix, <<_, _, Suffix/binary>>} = split_binary(Bin3, Pos),
- {yes, list_to_binary([Bin1_head, Prefix]), Suffix};
- no ->
- {no, list_to_binary([Bin1, Bin2])}
- end.
-get_crlf_pos(Bin) ->
- get_crlf_pos(Bin, 0).
-get_crlf_pos(<<$\r, $\n, _/binary>>, Pos) -> {yes, Pos};
-get_crlf_pos(<<_, Rest/binary>>, Pos) -> get_crlf_pos(Rest, Pos + 1);
-get_crlf_pos(<<>>, _) -> no.
-fmt_val(L) when is_list(L) -> L;
-fmt_val(I) when is_integer(I) -> integer_to_list(I);
-fmt_val(A) when is_atom(A) -> atom_to_list(A);
-fmt_val(Term) -> io_lib:format("~p", [Term]).
-crnl() -> "\r\n".
-method(get) -> "GET";
-method(post) -> "POST";
-method(head) -> "HEAD";
-method(options) -> "OPTIONS";
-method(put) -> "PUT";
-method(delete) -> "DELETE";
-method(trace) -> "TRACE";
-method(mkcol) -> "MKCOL";
-method(propfind) -> "PROPFIND";
-method(proppatch) -> "PROPPATCH";
-method(lock) -> "LOCK";
-method(unlock) -> "UNLOCK";
-method(move) -> "MOVE";
-method(copy) -> "COPY";
-method(connect) -> "CONNECT".
-%% From RFC 2616
-% The chunked encoding modifies the body of a message in order to
-% transfer it as a series of chunks, each with its own size indicator,
-% followed by an OPTIONAL trailer containing entity-header
-% fields. This allows dynamically produced content to be transferred
-% along with the information necessary for the recipient to verify
-% that it has received the full message.
-% Chunked-Body = *chunk
-% last-chunk
-% trailer
-% chunk = chunk-size [ chunk-extension ] CRLF
-% chunk-data CRLF
-% chunk-size = 1*HEX
-% last-chunk = 1*("0") [ chunk-extension ] CRLF
-% chunk-extension= *( ";" chunk-ext-name [ "=" chunk-ext-val ] )
-% chunk-ext-name = token
-% chunk-ext-val = token | quoted-string
-% chunk-data = chunk-size(OCTET)
-% trailer = *(entity-header CRLF)
-% The chunk-size field is a string of hex digits indicating the size
-% of the chunk. The chunked encoding is ended by any chunk whose size
-% is zero, followed by the trailer, which is terminated by an empty
-% line.
-%% The parsing implemented here discards all chunk extensions. It also
-%% strips trailing spaces from the chunk size fields as Apache 1.3.27 was
-%% sending them.
-parse_chunk_header(ChunkHeader) ->
- parse_chunk_header(ChunkHeader, []).
-parse_chunk_header(<<$;, _/binary>>, Acc) ->
- hexlist_to_integer(lists:reverse(Acc));
-parse_chunk_header(<<H, T/binary>>, Acc) ->
- case is_whitespace(H) of
- true ->
- parse_chunk_header(T, Acc);
- false ->
- parse_chunk_header(T, [H | Acc])
- end;
-parse_chunk_header(<<>>, Acc) ->
- hexlist_to_integer(lists:reverse(Acc)).
-is_whitespace($\s) -> true;
-is_whitespace($\r) -> true;
-is_whitespace($\n) -> true;
-is_whitespace($\t) -> true;
-is_whitespace(_) -> false.
-send_async_headers(_ReqId, undefined, _, _State) ->
- ok;
-send_async_headers(ReqId, StreamTo, Give_raw_headers,
- #state{status_line = Status_line, raw_headers = Raw_headers,
- recvd_headers = Headers, http_status_code = StatCode,
- cur_req = #request{options = Opts}
- }) ->
- {Headers_1, Raw_headers_1} = maybe_add_custom_headers(Headers, Raw_headers, Opts),
- case Give_raw_headers of
- false ->
- catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_headers, ReqId, StatCode, Headers_1};
- true ->
- catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_headers, ReqId, Status_line, Raw_headers_1}
- end.
-maybe_add_custom_headers(Headers, Raw_headers, Opts) ->
- Custom_headers = get_value(add_custom_headers, Opts, []),
- Headers_1 = Headers ++ Custom_headers,
- Raw_headers_1 = case Custom_headers of
- [_ | _] when is_binary(Raw_headers) ->
- Custom_headers_bin = list_to_binary(string:join([[X, $:, Y] || {X, Y} <- Custom_headers], "\r\n")),
- <<Raw_headers/binary, "\r\n", Custom_headers_bin/binary>>;
- _ ->
- Raw_headers
- end,
- {Headers_1, Raw_headers_1}.
-format_response_data(Resp_format, Body) ->
- case Resp_format of
- list when is_list(Body) ->
- flatten(Body);
- list when is_binary(Body) ->
- binary_to_list(Body);
- binary when is_list(Body) ->
- list_to_binary(Body);
- _ ->
- %% This is to cater for sending messages such as
- %% {chunk_start, _}, chunk_end etc
- Body
- end.
-do_reply(State, From, undefined, _, Resp_format, {ok, St_code, Headers, Body}) ->
- Msg_1 = {ok, St_code, Headers, format_response_data(Resp_format, Body)},
- gen_server:reply(From, Msg_1),
- dec_pipeline_counter(State);
-do_reply(State, From, undefined, _, _, Msg) ->
- gen_server:reply(From, Msg),
- dec_pipeline_counter(State);
-do_reply(#state{prev_req_id = Prev_req_id} = State,
- _From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, {ok, _, _, Body}) ->
- State_1 = dec_pipeline_counter(State),
- case Body of
- [] ->
- ok;
- _ ->
- Body_1 = format_response_data(Resp_format, Body),
- catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_response, ReqId, Body_1}
- end,
- catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_response_end, ReqId},
- %% We don't want to delete the Req-id to Pid mapping straightaway
- %% as the client may send a stream_next message just while we are
- %% sending back this ibrowse_async_response_end message. If we
- %% deleted this mapping straightaway, the caller will see a
- %% {error, unknown_req_id} when it calls ibrowse:stream_next/1. To
- %% get around this, we store the req id, and clear it after the
- %% next request. If there are wierd combinations of stream,
- %% stream_once and sync requests on the same connection, it will
- %% take a while for the req_id-pid mapping to get cleared, but it
- %% should do no harm.
- ets:delete(ibrowse_stream, {req_id_pid, Prev_req_id}),
- State_1#state{prev_req_id = ReqId};
-do_reply(State, _From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, Msg) ->
- State_1 = dec_pipeline_counter(State),
- Msg_1 = format_response_data(Resp_format, Msg),
- catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_response, ReqId, Msg_1},
- State_1.
-do_interim_reply(undefined, _, _ReqId, _Msg) ->
- ok;
-do_interim_reply(StreamTo, Response_format, ReqId, Msg) ->
- Msg_1 = format_response_data(Response_format, Msg),
- catch StreamTo ! {ibrowse_async_response, ReqId, Msg_1}.
-do_error_reply(#state{reqs = Reqs, tunnel_setup_queue = Tun_q} = State, Err) ->
- ReqList = queue:to_list(Reqs),
- lists:foreach(fun(#request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
- response_format = Resp_format}) ->
- ets:delete(ibrowse_stream, {req_id_pid, ReqId}),
- do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, {error, Err})
- end, ReqList),
- lists:foreach(
- fun({From, _Url, _Headers, _Method, _Body, _Options, _Timeout}) ->
- do_reply(State, From, undefined, undefined, undefined, Err)
- end, Tun_q).
-fail_pipelined_requests(#state{reqs = Reqs, cur_req = CurReq} = State, Reply) ->
- {_, Reqs_1} = queue:out(Reqs),
- #request{from=From, stream_to=StreamTo, req_id=ReqId,
- response_format = Resp_format} = CurReq,
- do_reply(State, From, StreamTo, ReqId, Resp_format, Reply),
- do_error_reply(State#state{reqs = Reqs_1}, previous_request_failed).
-split_list_at(List, N) ->
- split_list_at(List, N, []).
-split_list_at([], _, Acc) ->
- {lists:reverse(Acc), []};
-split_list_at(List2, 0, List1) ->
- {lists:reverse(List1), List2};
-split_list_at([H | List2], N, List1) ->
- split_list_at(List2, N-1, [H | List1]).
-hexlist_to_integer(List) ->
- hexlist_to_integer(lists:reverse(List), 1, 0).
-hexlist_to_integer([H | T], Multiplier, Acc) ->
- hexlist_to_integer(T, Multiplier*16, Multiplier*to_ascii(H) + Acc);
-hexlist_to_integer([], _, Acc) ->
- Acc.
-to_ascii($A) -> 10;
-to_ascii($a) -> 10;
-to_ascii($B) -> 11;
-to_ascii($b) -> 11;
-to_ascii($C) -> 12;
-to_ascii($c) -> 12;
-to_ascii($D) -> 13;
-to_ascii($d) -> 13;
-to_ascii($E) -> 14;
-to_ascii($e) -> 14;
-to_ascii($F) -> 15;
-to_ascii($f) -> 15;
-to_ascii($1) -> 1;
-to_ascii($2) -> 2;
-to_ascii($3) -> 3;
-to_ascii($4) -> 4;
-to_ascii($5) -> 5;
-to_ascii($6) -> 6;
-to_ascii($7) -> 7;
-to_ascii($8) -> 8;
-to_ascii($9) -> 9;
-to_ascii($0) -> 0.
-cancel_timer(undefined) -> ok;
-cancel_timer(Ref) -> erlang:cancel_timer(Ref).
-cancel_timer(Ref, {eat_message, Msg}) ->
- cancel_timer(Ref),
- receive
- Msg ->
- ok
- after 0 ->
- ok
- end.
-make_req_id() ->
- now().
-to_lower(Str) ->
- to_lower(Str, []).
-to_lower([H|T], Acc) when H >= $A, H =< $Z ->
- to_lower(T, [H+32|Acc]);
-to_lower([H|T], Acc) ->
- to_lower(T, [H|Acc]);
-to_lower([], Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc).
-shutting_down(#state{lb_ets_tid = undefined}) ->
- ok;
-shutting_down(#state{lb_ets_tid = Tid,
- cur_pipeline_size = Sz}) ->
- catch ets:delete(Tid, {Sz, self()}).
-inc_pipeline_counter(#state{is_closing = true} = State) ->
- State;
-inc_pipeline_counter(#state{cur_pipeline_size = Pipe_sz} = State) ->
- State#state{cur_pipeline_size = Pipe_sz + 1}.
-dec_pipeline_counter(#state{is_closing = true} = State) ->
- State;
-dec_pipeline_counter(#state{lb_ets_tid = undefined} = State) ->
- State;
-dec_pipeline_counter(#state{cur_pipeline_size = Pipe_sz,
- lb_ets_tid = Tid} = State) ->
- ets:delete(Tid, {Pipe_sz, self()}),
- ets:insert(Tid, {{Pipe_sz - 1, self()}, []}),
- State#state{cur_pipeline_size = Pipe_sz - 1}.
-flatten([H | _] = L) when is_integer(H) ->
- L;
-flatten([H | _] = L) when is_list(H) ->
- lists:flatten(L);
-flatten([]) ->
- [].
-get_stream_chunk_size(Options) ->
- case lists:keysearch(stream_chunk_size, 1, Options) of
- {value, {_, V}} when V > 0 ->
- V;
- _ ->
- end.
-set_inac_timer(State) ->
- cancel_timer(State#state.inactivity_timer_ref),
- set_inac_timer(State#state{inactivity_timer_ref = undefined},
- get_inac_timeout(State)).
-set_inac_timer(State, Timeout) when is_integer(Timeout) ->
- Ref = erlang:send_after(Timeout, self(), timeout),
- State#state{inactivity_timer_ref = Ref};
-set_inac_timer(State, _) ->
- State.
-get_inac_timeout(#state{cur_req = #request{options = Opts}}) ->
- get_value(inactivity_timeout, Opts, infinity);
-get_inac_timeout(#state{cur_req = undefined}) ->
- case ibrowse:get_config_value(inactivity_timeout, undefined) of
- Val when is_integer(Val) ->
- Val;
- _ ->
- case application:get_env(ibrowse, inactivity_timeout) of
- {ok, Val} when is_integer(Val), Val > 0 ->
- Val;
- _ ->
- 10000
- end
- end.
-trace_request(Req) ->
- case get(my_trace_flag) of
- true ->
- %%Avoid the binary operations if trace is not on...
- NReq = to_binary(Req),
- do_trace("Sending request: ~n"
- "--- Request Begin ---~n~s~n"
- "--- Request End ---~n", [NReq]);
- _ -> ok
- end.
-trace_request_body(Body) ->
- case get(my_trace_flag) of
- true ->
- %%Avoid the binary operations if trace is not on...
- NBody = to_binary(Body),
- case size(NBody) > 1024 of
- true ->
- ok;
- false ->
- do_trace("Sending request body: ~n"
- "--- Request Body Begin ---~n~s~n"
- "--- Request Body End ---~n", [NBody])
- end;
- false ->
- ok
- end.
-to_integer(X) when is_list(X) -> list_to_integer(X);
-to_integer(X) when is_integer(X) -> X.
-to_binary(X) when is_list(X) -> list_to_binary(X);
-to_binary(X) when is_binary(X) -> X.