path: root/src/couchdb/couch_os_daemons.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/couchdb/couch_os_daemons.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 364 deletions
diff --git a/src/couchdb/couch_os_daemons.erl b/src/couchdb/couch_os_daemons.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index d03f550c..00000000
--- a/src/couchdb/couch_os_daemons.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,364 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
--export([start_link/0, info/0, info/1, config_change/2]).
--export([init/1, terminate/2, code_change/3]).
--export([handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2]).
--record(daemon, {
- port,
- name,
- cmd,
- kill,
- status=running,
- cfg_patterns=[],
- errors=[],
- buf=[]
--define(PORT_OPTIONS, [stream, {line, 1024}, binary, exit_status, hide]).
--define(TIMEOUT, 5000).
-start_link() ->
- gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
-info() ->
- info([]).
-info(Options) ->
- gen_server:call(?MODULE, {daemon_info, Options}).
-config_change(Section, Key) ->
- gen_server:cast(?MODULE, {config_change, Section, Key}).
-init(_) ->
- process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- ok = couch_config:register(fun couch_os_daemons:config_change/2),
- Table = ets:new(?MODULE, [protected, set, {keypos, #daemon.port}]),
- reload_daemons(Table),
- {ok, Table}.
-terminate(_Reason, Table) ->
- [stop_port(D) || D <- ets:tab2list(Table)],
- ok.
-handle_call({daemon_info, Options}, _From, Table) when is_list(Options) ->
- case lists:member(table, Options) of
- true ->
- {reply, {ok, ets:tab2list(Table)}, Table};
- _ ->
- {reply, {ok, Table}, Table}
- end;
-handle_call(Msg, From, Table) ->
- ?LOG_ERROR("Unknown call message to ~p from ~p: ~p", [?MODULE, From, Msg]),
- {stop, error, Table}.
-handle_cast({config_change, Sect, Key}, Table) ->
- restart_daemons(Table, Sect, Key),
- case Sect of
- "os_daemons" -> reload_daemons(Table);
- _ -> ok
- end,
- {noreply, Table};
-handle_cast(stop, Table) ->
- {stop, normal, Table};
-handle_cast(Msg, Table) ->
- ?LOG_ERROR("Unknown cast message to ~p: ~p", [?MODULE, Msg]),
- {stop, error, Table}.
-handle_info({'EXIT', Port, Reason}, Table) ->
- case ets:lookup(Table, Port) of
- [] ->
- ?LOG_INFO("Port ~p exited after stopping: ~p~n", [Port, Reason]);
- [#daemon{status=stopping}] ->
- true = ets:delete(Table, Port);
- [#daemon{name=Name, status=restarting}=D] ->
- ?LOG_INFO("Daemon ~P restarting after config change.", [Name]),
- true = ets:delete(Table, Port),
- {ok, Port2} = start_port(D#daemon.cmd),
- true = ets:insert(Table, D#daemon{
- port=Port2, status=running, kill=undefined, buf=[]
- });
- [#daemon{name=Name, status=halted}] ->
- ?LOG_ERROR("Halted daemon process: ~p", [Name]);
- [D] ->
- ?LOG_ERROR("Invalid port state at exit: ~p", [D])
- end,
- {noreply, Table};
-handle_info({Port, closed}, Table) ->
- handle_info({Port, {exit_status, closed}}, Table);
-handle_info({Port, {exit_status, Status}}, Table) ->
- case ets:lookup(Table, Port) of
- [] ->
- ?LOG_ERROR("Unknown port ~p exiting ~p", [Port, Status]),
- {stop, {error, unknown_port_died, Status}, Table};
- [#daemon{name=Name, status=restarting}=D] ->
- ?LOG_INFO("Daemon ~P restarting after config change.", [Name]),
- true = ets:delete(Table, Port),
- {ok, Port2} = start_port(D#daemon.cmd),
- true = ets:insert(Table, D#daemon{
- port=Port2, status=running, kill=undefined, buf=[]
- }),
- {noreply, Table};
- [#daemon{status=stopping}=D] ->
- % The configuration changed and this daemon is no
- % longer needed.
- ?LOG_DEBUG("Port ~p shut down.", []),
- true = ets:delete(Table, Port),
- {noreply, Table};
- [D] ->
- % Port died for unknown reason. Check to see if it's
- % died too many times or if we should boot it back up.
- case should_halt([now() | D#daemon.errors]) of
- {true, _} ->
- % Halting the process. We won't try and reboot
- % until the configuration changes.
- Fmt = "Daemon ~p halted with exit_status ~p",
- ?LOG_ERROR(Fmt, [, Status]),
- D2 = D#daemon{status=halted, errors=nil, buf=nil},
- true = ets:insert(Table, D2),
- {noreply, Table};
- {false, Errors} ->
- % We're guessing it was a random error, this daemon
- % has behaved so we'll give it another chance.
- Fmt = "Daemon ~p is being rebooted after exit_status ~p",
- ?LOG_INFO(Fmt, [, Status]),
- true = ets:delete(Table, Port),
- {ok, Port2} = start_port(D#daemon.cmd),
- true = ets:insert(Table, D#daemon{
- port=Port2, status=running, kill=undefined,
- errors=Errors, buf=[]
- }),
- {noreply, Table}
- end;
- _Else ->
- throw(error)
- end;
-handle_info({Port, {data, {noeol, Data}}}, Table) ->
- [#daemon{buf=Buf}=D] = ets:lookup(Table, Port),
- true = ets:insert(Table, D#daemon{buf=[Data | Buf]}),
- {noreply, Table};
-handle_info({Port, {data, {eol, Data}}}, Table) ->
- [#daemon{buf=Buf}=D] = ets:lookup(Table, Port),
- Line = lists:reverse(Buf, Data),
- % The first line echoed back is the kill command
- % for when we go to get rid of the port. Lines after
- % that are considered part of the stdio API.
- case D#daemon.kill of
- undefined ->
- true = ets:insert(Table, D#daemon{kill=?b2l(Line), buf=[]});
- _Else ->
- D2 = case (catch ?JSON_DECODE(Line)) of
- {invalid_json, Rejected} ->
- ?LOG_ERROR("Ignoring OS daemon request: ~p", [Rejected]),
- D;
- JSON ->
- {ok, D3} = handle_port_message(D, JSON),
- D3
- end,
- true = ets:insert(Table, D2#daemon{buf=[]})
- end,
- {noreply, Table};
-handle_info({Port, Error}, Table) ->
- ?LOG_ERROR("Unexpectd message from port ~p: ~p", [Port, Error]),
- stop_port(Port),
- [D] = ets:lookup(Table, Port),
- true = ets:insert(Table, D#daemon{status=restarting, buf=nil}),
- {noreply, Table};
-handle_info(Msg, Table) ->
- ?LOG_ERROR("Unexpected info message to ~p: ~p", [?MODULE, Msg]),
- {stop, error, Table}.
-code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
- {ok, State}.
-% Internal API
-% Port management helpers
-start_port(Command) ->
- PrivDir = couch_util:priv_dir(),
- Spawnkiller = filename:join(PrivDir, "couchspawnkillable"),
- Port = open_port({spawn, Spawnkiller ++ " " ++ Command}, ?PORT_OPTIONS),
- {ok, Port}.
-stop_port(#daemon{port=Port, kill=undefined}=D) ->
- ?LOG_ERROR("Stopping daemon without a kill command: ~p", []),
- catch port_close(Port);
-stop_port(#daemon{port=Port}=D) ->
- ?LOG_DEBUG("Stopping daemon: ~p", []),
- os:cmd(D#daemon.kill),
- catch port_close(Port).
-handle_port_message(#daemon{port=Port}=Daemon, [<<"get">>, Section]) ->
- KVs = couch_config:get(Section),
- Data = lists:map(fun({K, V}) -> {?l2b(K), ?l2b(V)} end, KVs),
- Json = iolist_to_binary(?JSON_ENCODE({Data})),
- port_command(Port, <<Json/binary, "\n">>),
- {ok, Daemon};
-handle_port_message(#daemon{port=Port}=Daemon, [<<"get">>, Section, Key]) ->
- Value = case couch_config:get(Section, Key, null) of
- null -> null;
- String -> ?l2b(String)
- end,
- Json = iolist_to_binary(?JSON_ENCODE(Value)),
- port_command(Port, <<Json/binary, "\n">>),
- {ok, Daemon};
-handle_port_message(Daemon, [<<"register">>, Sec]) when is_binary(Sec) ->
- Patterns = lists:usort(Daemon#daemon.cfg_patterns ++ [{?b2l(Sec)}]),
- {ok, Daemon#daemon{cfg_patterns=Patterns}};
-handle_port_message(Daemon, [<<"register">>, Sec, Key])
- when is_binary(Sec) andalso is_binary(Key) ->
- Pattern = {?b2l(Sec), ?b2l(Key)},
- Patterns = lists:usort(Daemon#daemon.cfg_patterns ++ [Pattern]),
- {ok, Daemon#daemon{cfg_patterns=Patterns}};
-handle_port_message(#daemon{name=Name}=Daemon, [<<"log">>, Msg]) ->
- handle_log_message(Name, Msg, <<"info">>),
- {ok, Daemon};
-handle_port_message(#daemon{name=Name}=Daemon, [<<"log">>, Msg, {Opts}]) ->
- Level = couch_util:get_value(<<"level">>, Opts, <<"info">>),
- handle_log_message(Name, Msg, Level),
- {ok, Daemon};
-handle_port_message(#daemon{name=Name}=Daemon, Else) ->
- ?LOG_ERROR("Daemon ~p made invalid request: ~p", [Name, Else]),
- {ok, Daemon}.
-handle_log_message(Name, Msg, _Level) when not is_binary(Msg) ->
- ?LOG_ERROR("Invalid log message from daemon ~p: ~p", [Name, Msg]);
-handle_log_message(Name, Msg, <<"debug">>) ->
- ?LOG_DEBUG("Daemon ~p :: ~s", [Name, ?b2l(Msg)]);
-handle_log_message(Name, Msg, <<"info">>) ->
- ?LOG_INFO("Daemon ~p :: ~s", [Name, ?b2l(Msg)]);
-handle_log_message(Name, Msg, <<"error">>) ->
- ?LOG_ERROR("Daemon: ~p :: ~s", [Name, ?b2l(Msg)]);
-handle_log_message(Name, Msg, Level) ->
- ?LOG_ERROR("Invalid log level from daemon: ~p", [Level]),
- ?LOG_INFO("Daemon: ~p :: ~s", [Name, ?b2l(Msg)]).
-% Daemon management helpers
-reload_daemons(Table) ->
- % List of daemons we want to have running.
- Configured = lists:sort(couch_config:get("os_daemons")),
- % Remove records for daemons that were halted.
- MSpecHalted = #daemon{name='$1', cmd='$2', status=halted, _='_'},
- Halted = lists:sort([{N, C} || [N, C] <- ets:match(Table, MSpecHalted)]),
- ok = stop_os_daemons(Table, find_to_stop(Configured, Halted, [])),
- % Stop daemons that are running
- % Start newly configured daemons
- MSpecRunning = #daemon{name='$1', cmd='$2', status=running, _='_'},
- Running = lists:sort([{N, C} || [N, C] <- ets:match(Table, MSpecRunning)]),
- ok = stop_os_daemons(Table, find_to_stop(Configured, Running, [])),
- ok = boot_os_daemons(Table, find_to_boot(Configured, Running, [])),
- ok.
-restart_daemons(Table, Sect, Key) ->
- restart_daemons(Table, Sect, Key, ets:first(Table)).
-restart_daemons(_, _, _, '$end_of_table') ->
- ok;
-restart_daemons(Table, Sect, Key, Port) ->
- [D] = ets:lookup(Table, Port),
- HasSect = lists:member({Sect}, D#daemon.cfg_patterns),
- HasKey = lists:member({Sect, Key}, D#daemon.cfg_patterns),
- case HasSect or HasKey of
- true ->
- stop_port(D),
- D2 = D#daemon{status=restarting, buf=nil},
- true = ets:insert(Table, D2);
- _ ->
- ok
- end,
- restart_daemons(Table, Sect, Key, ets:next(Table, Port)).
-stop_os_daemons(_Table, []) ->
- ok;
-stop_os_daemons(Table, [{Name, Cmd} | Rest]) ->
- [[Port]] = ets:match(Table, #daemon{port='$1', name=Name, cmd=Cmd, _='_'}),
- [D] = ets:lookup(Table, Port),
- case D#daemon.status of
- halted ->
- ets:delete(Table, Port);
- _ ->
- stop_port(D),
- D2 = D#daemon{status=stopping, errors=nil, buf=nil},
- true = ets:insert(Table, D2)
- end,
- stop_os_daemons(Table, Rest).
-boot_os_daemons(_Table, []) ->
- ok;
-boot_os_daemons(Table, [{Name, Cmd} | Rest]) ->
- {ok, Port} = start_port(Cmd),
- true = ets:insert(Table, #daemon{port=Port, name=Name, cmd=Cmd}),
- boot_os_daemons(Table, Rest).
-% Elements unique to the configured set need to be booted.
-find_to_boot([], _Rest, Acc) ->
- % Nothing else configured.
- Acc;
-find_to_boot([D | R1], [D | R2], Acc) ->
- % Elements are equal, daemon already running.
- find_to_boot(R1, R2, Acc);
-find_to_boot([D1 | R1], [D2 | _]=A2, Acc) when D1 < D2 ->
- find_to_boot(R1, A2, [D1 | Acc]);
-find_to_boot(A1, [_ | R2], Acc) ->
- find_to_boot(A1, R2, Acc);
-find_to_boot(Rest, [], Acc) ->
- % No more candidates for already running. Boot all.
- Rest ++ Acc.
-% Elements unique to the running set need to be killed.
-find_to_stop([], Rest, Acc) ->
- % The rest haven't been found, so they must all
- % be ready to die.
- Rest ++ Acc;
-find_to_stop([D | R1], [D | R2], Acc) ->
- % Elements are equal, daemon already running.
- find_to_stop(R1, R2, Acc);
-find_to_stop([D1 | R1], [D2 | _]=A2, Acc) when D1 < D2 ->
- find_to_stop(R1, A2, Acc);
-find_to_stop(A1, [D2 | R2], Acc) ->
- find_to_stop(A1, R2, [D2 | Acc]);
-find_to_stop(_, [], Acc) ->
- % No more running daemons to worry about.
- Acc.
-should_halt(Errors) ->
- RetryTimeCfg = couch_config:get("os_daemon_settings", "retry_time", "5"),
- RetryTime = list_to_integer(RetryTimeCfg),
- Now = now(),
- RecentErrors = lists:filter(fun(Time) ->
- timer:now_diff(Now, Time) =< RetryTime * 1000000
- end, Errors),
- RetryCfg = couch_config:get("os_daemon_settings", "max_retries", "3"),
- Retries = list_to_integer(RetryCfg),
- {length(RecentErrors) >= Retries, RecentErrors}.