path: root/src/couchdb/couch_httpd_vhost.erl
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diff --git a/src/couchdb/couch_httpd_vhost.erl b/src/couchdb/couch_httpd_vhost.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 03dd02ae..00000000
--- a/src/couchdb/couch_httpd_vhost.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,407 +0,0 @@
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
--export([start_link/0, init/1, handle_call/3, handle_info/2, handle_cast/2]).
--export([code_change/3, terminate/2]).
--export([match_vhost/1, urlsplit_netloc/2]).
--define(SEPARATOR, $\/).
--define(MATCH_ALL, {bind, '*'}).
--record(vhosts, {
- vhost_globals,
- vhosts = [],
- vhost_fun
-%% doc the vhost manager.
-%% This gen_server keep state of vhosts added to the ini and try to
-%% match the Host header (or forwarded) against rules built against
-%% vhost list.
-%% Declaration of vhosts take place in the configuration file :
-%% [vhosts]
-%% = /example
-%% * = /example
-%% The first line will rewrite the rquest to display the content of the
-%% example database. This rule works only if the Host header is
-%% '' and won't work for CNAMEs. Second rule on the other hand
-%% match all CNAMES to example db. So or
-%% will work.
-%% The wildcard ('*') should always be the last in the cnames:
-%% "* = /" will match all cname on top of db
-%% examples to the root of the machine.
-%% Rewriting Hosts to path
-%% -----------------------
-%% Like in the _rewrite handler you could match some variable and use
-%them to create the target path. Some examples:
-%% [vhosts]
-%% * = /*
-%% = /:dbname
-%% = /:dbname/_design/:ddocname/_rewrite
-%% First rule pass wildcard as dbname, second do the same but use a
-%% variable name and the third one allows you to use any app with
-%% @ddocname in any db with @dbname .
-%% You could also change the default function to handle request by
-%% changing the setting `redirect_vhost_handler` in `httpd` section of
-%% the Ini:
-%% [httpd]
-%% redirect_vhost_handler = {Module, Fun}
-%% The function take 2 args : the mochiweb request object and the target
-%%% path.
-start_link() ->
- gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
-%% @doc Try to find a rule matching current Host heade. some rule is
-%% found it rewrite the Mochiweb Request else it return current Request.
-match_vhost(MochiReq) ->
- {ok, MochiReq1} = gen_server:call(couch_httpd_vhost, {match_vhost,
- MochiReq}),
- MochiReq1.
-%% --------------------
-%% gen_server functions
-%% --------------------
-init(_) ->
- process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- % init state
- VHosts = make_vhosts(),
- VHostGlobals = re:split(
- couch_config:get("httpd", "vhost_global_handlers", ""),
- ", ?",
- [{return, list}]
- ),
- % Set vhost fun
- DefaultVHostFun = "{couch_httpd_vhost, redirect_to_vhost}",
- VHostFun = couch_httpd:make_arity_2_fun(
- couch_config:get("httpd", "redirect_vhost_handler", DefaultVHostFun)
- ),
- Self = self(),
- % register for changes in vhosts section
- ok = couch_config:register(
- fun("vhosts") ->
- ok = gen_server:call(Self, vhosts_changed, infinity)
- end
- ),
- % register for changes in vhost_global_handlers key
- ok = couch_config:register(
- fun("httpd", "vhost_global_handlers") ->
- ok = gen_server:call(Self, vhosts_global_changed, infinity)
- end
- ),
- ok = couch_config:register(
- fun("httpd", "redirect_vhost_handler") ->
- ok = gen_server:call(Self, fun_changed, infinity)
- end
- ),
- {ok, #vhosts{
- vhost_globals = VHostGlobals,
- vhosts = VHosts,
- vhost_fun = VHostFun}
- }.
-handle_call({match_vhost, MochiReq}, _From, State) ->
- #vhosts{
- vhost_globals = VHostGlobals,
- vhosts = VHosts,
- vhost_fun = Fun
- } = State,
- {"/" ++ VPath, Query, Fragment} = mochiweb_util:urlsplit_path(MochiReq:get(raw_path)),
- VPathParts = string:tokens(VPath, "/"),
- XHost = couch_config:get("httpd", "x_forwarded_host", "X-Forwarded-Host"),
- VHost = case MochiReq:get_header_value(XHost) of
- undefined ->
- case MochiReq:get_header_value("Host") of
- undefined -> [];
- Value1 -> Value1
- end;
- Value -> Value
- end,
- {VHostParts, VhostPort} = split_host_port(VHost),
- FinalMochiReq = case try_bind_vhost(VHosts, lists:reverse(VHostParts),
- VhostPort, VPathParts) of
- no_vhost_matched -> MochiReq;
- {VhostTarget, NewPath} ->
- case vhost_global(VHostGlobals, MochiReq) of
- true ->
- MochiReq;
- _Else ->
- NewPath1 = mochiweb_util:urlunsplit_path({NewPath, Query,
- Fragment}),
- MochiReq1 = mochiweb_request:new(MochiReq:get(socket),
- MochiReq:get(method),
- NewPath1,
- MochiReq:get(version),
- MochiReq:get(headers)),
- Fun(MochiReq1, VhostTarget)
- end
- end,
- {reply, {ok, FinalMochiReq}, State};
-% update vhosts
-handle_call(vhosts_changed, _From, State) ->
- {reply, ok, State#vhosts{vhosts= make_vhosts()}};
-% update vhosts_globals
-handle_call(vhosts_global_changed, _From, State) ->
- VHostGlobals = re:split(
- couch_config:get("httpd", "vhost_global_handlers", ""),
- ", ?",
- [{return, list}]
- ),
- {reply, ok, State#vhosts{vhost_globals=VHostGlobals}};
-% change fun
-handle_call(fun_changed, _From, State) ->
- DefaultVHostFun = "{couch_httpd_vhosts, redirect_to_vhost}",
- VHostFun = couch_httpd:make_arity_2_fun(
- couch_config:get("httpd", "redirect_vhost_handler", DefaultVHostFun)
- ),
- {reply, ok, State#vhosts{vhost_fun=VHostFun}}.
-handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
- {noreply, State}.
-handle_info(_Msg, State) ->
- {noreply, State}.
-terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
- ok.
-code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
- {ok, State}.
-append_path("/"=_Target, "/"=_Path) ->
- "/";
-append_path(Target, Path) ->
- Target ++ Path.
-% default redirect vhost handler
-redirect_to_vhost(MochiReq, VhostTarget) ->
- Path = MochiReq:get(raw_path),
- Target = append_path(VhostTarget, Path),
- ?LOG_DEBUG("Vhost Target: '~p'~n", [Target]),
- Headers = mochiweb_headers:enter("x-couchdb-vhost-path", Path,
- MochiReq:get(headers)),
- % build a new mochiweb request
- MochiReq1 = mochiweb_request:new(MochiReq:get(socket),
- MochiReq:get(method),
- Target,
- MochiReq:get(version),
- Headers),
- % cleanup, It force mochiweb to reparse raw uri.
- MochiReq1:cleanup(),
- MochiReq1.
-%% if so, then it will not be rewritten, but will run as a normal couchdb request.
-%* normally you'd use this for _uuids _utils and a few of the others you want to
-%% keep available on vhosts. You can also use it to make databases 'global'.
-vhost_global( VhostGlobals, MochiReq) ->
- RawUri = MochiReq:get(raw_path),
- {"/" ++ Path, _, _} = mochiweb_util:urlsplit_path(RawUri),
- Front = case couch_httpd:partition(Path) of
- {"", "", ""} ->
- "/"; % Special case the root url handler
- {FirstPart, _, _} ->
- FirstPart
- end,
- [true] == [true||V <- VhostGlobals, V == Front].
-%% bind host
-%% first it try to bind the port then the hostname.
-try_bind_vhost([], _HostParts, _Port, _PathParts) ->
- no_vhost_matched;
-try_bind_vhost([VhostSpec|Rest], HostParts, Port, PathParts) ->
- {{VHostParts, VPort, VPath}, Path} = VhostSpec,
- case bind_port(VPort, Port) of
- ok ->
- case bind_vhost(lists:reverse(VHostParts), HostParts, []) of
- {ok, Bindings, Remainings} ->
- case bind_path(VPath, PathParts) of
- {ok, PathParts1} ->
- Path1 = make_target(Path, Bindings, Remainings, []),
- {make_path(Path1), make_path(PathParts1)};
- fail ->
- try_bind_vhost(Rest, HostParts, Port,
- PathParts)
- end;
- fail -> try_bind_vhost(Rest, HostParts, Port, PathParts)
- end;
- fail -> try_bind_vhost(Rest, HostParts, Port, PathParts)
- end.
-%% doc: build new patch from bindings. bindings are query args
-%% (+ dynamic query rewritten if needed) and bindings found in
-%% bind_path step.
-%% TODO: merge code wit rewrite. But we need to make sure we are
-%% in string here.
-make_target([], _Bindings, _Remaining, Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc);
-make_target([?MATCH_ALL], _Bindings, Remaining, Acc) ->
- Acc1 = lists:reverse(Acc) ++ Remaining,
- Acc1;
-make_target([?MATCH_ALL|_Rest], _Bindings, Remaining, Acc) ->
- Acc1 = lists:reverse(Acc) ++ Remaining,
- Acc1;
-make_target([{bind, P}|Rest], Bindings, Remaining, Acc) ->
- P2 = case couch_util:get_value({bind, P}, Bindings) of
- undefined -> "undefined";
- P1 -> P1
- end,
- make_target(Rest, Bindings, Remaining, [P2|Acc]);
-make_target([P|Rest], Bindings, Remaining, Acc) ->
- make_target(Rest, Bindings, Remaining, [P|Acc]).
-%% bind port
-bind_port(Port, Port) -> ok;
-bind_port('*', _) -> ok;
-bind_port(_,_) -> fail.
-%% bind bhost
-bind_vhost([],[], Bindings) -> {ok, Bindings, []};
-bind_vhost([?MATCH_ALL], [], _Bindings) -> fail;
-bind_vhost([?MATCH_ALL], Rest, Bindings) -> {ok, Bindings, Rest};
-bind_vhost([], _HostParts, _Bindings) -> fail;
-bind_vhost([{bind, Token}|Rest], [Match|RestHost], Bindings) ->
- bind_vhost(Rest, RestHost, [{{bind, Token}, Match}|Bindings]);
-bind_vhost([Cname|Rest], [Cname|RestHost], Bindings) ->
- bind_vhost(Rest, RestHost, Bindings);
-bind_vhost(_, _, _) -> fail.
-%% bind path
-bind_path([], PathParts) ->
- {ok, PathParts};
-bind_path(_VPathParts, []) ->
- fail;
-bind_path([Path|VRest],[Path|Rest]) ->
- bind_path(VRest, Rest);
-bind_path(_, _) ->
- fail.
-% utilities
-%% create vhost list from ini
-make_vhosts() ->
- Vhosts = lists:foldl(fun({Vhost, Path}, Acc) ->
- [{parse_vhost(Vhost), split_path(Path)}|Acc]
- end, [], couch_config:get("vhosts")),
- lists:reverse(lists:usort(Vhosts)).
-parse_vhost(Vhost) ->
- case urlsplit_netloc(Vhost, []) of
- {[], Path} ->
- {make_spec("*", []), '*', Path};
- {HostPort, []} ->
- {H, P} = split_host_port(HostPort),
- H1 = make_spec(H, []),
- {H1, P, []};
- {HostPort, Path} ->
- {H, P} = split_host_port(HostPort),
- H1 = make_spec(H, []),
- {H1, P, string:tokens(Path, "/")}
- end.
-split_host_port(HostAsString) ->
- case string:rchr(HostAsString, $:) of
- 0 ->
- {split_host(HostAsString), '*'};
- N ->
- HostPart = string:substr(HostAsString, 1, N-1),
- case (catch erlang:list_to_integer(string:substr(HostAsString,
- N+1, length(HostAsString)))) of
- {'EXIT', _} ->
- {split_host(HostAsString), '*'};
- Port ->
- {split_host(HostPart), Port}
- end
- end.
-split_host(HostAsString) ->
- string:tokens(HostAsString, "\.").
-split_path(Path) ->
- make_spec(string:tokens(Path, "/"), []).
-make_spec([], Acc) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc);
-make_spec([""|R], Acc) ->
- make_spec(R, Acc);
-make_spec(["*"|R], Acc) ->
- make_spec(R, [?MATCH_ALL|Acc]);
-make_spec([P|R], Acc) ->
- P1 = parse_var(P),
- make_spec(R, [P1|Acc]).
-parse_var(P) ->
- case P of
- ":" ++ Var ->
- {bind, Var};
- _ -> P
- end.
-% mochiweb doesn't export it.
-urlsplit_netloc("", Acc) ->
- {lists:reverse(Acc), ""};
-urlsplit_netloc(Rest=[C | _], Acc) when C =:= $/; C =:= $?; C =:= $# ->
- {lists:reverse(Acc), Rest};
-urlsplit_netloc([C | Rest], Acc) ->
- urlsplit_netloc(Rest, [C | Acc]).
-make_path(Parts) ->
- "/" ++ string:join(Parts,[?SEPARATOR]).