path: root/src/couchdb/couch_file.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/couchdb/couch_file.erl')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/src/couchdb/couch_file.erl b/src/couchdb/couch_file.erl
index 4c6928a7..64a9ed7b 100644
--- a/src/couchdb/couch_file.erl
+++ b/src/couchdb/couch_file.erl
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ append_binary(Fd, Bin) ->
append_binary_md5(Fd, Bin) ->
Size = iolist_size(Bin),
gen_server:call(Fd, {append_bin,
- [<<1:1/integer,Size:31/integer>>, erlang:md5(Bin), Bin]}, infinity).
+ [<<1:1/integer,Size:31/integer>>, couch_util:md5(Bin), Bin]}, infinity).
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ pread_iolist(Fd, Pos) ->
{ok, Md5List, ValPos} = read_raw_iolist(Fd, NextPos, 16),
Md5 = iolist_to_binary(Md5List),
{ok, IoList, _} = read_raw_iolist(Fd,ValPos,Len),
- case erlang:md5(IoList) of
+ case couch_util:md5(IoList) of
Md5 -> ok;
_ -> throw(file_corruption)
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ read_header(Fd) ->
write_header(Fd, Data) ->
Bin = term_to_binary(Data),
- Md5 = erlang:md5(Bin),
+ Md5 = couch_util:md5(Bin),
% now we assemble the final header binary and write to disk
FinalBin = <<Md5/binary, Bin/binary>>,
gen_server:call(Fd, {write_header, FinalBin}, infinity).
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ handle_call({upgrade_old_header, Prefix}, _From, #file{fd=Fd}=File) ->
{ok, Header} ->
{ok, TailAppendBegin} = file:position(Fd, eof),
Bin = term_to_binary(Header),
- Md5 = erlang:md5(Bin),
+ Md5 = couch_util:md5(Bin),
% now we assemble the final header binary and write to disk
FinalBin = <<Md5/binary, Bin/binary>>,
{reply, ok, _} = handle_call({write_header, FinalBin}, ok, File),
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ extract_header(Prefix, Bin) ->
case HeaderPrefix of
Prefix ->
% check the integrity signature
- case erlang:md5(TermBin) == Sig of
+ case couch_util:md5(TermBin) == Sig of
true ->
Header = binary_to_term(TermBin),
{ok, Header};
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ write_old_header(Fd, Prefix, Data) ->
ok = file:sync(Fd),
% pad out the header with zeros, then take the md5 hash
PadZeros = <<0:(8*(?HEADER_SIZE - FilledSize2))>>,
- Sig = erlang:md5([TermBin2, PadZeros]),
+ Sig = couch_util:md5([TermBin2, PadZeros]),
% now we assemble the final header binary and write to disk
WriteBin = <<Prefix/binary, TermBin2/binary, PadZeros/binary, Sig/binary>>,
?HEADER_SIZE = size(WriteBin), % sanity check
@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ load_header(Fd, Block) ->
file:pread(Fd, (Block*?SIZE_BLOCK) + 5, TotalBytes),
<<Md5Sig:16/binary, HeaderBin/binary>> =
iolist_to_binary(remove_block_prefixes(1, RawBin)),
- Md5Sig = erlang:md5(HeaderBin),
+ Md5Sig = couch_util:md5(HeaderBin),
{ok, HeaderBin}.
calculate_total_read_len(0, FinalLen) ->