path: root/src/couch_inets/mod_auth.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/couch_inets/mod_auth.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 784 deletions
diff --git a/src/couch_inets/mod_auth.erl b/src/couch_inets/mod_auth.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index e94699fe..00000000
--- a/src/couch_inets/mod_auth.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,784 +0,0 @@
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999, Ericsson Utvecklings
-%% AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
-%% The functions that the webbserver call on startup stop
-%% and when the server traverse the modules.
--export([do/1, load/2, store/2, remove/1]).
-%% User entries to the gen-server.
--export([add_user/2, add_user/5, add_user/6,
- add_group_member/3, add_group_member/4, add_group_member/5,
- list_users/1, list_users/2, list_users/3,
- delete_user/2, delete_user/3, delete_user/4,
- delete_group_member/3, delete_group_member/4, delete_group_member/5,
- list_groups/1, list_groups/2, list_groups/3,
- delete_group/2, delete_group/3, delete_group/4,
- get_user/2, get_user/3, get_user/4,
- list_group_members/2, list_group_members/3, list_group_members/4,
- update_password/6, update_password/5]).
-%% We will not make the change to use base64 in stdlib in inets just yet.
-%% it will be included in the next major release of inets.
--compile({nowarn_deprecated_function, {http_base_64, encode, 1}}).
-%% do
-do(Info) ->
- case httpd_util:key1search(,status) of
- %% A status code has been generated!
- {_StatusCode, _PhraseArgs, _Reason} ->
- {proceed,};
- %% No status code has been generated!
- undefined ->
- case httpd_util:key1search(,response) of
- %% No response has been generated!
- undefined ->
- Path = mod_alias:path(,Info#mod.config_db,
- Info#mod.request_uri),
- %% Is it a secret area?
- case secretp(Path,Info#mod.config_db) of
- {yes, Directory, DirectoryData} ->
- %% Authenticate (allow)
- case allow((Info#mod.init_data)#init_data.peername,
- Info#mod.socket_type,Info#mod.socket,
- DirectoryData) of
- allowed ->
- case deny((Info#mod.init_data)#init_data.peername,
- Info#mod.socket_type,
- Info#mod.socket,
- DirectoryData) of
- not_denied ->
- case httpd_util:key1search(
- DirectoryData,
- auth_type) of
- undefined ->
- {proceed,};
- none ->
- {proceed,};
- AuthType ->
- do_auth(Info,
- Directory,
- DirectoryData,
- AuthType)
- end;
- {denied, Reason} ->
- {proceed,
- [{status, {403,
- Info#mod.request_uri,
- Reason}}|
- end;
- {not_allowed, Reason} ->
- {proceed,[{status,{403,
- Info#mod.request_uri,
- Reason}} |
- end;
- no ->
- {proceed,}
- end;
- %% A response has been generated or sent!
- _Response ->
- {proceed,}
- end
- end.
-do_auth(Info, Directory, DirectoryData, _AuthType) ->
- %% Authenticate (require)
- case require(Info, Directory, DirectoryData) of
- authorized ->
- {proceed,};
- {authorized, User} ->
- {proceed, [{remote_user,User}|]};
- {authorization_required, Realm} ->
- ReasonPhrase = httpd_util:reason_phrase(401),
- Message = httpd_util:message(401,none,Info#mod.config_db),
- {proceed,
- [{response,
- {401,
- ["WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"",Realm,
- "\"\r\n\r\n","<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<TITLE>",
- ReasonPhrase,"</TITLE>\n",
- "</HEAD>\n<BODY>\n<H1>",ReasonPhrase,
- "</H1>\n",Message,"\n</BODY>\n</HTML>\n"]}}|
- {status, {StatusCode,PhraseArgs,Reason}} ->
- {proceed, [{status,{StatusCode,PhraseArgs,Reason}}|
- end.
-%% require
-require(Info, Directory, DirectoryData) ->
- ParsedHeader = Info#mod.parsed_header,
- ValidUsers = httpd_util:key1search(DirectoryData, require_user),
- ValidGroups = httpd_util:key1search(DirectoryData, require_group),
- %% Any user or group restrictions?
- case ValidGroups of
- undefined when ValidUsers == undefined ->
- authorized;
- _ ->
- case httpd_util:key1search(ParsedHeader, "authorization") of
- undefined ->
- authorization_required(DirectoryData);
- %% Check credentials!
- "Basic" ++ EncodedString = Credentials ->
- case (catch http_base_64:decode(EncodedString)) of
- {'EXIT',{function_clause, _}} ->
- {status, {401, none, ?NICE("Bad credentials "++
- Credentials)}};
- DecodedString ->
- validate_user(Info, Directory, DirectoryData,
- ValidUsers, ValidGroups,
- DecodedString)
- end;
- %% Bad credentials!
- BadCredentials ->
- {status, {401, none, ?NICE("Bad credentials "++
- BadCredentials)}}
- end
- end.
-authorization_required(DirectoryData) ->
- case httpd_util:key1search(DirectoryData, auth_name) of
- undefined ->
- {status,{500, none,?NICE("AuthName directive not specified")}};
- Realm ->
- {authorization_required, Realm}
- end.
-validate_user(Info, Directory, DirectoryData, ValidUsers,
- ValidGroups, DecodedString) ->
- case a_valid_user(Info, DecodedString,
- ValidUsers, ValidGroups,
- Directory, DirectoryData) of
- {yes, User} ->
- {authorized, User};
- {no, _Reason} ->
- authorization_required(DirectoryData);
- {status, {StatusCode,PhraseArgs,Reason}} ->
- {status,{StatusCode,PhraseArgs,Reason}}
- end.
-a_valid_user(Info,DecodedString,ValidUsers,ValidGroups,Dir,DirData) ->
- case httpd_util:split(DecodedString,":",2) of
- {ok,[SupposedUser, Password]} ->
- case user_accepted(SupposedUser, ValidUsers) of
- true ->
- check_password(SupposedUser, Password, Dir, DirData);
- false ->
- case group_accepted(Info,SupposedUser,
- ValidGroups,Dir,DirData) of
- true ->
- check_password(SupposedUser,Password,Dir,DirData);
- false ->
- {no,?NICE("No such user exists")}
- end
- end;
- {ok,BadCredentials} ->
- {status,{401,none,?NICE("Bad credentials "++BadCredentials)}}
- end.
-user_accepted(_SupposedUser, undefined) ->
- false;
-user_accepted(SupposedUser, ValidUsers) ->
- lists:member(SupposedUser, ValidUsers).
-group_accepted(_Info, _User, undefined, _Dir, _DirData) ->
- false;
-group_accepted(_Info, _User, [], _Dir, _DirData) ->
- false;
-group_accepted(Info, User, [Group|Rest], Dir, DirData) ->
- Ret = int_list_group_members(Group, Dir, DirData),
- case Ret of
- {ok, UserList} ->
- case lists:member(User, UserList) of
- true ->
- true;
- false ->
- group_accepted(Info, User, Rest, Dir, DirData)
- end;
- _ ->
- false
- end.
-check_password(User, Password, _Dir, DirData) ->
- case int_get_user(DirData, User) of
- {ok, UStruct} ->
- case UStruct#httpd_user.password of
- Password ->
- %% FIXME
- {yes, UStruct#httpd_user.username};
- _ ->
- {no, "No such user"} % Don't say 'Bad Password' !!!
- end;
- _ ->
- {no, "No such user"}
- end.
-%% Middle API. Theese functions call the appropriate authentication module.
-int_get_user(DirData, User) ->
- AuthMod = auth_mod_name(DirData),
- apply(AuthMod, get_user, [DirData, User]).
-int_list_group_members(Group, _Dir, DirData) ->
- AuthMod = auth_mod_name(DirData),
- apply(AuthMod, list_group_members, [DirData, Group]).
-auth_mod_name(DirData) ->
- case httpd_util:key1search(DirData, auth_type, plain) of
- plain -> mod_auth_plain;
- mnesia -> mod_auth_mnesia;
- dets -> mod_auth_dets
- end.
-%% Is it a secret area?
-%% secretp
-secretp(Path,ConfigDB) ->
- Directories = ets:match(ConfigDB,{directory,'$1','_'}),
- case secret_path(Path, Directories) of
- {yes,Directory} ->
- {yes,Directory,
- lists:flatten(ets:match(ConfigDB,{directory,Directory,'$1'}))};
- no ->
- no
- end.
-secret_path(Path, Directories) ->
- secret_path(Path, httpd_util:uniq(lists:sort(Directories)),to_be_found).
-secret_path(_Path, [], to_be_found) ->
- no;
-secret_path(_Path, [], Directory) ->
- {yes, Directory};
-secret_path(Path, [[NewDirectory] | Rest], Directory) ->
- case regexp:match(Path, NewDirectory) of
- {match, _, _} when Directory == to_be_found ->
- secret_path(Path, Rest, NewDirectory);
- {match, _, Length} when Length > length(Directory)->
- secret_path(Path, Rest,NewDirectory);
- {match, _, _Length} ->
- secret_path(Path, Rest, Directory);
- nomatch ->
- secret_path(Path, Rest, Directory)
- end.
-%% Authenticate
-%% allow
-allow({_,RemoteAddr}, _SocketType, _Socket, DirectoryData) ->
- Hosts = httpd_util:key1search(DirectoryData, allow_from, all),
- case validate_addr(RemoteAddr, Hosts) of
- true ->
- allowed;
- false ->
- {not_allowed, ?NICE("Connection from your host is not allowed")}
- end.
-validate_addr(_RemoteAddr, all) -> % When called from 'allow'
- true;
-validate_addr(_RemoteAddr, none) -> % When called from 'deny'
- false;
-validate_addr(_RemoteAddr, []) ->
- false;
-validate_addr(RemoteAddr, [HostRegExp | Rest]) ->
- case regexp:match(RemoteAddr, HostRegExp) of
- {match,_,_} ->
- true;
- nomatch ->
- validate_addr(RemoteAddr,Rest)
- end.
-%% deny
-deny({_,RemoteAddr}, _SocketType, _Socket,DirectoryData) ->
- Hosts = httpd_util:key1search(DirectoryData, deny_from, none),
- case validate_addr(RemoteAddr,Hosts) of
- true ->
- {denied, ?NICE("Connection from your host is not allowed")};
- false ->
- not_denied
- end.
-%% Configuration
-%% load/2
-%% mod_auth recognizes the following Configuration Directives:
-%% <Directory /path/to/directory>
-%% AuthDBType
-%% AuthName
-%% AuthUserFile
-%% AuthGroupFile
-%% AuthAccessPassword
-%% require
-%% allow
-%% </Directory>
-%% When a <Directory> directive is found, a new context is set to
-%% [{directory, Directory, DirData}|OtherContext]
-%% DirData in this case is a key-value list of data belonging to the
-%% directory in question.
-%% When the </Directory> statement is found, the Context created earlier
-%% will be returned as a ConfigList and the context will return to the
-%% state it was previously.
-load("<Directory " ++ Directory,[]) ->
- Dir = httpd_conf:custom_clean(Directory,"",">"),
- {ok,[{directory, Dir, [{path, Dir}]}]};
-load(eof,[{directory, Directory, _DirData}|_]) ->
- {error, ?NICE("Premature end-of-file in "++ Directory)};
-load("AuthName " ++ AuthName, [{directory,Directory, DirData}|Rest]) ->
- {ok, [{directory,Directory,
- [ {auth_name, httpd_conf:clean(AuthName)}|DirData]} | Rest ]};
-load("AuthUserFile " ++ AuthUserFile0,
- [{directory, Directory, DirData}|Rest]) ->
- AuthUserFile = httpd_conf:clean(AuthUserFile0),
- {ok,[{directory,Directory,
- [ {auth_user_file, AuthUserFile}|DirData]} | Rest ]};
-load([$A,$u,$t,$h,$G,$r,$o,$u,$p,$F,$i,$l,$e,$ |AuthGroupFile0],
- [{directory,Directory, DirData}|Rest]) ->
- AuthGroupFile = httpd_conf:clean(AuthGroupFile0),
- {ok,[{directory,Directory,
- [ {auth_group_file, AuthGroupFile}|DirData]} | Rest]};
-load("AuthAccessPassword " ++ AuthAccessPassword0,
- [{directory,Directory, DirData}|Rest]) ->
- AuthAccessPassword = httpd_conf:clean(AuthAccessPassword0),
- {ok,[{directory,Directory,
- [{auth_access_password, AuthAccessPassword}|DirData]} | Rest]};
-load("AuthDBType " ++ Type,
- [{directory, Dir, DirData}|Rest]) ->
- case httpd_conf:clean(Type) of
- "plain" ->
- {ok, [{directory, Dir, [{auth_type, plain}|DirData]} | Rest ]};
- "mnesia" ->
- {ok, [{directory, Dir, [{auth_type, mnesia}|DirData]} | Rest ]};
- "dets" ->
- {ok, [{directory, Dir, [{auth_type, dets}|DirData]} | Rest ]};
- _ ->
- {error, ?NICE(httpd_conf:clean(Type)++" is an invalid AuthDBType")}
- end;
-load("require " ++ Require,[{directory,Directory, DirData}|Rest]) ->
- case regexp:split(Require," ") of
- {ok,["user"|Users]} ->
- {ok,[{directory,Directory,
- [{require_user,Users}|DirData]} | Rest]};
- {ok,["group"|Groups]} ->
- {ok,[{directory,Directory,
- [{require_group,Groups}|DirData]} | Rest]};
- {ok,_} ->
- {error,?NICE(httpd_conf:clean(Require) ++" is an invalid require")}
- end;
-load("allow " ++ Allow,[{directory,Directory, DirData}|Rest]) ->
- case regexp:split(Allow," ") of
- {ok,["from","all"]} ->
- {ok,[{directory,Directory,
- [{allow_from,all}|DirData]} | Rest]};
- {ok,["from"|Hosts]} ->
- {ok,[{directory,Directory,
- [{allow_from,Hosts}|DirData]} | Rest]};
- {ok,_} ->
- {error,?NICE(httpd_conf:clean(Allow) ++" is an invalid allow")}
- end;
-load("deny " ++ Deny,[{directory,Directory, DirData}|Rest]) ->
- case regexp:split(Deny," ") of
- {ok, ["from", "all"]} ->
- {ok,[{directory, Directory,
- [{deny_from, all}|DirData]} | Rest]};
- {ok, ["from"|Hosts]} ->
- {ok,[{directory, Directory,
- [{deny_from, Hosts}|DirData]} | Rest]};
- {ok, _} ->
- {error,?NICE(httpd_conf:clean(Deny) ++" is an invalid deny")}
- end;
-load("</Directory>",[{directory,Directory, DirData}|Rest]) ->
- directory_config_check(Directory, DirData),
- {ok, Rest, {directory, Directory, DirData}};
-load("AuthMnesiaDB " ++ AuthMnesiaDB,
- [{directory, Dir, DirData}|Rest]) ->
- case httpd_conf:clean(AuthMnesiaDB) of
- "On" ->
- {ok,[{directory,Dir,[{auth_type,mnesia}|DirData]}|Rest]};
- "Off" ->
- {ok,[{directory,Dir,[{auth_type,plain}|DirData]}|Rest]};
- _ ->
- {error, ?NICE(httpd_conf:clean(AuthMnesiaDB) ++
- " is an invalid AuthMnesiaDB")}
- end.
-directory_config_check(Directory, DirData) ->
- case httpd_util:key1search(DirData,auth_type) of
- plain ->
- check_filename_present(Directory,auth_user_file,DirData),
- check_filename_present(Directory,auth_group_file,DirData);
- undefined ->
- throw({error,
- ?NICE("Server configuration missed AuthDBType directive")});
- _ ->
- ok
- end.
-check_filename_present(_Dir,AuthFile,DirData) ->
- case httpd_util:key1search(DirData,AuthFile) of
- Name when list(Name) ->
- ok;
- _ ->
- throw({error,?NICE("Server configuration missed "++
- directive(AuthFile)++" directive")})
- end.
-directive(auth_user_file) ->
- "AuthUserFile";
-directive(auth_group_file) ->
- "AuthGroupFile".
-%% store
-store({directory,Directory0, DirData0}, ConfigList) ->
- Port = httpd_util:key1search(ConfigList, port),
- DirData = case httpd_util:key1search(ConfigList, bind_address) of
- undefined ->
- [{port, Port}|DirData0];
- Addr ->
- [{port, Port},{bind_address,Addr}|DirData0]
- end,
- Directory =
- case filename:pathtype(Directory0) of
- relative ->
- SR = httpd_util:key1search(ConfigList, server_root),
- filename:join(SR, Directory0);
- _ ->
- Directory0
- end,
- AuthMod =
- case httpd_util:key1search(DirData0, auth_type) of
- mnesia -> mod_auth_mnesia;
- dets -> mod_auth_dets;
- plain -> mod_auth_plain;
- _ -> no_module_at_all
- end,
- case AuthMod of
- no_module_at_all ->
- {ok, {directory, Directory, DirData}};
- _ ->
- %% Control that there are a password or add a standard password:
- %% "NoPassword"
- %% In this way a user must select to use a noPassword
- Pwd = case httpd_util:key1search(DirData,auth_access_password)of
- undefined->
- PassW->
- PassW
- end,
- DirDataLast = lists:keydelete(auth_access_password,1,DirData),
- case catch AuthMod:store_directory_data(Directory, DirDataLast) of
- ok ->
- add_auth_password(Directory,Pwd,ConfigList),
- {ok, {directory, Directory, DirDataLast}};
- {ok, NewDirData} ->
- add_auth_password(Directory,Pwd,ConfigList),
- {ok, {directory, Directory, NewDirData}};
- {error, Reason} ->
- {error, Reason};
- Other ->
- {error, Other}
- end
- end.
-add_auth_password(Dir, Pwd0, ConfigList) ->
- Addr = httpd_util:key1search(ConfigList, bind_address),
- Port = httpd_util:key1search(ConfigList, port),
- mod_auth_server:start(Addr, Port),
- mod_auth_server:add_password(Addr, Port, Dir, Pwd0).
-%% remove
-remove(ConfigDB) ->
- lists:foreach(fun({directory, _Dir, DirData}) ->
- AuthMod = auth_mod_name(DirData),
- (catch apply(AuthMod, remove, [DirData]))
- end,
- ets:match_object(ConfigDB,{directory,'_','_'})),
- Addr = case lookup(ConfigDB, bind_address) of
- [] ->
- undefined;
- [{bind_address, Address}] ->
- Address
- end,
- [{port, Port}] = lookup(ConfigDB, port),
- mod_auth_server:stop(Addr, Port),
- ok.
-%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
-%% update_password
-update_password(Port, Dir, Old, New, New)->
- update_password(undefined, Port, Dir, Old, New, New).
-update_password(Addr, Port, Dir, Old, New, New) when list(New) ->
- mod_auth_server:update_password(Addr, Port, Dir, Old, New);
-update_password(_Addr, _Port, _Dir, _Old, _New, _New) ->
- {error, badtype};
-update_password(_Addr, _Port, _Dir, _Old, _New, _New1) ->
- {error, notqeual}.
-%% add_user
-add_user(UserName, Opt) ->
- case get_options(Opt, mandatory) of
- {Addr, Port, Dir, AuthPwd}->
- case get_options(Opt, userData) of
- {error, Reason}->
- {error, Reason};
- {UserData, Password}->
- User = [#httpd_user{username = UserName,
- password = Password,
- user_data = UserData}],
- mod_auth_server:add_user(Addr, Port, Dir, User, AuthPwd)
- end
- end.
-add_user(UserName, Password, UserData, Port, Dir) ->
- add_user(UserName, Password, UserData, undefined, Port, Dir).
-add_user(UserName, Password, UserData, Addr, Port, Dir) ->
- User = [#httpd_user{username = UserName,
- password = Password,
- user_data = UserData}],
- mod_auth_server:add_user(Addr, Port, Dir, User, ?NOPASSWORD).
-%% get_user
-get_user(UserName, Opt) ->
- case get_options(Opt, mandatory) of
- {Addr, Port, Dir, AuthPwd} ->
- mod_auth_server:get_user(Addr, Port, Dir, UserName, AuthPwd);
- {error, Reason} ->
- {error, Reason}
- end.
-get_user(UserName, Port, Dir) ->
- get_user(UserName, undefined, Port, Dir).
-get_user(UserName, Addr, Port, Dir) ->
- mod_auth_server:get_user(Addr, Port, Dir, UserName, ?NOPASSWORD).
-%% add_group_member
-add_group_member(GroupName, UserName, Opt)->
- case get_options(Opt, mandatory) of
- {Addr, Port, Dir, AuthPwd}->
- mod_auth_server:add_group_member(Addr, Port, Dir,
- GroupName, UserName, AuthPwd);
- {error, Reason} ->
- {error, Reason}
- end.
-add_group_member(GroupName, UserName, Port, Dir) ->
- add_group_member(GroupName, UserName, undefined, Port, Dir).
-add_group_member(GroupName, UserName, Addr, Port, Dir) ->
- mod_auth_server:add_group_member(Addr, Port, Dir,
- GroupName, UserName, ?NOPASSWORD).
-%% delete_group_member
-delete_group_member(GroupName, UserName, Opt) ->
- case get_options(Opt, mandatory) of
- {Addr, Port, Dir, AuthPwd} ->
- mod_auth_server:delete_group_member(Addr, Port, Dir,
- GroupName, UserName, AuthPwd);
- {error, Reason} ->
- {error, Reason}
- end.
-delete_group_member(GroupName, UserName, Port, Dir) ->
- delete_group_member(GroupName, UserName, undefined, Port, Dir).
-delete_group_member(GroupName, UserName, Addr, Port, Dir) ->
- mod_auth_server:delete_group_member(Addr, Port, Dir,
- GroupName, UserName, ?NOPASSWORD).
-%% list_users
-list_users(Opt) ->
- case get_options(Opt, mandatory) of
- {Addr, Port, Dir, AuthPwd} ->
- mod_auth_server:list_users(Addr, Port, Dir, AuthPwd);
- {error, Reason} ->
- {error, Reason}
- end.
-list_users(Port, Dir) ->
- list_users(undefined, Port, Dir).
-list_users(Addr, Port, Dir) ->
- mod_auth_server:list_users(Addr, Port, Dir, ?NOPASSWORD).
-%% delete_user
-delete_user(UserName, Opt) ->
- case get_options(Opt, mandatory) of
- {Addr, Port, Dir, AuthPwd} ->
- mod_auth_server:delete_user(Addr, Port, Dir, UserName, AuthPwd);
- {error, Reason} ->
- {error, Reason}
- end.
-delete_user(UserName, Port, Dir) ->
- delete_user(UserName, undefined, Port, Dir).
-delete_user(UserName, Addr, Port, Dir) ->
- mod_auth_server:delete_user(Addr, Port, Dir, UserName, ?NOPASSWORD).
-%% delete_group
-delete_group(GroupName, Opt) ->
- case get_options(Opt, mandatory) of
- {Addr, Port, Dir, AuthPwd}->
- mod_auth_server:delete_group(Addr, Port, Dir, GroupName, AuthPwd);
- {error, Reason} ->
- {error, Reason}
- end.
-delete_group(GroupName, Port, Dir) ->
- delete_group(GroupName, undefined, Port, Dir).
-delete_group(GroupName, Addr, Port, Dir) ->
- mod_auth_server:delete_group(Addr, Port, Dir, GroupName, ?NOPASSWORD).
-%% list_groups
-list_groups(Opt) ->
- case get_options(Opt, mandatory) of
- {Addr, Port, Dir, AuthPwd}->
- mod_auth_server:list_groups(Addr, Port, Dir, AuthPwd);
- {error, Reason} ->
- {error, Reason}
- end.
-list_groups(Port, Dir) ->
- list_groups(undefined, Port, Dir).
-list_groups(Addr, Port, Dir) ->
- mod_auth_server:list_groups(Addr, Port, Dir, ?NOPASSWORD).
-%% list_group_members
-list_group_members(GroupName,Opt) ->
- case get_options(Opt, mandatory) of
- {Addr, Port, Dir, AuthPwd} ->
- mod_auth_server:list_group_members(Addr, Port, Dir, GroupName,
- AuthPwd);
- {error, Reason} ->
- {error, Reason}
- end.
-list_group_members(GroupName, Port, Dir) ->
- list_group_members(GroupName, undefined, Port, Dir).
-list_group_members(GroupName, Addr, Port, Dir) ->
- mod_auth_server:list_group_members(Addr, Port, Dir,
- GroupName, ?NOPASSWORD).
-%% Opt = [{port, Port},
-%% {addr, Addr},
-%% {dir, Dir},
-%% {authPassword, AuthPassword} | FunctionSpecificData]
-get_options(Opt, mandatory)->
- case httpd_util:key1search(Opt, port, undefined) of
- Port when integer(Port) ->
- case httpd_util:key1search(Opt, dir, undefined) of
- Dir when list(Dir) ->
- Addr = httpd_util:key1search(Opt,
- addr,
- undefined),
- AuthPwd = httpd_util:key1search(Opt,
- authPassword,
- {Addr, Port, Dir, AuthPwd};
- _->
- {error, bad_dir}
- end;
- _ ->
- {error, bad_dir}
- end;
-%% FunctionSpecificData = {userData, UserData} | {password, Password}
-get_options(Opt, userData)->
- case httpd_util:key1search(Opt, userData, undefined) of
- undefined ->
- {error, no_userdata};
- UserData ->
- case httpd_util:key1search(Opt, password, undefined) of
- undefined->
- {error, no_password};
- Pwd ->
- {UserData, Pwd}
- end
- end.
-lookup(Db, Key) ->
- ets:lookup(Db, Key).