path: root/src/chttpd_view.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/chttpd_view.erl')
1 files changed, 738 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/chttpd_view.erl b/src/chttpd_view.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c9fb1c9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/chttpd_view.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,738 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-export([get_stale_type/1, get_reduce_type/1, parse_view_params/3]).
+-export([make_view_fold_fun/6, finish_view_fold/3, view_row_obj/3]).
+-export([view_group_etag/2, view_group_etag/3, make_reduce_fold_funs/5]).
+-export([design_doc_view/5, parse_bool_param/1, extract_view_type/3]).
+ [send_json/2,send_json/3,send_json/4,send_method_not_allowed/2,send_chunk/2,
+ start_json_response/2, start_json_response/3, end_json_response/1,
+ send_chunked_error/2]).
+design_doc_view(Req, Db, Id, ViewName, Keys) ->
+ DesignId = <<"_design/", Id/binary>>,
+ {_ViewGroup, QueryArgs} = case ?COUCH:open_doc(Db, DesignId, []) of
+ {ok, Doc} ->
+ Group = couch_view_group:design_doc_to_view_group(Db, Doc),
+ IsReduce = get_reduce_type(Req),
+ ViewType = extract_view_type(ViewName, Group#group.views, IsReduce),
+ {Group, parse_view_params(Req, Keys, ViewType)};
+ {not_found, Reason} ->
+ throw({not_found, Reason})
+ end,
+ % this etag is wrong as current_seq == 0 right now, so no caching allowed
+ % Etag = view_group_etag(ViewGroup, Db, Keys),
+ Etag = couch_util:new_uuid(),
+ couch_stats_collector:increment({httpd, view_reads}),
+ chttpd:etag_respond(Req, Etag, fun() ->
+ {ok, Resp} = chttpd:start_json_response(Req, 200, [{"Etag",Etag}]),
+ case ?COUCH:design_view(Resp, Db, DesignId, ViewName, Keys, QueryArgs) of
+ {ok, Total, Result} ->
+ send_chunk(Resp, final_chunk(Total, Result)),
+ end_json_response(Resp);
+ {ok, Resp} ->
+ {ok, Resp}
+ end
+ end).
+extract_view_type(_ViewName, [], _IsReduce) ->
+ throw({not_found, missing_named_view});
+extract_view_type(ViewName, [View|Rest], IsReduce) ->
+ case lists:member(ViewName, [Name || {Name, _} <- View#view.reduce_funs]) of
+ true ->
+ if IsReduce -> reduce; true -> red_map end;
+ false ->
+ case lists:member(ViewName, View#view.map_names) of
+ true -> map;
+ false -> extract_view_type(ViewName, Rest, IsReduce)
+ end
+ end.
+final_chunk(Total, {_, _, undefined, _, nil}) ->
+ ?JSON_ENCODE({[{total_rows, Total}, {offset, Total}, {rows, []}]});
+final_chunk(Total, {_, _, undefined, _, Offset}) ->
+ ?JSON_ENCODE({[{total_rows, Total}, {offset, Offset}, {rows, []}]});
+final_chunk(_, {_, _, _, _, _}) ->
+ "\r\n]}";
+final_chunk(_, Error) ->
+ throw(Error).
+ path_parts=[_Db, _Design, DName, _View, ViewName]}=Req, Db) ->
+ design_doc_view(Req, Db, DName, ViewName, nil);
+ path_parts=[_Db, _Design, DName, _View, ViewName]}=Req, Db) ->
+ {Fields} = chttpd:json_body_obj(Req),
+ case couch_util:get_value(<<"keys">>, Fields, nil) of
+ nil ->
+ Fmt = "POST to view ~p/~p in database ~p with no keys member.",
+ ?LOG_DEBUG(Fmt, [DName, ViewName, Db]),
+ design_doc_view(Req, Db, DName, ViewName, nil);
+ Keys when is_list(Keys) ->
+ design_doc_view(Req, Db, DName, ViewName, Keys);
+ _ ->
+ throw({bad_request, "`keys` member must be a array."})
+ end;
+handle_view_req(Req, _Db) ->
+ send_method_not_allowed(Req, "GET,POST,HEAD").
+ path_parts=[_Db, _View, DName, ViewName]}=Req, Db) ->
+ QueryArgs = chttpd_view:parse_view_params(Req, nil, nil),
+ #view_query_args{
+ list = ListName
+ } = QueryArgs,
+ ?LOG_DEBUG("ici ~p", [ListName]),
+ case ListName of
+ nil -> chttpd_view:design_doc_view(Req, Db, DName, ViewName, nil);
+ _ ->
+ chttpd_show:handle_view_list(Req, DName, ListName, DName, ViewName, Db, nil)
+ end;
+ path_parts=[_Db, _View, DName, ViewName]}=Req, Db) ->
+ QueryArgs = chttpd_view:parse_view_params(Req, nil, nil),
+ #view_query_args{
+ list = ListName
+ } = QueryArgs,
+ case ListName of
+ nil ->
+ {Fields} = chttpd:json_body_obj(Req),
+ case couch_util:get_value(<<"keys">>, Fields, nil) of
+ nil ->
+ Fmt = "POST to view ~p/~p in database ~p with no keys member.",
+ ?LOG_DEBUG(Fmt, [DName, ViewName, Db]),
+ chttpd_view:design_doc_view(Req, Db, DName, ViewName, nil);
+ Keys when is_list(Keys) ->
+ chttpd_view:design_doc_view(Req, Db, DName, ViewName, Keys);
+ _ ->
+ throw({bad_request, "`keys` member must be a array."})
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ ReqBody = chttpd:body(Req),
+ {Props2} = ?JSON_DECODE(ReqBody),
+ Keys = couch_util:get_value(<<"keys">>, Props2, nil),
+ chttpd_show:handle_view_list(Req#httpd{req_body=ReqBody},
+ DName, ListName, DName, ViewName, Db, Keys)
+ end;
+handle_db_view_req(Req, _Db) ->
+ send_method_not_allowed(Req, "GET,POST,HEAD").
+handle_temp_view_req(#httpd{method='POST'}=Req, Db) ->
+ throw(not_implemented),
+ couch_stats_collector:increment({httpd, temporary_view_reads}),
+ {Props} = chttpd:json_body_obj(Req),
+ Language = couch_util:get_value(<<"language">>, Props, <<"javascript">>),
+ {DesignOptions} = couch_util:get_value(<<"options">>, Props, {[]}),
+ MapSrc = couch_util:get_value(<<"map">>, Props),
+ Keys = couch_util:get_value(<<"keys">>, Props, nil),
+ case couch_util:get_value(<<"reduce">>, Props, null) of
+ null ->
+ QueryArgs = parse_view_params(Req, Keys, map),
+ {ok, View, Group} = ?COUCH:get_temp_map_view(Db, Language,
+ DesignOptions, MapSrc),
+ output_map_view(Req, View, Group, Db, QueryArgs, Keys);
+ RedSrc ->
+ QueryArgs = parse_view_params(Req, Keys, reduce),
+ {ok, View, Group} = ?COUCH:get_temp_reduce_view(Db, Language,
+ DesignOptions, MapSrc, RedSrc),
+ output_reduce_view(Req, Db, View, Group, QueryArgs, Keys)
+ end;
+handle_temp_view_req(Req, _Db) ->
+ send_method_not_allowed(Req, "POST").
+output_map_view(Req, View, Group, Db, QueryArgs, nil) ->
+ #view_query_args{
+ limit = Limit,
+ direction = Dir,
+ skip = SkipCount,
+ start_key = StartKey,
+ start_docid = StartDocId
+ } = QueryArgs,
+ CurrentEtag = view_group_etag(Group, Db),
+ chttpd:etag_respond(Req, CurrentEtag, fun() ->
+ {ok, RowCount} = ?COUCH:get_row_count(View),
+ Start = {StartKey, StartDocId},
+ FoldlFun = make_view_fold_fun(Req, QueryArgs, CurrentEtag, Db, RowCount, #view_fold_helper_funs{reduce_count=fun ?COUCH:reduce_to_count/1}),
+ FoldAccInit = {Limit, SkipCount, undefined, [], nil},
+ FoldResult = ?COUCH:view_fold(View, Start, Dir, FoldlFun, FoldAccInit),
+ finish_view_fold(Req, RowCount, FoldResult)
+ end);
+output_map_view(Req, View, Group, Db, QueryArgs, Keys) ->
+ #view_query_args{
+ limit = Limit,
+ direction = Dir,
+ skip = SkipCount,
+ start_docid = StartDocId
+ } = QueryArgs,
+ CurrentEtag = view_group_etag(Group, Db, Keys),
+ chttpd:etag_respond(Req, CurrentEtag, fun() ->
+ {ok, RowCount} = ?COUCH:get_row_count(View),
+ FoldAccInit = {Limit, SkipCount, undefined, [], nil},
+ FoldResult = lists:foldl(
+ fun(Key, {ok, FoldAcc}) ->
+ Start = {Key, StartDocId},
+ FoldlFun = make_view_fold_fun(Req,
+ QueryArgs#view_query_args{
+ start_key = Key,
+ end_key = Key
+ }, CurrentEtag, Db, RowCount,
+ #view_fold_helper_funs{
+ reduce_count = fun ?COUCH:reduce_to_count/1
+ }),
+ ?COUCH:view_fold(View, Start, Dir, FoldlFun, FoldAcc)
+ end, {ok, FoldAccInit}, Keys),
+ finish_view_fold(Req, RowCount, FoldResult)
+ end).
+output_reduce_view(Req, Db, View, Group, QueryArgs, nil) ->
+ #view_query_args{
+ start_key = StartKey,
+ end_key = EndKey,
+ limit = Limit,
+ skip = Skip,
+ direction = Dir,
+ start_docid = StartDocId,
+ end_docid = EndDocId,
+ group_level = GroupLevel
+ } = QueryArgs,
+ CurrentEtag = view_group_etag(Group, Db),
+ chttpd:etag_respond(Req, CurrentEtag, fun() ->
+ {ok, GroupRowsFun, RespFun} = make_reduce_fold_funs(Req, GroupLevel, QueryArgs, CurrentEtag, #reduce_fold_helper_funs{}),
+ FoldAccInit = {Limit, Skip, undefined, []},
+ {ok, {_, _, Resp, _}} = ?COUCH:view_fold_reduce(View, Dir, {StartKey, StartDocId},
+ {EndKey, EndDocId}, GroupRowsFun, RespFun, FoldAccInit),
+ finish_reduce_fold(Req, Resp)
+ end);
+output_reduce_view(Req, Db, View, Group, QueryArgs, Keys) ->
+ #view_query_args{
+ limit = Limit,
+ skip = Skip,
+ direction = Dir,
+ start_docid = StartDocId,
+ end_docid = EndDocId,
+ group_level = GroupLevel
+ } = QueryArgs,
+ CurrentEtag = view_group_etag(Group, Db),
+ chttpd:etag_respond(Req, CurrentEtag, fun() ->
+ {ok, GroupRowsFun, RespFun} = make_reduce_fold_funs(Req, GroupLevel, QueryArgs, CurrentEtag, #reduce_fold_helper_funs{}),
+ {Resp, _RedAcc3} = lists:foldl(
+ fun(Key, {Resp, RedAcc}) ->
+ % run the reduce once for each key in keys, with limit etc reapplied for each key
+ FoldAccInit = {Limit, Skip, Resp, RedAcc},
+ {_, {_, _, Resp2, RedAcc2}} = ?COUCH:view_fold_reduce(View, Dir, {Key, StartDocId},
+ {Key, EndDocId}, GroupRowsFun, RespFun, FoldAccInit),
+ % Switch to comma
+ {Resp2, RedAcc2}
+ end,
+ {undefined, []}, Keys), % Start with no comma
+ finish_reduce_fold(Req, Resp)
+ end).
+reverse_key_default(nil) -> {};
+reverse_key_default({}) -> nil;
+reverse_key_default(Key) -> Key.
+get_stale_type(Req) ->
+ list_to_atom(chttpd:qs_value(Req, "stale", "nil")).
+get_reduce_type(Req) ->
+ list_to_atom(chttpd:qs_value(Req, "reduce", "true")).
+parse_view_params(Req, Keys, ViewType) ->
+ QueryList = chttpd:qs(Req),
+ QueryParams =
+ lists:foldl(fun({K, V}, Acc) ->
+ parse_view_param(K, V) ++ Acc
+ end, [], QueryList),
+ IsMultiGet = case Keys of
+ nil -> false;
+ _ -> true
+ end,
+ Args = #view_query_args{
+ view_type=ViewType,
+ multi_get=IsMultiGet
+ },
+ QueryArgs = lists:foldl(fun({K, V}, Args2) ->
+ validate_view_query(K, V, Args2)
+ end, Args, lists:reverse(QueryParams)), % Reverse to match QS order.
+ GroupLevel = QueryArgs#view_query_args.group_level,
+ case {ViewType, GroupLevel, IsMultiGet} of
+ {reduce, exact, true} ->
+ QueryArgs;
+ {reduce, _, false} ->
+ QueryArgs;
+ {reduce, _, _} ->
+ Msg = <<"Multi-key fetchs for reduce "
+ "view must include `group=true`">>,
+ throw({query_parse_error, Msg});
+ _ ->
+ QueryArgs
+ end,
+ QueryArgs.
+parse_view_param("", _) ->
+ [];
+parse_view_param("key", Value) ->
+ JsonKey = ?JSON_DECODE(Value),
+ [{start_key, JsonKey}, {end_key, JsonKey}];
+parse_view_param("startkey_docid", Value) ->
+ [{start_docid, ?l2b(Value)}];
+parse_view_param("endkey_docid", Value) ->
+ [{end_docid, ?l2b(Value)}];
+parse_view_param("startkey", Value) ->
+ [{start_key, ?JSON_DECODE(Value)}];
+parse_view_param("endkey", Value) ->
+ [{end_key, ?JSON_DECODE(Value)}];
+parse_view_param("limit", Value) ->
+ [{limit, parse_positive_int_param(Value)}];
+parse_view_param("count", _Value) ->
+ throw({query_parse_error, <<"Query parameter 'count' is now 'limit'.">>});
+parse_view_param("stale", "ok") ->
+ [{stale, ok}];
+parse_view_param("stale", _Value) ->
+ throw({query_parse_error, <<"stale only available as stale=ok">>});
+parse_view_param("update", _Value) ->
+ throw({query_parse_error, <<"update=false is now stale=ok">>});
+parse_view_param("descending", Value) ->
+ [{descending, parse_bool_param(Value)}];
+parse_view_param("skip", Value) ->
+ [{skip, parse_int_param(Value)}];
+parse_view_param("group", Value) ->
+ case parse_bool_param(Value) of
+ true -> [{group_level, exact}];
+ false -> [{group_level, 0}]
+ end;
+parse_view_param("group_level", Value) ->
+ [{group_level, parse_positive_int_param(Value)}];
+parse_view_param("inclusive_end", Value) ->
+ [{inclusive_end, parse_bool_param(Value)}];
+parse_view_param("reduce", Value) ->
+ [{reduce, parse_bool_param(Value)}];
+parse_view_param("include_docs", Value) ->
+ [{include_docs, parse_bool_param(Value)}];
+parse_view_param("list", Value) ->
+ [{list, ?l2b(Value)}];
+parse_view_param("callback", _) ->
+ []; % Verified in the JSON response functions
+parse_view_param("show_total_rows", Value) ->
+ [{show_total_rows, parse_bool_param(Value)}];
+parse_view_param(Key, Value) ->
+ [{extra, {Key, Value}}].
+validate_view_query(start_key, Value, Args) ->
+ case Args#view_query_args.multi_get of
+ true ->
+ Msg = <<"Query parameter `start_key` is "
+ "not compatiible with multi-get">>,
+ throw({query_parse_error, Msg});
+ _ ->
+ Args#view_query_args{start_key=Value}
+ end;
+validate_view_query(start_docid, Value, Args) ->
+ Args#view_query_args{start_docid=Value};
+validate_view_query(end_key, Value, Args) ->
+ case Args#view_query_args.multi_get of
+ true->
+ Msg = <<"Query paramter `end_key` is "
+ "not compatibile with multi-get">>,
+ throw({query_parse_error, Msg});
+ _ ->
+ Args#view_query_args{end_key=Value}
+ end;
+validate_view_query(end_docid, Value, Args) ->
+ Args#view_query_args{end_docid=Value};
+validate_view_query(limit, Value, Args) ->
+ Args#view_query_args{limit=Value};
+validate_view_query(list, Value, Args) ->
+ Args#view_query_args{list=Value};
+validate_view_query(stale, Value, Args) ->
+ Args#view_query_args{stale=Value};
+validate_view_query(descending, true, Args) ->
+ case Args#view_query_args.direction of
+ rev -> Args; % Already reversed
+ fwd ->
+ Args#view_query_args{
+ direction = rev,
+ start_key =
+ reverse_key_default(Args#view_query_args.start_key),
+ start_docid =
+ reverse_key_default(Args#view_query_args.start_docid),
+ end_key =
+ reverse_key_default(Args#view_query_args.end_key),
+ end_docid =
+ reverse_key_default(Args#view_query_args.end_docid)
+ }
+ end;
+validate_view_query(descending, false, Args) ->
+ Args; % Ignore default condition
+validate_view_query(skip, Value, Args) ->
+ Args#view_query_args{skip=Value};
+validate_view_query(group_level, Value, Args) ->
+ case Args#view_query_args.view_type of
+ reduce ->
+ Args#view_query_args{group_level=Value};
+ _ ->
+ Msg = <<"Invalid URL parameter 'group' or "
+ " 'group_level' for non-reduce view.">>,
+ throw({query_parse_error, Msg})
+ end;
+validate_view_query(inclusive_end, Value, Args) ->
+ Args#view_query_args{inclusive_end=Value};
+validate_view_query(reduce, _, Args) ->
+ case Args#view_query_args.view_type of
+ map ->
+ Msg = <<"Invalid URL parameter `reduce` for map view.">>,
+ throw({query_parse_error, Msg});
+ _ ->
+ Args
+ end;
+validate_view_query(include_docs, true, Args) ->
+ case Args#view_query_args.view_type of
+ reduce ->
+ Msg = <<"Query paramter `include_docs` "
+ "is invalid for reduce views.">>,
+ throw({query_parse_error, Msg});
+ _ ->
+ Args#view_query_args{include_docs=true}
+ end;
+validate_view_query(include_docs, _Value, Args) ->
+ Args;
+validate_view_query(show_total_rows, false, Args) ->
+ Args#view_query_args{show_total_rows=false};
+validate_view_query(show_total_rows, _Value, Args) ->
+ Args;
+validate_view_query(extra, _Value, Args) ->
+ Args.
+make_view_fold_fun(Req, QueryArgs, Etag, Db, TotalViewCount, HelperFuns) ->
+ #view_query_args{
+ end_key = EndKey,
+ end_docid = EndDocId,
+ inclusive_end = InclusiveEnd,
+ direction = Dir
+ } = QueryArgs,
+ #view_fold_helper_funs{
+ passed_end = PassedEndFun,
+ start_response = StartRespFun,
+ send_row = SendRowFun,
+ reduce_count = ReduceCountFun
+ } = apply_default_helper_funs(HelperFuns,
+ {Dir, EndKey, EndDocId, InclusiveEnd}),
+ #view_query_args{
+ include_docs = IncludeDocs
+ } = QueryArgs,
+ fun({{Key, DocId}, Value}, OffsetReds, {AccLimit, AccSkip, Resp, RowFunAcc,
+ OffsetAcc}) ->
+ PassedEnd = PassedEndFun(Key, DocId),
+ case {PassedEnd, AccLimit, AccSkip, Resp} of
+ {true, _, _, _} ->
+ % The stop key has been passed, stop looping.
+ % We may need offset so calcluate it here.
+ % Checking Resp is an optimization that tells
+ % us its already been calculated (and sent).
+ NewOffset = case Resp of
+ undefined -> ReduceCountFun(OffsetReds);
+ _ -> nil
+ end,
+ {stop, {AccLimit, AccSkip, Resp, RowFunAcc, NewOffset}};
+ {_, 0, _, _} ->
+ % we've done "limit" rows, stop foldling
+ {stop, {0, 0, Resp, RowFunAcc, OffsetAcc}};
+ {_, _, AccSkip, _} when AccSkip > 0 ->
+ % just keep skipping
+ {ok, {AccLimit, AccSkip - 1, Resp, RowFunAcc, OffsetAcc}};
+ {_, _, _, undefined} ->
+ % rendering the first row, first we start the response
+ Offset = ReduceCountFun(OffsetReds),
+ {ok, Resp2, RowFunAcc0} = StartRespFun(Req, Etag,
+ TotalViewCount, Offset, RowFunAcc),
+ {Go, RowFunAcc2} = SendRowFun(Resp2, Db, {{Key, DocId}, Value},
+ IncludeDocs, RowFunAcc0),
+ {Go, {AccLimit - 1, 0, Resp2, RowFunAcc2, Offset}};
+ {_, AccLimit, _, Resp} when (AccLimit > 0) ->
+ % rendering all other rows
+ {Go, RowFunAcc2} = SendRowFun(Resp, Db, {{Key, DocId}, Value},
+ IncludeDocs, RowFunAcc),
+ {Go, {AccLimit - 1, 0, Resp, RowFunAcc2, OffsetAcc}}
+ end
+ end.
+make_reduce_fold_funs(Req, GroupLevel, _QueryArgs, Etag, HelperFuns) ->
+ #reduce_fold_helper_funs{
+ start_response = StartRespFun,
+ send_row = SendRowFun
+ } = apply_default_helper_funs(HelperFuns),
+ GroupRowsFun =
+ fun({_Key1,_}, {_Key2,_}) when GroupLevel == 0 ->
+ true;
+ ({Key1,_}, {Key2,_})
+ when is_integer(GroupLevel) and is_list(Key1) and is_list(Key2) ->
+ lists:sublist(Key1, GroupLevel) == lists:sublist(Key2, GroupLevel);
+ ({Key1,_}, {Key2,_}) ->
+ Key1 == Key2
+ end,
+ RespFun = fun
+ (_Key, _Red, {AccLimit, AccSkip, Resp, RowAcc}) when AccSkip > 0 ->
+ % keep skipping
+ {ok, {AccLimit, AccSkip - 1, Resp, RowAcc}};
+ (_Key, _Red, {0, _AccSkip, Resp, RowAcc}) ->
+ % we've exhausted limit rows, stop
+ {stop, {0, _AccSkip, Resp, RowAcc}};
+ (_Key, Red, {AccLimit, 0, undefined, RowAcc0}) when GroupLevel == 0 ->
+ % we haven't started responding yet and group=false
+ {ok, Resp2, RowAcc} = StartRespFun(Req, Etag, RowAcc0),
+ {Go, RowAcc2} = SendRowFun(Resp2, {null, Red}, RowAcc),
+ {Go, {AccLimit - 1, 0, Resp2, RowAcc2}};
+ (_Key, Red, {AccLimit, 0, Resp, RowAcc}) when GroupLevel == 0 ->
+ % group=false but we've already started the response
+ {Go, RowAcc2} = SendRowFun(Resp, {null, Red}, RowAcc),
+ {Go, {AccLimit - 1, 0, Resp, RowAcc2}};
+ (Key, Red, {AccLimit, 0, undefined, RowAcc0})
+ when is_integer(GroupLevel), is_list(Key) ->
+ % group_level and we haven't responded yet
+ {ok, Resp2, RowAcc} = StartRespFun(Req, Etag, RowAcc0),
+ {Go, RowAcc2} = SendRowFun(Resp2, {lists:sublist(Key, GroupLevel), Red}, RowAcc),
+ {Go, {AccLimit - 1, 0, Resp2, RowAcc2}};
+ (Key, Red, {AccLimit, 0, Resp, RowAcc})
+ when is_integer(GroupLevel), is_list(Key) ->
+ % group_level and we've already started the response
+ {Go, RowAcc2} = SendRowFun(Resp, {lists:sublist(Key, GroupLevel), Red}, RowAcc),
+ {Go, {AccLimit - 1, 0, Resp, RowAcc2}};
+ (Key, Red, {AccLimit, 0, undefined, RowAcc0}) ->
+ % group=true and we haven't responded yet
+ {ok, Resp2, RowAcc} = StartRespFun(Req, Etag, RowAcc0),
+ {Go, RowAcc2} = SendRowFun(Resp2, {Key, Red}, RowAcc),
+ {Go, {AccLimit - 1, 0, Resp2, RowAcc2}};
+ (Key, Red, {AccLimit, 0, Resp, RowAcc}) ->
+ % group=true and we've already started the response
+ {Go, RowAcc2} = SendRowFun(Resp, {Key, Red}, RowAcc),
+ {Go, {AccLimit - 1, 0, Resp, RowAcc2}}
+ end,
+ {ok, GroupRowsFun, RespFun}.
+ passed_end = PassedEnd,
+ start_response = StartResp,
+ send_row = SendRow
+}=Helpers, {Dir, EndKey, EndDocId, InclusiveEnd}) ->
+ PassedEnd2 = case PassedEnd of
+ undefined -> make_passed_end_fun(Dir, EndKey, EndDocId, InclusiveEnd);
+ _ -> PassedEnd
+ end,
+ StartResp2 = case StartResp of
+ undefined -> fun json_view_start_resp/5;
+ _ -> StartResp
+ end,
+ SendRow2 = case SendRow of
+ undefined -> fun send_json_view_row/5;
+ _ -> SendRow
+ end,
+ Helpers#view_fold_helper_funs{
+ passed_end = PassedEnd2,
+ start_response = StartResp2,
+ send_row = SendRow2
+ }.
+ start_response = StartResp,
+ send_row = SendRow
+}=Helpers) ->
+ StartResp2 = case StartResp of
+ undefined -> fun json_reduce_start_resp/3;
+ _ -> StartResp
+ end,
+ SendRow2 = case SendRow of
+ undefined -> fun send_json_reduce_row/3;
+ _ -> SendRow
+ end,
+ Helpers#reduce_fold_helper_funs{
+ start_response = StartResp2,
+ send_row = SendRow2
+ }.
+make_passed_end_fun(fwd, EndKey, EndDocId, InclusiveEnd) ->
+ case InclusiveEnd of
+ true ->
+ fun(ViewKey, ViewId) ->
+ couch_view:less_json([EndKey, EndDocId], [ViewKey, ViewId])
+ end;
+ false ->
+ fun
+ (ViewKey, _ViewId) when ViewKey == EndKey ->
+ true;
+ (ViewKey, ViewId) ->
+ couch_view:less_json([EndKey, EndDocId], [ViewKey, ViewId])
+ end
+ end;
+make_passed_end_fun(rev, EndKey, EndDocId, InclusiveEnd) ->
+ case InclusiveEnd of
+ true ->
+ fun(ViewKey, ViewId) ->
+ couch_view:less_json([ViewKey, ViewId], [EndKey, EndDocId])
+ end;
+ false->
+ fun
+ (ViewKey, _ViewId) when ViewKey == EndKey ->
+ true;
+ (ViewKey, ViewId) ->
+ couch_view:less_json([ViewKey, ViewId], [EndKey, EndDocId])
+ end
+ end.
+json_view_start_resp(Req, Etag, TotalViewCount, Offset, _Acc) ->
+ {ok, Resp} = start_json_response(Req, 200, [{"Etag", Etag}]),
+ BeginBody = io_lib:format("{\"total_rows\":~w,\"offset\":~w,\"rows\":[\r\n",
+ [TotalViewCount, Offset]),
+ {ok, Resp, BeginBody}.
+send_json_view_row(Resp, Db, {{Key, DocId}, Value}, IncludeDocs, RowFront) ->
+ JsonObj = view_row_obj(Db, {{Key, DocId}, Value}, IncludeDocs),
+ send_chunk(Resp, RowFront ++ ?JSON_ENCODE(JsonObj)),
+ {ok, ",\r\n"}.
+json_reduce_start_resp(Req, Etag, _Acc0) ->
+ {ok, Resp} = start_json_response(Req, 200, [{"Etag", Etag}]),
+ {ok, Resp, "{\"rows\":[\r\n"}.
+send_json_reduce_row(Resp, {Key, Value}, RowFront) ->
+ send_chunk(Resp, RowFront ++ ?JSON_ENCODE({[{key, Key}, {value, Value}]})),
+ {ok, ",\r\n"}.
+view_group_etag(Group, Db) ->
+ view_group_etag(Group, Db, nil).
+view_group_etag(#group{sig=Sig,current_seq=CurrentSeq}, _Db, Extra) ->
+ % ?LOG_ERROR("Group ~p",[Group]),
+ % This is not as granular as it could be.
+ % If there are updates to the db that do not effect the view index,
+ % they will change the Etag. For more granular Etags we'd need to keep
+ % track of the last Db seq that caused an index change.
+ chttpd:make_etag({Sig, CurrentSeq, Extra}).
+% the view row has an error
+view_row_obj(_Db, {{Key, error}, Value}, _IncludeDocs) ->
+ {[{key, Key}, {error, Value}]};
+% include docs in the view output
+view_row_obj(Db, {{Key, DocId}, {Props}}, true) ->
+ Rev = case couch_util:get_value(<<"_rev">>, Props) of
+ undefined ->
+ nil;
+ Rev0 ->
+ couch_doc:parse_rev(Rev0)
+ end,
+ view_row_with_doc(Db, {{Key, DocId}, {Props}}, Rev);
+view_row_obj(Db, {{Key, DocId}, Value}, true) ->
+ view_row_with_doc(Db, {{Key, DocId}, Value}, nil);
+% the normal case for rendering a view row
+view_row_obj(_Db, {{Key, DocId}, Value}, _IncludeDocs) ->
+ {[{id, DocId}, {key, Key}, {value, Value}]}.
+view_row_with_doc(Db, {{Key, DocId}, Value}, Rev) ->
+ ?LOG_DEBUG("Include Doc: ~p ~p", [DocId, Rev]),
+ case (catch chttpd_db:couch_doc_open(Db, DocId, Rev, [])) of
+ {{not_found, missing}, _RevId} ->
+ {[{id, DocId}, {key, Key}, {value, Value}, {error, missing}]};
+ {not_found, missing} ->
+ {[{id, DocId}, {key, Key}, {value, Value}, {error, missing}]};
+ {not_found, deleted} ->
+ {[{id, DocId}, {key, Key}, {value, Value}]};
+ Doc ->
+ JsonDoc = couch_doc:to_json_obj(Doc, []),
+ {[{id, DocId}, {key, Key}, {value, Value}, {doc, JsonDoc}]}
+ end.
+finish_view_fold(Req, TotalRows, FoldResult) ->
+ case FoldResult of
+ {ok, {_, _, undefined, _, Offset}} ->
+ % nothing found in the view, nothing has been returned
+ % send empty view
+ NewOffset = case Offset of
+ nil -> TotalRows;
+ _ -> Offset
+ end,
+ send_json(Req, 200, {[
+ {total_rows, TotalRows},
+ {offset, NewOffset},
+ {rows, []}
+ ]});
+ {ok, {_, _, Resp, _, _}} ->
+ % end the view
+ send_chunk(Resp, "\r\n]}"),
+ end_json_response(Resp);
+ Error ->
+ throw(Error)
+ end.
+finish_reduce_fold(Req, Resp) ->
+ case Resp of
+ undefined ->
+ send_json(Req, 200, {[
+ {rows, []}
+ ]});
+ Resp ->
+ send_chunk(Resp, "\r\n]}"),
+ end_json_response(Resp)
+ end.
+parse_bool_param("true") -> true;
+parse_bool_param("false") -> false;
+parse_bool_param(Val) ->
+ Msg = io_lib:format("Invalid value for boolean paramter: ~p", [Val]),
+ throw({query_parse_error, ?l2b(Msg)}).
+parse_int_param(Val) ->
+ case (catch list_to_integer(Val)) of
+ IntVal when is_integer(IntVal) ->
+ IntVal;
+ _ ->
+ Msg = io_lib:format("Invalid value for integer parameter: ~p", [Val]),
+ throw({query_parse_error, ?l2b(Msg)})
+ end.
+parse_positive_int_param(Val) ->
+ case parse_int_param(Val) of
+ IntVal when IntVal >= 0 ->
+ IntVal;
+ _ ->
+ Fmt = "Invalid value for positive integer parameter: ~p",
+ Msg = io_lib:format(Fmt, [Val]),
+ throw({query_parse_error, ?l2b(Msg)})
+ end.