path: root/src/chttpd_show.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/chttpd_show.erl')
1 files changed, 496 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/chttpd_show.erl b/src/chttpd_show.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bba05ec1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/chttpd_show.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-export([handle_doc_show_req/2, handle_doc_update_req/2, handle_view_list_req/2,
+ handle_doc_show/5, handle_view_list/7, start_list_resp/5,
+ send_list_row/6]).
+ [send_json/2,send_json/3,send_json/4,send_method_not_allowed/2,
+ start_json_response/2,send_chunk/2,send_chunked_error/2,
+ start_chunked_response/3, send_error/4]).
+ method='GET',
+ path_parts=[_DbName, _Design, DesignName, _Show, ShowName, DocId]
+ }=Req, Db) ->
+ handle_doc_show(Req, DesignName, ShowName, DocId, Db);
+ path_parts=[_DbName, _Design, DesignName, _Show, ShowName]
+ }=Req, Db) ->
+ handle_doc_show(Req, DesignName, ShowName, nil, Db);
+handle_doc_show_req(#httpd{method='GET'}=Req, _Db) ->
+ send_error(Req, 404, <<"show_error">>, <<"Invalid path.">>);
+handle_doc_show_req(Req, _Db) ->
+ send_method_not_allowed(Req, "GET,POST,HEAD").
+ method = 'PUT',
+ path_parts=[_DbName, _Design, DesignName, _Update, UpdateName, DocId]
+ }=Req, Db) ->
+ DesignId = <<"_design/", DesignName/binary>>,
+ #doc{body={Props}} = chttpd_db:couch_doc_open(Db, DesignId, nil, []),
+ Lang = couch_util:get_value(<<"language">>, Props, <<"javascript">>),
+ UpdateSrc = couch_util:get_nested_json_value({Props}, [<<"updates">>, UpdateName]),
+ Doc = try chttpd_db:couch_doc_open(Db, DocId, nil, [conflicts]) of
+ FoundDoc -> FoundDoc
+ catch
+ _ -> nil
+ end,
+ send_doc_update_response(Lang, UpdateSrc, DocId, Doc, Req, Db);
+ method = 'POST',
+ path_parts=[_DbName, _Design, DesignName, _Update, UpdateName]
+ }=Req, Db) ->
+ DesignId = <<"_design/", DesignName/binary>>,
+ #doc{body={Props}} = chttpd_db:couch_doc_open(Db, DesignId, nil, []),
+ Lang = couch_util:get_value(<<"language">>, Props, <<"javascript">>),
+ UpdateSrc = couch_util:get_nested_json_value({Props}, [<<"updates">>, UpdateName]),
+ send_doc_update_response(Lang, UpdateSrc, nil, nil, Req, Db);
+ path_parts=[_DbName, _Design, _DesignName, _Update, _UpdateName, _DocId]
+ }=Req, _Db) ->
+ send_method_not_allowed(Req, "PUT");
+ path_parts=[_DbName, _Design, _DesignName, _Update, _UpdateName]
+ }=Req, _Db) ->
+ send_method_not_allowed(Req, "POST");
+handle_doc_update_req(Req, _Db) ->
+ send_error(Req, 404, <<"update_error">>, <<"Invalid path.">>).
+handle_doc_show(Req, DesignName, ShowName, DocId, Db) ->
+ DesignId = <<"_design/", DesignName/binary>>,
+ #doc{body={Props}} = chttpd_db:couch_doc_open(Db, DesignId, nil, []),
+ Lang = couch_util:get_value(<<"language">>, Props, <<"javascript">>),
+ ShowSrc = couch_util:get_nested_json_value({Props}, [<<"shows">>, ShowName]),
+ Doc = case DocId of
+ nil -> nil;
+ _ ->
+ try chttpd_db:couch_doc_open(Db, DocId, nil, [conflicts]) of
+ FoundDoc -> FoundDoc
+ catch
+ _ -> nil
+ end
+ end,
+ send_doc_show_response(Lang, ShowSrc, DocId, Doc, Req, Db).
+% view-list request with view and list from same design doc.
+ path_parts=[_DbName, _Design, DesignName, _List, ListName, ViewName]}=Req, Db) ->
+ handle_view_list(Req, DesignName, ListName, DesignName, ViewName, Db, nil);
+% view-list request with view and list from different design docs.
+ path_parts=[_DbName, _Design, DesignName, _List, ListName, ViewDesignName, ViewName]}=Req, Db) ->
+ handle_view_list(Req, DesignName, ListName, ViewDesignName, ViewName, Db, nil);
+handle_view_list_req(#httpd{method='GET'}=Req, _Db) ->
+ send_error(Req, 404, <<"list_error">>, <<"Invalid path.">>);
+ path_parts=[_DbName, _Design, DesignName, _List, ListName, ViewName]}=Req, Db) ->
+ ReqBody = chttpd:body(Req),
+ {Props2} = ?JSON_DECODE(ReqBody),
+ Keys = couch_util:get_value(<<"keys">>, Props2, nil),
+ handle_view_list(Req#httpd{req_body=ReqBody}, DesignName, ListName, DesignName, ViewName, Db, Keys);
+handle_view_list_req(Req, _Db) ->
+ send_method_not_allowed(Req, "GET,POST,HEAD").
+handle_view_list(Req, ListDesignName, ListName, ViewDesignName, ViewName, Db, Keys) ->
+ ListDesignId = <<"_design/", ListDesignName/binary>>,
+ #doc{body={ListProps}} = chttpd_db:couch_doc_open(Db, ListDesignId, nil, []),
+ if
+ ViewDesignName == ListDesignName ->
+ ViewProps = ListProps,
+ ViewDesignId = ListDesignId;
+ true ->
+ ViewDesignId = <<"_design/", ViewDesignName/binary>>,
+ #doc{body={ViewProps}} = chttpd_db:couch_doc_open(Db, ViewDesignId, nil, [])
+ end,
+ ViewLang = couch_util:get_value(<<"language">>, ViewProps, <<"javascript">>),
+ ListSrc = couch_util:get_nested_json_value({ListProps}, [<<"lists">>, ListName]),
+ Group = couch_view_group:design_doc_to_view_group(Db, #doc{id=ViewDesignId,
+ body={ViewProps}}),
+ send_view_list_response(ViewLang, ListSrc, ViewName, ViewDesignId, Req, Db,
+ Group, Keys).
+ % send_view_list_response(ViewLang, ListSrc, ViewName, ViewDesignId, Req, Db, Keys).
+send_view_list_response(Lang, ListSrc, ViewName, DesignId, Req, Db, Group, Keys) ->
+ IsReduce = chttpd_view:get_reduce_type(Req),
+ ViewType = chttpd_view:extract_view_type(ViewName, Group#group.views,
+ IsReduce),
+ QueryArgs = chttpd_view:parse_view_params(Req, Keys, ViewType),
+ {ok, QueryServer} = couch_query_servers:start_view_list(Lang, ListSrc),
+ StartListRespFun = make_map_start_resp_fun(QueryServer, Db),
+ Etag = couch_util:new_uuid(),
+ chttpd:etag_respond(Req, Etag, fun() ->
+ {ok, Total, Result} = ?COUCH:list_view(Req, Db, DesignId, ViewName,
+ Keys, QueryArgs, QueryServer),
+ finish_list(Req, QueryServer, Etag, Result, StartListRespFun, Total)
+ end).
+send_view_list_response(Lang, ListSrc, ViewName, DesignId, Req, Db, Keys) ->
+ Stale = chttpd_view:get_stale_type(Req),
+ Reduce = chttpd_view:get_reduce_type(Req),
+ case ?COUCH:get_map_view(Db, DesignId, ViewName, Stale) of
+ {ok, View, Group} ->
+ QueryArgs = chttpd_view:parse_view_params(Req, Keys, map),
+ output_map_list(Req, Lang, ListSrc, View, Group, Db, QueryArgs, Keys);
+ {not_found, _Reason} ->
+ case ?COUCH:get_reduce_view(Db, DesignId, ViewName, Stale) of
+ {ok, ReduceView, Group} ->
+ case Reduce of
+ false ->
+ QueryArgs = chttpd_view:parse_view_params(
+ Req, Keys, map_red
+ ),
+ MapView = ?COUCH:extract_map_view(ReduceView),
+ output_map_list(Req, Lang, ListSrc, MapView, Group, Db, QueryArgs, Keys);
+ _ ->
+ QueryArgs = chttpd_view:parse_view_params(
+ Req, Keys, reduce
+ ),
+ output_reduce_list(Req, Lang, ListSrc, ReduceView, Group, Db, QueryArgs, Keys)
+ end;
+ {not_found, Reason} ->
+ throw({not_found, Reason})
+ end
+ end.
+output_map_list(#httpd{mochi_req=MReq, user_ctx=UserCtx}=Req, Lang, ListSrc, View, Group, Db, QueryArgs, nil) ->
+ #view_query_args{
+ limit = Limit,
+ direction = Dir,
+ skip = SkipCount,
+ start_key = StartKey,
+ start_docid = StartDocId
+ } = QueryArgs,
+ {ok, RowCount} = ?COUCH:get_row_count(View),
+ Start = {StartKey, StartDocId},
+ Headers = MReq:get(headers),
+ Hlist = mochiweb_headers:to_list(Headers),
+ Accept = couch_util:get_value('Accept', Hlist),
+ CurrentEtag = chttpd_view:view_group_etag(Group, Db, {Lang, ListSrc, Accept, UserCtx}),
+ chttpd:etag_respond(Req, CurrentEtag, fun() ->
+ % get the os process here
+ % pass it into the view fold with closures
+ {ok, QueryServer} = couch_query_servers:start_view_list(Lang, ListSrc),
+ StartListRespFun = make_map_start_resp_fun(QueryServer, Db),
+ SendListRowFun = make_map_send_row_fun(QueryServer),
+ FoldlFun = chttpd_view:make_view_fold_fun(Req, QueryArgs, CurrentEtag, Db, RowCount,
+ #view_fold_helper_funs{
+ reduce_count = fun ?COUCH:reduce_to_count/1,
+ start_response = StartListRespFun,
+ send_row = SendListRowFun
+ }),
+ FoldAccInit = {Limit, SkipCount, undefined, [], nil},
+ {ok, FoldResult} = ?COUCH:view_fold(View, Start, Dir, FoldlFun, FoldAccInit),
+ finish_list(Req, QueryServer, CurrentEtag, FoldResult, StartListRespFun, RowCount)
+ end);
+output_map_list(#httpd{mochi_req=MReq, user_ctx=UserCtx}=Req, Lang, ListSrc, View, Group, Db, QueryArgs, Keys) ->
+ #view_query_args{
+ limit = Limit,
+ direction = Dir,
+ skip = SkipCount,
+ start_docid = StartDocId
+ } = QueryArgs,
+ {ok, RowCount} = ?COUCH:get_row_count(View),
+ Headers = MReq:get(headers),
+ Hlist = mochiweb_headers:to_list(Headers),
+ Accept = couch_util:get_value('Accept', Hlist),
+ CurrentEtag = chttpd_view:view_group_etag(Group, Db, {Lang, ListSrc, Accept, UserCtx}),
+ chttpd:etag_respond(Req, CurrentEtag, fun() ->
+ % get the os process here
+ % pass it into the view fold with closures
+ {ok, QueryServer} = couch_query_servers:start_view_list(Lang, ListSrc),
+ StartListRespFun = make_map_start_resp_fun(QueryServer, Db),
+ SendListRowFun = make_map_send_row_fun(QueryServer),
+ FoldAccInit = {Limit, SkipCount, undefined, [], nil},
+ {ok, FoldResult} = lists:foldl(
+ fun(Key, {ok, FoldAcc}) ->
+ FoldlFun = chttpd_view:make_view_fold_fun(Req, QueryArgs#view_query_args{
+ start_key = Key,
+ end_key = Key
+ }, CurrentEtag, Db, RowCount,
+ #view_fold_helper_funs{
+ reduce_count = fun ?COUCH:reduce_to_count/1,
+ start_response = StartListRespFun,
+ send_row = SendListRowFun
+ }),
+ ?COUCH:view_fold(View, {Key, StartDocId}, Dir, FoldlFun, FoldAcc)
+ end, {ok, FoldAccInit}, Keys),
+ finish_list(Req, QueryServer, CurrentEtag, FoldResult, StartListRespFun, RowCount)
+ end).
+make_map_start_resp_fun(QueryServer, Db) ->
+ fun(Req, Etag, TotalRows, Offset, _Acc) ->
+ Head = {[{<<"total_rows">>, TotalRows}, {<<"offset">>, Offset}]},
+ start_list_resp(QueryServer, Req, Db, Head, Etag)
+ end.
+make_reduce_start_resp_fun(QueryServer, _Req, Db, _CurrentEtag) ->
+ fun(Req2, Etag, _Acc) ->
+ start_list_resp(QueryServer, Req2, Db, {[]}, Etag)
+ end.
+start_list_resp(QueryServer, Req, Db, Head, Etag) ->
+ [<<"start">>,Chunks,JsonResp] = couch_query_servers:render_list_head(QueryServer,
+ Req, Db, Head),
+ JsonResp2 = apply_etag(JsonResp, Etag),
+ #extern_resp_args{
+ code = Code,
+ ctype = CType,
+ headers = ExtHeaders
+ } = chttpd_external:parse_external_response(JsonResp2),
+ JsonHeaders = chttpd_external:default_or_content_type(CType, ExtHeaders),
+ {ok, Resp} = start_chunked_response(Req, Code, JsonHeaders),
+ {ok, Resp, ?b2l(?l2b(Chunks))}.
+make_map_send_row_fun(QueryServer) ->
+ fun(Resp, Db, Row, IncludeDocs, RowFront) ->
+ send_list_row(Resp, QueryServer, Db, Row, RowFront, IncludeDocs)
+ end.
+make_reduce_send_row_fun(QueryServer, Db) ->
+ fun(Resp, Row, RowFront) ->
+ send_list_row(Resp, QueryServer, Db, Row, RowFront, false)
+ end.
+send_list_row(Resp, QueryServer, Db, Row, RowFront, IncludeDoc) ->
+ try
+ [Go,Chunks] = couch_query_servers:render_list_row(QueryServer, Db, Row, IncludeDoc),
+ Chunk = RowFront ++ ?b2l(?l2b(Chunks)),
+ send_non_empty_chunk(Resp, Chunk),
+ case Go of
+ <<"chunks">> ->
+ {ok, ""};
+ <<"end">> ->
+ {stop, stop}
+ end
+ catch
+ throw:Error ->
+ send_chunked_error(Resp, Error),
+ throw({already_sent, Resp, Error})
+ end.
+send_non_empty_chunk(Resp, Chunk) ->
+ case Chunk of
+ [] -> ok;
+ _ -> send_chunk(Resp, Chunk)
+ end.
+output_reduce_list(#httpd{mochi_req=MReq, user_ctx=UserCtx}=Req, Lang, ListSrc, View, Group, Db, QueryArgs, nil) ->
+ #view_query_args{
+ limit = Limit,
+ direction = Dir,
+ skip = SkipCount,
+ start_key = StartKey,
+ start_docid = StartDocId,
+ end_key = EndKey,
+ end_docid = EndDocId,
+ group_level = GroupLevel
+ } = QueryArgs,
+ Headers = MReq:get(headers),
+ Hlist = mochiweb_headers:to_list(Headers),
+ Accept = couch_util:get_value('Accept', Hlist),
+ CurrentEtag = chttpd_view:view_group_etag(Group, Db, {Lang, ListSrc, Accept, UserCtx}),
+ chttpd:etag_respond(Req, CurrentEtag, fun() ->
+ % get the os process here
+ % pass it into the view fold with closures
+ {ok, QueryServer} = couch_query_servers:start_view_list(Lang, ListSrc),
+ StartListRespFun = make_reduce_start_resp_fun(QueryServer, Req, Db, CurrentEtag),
+ SendListRowFun = make_reduce_send_row_fun(QueryServer, Db),
+ {ok, GroupRowsFun, RespFun} = chttpd_view:make_reduce_fold_funs(Req,
+ GroupLevel, QueryArgs, CurrentEtag,
+ #reduce_fold_helper_funs{
+ start_response = StartListRespFun,
+ send_row = SendListRowFun
+ }),
+ FoldAccInit = {Limit, SkipCount, undefined, []},
+ {ok, FoldResult} = ?COUCH:view_fold_reduce(View, Dir, {StartKey, StartDocId},
+ {EndKey, EndDocId}, GroupRowsFun, RespFun,
+ FoldAccInit),
+ finish_list(Req, QueryServer, CurrentEtag, FoldResult, StartListRespFun, null)
+ end);
+output_reduce_list(#httpd{mochi_req=MReq, user_ctx=UserCtx}=Req, Lang, ListSrc, View, Group, Db, QueryArgs, Keys) ->
+ #view_query_args{
+ limit = Limit,
+ direction = Dir,
+ skip = SkipCount,
+ start_docid = StartDocId,
+ end_docid = EndDocId,
+ group_level = GroupLevel
+ } = QueryArgs,
+ Headers = MReq:get(headers),
+ Hlist = mochiweb_headers:to_list(Headers),
+ Accept = couch_util:get_value('Accept', Hlist),
+ CurrentEtag = chttpd_view:view_group_etag(Group, Db, {Lang, ListSrc, Accept, UserCtx, Keys}),
+ chttpd:etag_respond(Req, CurrentEtag, fun() ->
+ % get the os process here
+ % pass it into the view fold with closures
+ {ok, QueryServer} = couch_query_servers:start_view_list(Lang, ListSrc),
+ StartListRespFun = make_reduce_start_resp_fun(QueryServer, Req, Db, CurrentEtag),
+ SendListRowFun = make_reduce_send_row_fun(QueryServer, Db),
+ {ok, GroupRowsFun, RespFun} = chttpd_view:make_reduce_fold_funs(Req,
+ GroupLevel, QueryArgs, CurrentEtag,
+ #reduce_fold_helper_funs{
+ start_response = StartListRespFun,
+ send_row = SendListRowFun
+ }),
+ FoldAccInit = {Limit, SkipCount, undefined, []},
+ {ok, FoldResult} = lists:foldl(
+ fun(Key, {ok, FoldAcc}) ->
+ ?COUCH:view_fold_reduce(View, Dir, {Key, StartDocId},
+ {Key, EndDocId}, GroupRowsFun, RespFun, FoldAcc)
+ end, {ok, FoldAccInit}, Keys),
+ finish_list(Req, QueryServer, CurrentEtag, FoldResult, StartListRespFun, null)
+ end).
+finish_list(Req, QueryServer, Etag, FoldResult, StartFun, TotalRows) ->
+ FoldResult2 = case FoldResult of
+ {Limit, SkipCount, Response, RowAcc} ->
+ {Limit, SkipCount, Response, RowAcc, nil};
+ Else ->
+ Else
+ end,
+ case FoldResult2 of
+ {_, _, undefined, _, _} ->
+ {ok, Resp, BeginBody} =
+ render_head_for_empty_list(StartFun, Req, Etag, TotalRows),
+ [<<"end">>, Chunks] = couch_query_servers:render_list_tail(QueryServer),
+ Chunk = BeginBody ++ ?b2l(?l2b(Chunks)),
+ send_non_empty_chunk(Resp, Chunk);
+ {_, _, Resp, stop, _} ->
+ ok;
+ {_, _, Resp, _, _} ->
+ [<<"end">>, Chunks] = couch_query_servers:render_list_tail(QueryServer),
+ send_non_empty_chunk(Resp, ?b2l(?l2b(Chunks)))
+ end,
+ couch_query_servers:stop_doc_map(QueryServer),
+ send_chunk(Resp, []).
+render_head_for_empty_list(StartListRespFun, Req, Etag, null) ->
+ StartListRespFun(Req, Etag, []); % for reduce
+render_head_for_empty_list(StartListRespFun, Req, Etag, TotalRows) ->
+ StartListRespFun(Req, Etag, TotalRows, null, []).
+send_doc_show_response(Lang, ShowSrc, DocId, nil, #httpd{mochi_req=MReq, user_ctx=UserCtx}=Req, Db) ->
+ % compute etag with no doc
+ Headers = MReq:get(headers),
+ Hlist = mochiweb_headers:to_list(Headers),
+ Accept = couch_util:get_value('Accept', Hlist),
+ CurrentEtag = chttpd:make_etag({Lang, ShowSrc, nil, Accept, UserCtx}),
+ chttpd:etag_respond(Req, CurrentEtag, fun() ->
+ [<<"resp">>, ExternalResp] = couch_query_servers:render_doc_show(Lang, ShowSrc,
+ DocId, nil, Req, Db),
+ JsonResp = apply_etag(ExternalResp, CurrentEtag),
+ chttpd_external:send_external_response(Req, JsonResp)
+ end);
+send_doc_show_response(Lang, ShowSrc, DocId, #doc{revs=Revs}=Doc, #httpd{mochi_req=MReq, user_ctx=UserCtx}=Req, Db) ->
+ % calculate the etag
+ Headers = MReq:get(headers),
+ Hlist = mochiweb_headers:to_list(Headers),
+ Accept = couch_util:get_value('Accept', Hlist),
+ CurrentEtag = chttpd:make_etag({Lang, ShowSrc, Revs, Accept, UserCtx}),
+ % We know our etag now
+ chttpd:etag_respond(Req, CurrentEtag, fun() ->
+ [<<"resp">>, ExternalResp] = couch_query_servers:render_doc_show(Lang, ShowSrc,
+ DocId, Doc, Req, Db),
+ JsonResp = apply_etag(ExternalResp, CurrentEtag),
+ chttpd_external:send_external_response(Req, JsonResp)
+ end).
+send_doc_update_response(Lang, UpdateSrc, DocId, Doc, Req, Db) ->
+ case couch_query_servers:render_doc_update(Lang, UpdateSrc,
+ DocId, Doc, Req, Db) of
+ [<<"up">>, {NewJsonDoc}, JsonResp] ->
+ Options = case chttpd:header_value(Req, "X-Couch-Full-Commit", "false") of
+ "true" ->
+ [full_commit];
+ _ ->
+ []
+ end,
+ NewDoc = couch_doc:from_json_obj({NewJsonDoc}),
+ Code = 201,
+ % todo set location field
+ {ok, _NewRev} = ?COUCH:update_doc(Db, NewDoc, Options);
+ [<<"up">>, _Other, JsonResp] ->
+ Code = 200,
+ ok
+ end,
+ JsonResp2 = json_apply_field({<<"code">>, Code}, JsonResp),
+ chttpd_external:send_external_response(Req, JsonResp2).
+% Maybe this is in the proplists API
+% todo move to couch_util
+json_apply_field(H, {L}) ->
+ json_apply_field(H, L, []).
+json_apply_field({Key, NewValue}, [{Key, _OldVal} | Headers], Acc) ->
+ % drop matching keys
+ json_apply_field({Key, NewValue}, Headers, Acc);
+json_apply_field({Key, NewValue}, [{OtherKey, OtherVal} | Headers], Acc) ->
+ % something else is next, leave it alone.
+ json_apply_field({Key, NewValue}, Headers, [{OtherKey, OtherVal} | Acc]);
+json_apply_field({Key, NewValue}, [], Acc) ->
+ % end of list, add ours
+ {[{Key, NewValue}|Acc]}.
+apply_etag({ExternalResponse}, CurrentEtag) ->
+ % Here we embark on the delicate task of replacing or creating the
+ % headers on the JsonResponse object. We need to control the Etag and
+ % Vary headers. If the external function controls the Etag, we'd have to
+ % run it to check for a match, which sort of defeats the purpose.
+ case couch_util:get_value(<<"headers">>, ExternalResponse, nil) of
+ nil ->
+ % no JSON headers
+ % add our Etag and Vary headers to the response
+ {[{<<"headers">>, {[{<<"Etag">>, CurrentEtag}, {<<"Vary">>, <<"Accept">>}]}} | ExternalResponse]};
+ JsonHeaders ->
+ {[case Field of
+ {<<"headers">>, JsonHeaders} -> % add our headers
+ JsonHeadersEtagged = json_apply_field({<<"Etag">>, CurrentEtag}, JsonHeaders),
+ JsonHeadersVaried = json_apply_field({<<"Vary">>, <<"Accept">>}, JsonHeadersEtagged),
+ {<<"headers">>, JsonHeadersVaried};
+ _ -> % skip non-header fields
+ Field
+ end || Field <- ExternalResponse]}
+ end.