path: root/share/www/spec/jquery_couch_js_instance_methods_2_spec.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'share/www/spec/jquery_couch_js_instance_methods_2_spec.js')
1 files changed, 421 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/share/www/spec/jquery_couch_js_instance_methods_2_spec.js b/share/www/spec/jquery_couch_js_instance_methods_2_spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fbcdacc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/www/spec/jquery_couch_js_instance_methods_2_spec.js
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+// Specs for jquery_couch.js lines 210-299
+describe 'jQuery couchdb db'
+ before
+ stubAlert();
+ end
+ after
+ destubAlert();
+ end
+ before_each
+ db = $.couch.db('spec_db');
+ db.create();
+ end
+ after_each
+ db.drop();
+ end
+ describe 'info'
+ before_each
+ result = {};
+ success: function(resp) { result = resp; },
+ error: function(status, error, reason){errorCallback(status, error, reason)}
+ });
+ end
+ it 'should return the name of the database'
+ result.db_name.should.eql "spec_db"
+ end
+ it 'should return the number of documents'
+ result.doc_count.should.eql 0
+ end
+ it 'should return the start time of the db instance'
+ result.instance_start_time.should.have_length 16
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'allDocs'
+ it 'should return no docs when there arent any'
+ db.allDocs({
+ success: function(resp) {
+ resp.total_rows.should.eql 0
+ resp.rows.should.eql []
+ },
+ error: function(status, error, reason){errorCallback(status, error, reason)}
+ });
+ end
+ describe 'with docs'
+ before_each
+ db.saveDoc({"Name" : "Felix Gaeta", "_id" : "123"});
+ db.saveDoc({"Name" : "Samuel T. Anders", "_id" : "456"});
+ end
+ it 'should return all docs'
+ db.allDocs({
+ success: function(resp) {
+ resp.total_rows.should.eql 2
+ resp.rows.should.have_length 2
+ resp.rows[0].id.should.eql "123"
+ resp.rows[0].key.should.eql "123"
+ resp.rows[0].value.rev.length.should.be_at_least 30
+ resp.rows[1].id.should.eql "456"
+ },
+ error: function(status, error, reason){errorCallback(status, error, reason)}
+ });
+ end
+ it 'should pass through the options'
+ db.allDocs({
+ "startkey": "123",
+ "limit": "1",
+ success: function(resp) {
+ resp.rows.should.have_length 1
+ resp.rows[0].id.should.eql "123"
+ },
+ error: function(status, error, reason){errorCallback(status, error, reason)}
+ });
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'allDesignDocs'
+ it 'should return nothing when there arent any design docs'
+ db.saveDoc({"Name" : "Felix Gaeta", "_id" : "123"});
+ db.allDesignDocs({
+ success: function(resp) {
+ resp.rows.should.eql []
+ },
+ error: function(status, error, reason){errorCallback(status, error, reason)}
+ });
+ end
+ it 'should return all design docs'
+ var designDoc = {
+ "views" : {
+ "people" : {
+ "map" : "function(doc) { emit(doc._id, doc); }"
+ }
+ },
+ "_id" : "_design/spec_db"
+ };
+ db.saveDoc(designDoc);
+ db.saveDoc({"Name" : "Felix Gaeta", "_id" : "123"});
+ db.allDesignDocs({
+ success: function(resp) {
+ resp.total_rows.should.eql 2
+ resp.rows.should.have_length 1
+ resp.rows[0].id.should.eql "_design/spec_db"
+ resp.rows[0].key.should.eql "_design/spec_db"
+ resp.rows[0].value.rev.length.should.be_at_least 30
+ },
+ error: function(status, error, reason){errorCallback(status, error, reason)}
+ });
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'allApps'
+ it 'should provide a custom function with appName, appPath and design document when there is an attachment with index.html'
+ var designDoc = {"_id" : "_design/with_attachments"};
+ designDoc._attachments = {
+ "index.html" : {
+ "content_type": "text\/html",
+ // this is "<html><p>Hi, here is index!</p></html>", base64 encoded
+ "data": "PGh0bWw+PHA+SGksIGhlcmUgaXMgaW5kZXghPC9wPjwvaHRtbD4="
+ }
+ };
+ db.saveDoc(designDoc);
+ db.allApps({
+ eachApp: function(appName, appPath, ddoc) {
+ appName.should.eql "with_attachments"
+ appPath.should.eql "/spec_db/_design/with_attachments/index.html"
+ ddoc._id.should.eql "_design/with_attachments"
+ ddoc._attachments["index.html"].content_type.should.eql "text/html"
+ ddoc._attachments["index.html"].length.should.eql "<html><p>Hi, here is index!</p></html>".length
+ },
+ error: function(status, error, reason){errorCallback(status, error, reason)}
+ });
+ end
+ it 'should provide a custom function with appName, appPath and design document when there is a couchapp with index file'
+ var designDoc = {"_id" : "_design/with_index"};
+ designDoc.couchapp = {
+ "index" : "cylon"
+ };
+ db.saveDoc(designDoc);
+ db.allApps({
+ eachApp: function(appName, appPath, ddoc) {
+ appName.should.eql "with_index"
+ appPath.should.eql "/spec_db/_design/with_index/cylon"
+ ddoc._id.should.eql "_design/with_index"
+ ddoc.couchapp.index.should.eql "cylon"
+ },
+ error: function(status, error, reason){errorCallback(status, error, reason)}
+ });
+ end
+ it 'should not call the eachApp function when there is neither index.html in _attachments nor a couchapp index file'
+ var designDoc = {"_id" : "_design/nothing"};
+ db.saveDoc(designDoc);
+ var eachApp_called = false;
+ db.allApps({
+ eachApp: function(appName, appPath, ddoc) {
+ eachApp_called = true;
+ },
+ error: function(status, error, reason){errorCallback(status, error, reason)}
+ });
+ eachApp_called.should.be_false
+ end
+ it 'should alert with an error message prefix'
+ db.allApps();
+ alert_msg.should.match /Please provide an eachApp function for allApps()/
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'openDoc'
+ before_each
+ doc = {"Name" : "Louanne Katraine", "Callsign" : "Kat", "_id" : "123"};
+ db.saveDoc(doc);
+ end
+ it 'should open the document'
+ db.openDoc("123", {
+ success: function(resp){
+ resp.should.eql doc
+ },
+ error: function(status, error, reason){errorCallback(status, error, reason)}
+ });
+ end
+ it 'should raise a 404 error when there is no document with the given ID'
+ db.openDoc("non_existing", {
+ error: function(status, error, reason){
+ status.should.eql 404
+ error.should.eql "not_found"
+ reason.should.eql "missing"
+ },
+ success: function(resp){successCallback(resp)}
+ });
+ end
+ it 'should pass through the options'
+ doc.Name = "Sasha";
+ db.saveDoc(doc);
+ db.openDoc("123", {
+ revs: true,
+ success: function(resp){
+ resp._revisions.start.should.eql 2
+ resp._revisions.ids.should.have_length 2
+ },
+ error: function(status, error, reason){errorCallback(status, error, reason)}
+ });
+ end
+ it 'should alert with an error message prefix'
+ db.openDoc("asdf");
+ alert_msg.should.match /The document could not be retrieved/
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'saveDoc'
+ before_each
+ doc = {"Name" : "Kara Thrace", "Callsign" : "Starbuck"};
+ end
+ it 'should save the document'
+ db.saveDoc(doc, {
+ success: function(resp, status){
+ status.should.eql 201
+ },
+ error: function(status, error, reason){errorCallback(status, error, reason)}
+ });
+ end
+ it 'should return ok true'
+ db.saveDoc(doc, {
+ success: function(resp, status){
+ resp.ok.should.be_true
+ },
+ error: function(status, error, reason){errorCallback(status, error, reason)}
+ });
+ end
+ it 'should return ID and revision of the document'
+ db.saveDoc(doc, {
+ success: function(resp, status){
+ String
+ 32
+ resp.rev.should.be_a String
+ resp.rev.length.should.be_at_least 30
+ },
+ error: function(status, error, reason){errorCallback(status, error, reason)}
+ });
+ end
+ it 'should result in a saved document with generated ID'
+ db.saveDoc(doc, {
+ success: function(resp, status){
+ db.openDoc(, {
+ success: function(resp2){
+ resp2.Name.should.eql "Kara Thrace"
+ resp2.Callsign.should.eql "Starbuck"
+ },
+ error: function(status, error, reason){errorCallback(status, error, reason)}
+ });
+ },
+ error: function(status, error, reason){errorCallback(status, error, reason)}
+ });
+ end
+ it 'should save the document with the specified ID'
+ doc._id = "123";
+ db.saveDoc(doc, {
+ success: function(resp, status){
+ "123"
+ },
+ error: function(status, error, reason){errorCallback(status, error, reason)}
+ });
+ end
+ it 'should pass through the options'
+ db.saveDoc(doc, {
+ "batch" : "ok",
+ success: function(resp, status){
+ // when using batch ok, couch sends a 202 status immediately
+ status.should.eql 202
+ },
+ error: function(status, error, reason){errorCallback(status, error, reason)}
+ });
+ end
+ it 'should alert with an error message prefix'
+ db.saveDoc("asdf");
+ alert_msg.should.match /The document could not be saved/
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'bulkSave'
+ before_each
+ doc = {"Name" : "Kara Thrace", "Callsign" : "Starbuck"};
+ doc2 = {"Name" : "Karl C. Agathon", "Callsign" : "Helo"};
+ doc3 = {"Name" : "Sharon Valerii", "Callsign" : "Boomer"};
+ docs = [doc, doc2, doc3];
+ end
+ it 'should save all documents'
+ db.bulkSave({"docs": docs});
+ db.allDocs({
+ success: function(resp) {
+ resp.total_rows.should.eql 3
+ },
+ error: function(status, error, reason){errorCallback(status, error, reason)}
+ });
+ end
+ it 'should result in saved documents'
+ doc3._id = "789";
+ db.bulkSave({"docs": [doc3]});
+ db.openDoc("789", {
+ success: function(resp){
+ resp.Name.should.eql "Sharon Valerii"
+ resp.Callsign.should.eql "Boomer"
+ },
+ error: function(status, error, reason){errorCallback(status, error, reason)}
+ });
+ end
+ it 'should return ID and revision of the documents'
+ db.bulkSave({"docs": docs},{
+ success: function(resp){
+ resp[0].id.should.be_a String
+ resp[0].id.should.have_length 32
+ resp[0].rev.should.be_a String
+ resp[0].rev.length.should.be_at_least 30
+ resp[1].id.should.be_a String
+ resp[1].id.should.have_length 32
+ resp[1].rev.should.be_a String
+ resp[1].rev.length.should.be_at_least 30
+ resp[2].id.should.be_a String
+ resp[2].id.should.have_length 32
+ resp[2].rev.should.be_a String
+ resp[2].rev.length.should.be_at_least 30
+ },
+ error: function(status, error, reason){errorCallback(status, error, reason)}
+ });
+ end
+ it 'should save the document with specified IDs'
+ doc._id = "123";
+ doc2._id = "456";
+ docs = [doc, doc2, doc3];
+ db.bulkSave({"docs": docs},{
+ success: function(resp){
+ resp[0].id.should.eql "123"
+ resp[1].id.should.eql "456"
+ resp[2].id.should.have_length 32
+ },
+ error: function(status, error, reason){errorCallback(status, error, reason)}
+ });
+ end
+ it 'should pass through the options'
+ // a lengthy way to test that a conflict can't be created with the
+ // all_or_nothing option set to false, but can be when it's true.
+ var old_doc = {"Name" : "Louanne Katraine", "Callsign" : "Kat", "_id" : "123"};
+ db.saveDoc(old_doc, {
+ success: function(resp){
+ old_doc._rev = resp.rev;
+ },
+ error: function(status, error, reason){errorCallback(status, error, reason)}
+ });
+ var new_doc = {"Name" : "Sasha", "Callsign" : "Kat", "_id" : "123"};
+ db.bulkSave({"docs": [new_doc], "all_or_nothing": false}, {
+ success: function(resp){
+ resp[0].id.should.eql "123"
+ resp[0].error.should.eql "conflict"
+ resp[0].reason.should.eql "Document update conflict."
+ },
+ error: function(status, error, reason){errorCallback(status, error, reason)}
+ });
+ db.bulkSave({"docs": [new_doc], "all_or_nothing": true}, {
+ success: function(resp){
+ resp[0].id.should.eql "123"
+ resp[0].rev.should.not.eql old_doc._rev
+ },
+ error: function(status, error, reason){errorCallback(status, error, reason)}
+ });
+ db.openDoc("123", {
+ "conflicts": true,
+ success: function(resp){
+ resp._conflicts[0].should.eql old_doc._rev
+ },
+ error: function(status, error, reason){errorCallback(status, error, reason)}
+ });
+ end
+ it 'should alert with an error message prefix'
+ db.bulkSave("asdf");
+ alert_msg.should.match /The documents could not be saved/
+ end
+ end
+end \ No newline at end of file