path: root/deps/mochiweb/priv/skel/support
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/mochiweb/priv/skel/support')
2 files changed, 134 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/mochiweb/priv/skel/support/ b/deps/mochiweb/priv/skel/support/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bcba2142
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/mochiweb/priv/skel/support/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+## -*- makefile -*-
+## Erlang
+ERL := erl
+ERLC := $(ERL)c
+INCLUDE_DIRS := ../include $(wildcard ../deps/*/include)
+EBIN_DIRS := $(wildcard ../deps/*/ebin)
+ERLC_FLAGS := -W $(INCLUDE_DIRS:../%=-I ../%) $(EBIN_DIRS:%=-pa %)
+ifndef no_debug_info
+ ERLC_FLAGS += +debug_info
+ifdef debug
+ ERLC_FLAGS += -Ddebug
+EBIN_DIR := ../ebin
+TEST_DIR := ../_test
+EMULATOR := beam
+ERL_SOURCES := $(wildcard *.erl)
+ERL_HEADERS := $(wildcard *.hrl) $(wildcard ../include/*.hrl)
+APP_FILES := $(wildcard *.app)
+ cp $< $@
+$(EBIN_DIR)/%.$(EMULATOR): %.erl
+ $(ERLC) $(ERLC_FLAGS) -o $(EBIN_DIR) $<
+./%.$(EMULATOR): %.erl
+ $(ERLC) $(ERLC_FLAGS) -o . $<
diff --git a/deps/mochiweb/priv/skel/support/run_tests.escript b/deps/mochiweb/priv/skel/support/run_tests.escript
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..ff49c064
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/mochiweb/priv/skel/support/run_tests.escript
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env escript
+%% -*- erlang -*-
+%%! -name mochiweb__test@
+main([Ebin]) ->
+ code:add_path(Ebin),
+ code:add_paths(filelib:wildcard("../deps/*/ebin", Ebin)),
+ code:add_paths(filelib:wildcard("../deps/*/deps/*/ebin", Ebin)),
+ ModuleNames = [hd(string:tokens(M, "."))
+ || "../src/" ++ M <- filelib:wildcard("../src/*.erl")],
+ {ok, NonTestRe} = re:compile("_tests$"),
+ Modules = [list_to_atom(M) ||
+ M <- lists:filter(
+ fun(M) ->
+ nomatch == re:run(M, NonTestRe)
+ end,
+ ModuleNames)],
+ crypto:start(),
+ start_cover(Modules),
+ eunit:test(Modules, [verbose,{report,{eunit_surefire,[{dir,"../_test"}]}}]),
+ analyze_cover(Modules);
+main(_) ->
+ io:format("usage: run_tests.escript EBIN_DIR~n"),
+ halt(1).
+start_cover(Modules) ->
+ {ok, _Cover} = cover:start(),
+ io:format("Cover compiling...~n"),
+ Compiled = [ M || {ok, M} <- [ cover:compile(
+ M,
+ [{i, "include"}
+ ])
+ || M <- Modules ] ],
+ case length(Modules) == length(Compiled) of
+ true -> ok;
+ false ->
+ io:format("Warning: the following modules were not"
+ " cover-compiled:~n ~p~n", [Compiled])
+ end.
+analyze_cover(Modules) ->
+ io:format("Analyzing cover...~n"),
+ CoverBase = filename:join(["..", "_test", "cover"]),
+ ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join([CoverBase, "fake"])),
+ Coverages = lists:foldl(
+ fun(M, Acc) ->
+ [analyze_module(CoverBase, M)|Acc]
+ end,
+ [], Modules),
+ IndexFilename = filename:join([CoverBase, "index.html"]),
+ {ok, Index} = file:open(IndexFilename, [write]),
+ {LineTotal, CoverTotal} =
+ lists:foldl(fun({_,_,Lines,Covered}, {LineAcc, CovAcc}) ->
+ {LineAcc+Lines, CovAcc+Covered}
+ end, {0,0}, Coverages),
+ file:write(Index,
+ "<html><head><title>Coverage</title></head>\n"
+ "<body><h1>Coverage</h1><ul>\n"),
+ file:write(Index,
+ io_lib:format("<h2>Total: ~.2f%</h2>\n",
+ [percentage(CoverTotal, LineTotal)])),
+ [ file:write(Index,
+ io_lib:format(
+ "<li><a href=\"~s\">~p</a>: ~.2f%</li>~n",
+ [Filename, Module, percentage(Covered, Lines)]))
+ || {Filename, Module, Lines, Covered} <- Coverages ],
+ file:write(Index,"</ul></body></html>"),
+ file:close(Index),
+ io:format("Cover analysis in ~s~n", [IndexFilename]).
+analyze_module(CoverBase, Module) ->
+ {ok, Filename} =
+ cover:analyze_to_file(
+ Module,
+ filename:join(CoverBase, atom_to_list(Module)++".COVER.html"),
+ [html]),
+ Lines = count_lines(Filename, "[[:digit:]]\.\.|"),
+ Covered = count_lines(Filename, "[[:space:]]0\.\.|"),
+ {filename:basename(Filename), Module, Lines, Lines-Covered}.
+count_lines(Filename, Pattern) ->
+ {ok, [Lines],_} = io_lib:fread(
+ "~d",
+ os:cmd(io_lib:format("grep -e \"~s\" ~s | wc -l",
+ [Pattern, Filename]))),
+ Lines.
+percentage(_, 0) -> 1000.0;
+percentage(Part, Total) ->
+ (Part/Total)*100.