path: root/deps/mochiweb/priv/skel/src/skel_deps.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/mochiweb/priv/skel/src/skel_deps.erl')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/mochiweb/priv/skel/src/skel_deps.erl b/deps/mochiweb/priv/skel/src/skel_deps.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cba796b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/mochiweb/priv/skel/src/skel_deps.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+%% @author author <>
+%% @copyright YYYY author.
+%% @doc Ensure that the relatively-installed dependencies are on the code
+%% loading path, and locate resources relative
+%% to this application's path.
+-author('author <>').
+-export([ensure/0, ensure/1]).
+-export([get_base_dir/0, get_base_dir/1]).
+-export([local_path/1, local_path/2]).
+-export([deps_on_path/0, new_siblings/1]).
+%% @spec deps_on_path() -> [ProjNameAndVers]
+%% @doc List of project dependencies on the path.
+deps_on_path() ->
+ F = fun (X, Acc) ->
+ ProjDir = filename:dirname(X),
+ case {filename:basename(X),
+ filename:basename(filename:dirname(ProjDir))} of
+ {"ebin", "deps"} ->
+ [filename:basename(ProjDir) | Acc];
+ _ ->
+ Acc
+ end
+ end,
+ ordsets:from_list(lists:foldl(F, [], code:get_path())).
+%% @spec new_siblings(Module) -> [Dir]
+%% @doc Find new siblings paths relative to Module that aren't already on the
+%% code path.
+new_siblings(Module) ->
+ Existing = deps_on_path(),
+ SiblingEbin = filelib:wildcard(local_path(["deps", "*", "ebin"], Module)),
+ Siblings = [filename:dirname(X) || X <- SiblingEbin,
+ ordsets:is_element(
+ filename:basename(filename:dirname(X)),
+ Existing) =:= false],
+ lists:filter(fun filelib:is_dir/1,
+ lists:append([[filename:join([X, "ebin"]),
+ filename:join([X, "include"])] ||
+ X <- Siblings])).
+%% @spec ensure(Module) -> ok
+%% @doc Ensure that all ebin and include paths for dependencies
+%% of the application for Module are on the code path.
+ensure(Module) ->
+ code:add_paths(new_siblings(Module)),
+ code:clash(),
+ ok.
+%% @spec ensure() -> ok
+%% @doc Ensure that the ebin and include paths for dependencies of
+%% this application are on the code path. Equivalent to
+%% ensure(?Module).
+ensure() ->
+ ensure(?MODULE).
+%% @spec get_base_dir(Module) -> string()
+%% @doc Return the application directory for Module. It assumes Module is in
+%% a standard OTP layout application in the ebin or src directory.
+get_base_dir(Module) ->
+ {file, Here} = code:is_loaded(Module),
+ filename:dirname(filename:dirname(Here)).
+%% @spec get_base_dir() -> string()
+%% @doc Return the application directory for this application. Equivalent to
+%% get_base_dir(?MODULE).
+get_base_dir() ->
+ get_base_dir(?MODULE).
+%% @spec local_path([string()], Module) -> string()
+%% @doc Return an application-relative directory from Module's application.
+local_path(Components, Module) ->
+ filename:join([get_base_dir(Module) | Components]).
+%% @spec local_path(Components) -> string()
+%% @doc Return an application-relative directory for this application.
+%% Equivalent to local_path(Components, ?MODULE).
+local_path(Components) ->
+ local_path(Components, ?MODULE).
+%% Tests