path: root/deps/mochiweb/examples/https/https_store.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/mochiweb/examples/https/https_store.erl')
1 files changed, 146 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/mochiweb/examples/https/https_store.erl b/deps/mochiweb/examples/https/https_store.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..959cc00c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/mochiweb/examples/https/https_store.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+%% Trivial web storage app. It's available over both HTTP (port 8442)
+%% and HTTPS (port 8443). You use a PUT to store items, a GET to
+%% retrieve them and DELETE to delete them. The HTTP POST method is
+%% invalid for this application. Example (using HTTPS transport):
+%% $ curl -k --verbose https://localhost:8443/flintstones
+%% ...
+%% 404 Not Found
+%% ...
+%% $ echo -e "Fred\nWilma\nBarney" |
+%% curl -k --verbose https://localhost:8443/flintstones \
+%% -X PUT -H "Content-Type: text/plain" --data-binary @-
+%% ...
+%% 201 Created
+%% ...
+%% $ curl -k --verbose https://localhost:8443/flintstones
+%% ...
+%% Fred
+%% Wilma
+%% Barney
+%% ...
+%% $ curl -k --verbose https://localhost:8443/flintstones -X DELETE
+%% ...
+%% 200 OK
+%% ...
+%% $ curl -k --verbose https://localhost:8443/flintstones
+%% ...
+%% 404 Not Found
+%% ...
+%% All submitted data is stored in memory (in an ets table). Could be
+%% useful for ad-hoc testing.
+ stop/0,
+ dispatch/1,
+ loop/1
+ ]).
+-define(HTTP_OPTS, [
+ {loop, {?MODULE, dispatch}},
+ {port, 8442},
+ {name, http_8442}
+ ]).
+-define(HTTPS_OPTS, [
+ {loop, {?MODULE, dispatch}},
+ {port, 8443},
+ {name, https_8443},
+ {ssl, true},
+ {ssl_opts, [
+ {certfile, "server_cert.pem"},
+ {keyfile, "server_key.pem"}]}
+ ]).
+-record(sd, {http, https}).
+-record(resource, {type, data}).
+start() ->
+ {ok, Http} = mochiweb_http:start(?HTTP_OPTS),
+ {ok, Https} = mochiweb_http:start(?HTTPS_OPTS),
+ SD = #sd{http=Http, https=Https},
+ Pid = spawn_link(fun() ->
+ ets:new(?MODULE, [named_table]),
+ loop(SD)
+ end),
+ register(http_store, Pid),
+ ok.
+stop() ->
+ http_store ! stop,
+ ok.
+dispatch(Req) ->
+ case Req:get(method) of
+ 'GET' ->
+ get_resource(Req);
+ 'PUT' ->
+ put_resource(Req);
+ 'DELETE' ->
+ delete_resource(Req);
+ _ ->
+ Headers = [{"Allow", "GET,PUT,DELETE"}],
+ Req:respond({405, Headers, "405 Method Not Allowed\r\n"})
+ end.
+get_resource(Req) ->
+ Path = Req:get(path),
+ case ets:lookup(?MODULE, Path) of
+ [{Path, #resource{type=Type, data=Data}}] ->
+ Req:ok({Type, Data});
+ [] ->
+ Req:respond({404, [], "404 Not Found\r\n"})
+ end.
+put_resource(Req) ->
+ ContentType = case Req:get_header_value("Content-Type") of
+ undefined ->
+ "application/octet-stream";
+ S ->
+ S
+ end,
+ Resource = #resource{type=ContentType, data=Req:recv_body()},
+ http_store ! {self(), {put, Req:get(path), Resource}},
+ Pid = whereis(http_store),
+ receive
+ {Pid, created} ->
+ Req:respond({201, [], "201 Created\r\n"});
+ {Pid, updated} ->
+ Req:respond({200, [], "200 OK\r\n"})
+ end.
+delete_resource(Req) ->
+ http_store ! {self(), {delete, Req:get(path)}},
+ Pid = whereis(http_store),
+ receive
+ {Pid, ok} ->
+ Req:respond({200, [], "200 OK\r\n"})
+ end.
+loop(#sd{http=Http, https=Https} = SD) ->
+ receive
+ stop ->
+ ok = mochiweb_http:stop(Http),
+ ok = mochiweb_http:stop(Https),
+ exit(normal);
+ {From, {put, Key, Val}} ->
+ Exists = ets:member(?MODULE, Key),
+ ets:insert(?MODULE, {Key, Val}),
+ case Exists of
+ true ->
+ From ! {self(), updated};
+ false ->
+ From ! {self(), created}
+ end;
+ {From, {delete, Key}} ->
+ ets:delete(?MODULE, Key),
+ From ! {self(), ok};
+ _ ->
+ ignore
+ end,
+ ?MODULE:loop(SD).