path: root/deps/fabric/src/fabric_view_reduce.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/fabric/src/fabric_view_reduce.erl')
1 files changed, 114 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/fabric/src/fabric_view_reduce.erl b/deps/fabric/src/fabric_view_reduce.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..58438573
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/fabric/src/fabric_view_reduce.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+% Copyright 2010 Cloudant
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+go(DbName, GroupId, View, Args, Callback, Acc0) when is_binary(GroupId) ->
+ {ok, DDoc} = fabric:open_doc(DbName, <<"_design/", GroupId/binary>>, []),
+ go(DbName, DDoc, View, Args, Callback, Acc0);
+go(DbName, DDoc, VName, Args, Callback, Acc0) ->
+ #group{def_lang=Lang, views=Views} = Group =
+ couch_view_group:design_doc_to_view_group(DDoc),
+ {NthRed, View} = fabric_view:extract_view(nil, VName, Views, reduce),
+ {VName, RedSrc} = lists:nth(NthRed, View#view.reduce_funs),
+ Workers = lists:map(fun(#shard{name=Name, node=N} = Shard) ->
+ Ref = rexi:cast(N, {fabric_rpc, reduce_view, [Name,Group,VName,Args]}),
+ Shard#shard{ref = Ref}
+ end, fabric_view:get_shards(DbName, Args)),
+ RexiMon = fabric_util:create_monitors(Workers),
+ BufferSize = couch_config:get("fabric", "reduce_buffer_size", "20"),
+ #view_query_args{limit = Limit, skip = Skip} = Args,
+ State = #collector{
+ db_name = DbName,
+ query_args = Args,
+ callback = Callback,
+ buffer_size = list_to_integer(BufferSize),
+ counters = fabric_dict:init(Workers, 0),
+ keys = Args#view_query_args.keys,
+ skip = Skip,
+ limit = Limit,
+ lang = Group#group.def_lang,
+ os_proc = couch_query_servers:get_os_process(Lang),
+ reducer = RedSrc,
+ rows = dict:new(),
+ user_acc = Acc0
+ },
+ try rexi_utils:recv(Workers, #shard.ref, fun handle_message/3,
+ State, infinity, 1000 * 60 * 60) of
+ {ok, NewState} ->
+ {ok, NewState#collector.user_acc};
+ {timeout, NewState} ->
+ Callback({error, timeout}, NewState#collector.user_acc);
+ {error, Resp} ->
+ {ok, Resp}
+ after
+ rexi_monitor:stop(RexiMon),
+ fabric_util:cleanup(Workers),
+ catch couch_query_servers:ret_os_process(State#collector.os_proc)
+ end.
+handle_message({rexi_DOWN, _, {_, NodeRef}, _}, _, State) ->
+ fabric_view:remove_down_shards(State, NodeRef);
+handle_message({rexi_EXIT, Reason}, Worker, State) ->
+ #collector{callback=Callback, counters=Counters0, user_acc=Acc} = State,
+ Counters = fabric_dict:erase(Worker, Counters0),
+ case fabric_view:is_progress_possible(Counters) of
+ true ->
+ {ok, State#collector{counters = Counters}};
+ false ->
+ {ok, Resp} = Callback({error, fabric_util:error_info(Reason)}, Acc),
+ {error, Resp}
+ end;
+handle_message(#view_row{key=Key} = Row, {Worker, From}, State) ->
+ #collector{counters = Counters0, rows = Rows0} = State,
+ case fabric_dict:lookup_element(Worker, Counters0) of
+ undefined ->
+ % this worker lost the race with other partition copies, terminate it
+ gen_server:reply(From, stop),
+ {ok, State};
+ _ ->
+ Rows = dict:append(Key, Row#view_row{worker=Worker}, Rows0),
+ C1 = fabric_dict:update_counter(Worker, 1, Counters0),
+ % TODO time this call, if slow don't do it every time
+ C2 = fabric_view:remove_overlapping_shards(Worker, C1),
+ State1 = State#collector{rows=Rows, counters=C2},
+ State2 = fabric_view:maybe_pause_worker(Worker, From, State1),
+ fabric_view:maybe_send_row(State2)
+ end;
+handle_message(complete, Worker, State) ->
+ C1 = fabric_dict:update_counter(Worker, 1, State#collector.counters),
+ C2 = fabric_view:remove_overlapping_shards(Worker, C1),
+ fabric_view:maybe_send_row(State#collector{counters = C2}).
+complete_worker_test() ->
+ Shards =
+ mem3_util:create_partition_map("foo",3,3,[node(),node(),node()]),
+ Workers = lists:map(fun(#shard{} = Shard) ->
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ Shard#shard{ref = Ref}
+ end,
+ Shards),
+ State = #collector{counters=fabric_dict:init(Workers,0)},
+ {ok, NewState} = handle_message(complete, lists:nth(2,Workers), State),
+ ?assertEqual(orddict:size(NewState#collector.counters),length(Workers) - 2).