path: root/apps
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1 files changed, 277 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/apps/fabric/src/fabric_doc_open_revs.erl b/apps/fabric/src/fabric_doc_open_revs.erl
index 8dbd1aba..722d23a5 100644
--- a/apps/fabric/src/fabric_doc_open_revs.erl
+++ b/apps/fabric/src/fabric_doc_open_revs.erl
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
% Copyright 2010 Cloudant
% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
% the License at
@@ -19,65 +19,301 @@
+-record(state, {
+ dbname,
+ worker_count,
+ reply_count = 0,
+ r,
+ revs,
+ latest,
+ replies = []
go(DbName, Id, Revs, Options) ->
Workers = fabric_util:submit_jobs(mem3:shards(DbName,Id), open_revs,
[Id, Revs, Options]),
R = couch_util:get_value(r, Options, couch_config:get("cluster","r","2")),
- Acc0 = {length(Workers), list_to_integer(R), []},
- case fabric_util:recv(Workers, #shard.ref, fun handle_message/3, Acc0) of
+ State = #state{
+ dbname = DbName,
+ worker_count = length(Workers),
+ r = list_to_integer(R),
+ revs = Revs,
+ latest = lists:member(latest, Options),
+ replies = case Revs of all -> []; Revs -> [{Rev,[]} || Rev <- Revs] end
+ },
+ case fabric_util:recv(Workers, #shard.ref, fun handle_message/3, State) of
{ok, {ok, Reply}} ->
{ok, Reply};
Else ->
-handle_message({rexi_DOWN, _, _, _}, _Worker, Acc0) ->
- skip_message(Acc0);
-handle_message({rexi_EXIT, _}, _Worker, Acc0) ->
- skip_message(Acc0);
-handle_message(Reply, _Worker, {WaitingCount, R, Replies}) ->
- case merge_read_reply(make_key(Reply), Reply, Replies) of
- {_, KeyCount} when KeyCount =:= R ->
- {stop, Reply};
- {NewReplies, KeyCount} when KeyCount < R ->
- if WaitingCount =:= 1 ->
- % last message arrived, but still no quorum
- repair_read_quorum_failure(NewReplies);
- true ->
- {ok, {WaitingCount-1, R, NewReplies}}
+handle_message({rexi_DOWN, _, _, _}, _Worker, State) ->
+ skip(State);
+handle_message({rexi_EXIT, _}, _Worker, State) ->
+ skip(State);
+handle_message({ok, RawReplies}, _Worker, #state{revs = all} = State) ->
+ #state{
+ dbname = DbName,
+ reply_count = ReplyCount,
+ worker_count = WorkerCount,
+ replies = All0,
+ r = R
+ } = State,
+ All = lists:foldl(fun(Reply,D) -> orddict:update_counter(Reply,1,D) end,
+ All0, RawReplies),
+ Reduced = remove_ancestors(All, []),
+ Complete = (ReplyCount =:= (WorkerCount - 1)),
+ Repair = case Reduced of All -> false; _ ->
+ [D || {{ok,D}, _} <- Reduced]
+ end,
+ case maybe_reply(DbName, Reduced, Complete, Repair, R) of
+ noreply ->
+ {ok, State#state{replies = All, reply_count = ReplyCount+1}};
+ {reply, FinalReply} ->
+ {stop, FinalReply}
+ end;
+handle_message({ok, RawReplies0}, _Worker, State) ->
+ % we've got an explicit revision list, but if latest=true the workers may
+ % return a descendant of the requested revision. Take advantage of the
+ % fact that revisions are returned in order to keep track.
+ RawReplies = strip_not_found_missing(RawReplies0),
+ #state{
+ dbname = DbName,
+ reply_count = ReplyCount,
+ worker_count = WorkerCount,
+ replies = All0,
+ r = R
+ } = State,
+ All = lists:zipwith(fun({Rev, D}, Reply) ->
+ if Reply =:= error -> {Rev, D}; true ->
+ {Rev, orddict:update_counter(Reply, 1, D)}
+ end, All0, RawReplies),
+ Reduced = [remove_ancestors(X, []) || {_, X} <- All],
+ FinalReplies = [choose_winner(X, R) || X <- Reduced],
+ Complete = (ReplyCount =:= (WorkerCount - 1)),
+ case is_repair_needed(All, FinalReplies) of
+ true ->
+ Repair = [D || {{ok,D}, _} <- lists:flatten(Reduced)];
+ false ->
+ Repair = false
+ end,
+ case maybe_reply(DbName, FinalReplies, Complete, Repair, R) of
+ noreply ->
+ {ok, State#state{replies = All, reply_count = ReplyCount+1}};
+ {reply, FinalReply} ->
+ {stop, FinalReply}
-skip_message({1, _R, Replies}) ->
- repair_read_quorum_failure(Replies);
-skip_message({WaitingCount, R, Replies}) ->
- {ok, {WaitingCount-1, R, Replies}}.
+skip(#state{revs=all} = State) ->
+ handle_message({ok, []}, nil, State);
+skip(#state{revs=Revs} = State) ->
+ handle_message({ok, [error || _Rev <- Revs]}, nil, State).
-merge_read_reply(Key, Reply, Replies) ->
- case lists:keyfind(Key, 1, Replies) of
+maybe_reply(DbName, ReplyDict, IsComplete, RepairDocs, R) ->
+ case lists:all(fun({_, C}) -> C >= R end, ReplyDict) of
+ true ->
+ maybe_execute_read_repair(DbName, RepairDocs),
+ {reply, unstrip_not_found_missing(orddict:fetch_keys(ReplyDict))};
false ->
- {[{Key, Reply, 1} | Replies], 1};
- {Key, _, N} ->
- {lists:keyreplace(Key, 1, Replies, {Key, Reply, N+1}), N+1}
+ case IsComplete of false -> noreply; true ->
+ maybe_execute_read_repair(DbName, RepairDocs),
+ {reply, unstrip_not_found_missing(orddict:fetch_keys(ReplyDict))}
+ end
-make_key({ok, L}) when is_list(L) ->
- make_key(L);
-make_key([]) ->
- [];
-make_key([{ok, #doc{revs= {Pos,[RevId | _]}}} | Rest]) ->
- [{ok, {Pos, RevId}} | make_key(Rest)];
-make_key([{{not_found, missing}, Rev} | Rest]) ->
- [{not_found, Rev} | make_key(Rest)].
+choose_winner(Options, R) ->
+ case lists:dropwhile(fun({_Reply, C}) -> C < R end, Options) of
+ [] ->
+ case [Elem || {{ok, #doc{}}, _} = Elem <- Options] of
+ [] ->
+ hd(Options);
+ Docs ->
+ lists:last(lists:sort(Docs))
+ end;
+ [QuorumMet | _] ->
+ QuorumMet
+ end.
-repair_read_quorum_failure(Replies) ->
- case [Doc || {_Key, {ok, Doc}, _Count} <- Replies] of
+% repair needed if any reply other than the winner has been received for a rev
+is_repair_needed([], []) ->
+ false;
+is_repair_needed([{_Rev, [Reply]} | Tail1], [Reply | Tail2]) ->
+ is_repair_needed(Tail1, Tail2);
+is_repair_needed([H1|_], [H2|_]) ->
+ true.
+% this presumes the incoming list is sorted, i.e. shorter revlists come first
+remove_ancestors([], Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc);
+remove_ancestors([{{not_found, _}, Count} = Head | Tail], Acc) ->
+ % any document is a descendant
+ case lists:filter(fun({{ok, #doc{}}, _}) -> true; (_) -> false end, Tail) of
+ [{{ok, #doc{}} = Descendant, _} | _] ->
+ remove_ancestors(orddict:update_counter(Descendant, Count, Tail), Acc);
[] ->
- {stop, {not_found, missing}};
- [Doc|_] ->
- % TODO merge docs to find the winner as determined by replication
- {stop, {ok, Doc}}
+ remove_ancestors(Tail, [Head | Acc])
+ end;
+remove_ancestors([{{ok, #doc{revs = {Pos, Revs}}}, Count} = Head | Tail], Acc) ->
+ Descendants = lists:dropwhile(fun
+ ({{ok, #doc{revs = {Pos2, Revs2}}}, _}) ->
+ case lists:nthtail(Pos2 - Pos, Revs2) of
+ [] ->
+ % impossible to tell if Revs2 is a descendant - assume no
+ true;
+ History ->
+ % if Revs2 is a descendant, History is a prefix of Revs
+ not lists:prefix(History, Revs)
+ end
+ end, Tail),
+ case Descendants of [] ->
+ remove_ancestors(Tail, [Head | Acc]);
+ [{Descendant, _} | _] ->
+ remove_ancestors(orddict:update_counter(Descendant, Count, Tail), Acc)
- \ No newline at end of file
+maybe_execute_read_repair(_Db, false) ->
+ ok;
+maybe_execute_read_repair(Db, Docs) ->
+ spawn(fun() ->
+ [#doc{id=Id} | _] = Docs,
+ Ctx = #user_ctx{roles=[<<"_admin">>]},
+ Res = fabric:update_docs(Db, Docs, [replicated_changes, {user_ctx,Ctx}]),
+ ?LOG_INFO("read_repair ~s ~s ~p", [Db, Id, Res])
+ end).
+% hackery required so that not_found sorts first
+strip_not_found_missing([]) ->
+ [];
+strip_not_found_missing([{{not_found, missing}, Rev} | Rest]) ->
+ [{not_found, Rev} | strip_not_found_missing(Rest)];
+strip_not_found_missing([Else | Rest]) ->
+ [Else | strip_not_found_missing(Rest)].
+unstrip_not_found_missing([]) ->
+ [];
+unstrip_not_found_missing([{not_found, Rev} | Rest]) ->
+ [{{not_found, missing}, Rev} | unstrip_not_found_missing(Rest)];
+unstrip_not_found_missing([Else | Rest]) ->
+ [Else | unstrip_not_found_missing(Rest)].
+remove_ancestors_test() ->
+ Foo1 = {ok, #doc{revs = {1, [<<"foo">>]}}},
+ Foo2 = {ok, #doc{revs = {2, [<<"foo2">>, <<"foo">>]}}},
+ Bar1 = {ok, #doc{revs = {1, [<<"bar">>]}}},
+ Bar2 = {not_found, {1,<<"bar">>}},
+ ?assertEqual(
+ [{Bar1,1}, {Foo1,1}],
+ remove_ancestors([{Bar1,1}, {Foo1,1}], [])
+ ),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ [{Bar1,1}, {Foo2,2}],
+ remove_ancestors([{Bar1,1}, {Foo1,1}, {Foo2,1}], [])
+ ),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ [{Bar1,2}],
+ remove_ancestors([{Bar2,1}, {Bar1,1}], [])
+ ).
+all_revs_test() ->
+ State0 = #state{worker_count = 3, r = 2, revs = all},
+ Foo1 = {ok, #doc{revs = {1, [<<"foo">>]}}},
+ Foo2 = {ok, #doc{revs = {2, [<<"foo2">>, <<"foo">>]}}},
+ Bar1 = {ok, #doc{revs = {1, [<<"bar">>]}}},
+ ?assertMatch(
+ {ok, #state{}},
+ handle_message({ok, [Foo1, Bar1]}, nil, State0)
+ ),
+ {ok, State1} = handle_message({ok, [Foo1, Bar1]}, nil, State0),
+ % the normal case - workers agree
+ ?assertEqual(
+ {stop, [Bar1, Foo1]},
+ handle_message({ok, [Foo1, Bar1]}, nil, State1)
+ ),
+ % a case where the 2nd worker has a newer Foo - currently we're considering
+ % Foo to have reached quorum and execute_read_repair()
+ ?assertEqual(
+ {stop, [Bar1, Foo2]},
+ handle_message({ok, [Foo2, Bar1]}, nil, State1)
+ ),
+ % a case where quorum has not yet been reached for Foo
+ ?assertMatch(
+ {ok, #state{}},
+ handle_message({ok, [Bar1]}, nil, State1)
+ ),
+ {ok, State2} = handle_message({ok, [Bar1]}, nil, State1),
+ % still no quorum, but all workers have responded. We include Foo1 in the
+ % response and execute_read_repair()
+ ?assertEqual(
+ {stop, [Bar1, Foo1]},
+ handle_message({ok, [Bar1]}, nil, State2)
+ ).
+specific_revs_test() ->
+ Revs = [{1,<<"foo">>}, {1,<<"bar">>}, {1,<<"baz">>}],
+ State0 = #state{
+ worker_count = 3,
+ r = 2,
+ revs = Revs,
+ latest = false,
+ replies = [{Rev,[]} || Rev <- Revs]
+ },
+ Foo1 = {ok, #doc{revs = {1, [<<"foo">>]}}},
+ Foo2 = {ok, #doc{revs = {2, [<<"foo2">>, <<"foo">>]}}},
+ Bar1 = {ok, #doc{revs = {1, [<<"bar">>]}}},
+ Baz1 = {{not_found, missing}, {1,<<"baz">>}},
+ Baz2 = {ok, #doc{revs = {1, [<<"baz">>]}}},
+ ?assertMatch(
+ {ok, #state{}},
+ handle_message({ok, [Foo1, Bar1, Baz1]}, nil, State0)
+ ),
+ {ok, State1} = handle_message({ok, [Foo1, Bar1, Baz1]}, nil, State0),
+ % the normal case - workers agree
+ ?assertEqual(
+ {stop, [Foo1, Bar1, Baz1]},
+ handle_message({ok, [Foo1, Bar1, Baz1]}, nil, State1)
+ ),
+ % latest=true, worker responds with Foo2 and we return it
+ State0L = State0#state{latest = true},
+ ?assertMatch(
+ {ok, #state{}},
+ handle_message({ok, [Foo2, Bar1, Baz1]}, nil, State0L)
+ ),
+ {ok, State1L} = handle_message({ok, [Foo2, Bar1, Baz1]}, nil, State0L),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ {stop, [Foo2, Bar1, Baz1]},
+ handle_message({ok, [Foo2, Bar1, Baz1]}, nil, State1L)
+ ),
+ % Foo1 is included in the read quorum for Foo2
+ ?assertEqual(
+ {stop, [Foo2, Bar1, Baz1]},
+ handle_message({ok, [Foo1, Bar1, Baz1]}, nil, State1L)
+ ),
+ % {not_found, missing} is included in the quorum for any found revision
+ ?assertEqual(
+ {stop, [Foo2, Bar1, Baz2]},
+ handle_message({ok, [Foo2, Bar1, Baz2]}, nil, State1L)
+ ),
+ % a worker failure is skipped
+ ?assertMatch(
+ {ok, #state{}},
+ handle_message({rexi_EXIT, foo}, nil, State1L)
+ ),
+ {ok, State2L} = handle_message({rexi_EXIT, foo}, nil, State1L),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ {stop, [Foo2, Bar1, Baz2]},
+ handle_message({ok, [Foo2, Bar1, Baz2]}, nil, State2L)
+ ).