path: root/apps/couch/test/etap/060-kt-merging.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/couch/test/etap/060-kt-merging.t')
1 files changed, 176 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/couch/test/etap/060-kt-merging.t b/apps/couch/test/etap/060-kt-merging.t
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..efbdbf69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/couch/test/etap/060-kt-merging.t
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env escript
+%% -*- erlang -*-
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+main(_) ->
+ test_util:init_code_path(),
+ etap:plan(16),
+ case (catch test()) of
+ ok ->
+ etap:end_tests();
+ Other ->
+ etap:diag(io_lib:format("Test died abnormally: ~p", [Other])),
+ etap:bail(Other)
+ end,
+ ok.
+test() ->
+ One = {1, {"1","foo",[]}},
+ etap:is(
+ {[One], no_conflicts},
+ couch_key_tree:merge([], One, 10),
+ "The empty tree is the identity for merge."
+ ),
+ etap:is(
+ {[One], no_conflicts},
+ couch_key_tree:merge([One], One, 10),
+ "Merging is reflexive."
+ ),
+ TwoSibs = [{1, {"1","foo",[]}},
+ {1, {"2","foo",[]}}],
+ etap:is(
+ {TwoSibs, no_conflicts},
+ couch_key_tree:merge(TwoSibs, One, 10),
+ "Merging a prefix of a tree with the tree yields the tree."
+ ),
+ Three = {1, {"3","foo",[]}},
+ ThreeSibs = [{1, {"1","foo",[]}},
+ {1, {"2","foo",[]}},
+ {1, {"3","foo",[]}}],
+ etap:is(
+ {ThreeSibs, conflicts},
+ couch_key_tree:merge(TwoSibs, Three, 10),
+ "Merging a third unrelated branch leads to a conflict."
+ ),
+ TwoChild = {1, {"1","foo", [{"1a", "bar", [{"1aa", "bar", []}]}]}},
+ etap:is(
+ {[TwoChild], no_conflicts},
+ couch_key_tree:merge([TwoChild], TwoChild, 10),
+ "Merging two children is still reflexive."
+ ),
+ TwoChildSibs = {1, {"1","foo", [{"1a", "bar", []},
+ {"1b", "bar", []}]}},
+ etap:is(
+ {[TwoChildSibs], no_conflicts},
+ couch_key_tree:merge([TwoChildSibs], TwoChildSibs, 10),
+ "Merging a tree to itself is itself."),
+ TwoChildPlusSibs =
+ {1, {"1","foo", [{"1a", "bar", [{"1aa", "bar", []}]},
+ {"1b", "bar", []}]}},
+ etap:is(
+ {[TwoChildPlusSibs], no_conflicts},
+ couch_key_tree:merge([TwoChild], TwoChildSibs, 10),
+ "Merging tree of uneven length at node 2."),
+ Stemmed1b = {2, {"1a", "bar", []}},
+ etap:is(
+ {[TwoChildSibs], no_conflicts},
+ couch_key_tree:merge([TwoChildSibs], Stemmed1b, 10),
+ "Merging a tree with a stem."
+ ),
+ TwoChildSibs2 = {1, {"1","foo", [{"1a", "bar", []},
+ {"1b", "bar", [{"1bb", "boo", []}]}]}},
+ Stemmed1bb = {3, {"1bb", "boo", []}},
+ etap:is(
+ {[TwoChildSibs2], no_conflicts},
+ couch_key_tree:merge([TwoChildSibs2], Stemmed1bb, 10),
+ "Merging a stem at a deeper level."
+ ),
+ StemmedTwoChildSibs2 = [{2,{"1a", "bar", []}},
+ {2,{"1b", "bar", [{"1bb", "boo", []}]}}],
+ etap:is(
+ {StemmedTwoChildSibs2, no_conflicts},
+ couch_key_tree:merge(StemmedTwoChildSibs2, Stemmed1bb, 10),
+ "Merging a stem at a deeper level against paths at deeper levels."
+ ),
+ Stemmed1aa = {3, {"1aa", "bar", []}},
+ etap:is(
+ {[TwoChild], no_conflicts},
+ couch_key_tree:merge([TwoChild], Stemmed1aa, 10),
+ "Merging a single tree with a deeper stem."
+ ),
+ Stemmed1a = {2, {"1a", "bar", [{"1aa", "bar", []}]}},
+ etap:is(
+ {[TwoChild], no_conflicts},
+ couch_key_tree:merge([TwoChild], Stemmed1a, 10),
+ "Merging a larger stem."
+ ),
+ etap:is(
+ {[Stemmed1a], no_conflicts},
+ couch_key_tree:merge([Stemmed1a], Stemmed1aa, 10),
+ "More merging."
+ ),
+ OneChild = {1, {"1","foo",[{"1a", "bar", []}]}},
+ Expect1 = [OneChild, Stemmed1aa],
+ etap:is(
+ {Expect1, conflicts},
+ couch_key_tree:merge([OneChild], Stemmed1aa, 10),
+ "Merging should create conflicts."
+ ),
+ etap:is(
+ {[TwoChild], no_conflicts},
+ couch_key_tree:merge(Expect1, TwoChild, 10),
+ "Merge should have no conflicts."
+ ),
+ %% this test is based on
+ %% foo has conflicts from replication at depth two
+ %% foo3 is the current value
+ Foo = {1, {"foo",
+ "val1",
+ [{"foo2","val2",[]},
+ {"foo3", "val3", []}
+ ]}},
+ %% foo now has an attachment added, which leads to foo4 and val4
+ %% off foo3
+ Bar = {1, {"foo",
+ [],
+ [{"foo3",
+ [],
+ [{"foo4","val4",[]}
+ ]}]}},
+ %% this is what the merge returns
+ %% note that it ignore the conflicting branch as there's no match
+ FooBar = {1, {"foo",
+ "val1",
+ [{"foo2","val2",[]},
+ {"foo3", "val3", [{"foo4","val4",[]}]}
+ ]}},
+ etap:is(
+ {[FooBar], no_conflicts},
+ couch_key_tree:merge([Foo],Bar,10),
+ "Merging trees with conflicts ought to behave."
+ ),
+ ok.