path: root/apps/couch/src/couch_ref_counter.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'apps/couch/src/couch_ref_counter.erl')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/couch/src/couch_ref_counter.erl b/apps/couch/src/couch_ref_counter.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a111ab6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/couch/src/couch_ref_counter.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-export([start/1, init/1, terminate/2, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, code_change/3, handle_info/2]).
+start(ChildProcs) ->
+ gen_server:start(couch_ref_counter, {self(), ChildProcs}, []).
+drop(RefCounterPid) ->
+ drop(RefCounterPid, self()).
+drop(RefCounterPid, Pid) ->
+ gen_server:call(RefCounterPid, {drop, Pid}).
+add(RefCounterPid) ->
+ add(RefCounterPid, self()).
+add(RefCounterPid, Pid) ->
+ gen_server:call(RefCounterPid, {add, Pid}).
+count(RefCounterPid) ->
+ gen_server:call(RefCounterPid, count).
+% server functions
+ {
+ referrers=dict:new(), % a dict of each ref counting proc.
+ child_procs=[]
+ }).
+init({Pid, ChildProcs}) ->
+ [link(ChildProc) || ChildProc <- ChildProcs],
+ Referrers = dict:from_list([{Pid, {erlang:monitor(process, Pid), 1}}]),
+ {ok, #srv{referrers=Referrers, child_procs=ChildProcs}}.
+terminate(_Reason, #srv{child_procs=ChildProcs}) ->
+ [couch_util:shutdown_sync(Pid) || Pid <- ChildProcs],
+ ok.
+handle_call({add, Pid},_From, #srv{referrers=Referrers}=Srv) ->
+ Referrers2 =
+ case dict:find(Pid, Referrers) of
+ error ->
+ dict:store(Pid, {erlang:monitor(process, Pid), 1}, Referrers);
+ {ok, {MonRef, RefCnt}} ->
+ dict:store(Pid, {MonRef, RefCnt + 1}, Referrers)
+ end,
+ {reply, ok, Srv#srv{referrers=Referrers2}};
+handle_call(count, _From, Srv) ->
+ {monitors, Monitors} = process_info(self(), monitors),
+ {reply, length(Monitors), Srv};
+handle_call({drop, Pid}, _From, #srv{referrers=Referrers}=Srv) ->
+ Referrers2 =
+ case dict:find(Pid, Referrers) of
+ {ok, {MonRef, 1}} ->
+ erlang:demonitor(MonRef, [flush]),
+ dict:erase(Pid, Referrers);
+ {ok, {MonRef, Num}} ->
+ dict:store(Pid, {MonRef, Num-1}, Referrers);
+ error ->
+ Referrers
+ end,
+ Srv2 = Srv#srv{referrers=Referrers2},
+ case should_close() of
+ true ->
+ {stop,normal,ok,Srv2};
+ false ->
+ {reply, ok, Srv2}
+ end.
+handle_cast(Msg, _Srv)->
+ exit({unknown_msg,Msg}).
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+handle_info({'DOWN', MonRef, _, Pid, _}, #srv{referrers=Referrers}=Srv) ->
+ {ok, {MonRef, _RefCount}} = dict:find(Pid, Referrers),
+ Srv2 = Srv#srv{referrers=dict:erase(Pid, Referrers)},
+ case should_close() of
+ true ->
+ {stop,normal,Srv2};
+ false ->
+ {noreply,Srv2}
+ end.
+should_close() ->
+ case process_info(self(), monitors) of
+ {monitors, []} -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end.