diff options
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 120 deletions
diff --git a/src/fabric_delete.erl b/src/fabric_delete.erl
index e77f813f..d1148e40 100644
--- a/src/fabric_delete.erl
+++ b/src/fabric_delete.erl
@@ -12,137 +12,66 @@
%% api
%% =====================
-%% @doc Delete a new database, and all its partition files across the cluster
+%% @doc Delete a database, and all its partition files across the cluster
%% Options is proplist with user_ctx, n, q
-spec delete_db(binary(), list()) -> {ok, #db{}} | {error, any()}.
delete_db(DbName, Options) ->
- Fullmap = partitions:fullmap(DbName, Options),
- RefNodePart = send_delete_calls(DbName, Options, Fullmap),
- {ok, Results} = delete_db_loop(RefNodePart),
- delete_results(Results, RefNodePart).
+ Parts = partitions:all_parts(DbName),
+ RefPartMap = send_calls(DbName, Options, Parts),
+ Acc0 = {false, length(RefPartMap)},
+ case fabric_util:receive_loop(
+ RefPartMap, 1, fun handle_delete_msg/3, Acc0, 5000, infinity) of
+ {ok, _Results} ->
+ delete_fullmap(DbName),
+ ok;
+ Error -> Error
+ end.
-%delete_db(DbName, Options) ->
-% ResolveFun = fun(_Good) -> true end,
-% case cluster_ops:all_parts({dynomite_couch_api,delete_db,[DbName, Options]},
-% d, true, ResolveFun) of
-% {ok, true} -> ok;
-% [{error, d_quorum_not_met}, {good, _Good}, {bad, Bad}] ->
-% showroom_utils:first_bad(Bad);
-% [{error, Error}, {good, _Good}, {bad, Bad}] ->
-% {Error, showroom_utils:first_bad(Bad)};
-% Other ->
-% ?debugFmt("~nOther: ~p~n", [Other]),
-% Other
-% end.
%% =====================
%% internal
%% =====================
%% @doc delete the partitions on all appropriate nodes (rexi calls)
--spec send_delete_calls(binary(), list(), [mem_node()]) -> [{reference(), np()}].
-send_delete_calls(DbName, Options, Fullmap) ->
- lists:map(fun({Node, Part}) ->
- ShardName = showroom_utils:shard_name(Part, DbName),
+-spec send_calls(binary(), list(), fullmap()) -> [{reference(), part()}].
+send_calls(DbName, Options, Parts) ->
+ lists:map(fun(#part{node=Node, b=Beg} = Part) ->
+ ShardName = showroom_utils:shard_name(Beg, DbName),
Ref = rexi:async_server_call({couch_server, Node},
{delete, ShardName, Options}),
- {Ref, {Node, Part}}
- end, Fullmap).
-%% @doc set up the receive loop with an overall timeout
--spec delete_db_loop([ref_node_part()]) -> {ok, np_acc()}.
-delete_db_loop(RefNodePart) ->
- TimeoutRef = erlang:make_ref(),
- {ok, TRef} = timer:send_after(5000, {timeout, TimeoutRef}),
- Results = delete_db_loop(RefNodePart, TimeoutRef, []),
- timer:cancel(TRef),
- Results.
-%% @doc delete_db receive loop
-%% Acc is either an accumulation of responses, or if we've received all
-%% responses, it's {ok, Responses}
--spec delete_db_loop([ref_node_part()], tref(), np_acc()) ->
- np_acc() | {ok, np_acc()}.
-delete_db_loop(_,_,{ok, Acc}) -> {ok, Acc};
-delete_db_loop(RefNodePart, TimeoutRef, AccIn) ->
- receive
- {Ref, {ok, deleted}} when is_reference(Ref) ->
- AccOut = check_all_parts(Ref, RefNodePart, AccIn, ok),
- delete_db_loop(RefNodePart, TimeoutRef, AccOut);
- {Ref, Reply} when is_reference(Ref) ->
- AccOut = check_all_parts(Ref, RefNodePart, AccIn, Reply),
- delete_db_loop(RefNodePart, TimeoutRef, AccOut);
- {timeout, TimeoutRef} ->
- {error, timeout}
- end.
-%% @doc check the results of the delete replies
-%% If we have a good reply from all partitions, return ok
--spec delete_results(np_acc(), [ref_node_part()]) ->
- ok | {error, delete_quorum_error}.
-delete_results(Results, RefNodePart) ->
- ResultNPs = delete_result(Results, []),
- AllNPs = all_nodes_parts(RefNodePart),
+ {Ref, Part}
+ end, Parts).
+handle_delete_msg(_, not_found, _) ->
+ {error, not_found};
+handle_delete_msg(_, {rexi_EXIT, _Reason}, {Complete, N, Parts}) ->
+ {ok, {Complete, N-1, Parts}};
+handle_delete_msg(_, {rexi_DOWN, _, _, _}, {Complete, _N, _Parts}) ->
- ResultNPs =:= AllNPs -> ok;
- true -> {error, delete_quorum_error}
+ Complete -> {stop, ok};
+ true -> {error, delete_db_fubar}
+ end;
+handle_delete_msg(_, _, {true, 1, _Acc}) ->
+ {stop, ok};
+handle_delete_msg({_, #part{b=Beg}}, {ok, _}, {false, 1, PartResults0}) ->
+ PartResults = lists:keyreplace(Beg, 1, PartResults0, {Beg, true}),
+ case is_complete(PartResults) of
+ true -> {stop, ok};
+ false -> {error, delete_db_fubar}
+ end;
+handle_delete_msg(_RefPart, {ok, _}, {true, N, Parts}) ->
+ {ok, {true, N-1, Parts}};
+handle_delete_msg({_Ref, #part{b=Beg}}, {ok, _}, {false, Rem, PartResults0}) ->
+ PartResults = lists:keyreplace(Beg, 1, PartResults0, {Beg, true}),
+ {ok, {is_complete(PartResults), Rem-1, PartResults}}.
+is_complete(List) ->
+ lists:all(fun({_,Bool}) -> Bool end, List).
+delete_fullmap(DbName) ->
+ case couch_db:open(<<"dbs">>, []) of
+ {ok, Db} ->
+ couch_api:open_doc(Db, DbName, nil, []),
+ couch_api:update_doc(Db, DbName, {[{<<"_deleted">>,true}]});
+ Error -> Error
--spec delete_result(np_acc(), [np()]) -> [np()] | file_exists.
-delete_result([], Acc) ->
- lists:sort(Acc);
-delete_result([{NP, ok}|Rest], Acc) ->
- delete_result(Rest, [NP|Acc]);
-delete_result([{_NP, {error, file_exists}}|_Rest], _Acc) ->
- {error, file_exists}; % if any replies were file_exists, return that
-delete_result([{{_N,_P}, Result}|Rest], Acc) ->
- ?LOG_ERROR("delete_db error: ~p", [Result]),
- delete_result(Rest, Acc).
-check_all_parts(Ref, RefNodePart, Acc, Reply) ->
- case couch_util:get_value(Ref, RefNodePart) of
- {Node, Part} ->
- case lists:keyfind({Node, Part}, 1, Acc) of
- true -> Acc; % already present... that's odd
- _ ->
- NewAcc = [{{Node, Part}, Reply} | Acc],
- case length(NewAcc) >= length(RefNodePart) of
- true -> {ok, NewAcc};
- _ -> NewAcc
- end
- end;
- _ -> Acc % ignore a non-matching Ref
- end.
-%% @doc check that we have a good reply from each partition.
-%% If we do, return {ok, Acc}, if we don't, return Acc of partitions
-%% Three 'case' statements and one 'if', a personal best. fml
-%% @end
-% check_distinct_parts(Ref, RefNodePart, Acc, Msg) ->
-% Parts = distinct_parts(RefNodePart),
-% case couch_util:get_value(Ref, RefNodePart) of
-% {Node, Part} ->
-% case lists:member(Part, Acc) of
-% true -> Acc;
-% _ ->
-% case Msg of
-% ok ->
-% NewAcc = lists:usort([Part|Acc]),
-% if
-% Parts =:= NewAcc -> {ok, NewAcc};
-% true -> NewAcc
-% end;
-% _ ->
-% Hex = showroom_utils:int_to_hexstr(Part),
-% showroom_log:message(error,
-% "delete_db reply error: ~p from ~p ~p", [Msg, Node, Hex]),
-% Acc
-% end
-% end;
-% _ -> Acc % ignore a non-matching Ref
-% end.
-all_nodes_parts(RefNodePart) ->
- {_Refs, NPs} = lists:unzip(RefNodePart),
- lists:sort(NPs).