path: root/test/etap
diff options
authorPaul Joseph Davis <>2010-11-05 23:26:21 +0000
committerPaul Joseph Davis <>2010-11-05 23:26:21 +0000
commit11469d902b15145d361f9f7ec66a09ac3d04757c (patch)
tree3a75d566b2cc55173fa041b6b61ac61fa8c89e41 /test/etap
parentc8785113522b8486fab0ba53f2043d94e9b1507f (diff)
HTTP proxy handler.
The second of two new features to replace the _externals protocols. This allows users to configure CouchDB to proxy requests to an external HTTP server. The external HTTP server is not required to be on the same host running CouchDB. The configuration looks like such: [httpd_global_handlers] _google = {couch_httpd_proxy, handle_proxy_req, <<"">>} You can then hit this proxy at the url: If you add any path after the proxy name, or make a request with a query string, those will be appended to the URL specified in the configuration. Ie: would translate to: Obviously, request bodies are handled as expected. git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
Diffstat (limited to 'test/etap')
4 files changed, 481 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/test/etap/180-http-proxy.ini b/test/etap/180-http-proxy.ini
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72a63f66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/etap/180-http-proxy.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+; Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+; or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+; distributed with this work for additional information
+; regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+; to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+; "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+; with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+; software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+; KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+; specific language governing permissions and limitations
+; under the License.
+_test = {couch_httpd_proxy, handle_proxy_req, <<"">>}
+_error = {couch_httpd_proxy, handle_proxy_req, <<"">>} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/etap/180-http-proxy.t b/test/etap/180-http-proxy.t
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b91d901b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/etap/180-http-proxy.t
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env escript
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-record(req, {method=get, path="", headers=[], body="", opts=[]}).
+default_config() ->
+ [
+ test_util:build_file("etc/couchdb/default_dev.ini"),
+ test_util:source_file("test/etap/180-http-proxy.ini")
+ ].
+server() -> "".
+proxy() -> "".
+external() -> "".
+main(_) ->
+ test_util:init_code_path(),
+ etap:plan(61),
+ case (catch test()) of
+ ok ->
+ etap:end_tests();
+ Other ->
+ etap:diag("Test died abnormally: ~p", [Other]),
+ etap:bail("Bad return value.")
+ end,
+ ok.
+check_request(Name, Req, Remote, Local) ->
+ case Remote of
+ no_remote -> ok;
+ _ -> test_web:set_assert(Remote)
+ end,
+ Url = case proplists:lookup(url, Req#req.opts) of
+ none -> server() ++ Req#req.path;
+ {url, DestUrl} -> DestUrl
+ end,
+ Opts = [{headers_as_is, true} | Req#req.opts],
+ Resp =ibrowse:send_req(
+ Url, Req#req.headers, Req#req.method, Req#req.body, Opts
+ ),
+ %etap:diag("ibrowse response: ~p", [Resp]),
+ case Local of
+ no_local -> ok;
+ _ -> etap:fun_is(Local, Resp, Name)
+ end,
+ case {Remote, Local} of
+ {no_remote, _} ->
+ ok;
+ {_, no_local} ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ etap:is(test_web:check_last(), was_ok, Name ++ " - request handled")
+ end,
+ Resp.
+test() ->
+ couch_server_sup:start_link(default_config()),
+ ibrowse:start(),
+ crypto:start(),
+ test_web:start_link(),
+ test_basic(),
+ test_alternate_status(),
+ test_trailing_slash(),
+ test_passes_header(),
+ test_passes_host_header(),
+ test_passes_header_back(),
+ test_rewrites_location_headers(),
+ test_doesnt_rewrite_external_locations(),
+ test_rewrites_relative_location(),
+ test_uses_same_version(),
+ test_passes_body(),
+ test_passes_eof_body_back(),
+ test_passes_chunked_body(),
+ test_passes_chunked_body_back(),
+ test_connect_error(),
+ ok.
+test_basic() ->
+ Remote = fun(Req) ->
+ 'GET' = Req:get(method),
+ "/" = Req:get(path),
+ undefined = Req:get(body_length),
+ undefined = Req:recv_body(),
+ {ok, {200, [{"Content-Type", "text/plain"}], "ok"}}
+ end,
+ Local = fun({ok, "200", _, "ok"}) -> true; (_) -> false end,
+ check_request("Basic proxy test", #req{}, Remote, Local).
+test_alternate_status() ->
+ Remote = fun(Req) ->
+ "/alternate_status" = Req:get(path),
+ {ok, {201, [], "ok"}}
+ end,
+ Local = fun({ok, "201", _, "ok"}) -> true; (_) -> false end,
+ Req = #req{path="alternate_status"},
+ check_request("Alternate status", Req, Remote, Local).
+test_trailing_slash() ->
+ Remote = fun(Req) ->
+ "/trailing_slash/" = Req:get(path),
+ {ok, {200, [], "ok"}}
+ end,
+ Local = fun({ok, "200", _, "ok"}) -> true; (_) -> false end,
+ Req = #req{path="trailing_slash/"},
+ check_request("Trailing slash", Req, Remote, Local).
+test_passes_header() ->
+ Remote = fun(Req) ->
+ "/passes_header" = Req:get(path),
+ "plankton" = Req:get_header_value("X-CouchDB-Ralph"),
+ {ok, {200, [], "ok"}}
+ end,
+ Local = fun({ok, "200", _, "ok"}) -> true; (_) -> false end,
+ Req = #req{
+ path="passes_header",
+ headers=[{"X-CouchDB-Ralph", "plankton"}]
+ },
+ check_request("Passes header", Req, Remote, Local).
+test_passes_host_header() ->
+ Remote = fun(Req) ->
+ "/passes_host_header" = Req:get(path),
+ "" = Req:get_header_value("Host"),
+ {ok, {200, [], "ok"}}
+ end,
+ Local = fun({ok, "200", _, "ok"}) -> true; (_) -> false end,
+ Req = #req{
+ path="passes_host_header",
+ headers=[{"Host", ""}]
+ },
+ check_request("Passes host header", Req, Remote, Local).
+test_passes_header_back() ->
+ Remote = fun(Req) ->
+ "/passes_header_back" = Req:get(path),
+ {ok, {200, [{"X-CouchDB-Plankton", "ralph"}], "ok"}}
+ end,
+ Local = fun
+ ({ok, "200", Headers, "ok"}) ->
+ lists:member({"X-CouchDB-Plankton", "ralph"}, Headers);
+ (_) ->
+ false
+ end,
+ Req = #req{path="passes_header_back"},
+ check_request("Passes header back", Req, Remote, Local).
+test_rewrites_location_headers() ->
+ etap:diag("Testing location header rewrites."),
+ do_rewrite_tests([
+ {"Location", proxy() ++ "foo/bar", server() ++ "foo/bar"},
+ {"Content-Location", proxy() ++ "bing?q=2", server() ++ "bing?q=2"},
+ {"Uri", proxy() ++ "zip#frag", server() ++ "zip#frag"},
+ {"Destination", proxy(), server()}
+ ]).
+test_doesnt_rewrite_external_locations() ->
+ etap:diag("Testing no rewrite of external locations."),
+ do_rewrite_tests([
+ {"Location", external() ++ "search", external() ++ "search"},
+ {"Content-Location", external() ++ "s?q=2", external() ++ "s?q=2"},
+ {"Uri", external() ++ "f#f", external() ++ "f#f"},
+ {"Destination", external() ++ "f?q=2#f", external() ++ "f?q=2#f"}
+ ]).
+test_rewrites_relative_location() ->
+ etap:diag("Testing relative rewrites."),
+ do_rewrite_tests([
+ {"Location", "/foo", server() ++ "foo"},
+ {"Content-Location", "bar", server() ++ "bar"},
+ {"Uri", "/zing?q=3", server() ++ "zing?q=3"},
+ {"Destination", "bing?q=stuff#yay", server() ++ "bing?q=stuff#yay"}
+ ]).
+do_rewrite_tests(Tests) ->
+ lists:foreach(fun({Header, Location, Url}) ->
+ do_rewrite_test(Header, Location, Url)
+ end, Tests).
+do_rewrite_test(Header, Location, Url) ->
+ Remote = fun(Req) ->
+ "/rewrite_test" = Req:get(path),
+ {ok, {302, [{Header, Location}], "ok"}}
+ end,
+ Local = fun
+ ({ok, "302", Headers, "ok"}) ->
+ etap:is(
+ couch_util:get_value(Header, Headers),
+ Url,
+ "Header rewritten correctly."
+ ),
+ true;
+ (_) ->
+ false
+ end,
+ Req = #req{path="rewrite_test"},
+ Label = "Rewrite test for ",
+ check_request(Label ++ Header, Req, Remote, Local).
+test_uses_same_version() ->
+ Remote = fun(Req) ->
+ "/uses_same_version" = Req:get(path),
+ {1, 0} = Req:get(version),
+ {ok, {200, [], "ok"}}
+ end,
+ Local = fun({ok, "200", _, "ok"}) -> true; (_) -> false end,
+ Req = #req{
+ path="uses_same_version",
+ opts=[{http_vsn, {1, 0}}]
+ },
+ check_request("Uses same version", Req, Remote, Local).
+test_passes_body() ->
+ Remote = fun(Req) ->
+ 'PUT' = Req:get(method),
+ "/passes_body" = Req:get(path),
+ <<"Hooray!">> = Req:recv_body(),
+ {ok, {201, [], "ok"}}
+ end,
+ Local = fun({ok, "201", _, "ok"}) -> true; (_) -> false end,
+ Req = #req{
+ method=put,
+ path="passes_body",
+ body="Hooray!"
+ },
+ check_request("Passes body", Req, Remote, Local).
+test_passes_eof_body_back() ->
+ BodyChunks = [<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>, <<"bazinga">>],
+ Remote = fun(Req) ->
+ 'GET' = Req:get(method),
+ "/passes_eof_body" = Req:get(path),
+ {raw, {200, [{"Connection", "close"}], BodyChunks}}
+ end,
+ Local = fun({ok, "200", _, "foobarbazinga"}) -> true; (_) -> false end,
+ Req = #req{path="passes_eof_body"},
+ check_request("Passes eof body", Req, Remote, Local).
+test_passes_chunked_body() ->
+ BodyChunks = [<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>, <<"bazinga">>],
+ Remote = fun(Req) ->
+ 'POST' = Req:get(method),
+ "/passes_chunked_body" = Req:get(path),
+ RecvBody = fun
+ ({Length, Chunk}, [Chunk | Rest]) ->
+ Length = size(Chunk),
+ Rest;
+ ({0, []}, []) ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ ok = Req:stream_body(1024*1024, RecvBody, BodyChunks),
+ {ok, {201, [], "ok"}}
+ end,
+ Local = fun({ok, "201", _, "ok"}) -> true; (_) -> false end,
+ Req = #req{
+ method=post,
+ path="passes_chunked_body",
+ headers=[{"Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"}],
+ body=mk_chunked_body(BodyChunks)
+ },
+ check_request("Passes chunked body", Req, Remote, Local).
+test_passes_chunked_body_back() ->
+ Name = "Passes chunked body back",
+ Remote = fun(Req) ->
+ 'GET' = Req:get(method),
+ "/passes_chunked_body_back" = Req:get(path),
+ BodyChunks = [<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>, <<"bazinga">>],
+ {chunked, {200, [{"Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"}], BodyChunks}}
+ end,
+ Req = #req{
+ path="passes_chunked_body_back",
+ opts=[{stream_to, self()}]
+ },
+ Resp = check_request(Name, Req, Remote, no_local),
+ etap:fun_is(
+ fun({ibrowse_req_id, _}) -> true; (_) -> false end,
+ Resp,
+ "Received an ibrowse request id."
+ ),
+ {_, ReqId} = Resp,
+ % Grab headers from response
+ receive
+ {ibrowse_async_headers, ReqId, "200", Headers} ->
+ etap:is(
+ proplists:get_value("Transfer-Encoding", Headers),
+ "chunked",
+ "Response included the Transfer-Encoding: chunked header"
+ ),
+ ibrowse:stream_next(ReqId)
+ after 1000 ->
+ throw({error, timeout})
+ end,
+ % Check body received
+ % TODO: When we upgrade to ibrowse >= 2.0.0 this check needs to
+ % check that the chunks returned are what we sent from the
+ % Remote test.
+ etap:diag("TODO: UPGRADE IBROWSE"),
+ etap:is(recv_body(ReqId, []), <<"foobarbazinga">>, "Decoded chunked body."),
+ % Check test_web server.
+ etap:is(test_web:check_last(), was_ok, Name ++ " - request handled").
+test_connect_error() ->
+ Local = fun({ok, "500", _Headers, _Body}) -> true; (_) -> false end,
+ Req = #req{opts=[{url, ""}]},
+ check_request("Connect error", Req, no_remote, Local).
+mk_chunked_body(Chunks) ->
+ mk_chunked_body(Chunks, []).
+mk_chunked_body([], Acc) ->
+ iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc, "0\r\n\r\n"));
+mk_chunked_body([Chunk | Rest], Acc) ->
+ Size = to_hex(size(Chunk)),
+ mk_chunked_body(Rest, ["\r\n", Chunk, "\r\n", Size | Acc]).
+to_hex(Val) ->
+ to_hex(Val, []).
+to_hex(0, Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+to_hex(Val, Acc) ->
+ to_hex(Val div 16, [hex_char(Val rem 16) | Acc]).
+hex_char(V) when V < 10 -> $0 + V;
+hex_char(V) -> $A + V - 10.
+recv_body(ReqId, Acc) ->
+ receive
+ {ibrowse_async_response, ReqId, Data} ->
+ recv_body(ReqId, [Data | Acc]);
+ {ibrowse_async_response_end, ReqId} ->
+ iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc));
+ Else ->
+ throw({error, unexpected_mesg, Else})
+ after 5000 ->
+ throw({error, timeout})
+ end.
diff --git a/test/etap/ b/test/etap/
index 26c214d9..59d21cda 100644
--- a/test/etap/
+++ b/test/etap/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
## the License.
noinst_SCRIPTS = run
-noinst_DATA = test_util.beam
+noinst_DATA = test_util.beam test_web.beam
%.beam: %.erl
$(ERLC) $<
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ DISTCLEANFILES = temp.*
run.tpl \
+ test_web.erl \
001-load.t \
002-icu-driver.t \
010-file-basics.t \
@@ -77,4 +78,6 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \ \
172-os-daemon-errors.t \ \
- 173-os-daemon-cfg-register.t
+ 173-os-daemon-cfg-register.t \
+ 180-http-proxy.ini \
+ 180-http-proxy.t
diff --git a/test/etap/test_web.erl b/test/etap/test_web.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..16438b31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/etap/test_web.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-export([start_link/0, loop/1, get_port/0, set_assert/1, check_last/0]).
+-export([init/1, terminate/2, code_change/3]).
+-export([handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2]).
+-define(SERVER, test_web_server).
+-define(HANDLER, test_web_handler).
+start_link() ->
+ gen_server:start({local, ?HANDLER}, ?MODULE, [], []),
+ mochiweb_http:start([
+ {name, ?SERVER},
+ {loop, {?MODULE, loop}},
+ {port, 5985}
+ ]).
+loop(Req) ->
+ %etap:diag("Handling request: ~p", [Req]),
+ case gen_server:call(?HANDLER, {check_request, Req}) of
+ {ok, RespInfo} ->
+ {ok, Req:respond(RespInfo)};
+ {raw, {Status, Headers, BodyChunks}} ->
+ Resp = Req:start_response({Status, Headers}),
+ lists:foreach(fun(C) -> Resp:send(C) end, BodyChunks),
+ erlang:put(mochiweb_request_force_close, true),
+ {ok, Resp};
+ {chunked, {Status, Headers, BodyChunks}} ->
+ Resp = Req:respond({Status, Headers, chunked}),
+ timer:sleep(500),
+ lists:foreach(fun(C) -> Resp:write_chunk(C) end, BodyChunks),
+ Resp:write_chunk([]),
+ {ok, Resp};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ etap:diag("Error: ~p", [Reason]),
+ Body = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Error: ~p", [Reason])),
+ {ok, Req:respond({200, [], Body})}
+ end.
+get_port() ->
+ mochiweb_socket_server:get(?SERVER, port).
+set_assert(Fun) ->
+ ok = gen_server:call(?HANDLER, {set_assert, Fun}).
+check_last() ->
+ gen_server:call(?HANDLER, last_status).
+init(_) ->
+ {ok, nil}.
+terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+ ok.
+handle_call({check_request, Req}, _From, State) when is_function(State, 1) ->
+ Resp2 = case (catch State(Req)) of
+ {ok, Resp} -> {reply, {ok, Resp}, was_ok};
+ {raw, Resp} -> {reply, {raw, Resp}, was_ok};
+ {chunked, Resp} -> {reply, {chunked, Resp}, was_ok};
+ Error -> {reply, {error, Error}, not_ok}
+ end,
+ Req:cleanup(),
+ Resp2;
+handle_call({check_request, _Req}, _From, _State) ->
+ {reply, {error, no_assert_function}, not_ok};
+handle_call(last_status, _From, State) when is_atom(State) ->
+ {reply, State, nil};
+handle_call(last_status, _From, State) ->
+ {reply, {error, not_checked}, State};
+handle_call({set_assert, Fun}, _From, nil) ->
+ {reply, ok, Fun};
+handle_call({set_assert, _}, _From, State) ->
+ {reply, {error, assert_function_set}, State};
+handle_call(Msg, _From, State) ->
+ {reply, {ignored, Msg}, State}.
+handle_cast(Msg, State) ->
+ etap:diag("Ignoring cast message: ~p", [Msg]),
+ {noreply, State}.
+handle_info(Msg, State) ->
+ etap:diag("Ignoring info message: ~p", [Msg]),
+ {noreply, State}.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, State}.