path: root/src
diff options
authorBenoit Chesneau <>2010-09-07 23:35:28 +0000
committerBenoit Chesneau <>2010-09-07 23:35:28 +0000
commitec75b49cc9385495d6fa40cac50f825def9433d8 (patch)
tree20d16a32c2a8756b99b49d4255e2e199bef46421 /src
parentc1b74df08076cd850617e500163fdb5fc8d55f3a (diff)
fix issue #COUCHDB-230 . now it's possible to do */test =
/db/_design/test or even = /db/_design/test and other stuff already possible with vhost manager. git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 67 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/src/couchdb/couch_httpd_vhost.erl b/src/couchdb/couch_httpd_vhost.erl
index 06bb95c2..3dba2919 100644
--- a/src/couchdb/couch_httpd_vhost.erl
+++ b/src/couchdb/couch_httpd_vhost.erl
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
-export([start_link/0, init/1, handle_call/3, handle_info/2, handle_cast/2]).
-export([code_change/3, terminate/2]).
+-export([match_vhost/1, urlsplit_netloc/2]).
@@ -149,6 +149,8 @@ handle_call({match_vhost, MochiReq}, _From, State) ->
vhost_fun = Fun
} = State,
+ {"/" ++ VPath, Query, Fragment} = mochiweb_util:urlsplit_path(MochiReq:get(raw_path)),
+ VPathParts = string:tokens(VPath, "/"),
XHost = couch_config:get("httpd", "x_forwarded_host", "X-Forwarded-Host"),
VHost = case MochiReq:get_header_value(XHost) of
@@ -160,18 +162,25 @@ handle_call({match_vhost, MochiReq}, _From, State) ->
Value -> Value
{VHostParts, VhostPort} = split_host_port(VHost),
- MochiReq1 = case try_bind_vhost(VHosts, lists:reverse(VHostParts),
- VhostPort) of
+ FinalMochiReq = case try_bind_vhost(VHosts, lists:reverse(VHostParts),
+ VhostPort, VPathParts) of
no_vhost_matched -> MochiReq;
- VhostTarget ->
+ {VhostTarget, NewPath} ->
case vhost_global(VHostGlobals, MochiReq) of
true ->
_Else ->
- Fun(MochiReq, VhostTarget)
+ NewPath1 = mochiweb_util:urlunsplit_path({NewPath, Query,
+ Fragment}),
+ MochiReq1 = mochiweb_request:new(MochiReq:get(socket),
+ MochiReq:get(method),
+ NewPath1,
+ MochiReq:get(version),
+ MochiReq:get(headers)),
+ Fun(MochiReq1, VhostTarget)
- {reply, {ok, MochiReq1}, State};
+ {reply, {ok, FinalMochiReq}, State};
% update vhosts
handle_call(vhosts_changed, _From, State) ->
@@ -247,19 +256,25 @@ vhost_global( VhostGlobals, MochiReq) ->
%% bind host
%% first it try to bind the port then the hostname.
-try_bind_vhost([], _HostParts, _Port) ->
+try_bind_vhost([], _HostParts, _Port, _PathParts) ->
-try_bind_vhost([VhostSpec|Rest], HostParts, Port) ->
- {{VHostParts, VPort}, Path} = VhostSpec,
+try_bind_vhost([VhostSpec|Rest], HostParts, Port, PathParts) ->
+ {{VHostParts, VPort, VPath}, Path} = VhostSpec,
case bind_port(VPort, Port) of
ok ->
case bind_vhost(lists:reverse(VHostParts), HostParts, []) of
- {ok, Bindings, Remainings} ->
- Path1 = make_target(Path, Bindings, Remainings, []),
- "/" ++ string:join(Path1,[?SEPARATOR]);
- fail -> try_bind_vhost(Rest, HostParts, Port)
+ {ok, Bindings, Remainings} ->
+ case bind_path(VPath, PathParts) of
+ {ok, PathParts1} ->
+ Path1 = make_target(Path, Bindings, Remainings, []),
+ {make_path(Path1), make_path(PathParts1)};
+ fail ->
+ try_bind_vhost(Rest, HostParts, Port,
+ PathParts)
+ end;
+ fail -> try_bind_vhost(Rest, HostParts, Port, PathParts)
- fail -> try_bind_vhost(Rest, HostParts, Port)
+ fail -> try_bind_vhost(Rest, HostParts, Port, PathParts)
%% doc: build new patch from bindings. bindings are query args
@@ -288,7 +303,7 @@ make_target([P|Rest], Bindings, Remaining, Acc) ->
bind_port(Port, Port) -> ok;
bind_port(_,_) -> fail.
-% bind bhost
+%% bind bhost
bind_vhost([],[], Bindings) -> {ok, Bindings, []};
bind_vhost([?MATCH_ALL], [], _Bindings) -> fail;
bind_vhost([?MATCH_ALL], Rest, Bindings) -> {ok, Bindings, Rest};
@@ -299,18 +314,41 @@ bind_vhost([Cname|Rest], [Cname|RestHost], Bindings) ->
bind_vhost(Rest, RestHost, Bindings);
bind_vhost(_, _, _) -> fail.
+%% bind path
+bind_path([], PathParts) ->
+ {ok, PathParts};
+bind_path(_VPathParts, []) ->
+ fail;
+bind_path([Path|VRest],[Path|Rest]) ->
+ bind_path(VRest, Rest);
+bind_path(_, _) ->
+ fail.
% utilities
%% create vhost list from ini
make_vhosts() ->
lists:foldl(fun({Vhost, Path}, Acc) ->
- {H, P} = split_host_port(Vhost),
- H1 = make_spec(H, []),
- [{{H1,P}, split_path(Path)}|Acc]
+ [{parse_vhost(Vhost), split_path(Path)}|Acc]
end, [], couch_config:get("vhosts")).
+parse_vhost(Vhost) ->
+ case urlsplit_netloc(Vhost, []) of
+ {[], Path} ->
+ {make_spec("*", []), 80, Path};
+ {HostPort, []} ->
+ {H, P} = split_host_port(HostPort),
+ H1 = make_spec(H, []),
+ {H1, P, []};
+ {HostPort, Path} ->
+ {H, P} = split_host_port(HostPort),
+ H1 = make_spec(H, []),
+ {H1, P, string:tokens(Path, "/")}
+ end.
split_host_port(HostAsString) ->
case string:rchr(HostAsString, $:) of
0 ->
@@ -351,3 +389,14 @@ parse_var(P) ->
_ -> P
+% mochiweb doesn't export it.
+urlsplit_netloc("", Acc) ->
+ {lists:reverse(Acc), ""};
+urlsplit_netloc(Rest=[C | _], Acc) when C =:= $/; C =:= $?; C =:= $# ->
+ {lists:reverse(Acc), Rest};
+urlsplit_netloc([C | Rest], Acc) ->
+ urlsplit_netloc(Rest, [C | Acc]).
+make_path(Parts) ->
+ "/" ++ string:join(Parts,[?SEPARATOR]).