path: root/src/couchdb/couch_view.erl
diff options
authorChristopher Lenz <>2008-03-28 23:32:19 +0000
committerChristopher Lenz <>2008-03-28 23:32:19 +0000
commit544a38dd45f6a58d34296c6c768afd086eb2ac70 (patch)
treec84cc02340b06aae189cff0dbfaee698f273f1f5 /src/couchdb/couch_view.erl
parent804cbbe033b8e7a3e8d7058aaf31bdf69ef18ac5 (diff)
Imported trunk.
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
Diffstat (limited to 'src/couchdb/couch_view.erl')
1 files changed, 616 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/couchdb/couch_view.erl b/src/couchdb/couch_view.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..612eb5fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/couchdb/couch_view.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,616 @@
+% Copyright 2007, 2008 Damien Katz <>
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+% You may obtain a copy of the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+% limitations under the License.
+-export([start_link/1,fold/4,fold/5,less_json/2, start_update_loop/3, start_temp_update_loop/4]).
+% arbitrarily chosen amount of memory to use before flushing to disk
+-define(FLUSH_MAX_MEM, 10000000).
+ {db,
+ fd,
+ name,
+ def_lang,
+ views,
+ id_btree,
+ current_seq,
+ query_server=nil
+ }).
+ {id_num,
+ name,
+ btree,
+ def
+ }).
+ {root_dir
+ }).
+start_link(RootDir) ->
+ gen_server:start_link({local, couch_view}, couch_view, RootDir, []).
+get_temp_updater(DbName, Type, Src) ->
+ {ok, Pid} = gen_server:call(couch_view, {start_temp_updater, DbName, Type, Src}),
+ Pid.
+get_updater(DbName, GroupId) ->
+ {ok, Pid} = gen_server:call(couch_view, {start_updater, DbName, GroupId}),
+ Pid.
+get_updated_group(Pid) ->
+ Mref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', Mref, _, _, Reason} ->
+ throw(Reason)
+ after 0 ->
+ Pid ! {self(), get_updated},
+ receive
+ {Pid, Response} ->
+ erlang:demonitor(Mref),
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', Mref, _, _, _} ->
+ Response
+ after 0 ->
+ Response
+ end;
+ {'DOWN', Mref, _, _, Reason} ->
+ throw(Reason)
+ end
+ end.
+fold(ViewInfo, Dir, Fun, Acc) ->
+ fold(ViewInfo, nil, Dir, Fun, Acc).
+fold({temp, DbName, Type, Src}, StartKey, Dir, Fun, Acc) ->
+ {ok, #group{views=[View]}} = get_updated_group(get_temp_updater(DbName, Type, Src)),
+ fold_view(View#view.btree, StartKey, Dir, Fun, Acc);
+fold({DbName, GroupId, ViewName}, StartKey, Dir, Fun, Acc) ->
+ {ok, #group{views=Views}} = get_updated_group(get_updater(DbName, GroupId)),
+ Btree = get_view_btree(Views, ViewName),
+ fold_view(Btree, StartKey, Dir, Fun, Acc).
+fold_view(Btree, StartKey, Dir, Fun, Acc) ->
+ TotalRowCount = couch_btree:row_count(Btree),
+ WrapperFun = fun({{Key, DocId}, Value}, Offset, WrapperAcc) ->
+ Fun(DocId, Key, Value, Offset, TotalRowCount, WrapperAcc)
+ end,
+ {ok, AccResult} = couch_btree:fold(Btree, StartKey, Dir, WrapperFun, Acc),
+ {ok, TotalRowCount, AccResult}.
+get_view_btree([], _ViewName) ->
+ throw({not_found, missing_named_view});
+get_view_btree([View | _RestViews], ViewName) when == ViewName ->
+ View#view.btree;
+get_view_btree([_View | RestViews], ViewName) ->
+ get_view_btree(RestViews, ViewName).
+init(RootDir) ->
+ UpdateNotifierFun =
+ fun({deleted, DbName}) ->
+ gen_server:cast(couch_view, {reset_indexes, DbName});
+ ({created, DbName}) ->
+ gen_server:cast(couch_view, {reset_indexes, DbName});
+ (_Else) ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ couch_db_update_notifier:start_link(UpdateNotifierFun),
+ ets:new(couch_views_by_db, [bag, private, named_table]),
+ ets:new(couch_views_by_name, [set, protected, named_table]),
+ ets:new(couch_views_by_updater, [set, private, named_table]),
+ ets:new(couch_views_temp_fd_by_db, [set, protected, named_table]),
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ {ok, #server{root_dir=RootDir}}.
+terminate(_Reason, _) ->
+ catch ets:delete(couch_views_by_name),
+ catch ets:delete(couch_views_by_updater),
+ catch ets:delete(couch_views_by_db),
+ catch ets:delete(couch_views_temp_fd_by_db).
+handle_call({start_temp_updater, DbName, Lang, Query}, _From, #server{root_dir=Root}=Server) ->
+ <<SigInt:128/integer>> = erlang:md5(Lang ++ Query),
+ Name = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("_temp_~.36B",[SigInt])),
+ Pid =
+ case ets:lookup(couch_views_by_name, {DbName, Name}) of
+ [] ->
+ case ets:lookup(couch_views_temp_fd_by_db, DbName) of
+ [] ->
+ FileName = Root ++ "/." ++ DbName ++ "_temp",
+ {ok, Fd} = couch_file:open(FileName, [create, overwrite]),
+ Count = 0;
+ [{_, Fd, Count}] ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ couch_log:debug("Spawning new temp update process for db ~s.", [DbName]),
+ NewPid = spawn_link(couch_view, start_temp_update_loop, [DbName, Fd, Lang, Query]),
+ true = ets:insert(couch_views_temp_fd_by_db, {DbName, Fd, Count + 1}),
+ add_to_ets(NewPid, DbName, Name),
+ NewPid;
+ [{_, ExistingPid0}] ->
+ ExistingPid0
+ end,
+ {reply, {ok, Pid}, Server};
+handle_call({start_updater, DbName, GroupId}, _From, #server{root_dir=Root}=Server) ->
+ Pid =
+ case ets:lookup(couch_views_by_name, {DbName, GroupId}) of
+ [] ->
+ couch_log:debug("Spawning new update process for view group ~s in database ~s.", [GroupId, DbName]),
+ NewPid = spawn_link(couch_view, start_update_loop, [Root, DbName, GroupId]),
+ add_to_ets(NewPid, DbName, GroupId),
+ NewPid;
+ [{_, ExistingPid0}] ->
+ ExistingPid0
+ end,
+ {reply, {ok, Pid}, Server}.
+handle_cast({reset_indexes, DbName}, #server{root_dir=Root}=Server) ->
+ % shutdown all the updaters
+ Names = ets:lookup(couch_views_by_db, DbName),
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun({_DbName, GroupId}) ->
+ couch_log:debug("Killing update process for view group ~s. in database ~s.", [GroupId, DbName]),
+ [{_, Pid}] = ets:lookup(couch_views_by_name, {DbName, GroupId}),
+ exit(Pid, kill),
+ receive {'EXIT', Pid, _} ->
+ delete_from_ets(Pid, DbName, GroupId)
+ end
+ end, Names),
+ delete_index_dir(Root, DbName),
+ file:delete(Root ++ "/." ++ DbName ++ "_temp"),
+ {noreply, Server}.
+handle_info({'EXIT', FromPid, Reason}, #server{root_dir=RootDir}=Server) ->
+ case ets:lookup(couch_views_by_updater, FromPid) of
+ [] -> % non-updater linked process must have died, we propagate the error
+ exit(Reason);
+ [{_, {DbName, "_temp_" ++ _ = GroupId}}] ->
+ delete_from_ets(FromPid, DbName, GroupId),
+ [{_, Fd, Count}] = ets:lookup(couch_views_temp_fd_by_db, DbName),
+ case Count of
+ 1 -> % Last ref
+ couch_file:close(Fd),
+ file:delete(RootDir ++ "/." ++ DbName ++ "_temp"),
+ true = ets:delete(couch_views_temp_fd_by_db, DbName);
+ _ ->
+ true = ets:insert(couch_views_temp_fd_by_db, {DbName, Fd, Count - 1})
+ end;
+ [{_, {DbName, GroupId}}] ->
+ delete_from_ets(FromPid, DbName, GroupId)
+ end,
+ {noreply, Server}.
+add_to_ets(Pid, DbName, GroupId) ->
+ true = ets:insert(couch_views_by_updater, {Pid, {DbName, GroupId}}),
+ true = ets:insert(couch_views_by_name, {{DbName, GroupId}, Pid}),
+ true = ets:insert(couch_views_by_db, {DbName, GroupId}).
+delete_from_ets(Pid, DbName, GroupId) ->
+ true = ets:delete(couch_views_by_updater, Pid),
+ true = ets:delete(couch_views_by_name, {DbName, GroupId}),
+ true = ets:delete_object(couch_views_by_db, {DbName, GroupId}).
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+start_update_loop(RootDir, DbName, GroupId) ->
+ % wait for a notify request before doing anything. This way, we can just
+ % exit and any exits will be noticed by the callers.
+ start_update_loop(RootDir, DbName, GroupId, get_notify_pids(1000)).
+start_temp_update_loop(DbName, Fd, Lang, Query) ->
+ NotifyPids = get_notify_pids(1000),
+ case couch_server:open(DbName) of
+ {ok, Db} ->
+ View = #view{name="_temp", id_num=0, btree=nil, def=Query},
+ Group = #group{name="_temp",
+ db=Db,
+ views=[View],
+ current_seq=0,
+ def_lang=Lang,
+ id_btree=nil},
+ Group2 = disk_group_to_mem(Fd, Group),
+ temp_update_loop(Group2, NotifyPids);
+ Else ->
+ exit(Else)
+ end.
+temp_update_loop(Group, NotifyPids) ->
+ {ok, Group2} = update_group(Group),
+ [Pid ! {self(), {ok, Group2}} || Pid <- NotifyPids],
+ garbage_collect(),
+ temp_update_loop(Group2, get_notify_pids(100000)).
+start_update_loop(RootDir, DbName, GroupId, NotifyPids) ->
+ {Db, DefLang, Defs} =
+ case couch_server:open(DbName) of
+ {ok, Db0} ->
+ case couch_db:open_doc(Db0, GroupId) of
+ {ok, Doc} ->
+ case couch_doc:get_view_functions(Doc) of
+ none ->
+ delete_index_file(RootDir, DbName, GroupId),
+ exit({not_found, no_views_found});
+ {DefLang0, Defs0} ->
+ {Db0, DefLang0, Defs0}
+ end;
+ Else ->
+ delete_index_file(RootDir, DbName, GroupId),
+ exit(Else)
+ end;
+ Else ->
+ delete_index_file(RootDir, DbName, GroupId),
+ exit(Else)
+ end,
+ Group = open_index_file(RootDir, DbName, GroupId, DefLang, Defs),
+ try update_loop(Group#group{db=Db}, NotifyPids) of
+ _ -> ok
+ catch
+ restart ->
+ couch_file:close(Group#group.fd),
+ start_update_loop(RootDir, DbName, GroupId, NotifyPids ++ get_notify_pids())
+ end.
+update_loop(#group{fd=Fd}=Group, NotifyPids) ->
+ {ok, Group2} = update_group(Group),
+ ok = couch_file:write_header(Fd, <<$r, $c, $k, 0>>, mem_group_to_disk(Group2)),
+ [Pid ! {self(), {ok, Group2}} || Pid <- NotifyPids],
+ garbage_collect(),
+ update_loop(Group2).
+update_loop(Group) ->
+ update_loop(Group, get_notify_pids()).
+% wait for the first request to come in.
+get_notify_pids(Wait) ->
+ receive
+ {Pid, get_updated} ->
+ [Pid | get_notify_pids()]
+ after Wait ->
+ exit(wait_timeout)
+ end.
+% then keep getting all available and return.
+get_notify_pids() ->
+ receive
+ {Pid, get_updated} ->
+ [Pid | get_notify_pids()]
+ after 0 ->
+ []
+ end.
+update_group(#group{db=Db,current_seq=CurrentSeq, views=Views}=Group) ->
+ ViewEmptyKVs = [{View, []} || View <- Views],
+ % compute on all docs modified since we last computed.
+ {ok, {UncomputedDocs, Group2, ViewKVsToAdd, DocIdViewIdKeys, NewSeq}}
+ = couch_db:enum_docs_since(
+ Db,
+ CurrentSeq,
+ fun(DocInfo, _, Acc) -> process_doc(Db, DocInfo, Acc) end,
+ {[], Group, ViewEmptyKVs, [], CurrentSeq}
+ ),
+ {Group3, Results} = view_compute(Group2, UncomputedDocs),
+ {ViewKVsToAdd2, DocIdViewIdKeys2} = view_insert_query_results(UncomputedDocs, Results, ViewKVsToAdd, DocIdViewIdKeys),
+ couch_query_servers:stop_doc_map(Group3#group.query_server),
+ if CurrentSeq /= NewSeq ->
+ {ok, Group4} = write_changes(Group3, ViewKVsToAdd2, DocIdViewIdKeys2, NewSeq),
+ {ok, Group4#group{query_server=nil}};
+ true ->
+ {ok, Group3#group{query_server=nil}}
+ end.
+delete_index_dir(RootDir, DbName) ->
+ nuke_dir(RootDir ++ "/." ++ DbName ++ "_design").
+nuke_dir(Dir) ->
+ case file:list_dir(Dir) of
+ {error, enoent} -> ok; % doesn't exist
+ {ok, Files} ->
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun(File)->
+ Full = Dir ++ "/" ++ File,
+ case file:delete(Full) of
+ ok -> ok;
+ {error, eperm} ->
+ ok = nuke_dir(Full)
+ end
+ end,
+ Files),
+ ok = file:del_dir(Dir)
+ end.
+delete_index_file(RootDir, DbName, GroupId) ->
+ file:delete(RootDir ++ "/." ++ DbName ++ GroupId ++ ".view").
+open_index_file(RootDir, DbName, GroupId, ViewLang, ViewDefs) ->
+ FileName = RootDir ++ "/." ++ DbName ++ GroupId ++".view",
+ case couch_file:open(FileName) of
+ {ok, Fd} ->
+ case couch_file:read_header(Fd, <<$r, $c, $k, 0>>) of
+ {ok, #group{views=Views}=Group} ->
+ % validate all the view definitions in the index are correct.
+ case same_view_def(Views, ViewDefs) of
+ true -> disk_group_to_mem(Fd, Group);
+ false -> reset_header(GroupId, Fd, ViewLang, ViewDefs)
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ reset_header(GroupId, Fd, ViewLang, ViewDefs)
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ case couch_file:open(FileName, [create]) of
+ {ok, Fd} ->
+ reset_header(GroupId, Fd, ViewLang, ViewDefs);
+ Error ->
+ throw(Error)
+ end
+ end.
+same_view_def([], []) ->
+ true;
+same_view_def(DiskViews, ViewDefs) when DiskViews == [] orelse ViewDefs == []->
+ false;
+same_view_def([#view{name=DiskName,def=DiskDef}|RestViews], [{Name, Def}|RestDefs]) ->
+ if DiskName == Name andalso DiskDef == Def ->
+ same_view_def(RestViews, RestDefs);
+ true ->
+ false
+ end.
+% Given a disk ready group structure, return an initialized, in-memory version.
+disk_group_to_mem(Fd, #group{id_btree=IdState,views=Views}=Group) ->
+ {ok, IdBtree} = couch_btree:open(IdState, Fd),
+ Views2 = lists:map(
+ fun(#view{btree=BtreeState}=View) ->
+ {ok, Btree} = couch_btree:open(BtreeState, Fd, [{less, fun less_json/2}]),
+ View#view{btree=Btree}
+ end,
+ Views),
+ Group#group{fd=Fd, id_btree=IdBtree, views=Views2}.
+% Given an initialized, in-memory group structure, return a disk ready version.
+mem_group_to_disk(#group{id_btree=IdBtree,views=Views}=Group) ->
+ Views2 = lists:map(
+ fun(#view{btree=Btree}=View) ->
+ State = couch_btree:get_state(Btree),
+ View#view{btree=State}
+ end,
+ Views),
+ Group#group{fd=nil, id_btree=couch_btree:get_state(IdBtree), views=Views2}.
+reset_header(GroupId, Fd, DefLanguage, NamedViews) ->
+ couch_file:truncate(Fd, 0),
+ {Views, _N} = lists:mapfoldl(
+ fun({Name, Definiton}, N) ->
+ {#view{name=Name, id_num=N, btree=nil, def=Definiton}, N+1}
+ end,
+ 0, NamedViews),
+ Group = #group{name=GroupId,
+ fd=Fd,
+ views=Views,
+ current_seq=0,
+ def_lang=DefLanguage,
+ id_btree=nil},
+ ok = couch_file:write_header(Fd, <<$r, $c, $k, 0>>, Group),
+ disk_group_to_mem(Fd, Group).
+less_json(A, B) ->
+ TypeA = type_sort(A),
+ TypeB = type_sort(B),
+ if
+ TypeA == TypeB ->
+ less_same_type(A,B);
+ true ->
+ TypeA < TypeB
+ end.
+type_sort(V) when is_atom(V) -> 0;
+type_sort(V) when is_integer(V) -> 1;
+type_sort(V) when is_float(V) -> 1;
+type_sort(V) when is_list(V) -> 2;
+type_sort({obj, _}) -> 4; % must come before tuple test below
+type_sort(V) when is_tuple(V) -> 3;
+type_sort(V) when is_binary(V) -> 5.
+atom_sort(nil) -> 0;
+atom_sort(null) -> 1;
+atom_sort(false) -> 2;
+atom_sort(true) -> 3.
+less_same_type(A,B) when is_atom(A) ->
+ atom_sort(A) < atom_sort(B);
+less_same_type(A,B) when is_list(A) ->
+ couch_util:collate(A, B) < 0;
+less_same_type({obj, AProps}, {obj, BProps}) ->
+ less_props(AProps, BProps);
+less_same_type(A, B) when is_tuple(A) ->
+ less_list(tuple_to_list(A),tuple_to_list(B));
+less_same_type(A, B) ->
+ A < B.
+ensure_list(V) when is_list(V) -> V;
+ensure_list(V) when is_atom(V) -> atom_to_list(V).
+less_props([], [_|_]) ->
+ true;
+less_props(_, []) ->
+ false;
+less_props([{AKey, AValue}|RestA], [{BKey, BValue}|RestB]) ->
+ case couch_util:collate(ensure_list(AKey), ensure_list(BKey)) of
+ -1 -> true;
+ 1 -> false;
+ 0 ->
+ case less_json(AValue, BValue) of
+ true -> true;
+ false ->
+ case less_json(BValue, AValue) of
+ true -> false;
+ false ->
+ less_props(RestA, RestB)
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+less_list([], [_|_]) ->
+ true;
+less_list(_, []) ->
+ false;
+less_list([A|RestA], [B|RestB]) ->
+ case less_json(A,B) of
+ true -> true;
+ false ->
+ case less_json(B,A) of
+ true -> false;
+ false ->
+ less_list(RestA, RestB)
+ end
+ end.
+process_doc(Db, DocInfo, {Docs, #group{name=GroupId}=Group, ViewKVs, DocIdViewIdKeys, _LastSeq}) ->
+ % This fun computes once for each document
+ #doc_info{id=DocId, update_seq=Seq, deleted=Deleted} = DocInfo,
+ case DocId of
+ GroupId ->
+ % uh oh. this is the design doc with our definitions. See if
+ % anything in the definition changed.
+ case couch_db:open_doc(Db, DocInfo) of
+ {ok, Doc} ->
+ case couch_doc:get_view_functions(Doc) of
+ none ->
+ throw(restart);
+ {DefLang, NewDefs} ->
+ case Group#group.def_lang == DefLang andalso same_view_def(Group#group.views, NewDefs) of
+ true ->
+ % nothing changed, keeping on computing
+ {ok, {Docs, Group, ViewKVs, DocIdViewIdKeys, Seq}};
+ false ->
+ throw(restart)
+ end
+ end;
+ {not_found, deleted} ->
+ throw(restart)
+ end;
+ ?DESIGN_DOC_PREFIX ++ _ -> % we skip design docs
+ {ok, {Docs, Group, ViewKVs, DocIdViewIdKeys, Seq}};
+ _ ->
+ {Docs2, DocIdViewIdKeys2} =
+ if Deleted ->
+ {Docs, [{DocId, []} | DocIdViewIdKeys]};
+ true ->
+ {ok, Doc} = couch_db:open_doc(Db, DocInfo, [conflicts, deleted_conflicts]),
+ {[Doc | Docs], DocIdViewIdKeys}
+ end,
+ case process_info(self(), memory) of
+ {memory, Mem} when Mem > ?FLUSH_MAX_MEM ->
+ {Group1, Results} = view_compute(Group, Docs2),
+ {ViewKVs3, DocIdViewIdKeys3} = view_insert_query_results(Docs2, Results, ViewKVs, DocIdViewIdKeys2),
+ {ok, Group2} = write_changes(Group1, ViewKVs3, DocIdViewIdKeys3, Seq),
+ garbage_collect(),
+ ViewEmptyKeyValues = [{View, []} || View <- Group2#group.views],
+ {ok, {[], Group2, ViewEmptyKeyValues, [], Seq}};
+ _Else ->
+ {ok, {Docs2, Group, ViewKVs, DocIdViewIdKeys2, Seq}}
+ end
+ end.
+view_insert_query_results([], [], ViewKVs, DocIdViewIdKeysAcc) ->
+ {ViewKVs, DocIdViewIdKeysAcc};
+view_insert_query_results([Doc|RestDocs], [QueryResults | RestResults], ViewKVs, DocIdViewIdKeysAcc) ->
+ {NewViewKVs, NewViewIdKeys} = view_insert_doc_query_results(Doc, QueryResults, ViewKVs, [], []),
+ NewDocIdViewIdKeys = [{, NewViewIdKeys} | DocIdViewIdKeysAcc],
+ view_insert_query_results(RestDocs, RestResults, NewViewKVs, NewDocIdViewIdKeys).
+view_insert_doc_query_results(_Doc, [], [], ViewKVsAcc, ViewIdKeysAcc) ->
+ {lists:reverse(ViewKVsAcc), lists:reverse(ViewIdKeysAcc)};
+view_insert_doc_query_results(#doc{id=DocId}=Doc, [ResultKVs|RestResults], [{View, KVs}|RestViewKVs], ViewKVsAcc, ViewIdKeysAcc) ->
+ NewKVs = [{{Key, DocId}, Value} || {Key, Value} <- ResultKVs],
+ NewViewIdKeys = [{View#view.id_num, Key} || {Key, _Value} <- ResultKVs],
+ NewViewKVsAcc = [{View, NewKVs ++ KVs} | ViewKVsAcc],
+ NewViewIdKeysAcc = NewViewIdKeys ++ ViewIdKeysAcc,
+ view_insert_doc_query_results(Doc, RestResults, RestViewKVs, NewViewKVsAcc, NewViewIdKeysAcc).
+view_compute(Group, []) ->
+ {Group, []};
+view_compute(#group{def_lang=DefLang, query_server=QueryServerIn}=Group, Docs) ->
+ {ok, QueryServer} =
+ case QueryServerIn of
+ nil -> % doc map not started
+ Definitions = [View#view.def || View <- Group#group.views],
+ couch_query_servers:start_doc_map(DefLang, Definitions);
+ _ ->
+ {ok, QueryServerIn}
+ end,
+ {ok, Results} = couch_query_servers:map_docs(QueryServer, Docs),
+ {Group#group{query_server=QueryServer}, Results}.
+dict_find(Key, DefaultValue, Dict) ->
+ case dict:find(Key, Dict) of
+ {ok, Value} ->
+ Value;
+ error ->
+ DefaultValue
+ end.
+write_changes(Group, ViewKeyValuesToAdd, DocIdViewIdKeys, NewSeq) ->
+ #group{id_btree=IdBtree} = Group,
+ AddDocIdViewIdKeys = [{DocId, ViewIdKeys} || {DocId, ViewIdKeys} <- DocIdViewIdKeys, ViewIdKeys /= []],
+ RemoveDocIds = [DocId || {DocId, ViewIdKeys} <- DocIdViewIdKeys, ViewIdKeys == []],
+ LookupDocIds = [DocId || {DocId, _ViewIdKeys} <- DocIdViewIdKeys],
+ {ok, LookupResults, IdBtree2}
+ = couch_btree:query_modify(IdBtree, LookupDocIds, AddDocIdViewIdKeys, RemoveDocIds),
+ KeysToRemoveByView = lists:foldl(
+ fun(LookupResult, KeysToRemoveByViewAcc) ->
+ case LookupResult of
+ {ok, {DocId, ViewIdKeys}} ->
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun({ViewId, Key}, KeysToRemoveByViewAcc2) ->
+ dict:append(ViewId, {Key, DocId}, KeysToRemoveByViewAcc2)
+ end,
+ KeysToRemoveByViewAcc, ViewIdKeys);
+ {not_found, _} ->
+ KeysToRemoveByViewAcc
+ end
+ end,
+ dict:new(), LookupResults),
+ Views2 = [
+ begin
+ KeysToRemove = dict_find(View#view.id_num, [], KeysToRemoveByView),
+ {ok, ViewBtree2} = couch_btree:add_remove(View#view.btree, AddKeyValues, KeysToRemove),
+ View#view{btree = ViewBtree2}
+ end
+ ||
+ {View, AddKeyValues} <- ViewKeyValuesToAdd
+ ],
+ Group2 = Group#group{views=Views2, current_seq=NewSeq, id_btree=IdBtree2},
+ {ok, Group2}.