path: root/src/couchdb/couch_rep.erl
diff options
authorNoah Slater <>2009-07-06 00:33:50 +0000
committerNoah Slater <>2009-07-06 00:33:50 +0000
commit282b96ddd9a84b740788c2358ec0f5fedafb7cc6 (patch)
treefb48e605ceb8079d0195d3b1ec0eca7110fa7ef2 /src/couchdb/couch_rep.erl
parentb5cc085d3bc6316063f14adedf20632ee904875d (diff)
trimmed trailing whitespace
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
Diffstat (limited to 'src/couchdb/couch_rep.erl')
1 files changed, 108 insertions, 108 deletions
diff --git a/src/couchdb/couch_rep.erl b/src/couchdb/couch_rep.erl
index f5b560e9..a503684b 100644
--- a/src/couchdb/couch_rep.erl
+++ b/src/couchdb/couch_rep.erl
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
--export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2,
+-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2,
@@ -24,24 +24,24 @@
-%% @spec replicate(Source::binary(), Target::binary()) ->
+%% @spec replicate(Source::binary(), Target::binary()) ->
%% {ok, Stats} | {error, Reason}
-%% @doc Triggers a replication. Stats is a JSON Object with the following
+%% @doc Triggers a replication. Stats is a JSON Object with the following
%% keys: session_id (UUID), source_last_seq (integer), and history (array).
%% Each element of the history is an Object with keys start_time, end_time,
%% start_last_seq, end_last_seq, missing_checked, missing_found, docs_read,
%% and docs_written.
%% The supervisor will try to restart the replication in case of any error
-%% other than shutdown. Just call this function again to listen for the
+%% other than shutdown. Just call this function again to listen for the
%% result of the retry.
replicate(Source, Target) ->
{ok, HostName} = inet:gethostname(),
RepId = couch_util:to_hex(
erlang:md5(term_to_binary([HostName, Source, Target]))),
Args = [?MODULE, [RepId, Source,Target], []],
Replicator = {RepId,
{gen_server, start_link, Args},
@@ -49,31 +49,31 @@ replicate(Source, Target) ->
Server = case supervisor:start_child(couch_rep_sup, Replicator) of
- {ok, Pid} ->
+ {ok, Pid} ->
?LOG_INFO("starting new replication ~p at ~p", [RepId, Pid]),
{error, already_present} ->
case supervisor:restart_child(couch_rep_sup, RepId) of
- {ok, Pid} ->
+ {ok, Pid} ->
?LOG_INFO("starting replication ~p at ~p", [RepId, Pid]),
- {error, running} ->
+ {error, running} ->
%% this error occurs if multiple replicators are racing
%% each other to start and somebody else won. Just grab
%% the Pid by calling start_child again.
- {error, {already_started, Pid}} =
+ {error, {already_started, Pid}} =
supervisor:start_child(couch_rep_sup, Replicator),
?LOG_INFO("replication ~p already running at ~p", [RepId, Pid]),
- {error, {already_started, Pid}} ->
+ {error, {already_started, Pid}} ->
?LOG_INFO("replication ~p already running at ~p", [RepId, Pid]),
- case gen_server:call(Server, get_result, infinity) of
+ case gen_server:call(Server, get_result, infinity) of
retry -> replicate(Source, Target);
Else -> Else
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ replicate(Source, Target) ->
-record(state, {
@@ -103,19 +103,19 @@ replicate(Source, Target) ->
init([RepId, Source, Target]) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
{ok, DbSrc, SrcName} = open_db(Source),
{ok, DbTgt, TgtName} = open_db(Target),
DocKey = ?l2b(?LOCAL_DOC_PREFIX ++ RepId),
{ok, InfoSrc} = get_db_info(DbSrc),
{ok, InfoTgt} = get_db_info(DbTgt),
ReplicationStartTime = httpd_util:rfc1123_date(),
SrcInstanceStartTime = proplists:get_value(instance_start_time, InfoSrc),
TgtInstanceStartTime = proplists:get_value(instance_start_time, InfoTgt),
RepRecDocSrc =
case open_doc(DbSrc, DocKey, []) of
{ok, SrcDoc} ->
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ init([RepId, Source, Target]) ->
_ -> #doc{id=DocKey}
RepRecDocTgt =
case open_doc(DbTgt, DocKey, []) of
{ok, TgtDoc} ->
@@ -131,11 +131,11 @@ init([RepId, Source, Target]) ->
_ -> #doc{id=DocKey}
#doc{body={RepRecProps}} = RepRecDocSrc,
#doc{body={RepRecPropsTgt}} = RepRecDocTgt,
- case proplists:get_value(<<"session_id">>, RepRecProps) ==
+ case proplists:get_value(<<"session_id">>, RepRecProps) ==
proplists:get_value(<<"session_id">>, RepRecPropsTgt) of
true ->
% if the records have the same session id,
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ init([RepId, Source, Target]) ->
OldSeqNum = 0,
OldHistory = []
Context = [
{start_seq, OldSeqNum},
{history, OldHistory},
@@ -160,20 +160,20 @@ init([RepId, Source, Target]) ->
{src_record, RepRecDocSrc},
{tgt_record, RepRecDocTgt}
Stats = ets:new(replication_stats, [set, private]),
ets:insert(Stats, {total_revs,0}),
ets:insert(Stats, {missing_revs, 0}),
ets:insert(Stats, {docs_read, 0}),
ets:insert(Stats, {docs_written, 0}),
ets:insert(Stats, {doc_write_failures, 0}),
couch_task_status:add_task("Replication", <<SrcName/binary, " -> ",
TgtName/binary>>, "Starting"),
Parent = self(),
Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> enum_docs_since(Parent,DbSrc,DbTgt,{OldSeqNum,0}) end),
State = #state{
context = Context,
current_seq = OldSeqNum,
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ init([RepId, Source, Target]) ->
target = DbTgt,
stats = Stats
{ok, State}.
handle_call(get_result, From, #state{listeners=L,done=true} = State) ->
{stop, normal, State#state{listeners=[From|L]}};
@@ -200,14 +200,14 @@ handle_call({replicate_doc, {Id, Revs}}, {Pid,_}, #state{enum_pid=Pid} = State)
} = State,
ets:update_counter(Stats, missing_revs, length(Revs)),
%% get document(s)
{ok, DocResults} = open_doc_revs(Source, Id, Revs, [latest]),
Docs = [RevDoc || {ok, RevDoc} <- DocResults],
ets:update_counter(Stats, docs_read, length(Docs)),
%% save them (maybe in a buffer)
- {NewBuffer, NewContext} =
+ {NewBuffer, NewContext} =
case should_flush(lists:flatlength([Docs|Buffer])) of
true ->
Docs2 = lists:flatten([Docs|Buffer]),
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ handle_call({replicate_doc, {Id, Revs}}, {Pid,_}, #state{enum_pid=Pid} = State)
false ->
{[Docs | Buffer], Context}
{reply, ok, State#state{context=NewContext, docs_buffer=NewBuffer}};
handle_call({fin, {LastSeq, RevsCount}}, {Pid,_}, #state{enum_pid=Pid} = State) ->
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, #state{enum_pid=Pid} = State) ->
Parent = self(),
NewPid = spawn_link(fun() -> enum_docs_since(Parent,Src,Tgt,{Seq,0}) end),
{noreply, State#state{enum_pid=NewPid}};
%% if any linked process dies, respawn the enumerator to get things going again
handle_info({'EXIT', _From, normal}, State) ->
{noreply, State};
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ terminate(normal, State) ->
target = Target,
stats = Stats
} = State,
try update_docs(Target, lists:flatten(Buffer), [], replicated_changes) of
{ok, Errors} ->
@@ -289,18 +289,18 @@ terminate(normal, State) ->
?LOG_ERROR("attachment request failed during final write", []),
exit({internal_server_error, replication_link_failure})
{ok, NewRepHistory, _} = do_checkpoint(Source, Target, Context, Seq, Stats),
[Original|Rest] = Listeners,
gen_server:reply(Original, {ok, NewRepHistory}),
- %% maybe trigger another replication. If this replicator uses a local
- %% source Db, changes to that Db since we started will not be included in
+ %% maybe trigger another replication. If this replicator uses a local
+ %% source Db, changes to that Db since we started will not be included in
%% this pass.
case up_to_date(Source, Seq) of
true ->
@@ -319,9 +319,9 @@ terminate(Reason, State) ->
target = Target,
stats = Stats
} = State,
[gen_server:reply(L, {error, Reason}) || L <- Listeners],
@@ -345,19 +345,19 @@ dump_update_errors([{{Id, Rev}, Error}|Rest]) ->
attachment_loop(ReqId, Conn) ->
- receive
+ receive
{From, {set_req_id, NewId}} ->
%% we learn the ReqId to listen for
From ! {self(), {ok, NewId}},
attachment_loop(NewId, Conn);
{ibrowse_async_headers, ReqId, Status, Headers} ->
%% we got header, give the controlling process a chance to react
- receive
- {From, gimme_status} ->
+ receive
+ {From, gimme_status} ->
%% send status/headers to controller
From ! {self(), {status, Status, Headers}},
- {From, continue} ->
+ {From, continue} ->
%% normal case
attachment_loop(ReqId, Conn);
{From, fail} ->
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ attachment_loop(ReqId, Conn) ->
?LOG_ERROR("streaming attachment failed with ~p", [Err]),
catch ibrowse:stop_worker_process(Conn),
- {ibrowse_async_response, ReqId, Data} ->
+ {ibrowse_async_response, ReqId, Data} ->
receive {From, gimme_data} -> From ! {self(), Data} end,
attachment_loop(ReqId, Conn);
{ibrowse_async_response_end, ReqId} ->
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ attachment_stub_converter(DbS, Id, Rev, {Name, {stub, Type, Length}}) ->
Url = lists:flatten([DbUrl, url_encode(Id), "/", url_encode(?b2l(Name)),
"?rev=", ?b2l(couch_doc:rev_to_str({Pos,RevId}))]),
?LOG_DEBUG("Attachment URL ~s", [Url]),
- {ok, RcvFun} = make_attachment_stub_receiver(Url, Headers, Name,
+ {ok, RcvFun} = make_attachment_stub_receiver(Url, Headers, Name,
Type, Length),
{Name, {Type, {RcvFun, Length}}}.
@@ -404,21 +404,21 @@ make_attachment_stub_receiver(Url, Headers, Name, Type, Length) ->
make_attachment_stub_receiver(Url, Headers, Name, Type, Length, 10, 1000).
make_attachment_stub_receiver(Url, _Headers, _Name, _Type, _Length, 0, _Pause) ->
- ?LOG_ERROR("streaming attachment request failed after 10 retries: ~s",
+ ?LOG_ERROR("streaming attachment request failed after 10 retries: ~s",
exit({attachment_request_failed, ?l2b(["failed to replicate ", Url])});
make_attachment_stub_receiver(Url, Headers, Name, Type, Length, Retries, Pause) ->
%% start the process that receives attachment data from ibrowse
#url{host=Host, port=Port} = ibrowse_lib:parse_url(Url),
{ok, Conn} = ibrowse:spawn_link_worker_process(Host, Port),
Pid = spawn_link(fun() -> attachment_loop(nil, Conn) end),
%% make the async request
Opts = [{stream_to, Pid}, {response_format, binary}],
- ReqId =
+ ReqId =
case ibrowse:send_req_direct(Conn, Url, Headers, get, [], Opts, infinity) of
- {ibrowse_req_id, X} ->
+ {ibrowse_req_id, X} ->
{error, Reason} ->
?LOG_INFO("retrying couch_rep attachment request in ~p " ++
@@ -428,11 +428,11 @@ make_attachment_stub_receiver(Url, Headers, Name, Type, Length, Retries, Pause)
make_attachment_stub_receiver(Url, Headers, Name, Type, Length,
Retries-1, 2*Pause)
%% tell our receiver about the ReqId it needs to look for
Pid ! {self(), {set_req_id, ReqId}},
- receive
- {Pid, {ok, ReqId}} ->
+ receive
+ {Pid, {ok, ReqId}} ->
{'EXIT', Pid, _Reason} ->
catch ibrowse:stop_worker_process(Conn),
@@ -440,19 +440,19 @@ make_attachment_stub_receiver(Url, Headers, Name, Type, Length, Retries, Pause)
make_attachment_stub_receiver(Url, Headers, Name, Type, Length,
Retries-1, 2*Pause)
%% wait for headers to ensure that we have a 200 status code
%% this is where we follow redirects etc
- Pid ! {self(), gimme_status},
+ Pid ! {self(), gimme_status},
{'EXIT', Pid, attachment_request_failed} ->
catch ibrowse:stop_worker_process(Conn),
make_attachment_stub_receiver(Url, Headers, Name, Type, Length,
Retries-1, Pause);
- {Pid, {status, StreamStatus, StreamHeaders}} ->
+ {Pid, {status, StreamStatus, StreamHeaders}} ->
?LOG_DEBUG("streaming attachment Status ~p Headers ~p",
[StreamStatus, StreamHeaders]),
ResponseCode = list_to_integer(StreamStatus),
ResponseCode >= 200, ResponseCode < 300 ->
@@ -461,10 +461,10 @@ make_attachment_stub_receiver(Url, Headers, Name, Type, Length, Retries, Pause)
%% this function goes into the streaming attachment code.
%% It gets executed by the replication gen_server, so it can't
%% be the one to actually receive the ibrowse data.
- {ok, fun() ->
- Pid ! {self(), gimme_data},
- receive
- {Pid, Data} ->
+ {ok, fun() ->
+ Pid ! {self(), gimme_data},
+ receive
+ {Pid, Data} ->
{'EXIT', Pid, attachment_request_failed} ->
@@ -473,25 +473,25 @@ make_attachment_stub_receiver(Url, Headers, Name, Type, Length, Retries, Pause)
ResponseCode >= 300, ResponseCode < 400 ->
% follow the redirect
Pid ! {self(), stop_ok},
- RedirectUrl = mochiweb_headers:get_value("Location",
+ RedirectUrl = mochiweb_headers:get_value("Location",
catch ibrowse:stop_worker_process(Conn),
make_attachment_stub_receiver(RedirectUrl, Headers, Name, Type,
Length, Retries - 1, Pause);
- ResponseCode >= 400, ResponseCode < 500 ->
+ ResponseCode >= 400, ResponseCode < 500 ->
% an error... log and fail
- ?LOG_ERROR("streaming attachment failed with code ~p: ~s",
+ ?LOG_ERROR("streaming attachment failed with code ~p: ~s",
[ResponseCode, Url]),
Pid ! {self(), fail},
ResponseCode == 500 ->
% an error... log and retry
- ?LOG_INFO("retrying couch_rep attachment request in ~p " ++
+ ?LOG_INFO("retrying couch_rep attachment request in ~p " ++
"seconds due to 500 response: ~s", [Pause/1000, Url]),
Pid ! {self(), fail},
catch ibrowse:stop_worker_process(Conn),
- make_attachment_stub_receiver(Url, Headers, Name, Type, Length,
+ make_attachment_stub_receiver(Url, Headers, Name, Type, Length,
Retries - 1, 2*Pause)
@@ -522,28 +522,28 @@ do_checkpoint(Source, Target, Context, NewSeqNum, Stats) ->
{src_record, #doc{body={LastRepRecord}}=RepRecDocSrc},
{tgt_record, RepRecDocTgt}
] = Context,
case NewSeqNum == StartSeqNum andalso OldHistory /= [] of
true ->
% nothing changed, don't record results
{ok, {[{<<"no_changes">>, true} | LastRepRecord]}, Context};
false ->
% something changed, record results for incremental replication,
% commit changes to both src and tgt. The src because if changes
- % we replicated are lost, we'll record the a seq number ahead
+ % we replicated are lost, we'll record the a seq number ahead
% of what was committed. If those changes are lost and the seq number
% reverts to a previous committed value, we will skip future changes
% when new doc updates are given our already replicated seq nums.
% commit the src async
ParentPid = self(),
- SrcCommitPid = spawn_link(fun() ->
+ SrcCommitPid = spawn_link(fun() ->
ParentPid ! {self(), ensure_full_commit(Source)} end),
% commit tgt sync
{ok, TgtInstanceStartTime2} = ensure_full_commit(Target),
SrcInstanceStartTime2 =
{SrcCommitPid, {ok, Timestamp}} ->
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ do_checkpoint(Source, Target, Context, NewSeqNum, Stats) ->
{'EXIT', SrcCommitPid, {http_request_failed, _}} ->
RecordSeqNum =
if SrcInstanceStartTime2 == SrcInstanceStartTime andalso
TgtInstanceStartTime2 == TgtInstanceStartTime ->
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ do_checkpoint(Source, Target, Context, NewSeqNum, Stats) ->
"replication is redone and documents reexamined.", []),
NewHistoryEntry = {
[{<<"start_time">>, list_to_binary(ReplicationStartTime)},
{<<"end_time">>, list_to_binary(httpd_util:rfc1123_date())},
@@ -582,11 +582,11 @@ do_checkpoint(Source, Target, Context, NewSeqNum, Stats) ->
{<<"source_last_seq">>, RecordSeqNum},
{<<"history">>, HistEntries}]},
- {ok, {SrcRevPos,SrcRevId}} = update_doc(Source,
+ {ok, {SrcRevPos,SrcRevId}} = update_doc(Source,
RepRecDocSrc#doc{body=NewRepHistory}, []),
{ok, {TgtRevPos,TgtRevId}} = update_doc(Target,
RepRecDocTgt#doc{body=NewRepHistory}, []),
NewContext = [
{start_seq, StartSeqNum},
{history, OldHistory},
@@ -596,9 +596,9 @@ do_checkpoint(Source, Target, Context, NewSeqNum, Stats) ->
{src_record, RepRecDocSrc#doc{revs={SrcRevPos,[SrcRevId]}}},
{tgt_record, RepRecDocTgt#doc{revs={TgtRevPos,[TgtRevId]}}}
{ok, NewRepHistory, NewContext}
do_http_request(Url, Action, Headers) ->
@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ do_http_request(Url, Action, Headers, JsonBody) ->
do_http_request(Url, Action, Headers, Body, Retries, Pause) when is_binary(Url) ->
do_http_request(?b2l(Url), Action, Headers, Body, Retries, Pause);
do_http_request(Url, Action, _Headers, _JsonBody, 0, _Pause) ->
- ?LOG_ERROR("couch_rep HTTP ~p request failed after 10 retries: ~s",
+ ?LOG_ERROR("couch_rep HTTP ~p request failed after 10 retries: ~s",
[Action, Url]),
exit({http_request_failed, ?l2b(["failed to replicate ", Url])});
do_http_request(Url, Action, Headers, JsonBody, Retries, Pause) ->
@@ -637,27 +637,27 @@ do_http_request(Url, Action, Headers, JsonBody, Retries, Pause) ->
ResponseCode >= 200, ResponseCode < 300 ->
ResponseCode >= 300, ResponseCode < 400 ->
- RedirectUrl = mochiweb_headers:get_value("Location",
+ RedirectUrl = mochiweb_headers:get_value("Location",
do_http_request(RedirectUrl, Action, Headers, JsonBody, Retries-1,
- ResponseCode >= 400, ResponseCode < 500 ->
- ?JSON_DECODE(ResponseBody);
+ ResponseCode >= 400, ResponseCode < 500 ->
+ ?JSON_DECODE(ResponseBody);
ResponseCode == 500 ->
- ?LOG_INFO("retrying couch_rep HTTP ~p request in ~p seconds " ++
+ ?LOG_INFO("retrying couch_rep HTTP ~p request in ~p seconds " ++
"due to 500 error: ~s", [Action, Pause/1000, Url]),
do_http_request(Url, Action, Headers, JsonBody, Retries - 1, 2*Pause)
{error, Reason} ->
- ?LOG_INFO("retrying couch_rep HTTP ~p request in ~p seconds due to " ++
+ ?LOG_INFO("retrying couch_rep HTTP ~p request in ~p seconds due to " ++
"{error, ~p}: ~s", [Action, Pause/1000, Reason, Url]),
do_http_request(Url, Action, Headers, JsonBody, Retries - 1, 2*Pause)
ensure_full_commit(#http_db{uri=DbUrl, headers=Headers}) ->
- {ResultProps} = do_http_request(DbUrl ++ "_ensure_full_commit", post,
+ {ResultProps} = do_http_request(DbUrl ++ "_ensure_full_commit", post,
Headers, true),
true = proplists:get_value(<<"ok">>, ResultProps),
{ok, proplists:get_value(<<"instance_start_time">>, ResultProps)};
@@ -672,22 +672,22 @@ enum_docs_since(Pid, DbSource, DbTarget, {StartSeq, RevsCount}) ->
SrcRevsList = lists:map(fun(#doc_info{id=Id,revs=RevInfos}) ->
SrcRevs = [Rev || #rev_info{rev=Rev} <- RevInfos],
{Id, SrcRevs}
- end, DocInfoList),
+ end, DocInfoList),
{ok, MissingRevs} = get_missing_revs(DbTarget, SrcRevsList),
%% do we need to check for success here?
- [gen_server:call(Pid, {replicate_doc, Info}, infinity)
+ [gen_server:call(Pid, {replicate_doc, Info}, infinity)
|| Info <- MissingRevs ],
#doc_info{high_seq=LastSeq} = lists:last(DocInfoList),
RevsCount2 = RevsCount + length(SrcRevsList),
gen_server:cast(Pid, {increment_update_seq, LastSeq}),
enum_docs_since(Pid, DbSource, DbTarget, {LastSeq, RevsCount2})
get_db_info(#http_db{uri=DbUrl, headers=Headers}) ->
{DbProps} = do_http_request(DbUrl, get, Headers),
{ok, [{list_to_atom(?b2l(K)), V} || {K,V} <- DbProps]};
@@ -695,14 +695,14 @@ get_db_info(Db) ->
get_doc_info_list(#http_db{uri=DbUrl, headers=Headers}, StartSeq) ->
- Url = DbUrl ++ "_all_docs_by_seq?limit=100&startkey="
+ Url = DbUrl ++ "_all_docs_by_seq?limit=100&startkey="
++ integer_to_list(StartSeq),
{Results} = do_http_request(Url, get, Headers),
lists:map(fun({RowInfoList}) ->
{RowValueProps} = proplists:get_value(<<"value">>, RowInfoList),
Seq = proplists:get_value(<<"key">>, RowInfoList),
- Revs =
- [#rev_info{rev=couch_doc:parse_rev(proplists:get_value(<<"rev">>, RowValueProps)), deleted = proplists:get_value(<<"deleted">>, RowValueProps, false)} |
+ Revs =
+ [#rev_info{rev=couch_doc:parse_rev(proplists:get_value(<<"rev">>, RowValueProps)), deleted = proplists:get_value(<<"deleted">>, RowValueProps, false)} |
[#rev_info{rev=Rev,deleted=false} || Rev <- couch_doc:parse_revs(proplists:get_value(<<"conflicts">>, RowValueProps, []))] ++
[#rev_info{rev=Rev,deleted=true} || Rev <- couch_doc:parse_revs(proplists:get_value(<<"deleted_conflicts">>, RowValueProps, []))]],
@@ -712,11 +712,11 @@ get_doc_info_list(#http_db{uri=DbUrl, headers=Headers}, StartSeq) ->
end, proplists:get_value(<<"rows">>, Results));
get_doc_info_list(DbSource, StartSeq) ->
- {ok, {_Count, DocInfoList}} = couch_db:enum_docs_since(DbSource, StartSeq,
+ {ok, {_Count, DocInfoList}} = couch_db:enum_docs_since(DbSource, StartSeq,
fun (_, _, {100, DocInfoList}) ->
{stop, {100, DocInfoList}};
- (DocInfo, _, {Count, DocInfoList}) ->
- {ok, {Count+1, [DocInfo|DocInfoList]}}
+ (DocInfo, _, {Count, DocInfoList}) ->
+ {ok, {Count+1, [DocInfo|DocInfoList]}}
end, {0, []}),
@@ -742,14 +742,14 @@ open_doc(#http_db{uri=DbUrl, headers=Headers}, DocId, Options) ->
open_doc(Db, DocId, Options) ->
couch_db:open_doc(Db, DocId, Options).
-open_doc_revs(#http_db{uri=DbUrl, headers=Headers} = DbS, DocId, Revs0,
+open_doc_revs(#http_db{uri=DbUrl, headers=Headers} = DbS, DocId, Revs0,
[latest]) ->
Revs = couch_doc:rev_to_strs(Revs0),
BaseUrl = DbUrl ++ url_encode(DocId) ++ "?revs=true&latest=true",
%% MochiWeb expects URLs < 8KB long, so maybe split into multiple requests
MaxN = trunc((8192 - length(BaseUrl))/14),
JsonResults = case length(Revs) > MaxN of
false ->
Url = ?l2b(BaseUrl ++ "&open_revs=" ++ ?JSON_ENCODE(Revs)),
@@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ open_doc_revs(#http_db{uri=DbUrl, headers=Headers} = DbS, DocId, Revs0,
Acc ++ do_http_request(?l2b(BaseUrl ++ "&open_revs=" ++
?JSON_ENCODE(lists:reverse(Rest))), get, Headers)
Results =
fun({[{<<"missing">>, Rev}]}) ->
@@ -791,7 +791,7 @@ should_flush(DocCount) when DocCount > ?BUFFER_NDOCS ->
should_flush(_DocCount) ->
MeAndMyLinks = [self()|
[P || P <- element(2,process_info(self(),links)), is_pid(P)]],
case length(MeAndMyLinks)/2 > ?BUFFER_NATTACHMENTS of
true -> true;
false ->