path: root/src/couchdb/couch_db.erl
diff options
authorDamien F. Katz <>2008-04-20 18:17:15 +0000
committerDamien F. Katz <>2008-04-20 18:17:15 +0000
commitfb5b6bbc5aa941478d700e8fb3011c2a24c4d2d4 (patch)
treebcc23ed4869f395e894f76ec3fb5e76f75a5ba98 /src/couchdb/couch_db.erl
parentad230e67fb09883e2171291d5a42635f5e2addb9 (diff)
Added proper UUID generation and changed the details of how way debug logging is done to now use a more effcient macro instead of a function call.
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
Diffstat (limited to 'src/couchdb/couch_db.erl')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/src/couchdb/couch_db.erl b/src/couchdb/couch_db.erl
index 60d951c9..289cc4f9 100644
--- a/src/couchdb/couch_db.erl
+++ b/src/couchdb/couch_db.erl
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ start_link0(DbName, Filepath, Options) ->
% crashed during the file switch.
case couch_file:open(Filepath ++ ".compact") of
{ok, Fd0} ->
- couch_log:info("Found ~s~s compaction file, using as primary storage.", [Filepath, ".compact"]),
+ ?LOG_INFO("Found ~s~s compaction file, using as primary storage.", [Filepath, ".compact"]),
ok = file:rename(Filepath ++ ".compact", Filepath),
{error, enoent} ->
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ start_link0(DbName, Filepath, Options) ->
% We successfully opened the db, delete old storage files if around
case file:delete(Filepath ++ ".old") of
ok ->
- couch_log:info("Deleted old storage file ~s~s", [Filepath, ".old"]);
+ ?LOG_INFO("Deleted old storage file ~s~s", [Filepath, ".old"]);
{error, enoent} ->
ok % normal result
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.
handle_info(Msg, Db) ->
- couch_log:error("Bad message received for db ~s: ~p", [, Msg]),
+ ?LOG_ERROR("Bad message received for db ~s: ~p", [, Msg]),
exit({error, Msg}).
@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ update_loop(#db{fd=Fd,name=Name,filepath=Filepath, main_pid=MainPid}=Db) ->
compact ->
case Db#db.compactor_pid of
nil ->
- couch_log:info("Starting compaction for db \"~s\"", [Name]),
+ ?LOG_INFO("Starting compaction for db \"~s\"", [Name]),
Pid = spawn_link(couch_db, start_copy_compact_int, [Db, true]),
Db2 = Db#db{compactor_pid=Pid},
ok = gen_server:call(MainPid, {db_updated, Db2}),
@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ update_loop(#db{fd=Fd,name=Name,filepath=Filepath, main_pid=MainPid}=Db) ->
init_db(Name, CompactFilepath, NewFd, NewHeader),
case Db#db.update_seq == NewSeq of
true ->
- couch_log:debug("CouchDB swapping files ~s and ~s.", [Filepath, CompactFilepath]),
+ ?LOG_DEBUG("CouchDB swapping files ~s and ~s.", [Filepath, CompactFilepath]),
ok = file:rename(Filepath, Filepath ++ ".old"),
ok = file:rename(CompactFilepath, Filepath),
@@ -544,10 +544,10 @@ update_loop(#db{fd=Fd,name=Name,filepath=Filepath, main_pid=MainPid}=Db) ->
ok = gen_server:call(MainPid, {db_updated, NewDb2}),
- couch_log:info("Compaction for db ~p completed.", [Name]),
+ ?LOG_INFO("Compaction for db ~p completed.", [Name]),
false ->
- couch_log:info("Compaction file still behind main file "
+ ?LOG_INFO("Compaction file still behind main file "
"(update seq=~p. compact update seq=~p). Retrying.",
[Db#db.update_seq, NewSeq]),
Pid = spawn_link(couch_db, start_copy_compact_int, [Db, false]),
@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ update_loop(#db{fd=Fd,name=Name,filepath=Filepath, main_pid=MainPid}=Db) ->
Else ->
- couch_log:error("Unknown message received in db ~s:~p", [, Else]),
+ ?LOG_ERROR("Unknown message received in db ~s:~p", [, Else]),
exit({error, Else})
@@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ flush_trees(#db{fd=Fd}=Db, [Unflushed | RestUnflushed], AccFlushed) ->
_ ->
% BinFd must not equal our Fd. This can happen when a database
% is being updated during a compaction
- couch_log:debug("File where the attachments are written has changed. Possibly retrying."),
+ ?LOG_DEBUG("File where the attachments are written has changed. Possibly retrying.", []),
{ok, NewSummaryPointer} = couch_stream:write_term(Db#db.summary_stream, {Doc#doc.body, Bins}),
@@ -876,6 +876,7 @@ commit_data(#db{fd=Fd, header=Header} = Db) ->
if Header == Header2 ->
Db; % unchanged. nothing to do
true ->
+ %ok = couch_file:sync(Fd),
ok = couch_file:write_header(Fd, <<$g, $m, $k, 0>>, Header2),
Db#db{header = Header2}
@@ -941,10 +942,10 @@ copy_compact_docs(Db, NewDb) ->
start_copy_compact_int(#db{name=Name,filepath=Filepath}=Db, CopyLocal) ->
CompactFile = Filepath ++ ".compact",
- couch_log:debug("Compaction process spawned for db \"~s\"", [Name]),
+ ?LOG_DEBUG("Compaction process spawned for db \"~s\"", [Name]),
case couch_file:open(CompactFile) of
{ok, Fd} ->
- couch_log:debug("Found existing compaction file for db \"~s\"", [Name]),
+ ?LOG_DEBUG("Found existing compaction file for db \"~s\"", [Name]),
{ok, Header} = couch_file:read_header(Fd, <<$g, $m, $k, 0>>);
{error, enoent} -> %
{ok, Fd} = couch_file:open(CompactFile, [create]),