path: root/src/couchdb/couch_btree.erl
diff options
authorDamien F. Katz <>2008-08-14 17:47:24 +0000
committerDamien F. Katz <>2008-08-14 17:47:24 +0000
commit17333052c495d2015accb7fb57cfcc96d3e7f011 (patch)
tree4ae1012f68741ba2f2ef4ec691500e5c464dbcd9 /src/couchdb/couch_btree.erl
parent0e6e3a16bd50bb9c130f5832ac2acd09c1c33a70 (diff)
CouchDB performance work. Faster Btree updates and lookups.
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
Diffstat (limited to 'src/couchdb/couch_btree.erl')
1 files changed, 99 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/src/couchdb/couch_btree.erl b/src/couchdb/couch_btree.erl
index 563e6040..a20e1a9f 100644
--- a/src/couchdb/couch_btree.erl
+++ b/src/couchdb/couch_btree.erl
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
-export([open/2, open/3, query_modify/4, add/2, add_remove/3, foldl/3, foldl/4]).
-export([foldr/3, foldr/4, fold/4, fold/5, full_reduce/1, final_reduce/2]).
--export([fold_reduce/7, lookup/2, get_state/1, set_options/2, test/1, test/0]).
+-export([fold_reduce/7, lookup/2, get_state/1, set_options/2]).
+-export([test/1, test/0, test_remove/2, test_add/2]).
-define(CHUNK_THRESHOLD, 16#4ff).
@@ -180,49 +181,52 @@ lookup(Bt, {Pointer, _Reds}, Keys) ->
{NodeType, NodeList} = get_node(Bt, Pointer),
case NodeType of
kp_node ->
- lookup_kpnode(Bt, NodeList, Keys, []);
+ lookup_kpnode(Bt, list_to_tuple(NodeList), 1, Keys, []);
kv_node ->
- lookup_kvnode(Bt, NodeList, Keys, [])
+ lookup_kvnode(Bt, list_to_tuple(NodeList), 1, Keys, [])
-lookup_kpnode(_Bt, [], Keys, Output) ->
- {ok, lists:reverse(Output, [{Key, not_found} || Key <- Keys])};
-lookup_kpnode(_Bt, _KPs, [], Output) ->
+lookup_kpnode(_Bt, _NodeTuple, _LowerBound, [], Output) ->
{ok, lists:reverse(Output)};
+lookup_kpnode(_Bt, NodeTuple, LowerBound, Keys, Output) when size(NodeTuple) < LowerBound ->
+ {ok, lists:reverse(Output, [{Key, not_found} || Key <- Keys])};
-lookup_kpnode(Bt, [{Key, PointerInfo} | RestKPs], LookupKeys, Output) ->
- % Split the Keys into two lists, queries of values less
- % than equals, and greater than the current key
+lookup_kpnode(Bt, NodeTuple, LowerBound, [FirstLookupKey | _] = LookupKeys, Output) ->
+ N = find_first_gteq(Bt, NodeTuple, LowerBound, size(NodeTuple), FirstLookupKey),
+ {Key, PointerInfo} = element(N, NodeTuple),
SplitFun = fun(LookupKey) -> not less(Bt, Key, LookupKey) end,
case lists:splitwith(SplitFun, LookupKeys) of
{[], GreaterQueries} ->
- lookup_kpnode(Bt, RestKPs, GreaterQueries, Output);
+ lookup_kpnode(Bt, NodeTuple, N + 1, GreaterQueries, Output);
{LessEqQueries, GreaterQueries} ->
{ok, Results} = lookup(Bt, PointerInfo, LessEqQueries),
- lookup_kpnode(Bt, RestKPs, GreaterQueries, lists:reverse(Results, Output))
+ lookup_kpnode(Bt, NodeTuple, N + 1, GreaterQueries, lists:reverse(Results, Output))
-lookup_kvnode(_Bt, _KVs, [], Output) ->
+lookup_kvnode(_Bt, _NodeTuple, _LowerBound, [], Output) ->
{ok, lists:reverse(Output)};
-lookup_kvnode(_Bt, [], Keys, Output) ->
+lookup_kvnode(_Bt, NodeTuple, LowerBound, Keys, Output) when size(NodeTuple) < LowerBound ->
% keys not found
{ok, lists:reverse(Output, [{Key, not_found} || Key <- Keys])};
-lookup_kvnode(Bt, [{Key, Value} | RestKVs], [LookupKey | RestLookupKeys], Output) ->
+lookup_kvnode(Bt, NodeTuple, LowerBound, [LookupKey | RestLookupKeys], Output) ->
+ N = find_first_gteq(Bt, NodeTuple, LowerBound, size(NodeTuple), LookupKey),
+ {Key, Value} = element(N, NodeTuple),
case less(Bt, LookupKey, Key) of
true ->
- lookup_kvnode(Bt, [{Key, Value} | RestKVs], RestLookupKeys, [{LookupKey, not_found} | Output]);
+ % LookupKey is less than Key
+ lookup_kvnode(Bt, NodeTuple, N, RestLookupKeys, [{LookupKey, not_found} | Output]);
false ->
case less(Bt, Key, LookupKey) of
true ->
% LookupKey is greater than Key
- lookup_kvnode(Bt, RestKVs, [LookupKey | RestLookupKeys], Output);
+ lookup_kvnode(Bt, NodeTuple, N+1, RestLookupKeys, [{LookupKey, not_found} | Output]);
false ->
% LookupKey is equal to Key
- lookup_kvnode(Bt, RestKVs, RestLookupKeys, [{LookupKey, {ok, assemble(Bt, LookupKey, Value)}} | Output])
+ lookup_kvnode(Bt, NodeTuple, N, RestLookupKeys, [{LookupKey, {ok, assemble(Bt, LookupKey, Value)}} | Output])
@@ -272,17 +276,18 @@ modify_node(Bt, RootPointerInfo, Actions, QueryOutput) ->
{Pointer, _Reds} ->
{NodeType, NodeList} = get_node(Bt, Pointer)
+ NodeTuple = list_to_tuple(NodeList),
case NodeType of
kp_node ->
- {ok, NewNodeList, QueryOutput2, Bt2} = modify_kpnode(Bt, NodeList, Actions, [], QueryOutput);
+ {ok, NewNodeList, QueryOutput2, Bt2} = modify_kpnode(Bt, NodeTuple, 1, Actions, [], QueryOutput);
kv_node ->
- {ok, NewNodeList, QueryOutput2, Bt2} = modify_kvnode(Bt, NodeList, Actions, [], QueryOutput)
+ {ok, NewNodeList, QueryOutput2, Bt2} = modify_kvnode(Bt, NodeTuple, 1, Actions, [], QueryOutput)
case NewNodeList of
[] -> % no nodes remain
{ok, [], QueryOutput2, Bt2};
NodeList -> % nothing changed
- {LastKey, _LastValue} = lists:last(NodeList),
+ {LastKey, _LastValue} = element(size(NodeTuple), NodeTuple),
{ok, [{LastKey, RootPointerInfo}], QueryOutput2, Bt2};
_Else2 ->
{ok, ResultList, Bt3} = write_node(Bt2, NodeType, NewNodeList),
@@ -299,17 +304,6 @@ reduce_node(#btree{reduce=R}, kv_node, NodeList) ->
get_node(#btree{fd = Fd}, NodePos) ->
{ok, {NodeType, NodeList}} = couch_file:pread_term(Fd, NodePos),
- case NodeType of
- kp_node ->
- % Node pointers always point backward on disk.
- % Validating this prevents infinite loops should
- % a disk corruption occur.
- [throw({error, disk_corruption})
- || {_Key, {SubNodePos, _Reds}}
- <- NodeList, SubNodePos >= NodePos];
- kv_node ->
- ok
- end,
{NodeType, NodeList}.
write_node(Bt, NodeType, NodeList) ->
@@ -326,77 +320,108 @@ write_node(Bt, NodeType, NodeList) ->
ANodeList <- NodeListList
{ok, ResultList, Bt}.
-modify_kpnode(Bt, KPs, [], ResultNode, QueryOutput) ->
- % processed all queries for the current tree
- {ok, lists:reverse(ResultNode, KPs), QueryOutput, Bt};
-modify_kpnode(Bt, [], Actions, [], QueryOutput) ->
+modify_kpnode(Bt, {}, _LowerBound, Actions, [], QueryOutput) ->
modify_node(Bt, nil, Actions, QueryOutput);
-modify_kpnode(Bt, [], Actions, [{_Key, PointerInfo} | ResultNode], QueryOutput) ->
- {ok, ChildKPs, QueryOutput2, Bt2} = modify_node(Bt, PointerInfo, Actions, QueryOutput),
- {ok, lists:reverse(ResultNode, ChildKPs), QueryOutput2, Bt2};
-modify_kpnode(Bt, [{Key,PointerInfo} | RestKPs], Actions, ResultNode, QueryOutput) ->
- % Split the actions into two lists, queries of values <= and > than the current key
- SplitFun = fun({_ActionType, ActionKey, _ActionValue}) ->
- not less(Bt, Key, ActionKey)
- end,
- case lists:splitwith(SplitFun, Actions) of
- {[], GreaterQueries} ->
- modify_kpnode(Bt, RestKPs, GreaterQueries, [{Key, PointerInfo} | ResultNode], QueryOutput);
- {LessEqQueries, GreaterQueries} ->
- {ok, ChildKPs, QueryOutput2, Bt2} = modify_node(Bt, PointerInfo, LessEqQueries, QueryOutput),
- modify_kpnode(Bt2, RestKPs, GreaterQueries, lists:reverse(ChildKPs, ResultNode), QueryOutput2)
+modify_kpnode(Bt, NodeTuple, LowerBound, [], ResultNode, QueryOutput) ->
+ {ok, lists:reverse(ResultNode, bounded_tuple_to_list(NodeTuple, LowerBound,
+ size(NodeTuple), [])), QueryOutput, Bt};
+modify_kpnode(Bt, NodeTuple, LowerBound,
+ [{_, FirstActionKey, _}|_]=Actions, ResultNode, QueryOutput) ->
+ N = find_first_gteq(Bt, NodeTuple, LowerBound, size(NodeTuple), FirstActionKey),
+ case N == size(NodeTuple) of
+ true ->
+ % perform remaining actions on last node
+ {_, PointerInfo} = element(size(NodeTuple), NodeTuple),
+ {ok, ChildKPs, QueryOutput2, Bt2} =
+ modify_node(Bt, PointerInfo, Actions, QueryOutput),
+ NodeList = lists:reverse(ResultNode, bounded_tuple_to_list(NodeTuple, LowerBound,
+ size(NodeTuple) - 1, ChildKPs)),
+ {ok, NodeList, QueryOutput2, Bt2};
+ false ->
+ {NodeKey, PointerInfo} = element(N, NodeTuple),
+ SplitFun = fun({_ActionType, ActionKey, _ActionValue}) ->
+ not less(Bt, NodeKey, ActionKey)
+ end,
+ {LessEqQueries, GreaterQueries} = lists:splitwith(SplitFun, Actions),
+ {ok, ChildKPs, QueryOutput2, Bt2} =
+ modify_node(Bt, PointerInfo, LessEqQueries, QueryOutput),
+ ResultNode2 = lists:reverse(ChildKPs, bounded_tuple_to_revlist(NodeTuple,
+ LowerBound, N - 1, ResultNode)),
+ modify_kpnode(Bt2, NodeTuple, N+1, GreaterQueries, ResultNode2, QueryOutput2)
+ end.
+bounded_tuple_to_revlist(_Tuple, Start, End, Tail) when Start > End ->
+ Tail;
+bounded_tuple_to_revlist(Tuple, Start, End, Tail) ->
+ bounded_tuple_to_revlist(Tuple, Start+1, End, [element(Start, Tuple)|Tail]).
+bounded_tuple_to_list(Tuple, Start, End, Tail) ->
+ bounded_tuple_to_list2(Tuple, Start, End, [], Tail).
+bounded_tuple_to_list2(_Tuple, Start, End, Acc, Tail) when Start > End ->
+ lists:reverse(Acc, Tail);
+bounded_tuple_to_list2(Tuple, Start, End, Acc, Tail) ->
+ bounded_tuple_to_list2(Tuple, Start + 1, End, [element(Start, Tuple) | Acc], Tail).
+find_first_gteq(_Bt, _Tuple, Start, End, _Key) when Start == End ->
+ End;
+find_first_gteq(Bt, Tuple, Start, End, Key) ->
+ Mid = Start + ((End - Start) div 2),
+ {TupleKey, _} = element(Mid, Tuple),
+ case less(Bt, TupleKey, Key) of
+ true ->
+ find_first_gteq(Bt, Tuple, Mid+1, End, Key);
+ false ->
+ find_first_gteq(Bt, Tuple, Start, Mid, Key)
-modify_kvnode(Bt, KVs, [], ResultNode, QueryOutput) ->
- {ok, lists:reverse(ResultNode, KVs), QueryOutput, Bt};
-modify_kvnode(Bt, [], [{ActionType, ActionKey, ActionValue} | RestActions], ResultNode, QueryOutput) ->
+modify_kvnode(Bt, NodeTuple, LowerBound, [], ResultNode, QueryOutput) ->
+ {ok, lists:reverse(ResultNode, bounded_tuple_to_list(NodeTuple, LowerBound, size(NodeTuple), [])), QueryOutput, Bt};
+modify_kvnode(Bt, NodeTuple, LowerBound, [{ActionType, ActionKey, ActionValue} | RestActions], ResultNode, QueryOutput) when LowerBound > size(NodeTuple) ->
case ActionType of
insert ->
- modify_kvnode(Bt, [], RestActions, [{ActionKey, ActionValue} | ResultNode], QueryOutput);
+ modify_kvnode(Bt, NodeTuple, LowerBound, RestActions, [{ActionKey, ActionValue} | ResultNode], QueryOutput);
remove ->
% just drop the action
- modify_kvnode(Bt, [], RestActions, ResultNode, QueryOutput);
+ modify_kvnode(Bt, NodeTuple, LowerBound, RestActions, ResultNode, QueryOutput);
fetch ->
% the key/value must not exist in the tree
- modify_kvnode(Bt, [], RestActions, ResultNode, [{not_found, {ActionKey, nil}} | QueryOutput])
+ modify_kvnode(Bt, NodeTuple, LowerBound, RestActions, ResultNode, [{not_found, {ActionKey, nil}} | QueryOutput])
-modify_kvnode(Bt, [{Key, Value} | RestKVs], [{ActionType, ActionKey, ActionValue} | RestActions], ResultNode, QueryOutput) ->
+modify_kvnode(Bt, NodeTuple, LowerBound, [{ActionType, ActionKey, ActionValue} | RestActions], AccNode, QueryOutput) ->
+ N = find_first_gteq(Bt, NodeTuple, LowerBound, size(NodeTuple), ActionKey),
+ {Key, Value} = element(N, NodeTuple),
+ ResultNode = bounded_tuple_to_revlist(NodeTuple, LowerBound, N - 1, AccNode),
case less(Bt, ActionKey, Key) of
true ->
case ActionType of
insert ->
% ActionKey is less than the Key, so insert
- modify_kvnode(Bt, [{Key, Value} | RestKVs], RestActions, [{ActionKey, ActionValue} | ResultNode], QueryOutput);
+ modify_kvnode(Bt, NodeTuple, N, RestActions, [{ActionKey, ActionValue} | ResultNode], QueryOutput);
remove ->
% ActionKey is less than the Key, just drop the action
- modify_kvnode(Bt, [{Key, Value} | RestKVs], RestActions, ResultNode, QueryOutput);
+ modify_kvnode(Bt, NodeTuple, N, RestActions, ResultNode, QueryOutput);
fetch ->
% ActionKey is less than the Key, the key/value must not exist in the tree
- modify_kvnode(Bt, [{Key, Value} | RestKVs], RestActions, ResultNode, [{not_found, {ActionKey, nil}} | QueryOutput])
+ modify_kvnode(Bt, NodeTuple, N, RestActions, ResultNode, [{not_found, {ActionKey, nil}} | QueryOutput])
false ->
+ % ActionKey and Key are maybe equal.
case less(Bt, Key, ActionKey) of
- true ->
- % ActionKey is greater than Key
- modify_kvnode(Bt, RestKVs, [{ActionType, ActionKey, ActionValue} | RestActions], [{Key, Value} | ResultNode], QueryOutput);
false ->
- % InsertKey is equal to Key
case ActionType of
insert ->
- % ActionKey is less than the Key, so insert
- modify_kvnode(Bt, RestKVs, RestActions, [{ActionKey, ActionValue} | ResultNode], QueryOutput);
+ modify_kvnode(Bt, NodeTuple, N+1, RestActions, [{ActionKey, ActionValue} | ResultNode], QueryOutput);
remove ->
- modify_kvnode(Bt, RestKVs, RestActions, ResultNode, QueryOutput);
+ modify_kvnode(Bt, NodeTuple, N+1, RestActions, ResultNode, QueryOutput);
fetch ->
% ActionKey is equal to the Key, insert into the QueryOuput, but re-process the node
% since an identical action key can follow it.
- modify_kvnode(Bt, [{Key, Value} | RestKVs], RestActions, ResultNode, [{ok, assemble(Bt, Key, Value)} | QueryOutput])
- end
+ modify_kvnode(Bt, NodeTuple, N, RestActions, ResultNode, [{ok, assemble(Bt, Key, Value)} | QueryOutput])
+ end;
+ true ->
+ modify_kvnode(Bt, NodeTuple, N + 1, [{ActionType, ActionKey, ActionValue} | RestActions], [{Key, Value} | ResultNode], QueryOutput)