path: root/share/www/script/browse.js
diff options
authorChristopher Lenz <>2009-01-12 21:40:59 +0000
committerChristopher Lenz <>2009-01-12 21:40:59 +0000
commit7ec87a86a24d0f0d96d7df417e2f1c46ddc6fbfa (patch)
tree3c47ce1fd74c34e6eeb523f2c665f107cf8b4a63 /share/www/script/browse.js
parenta58246859370c52b5209fe94a043bdcc7f8b7001 (diff)
Move `browse.js` code into the `futon` namespace, and restore the selected tab based on the hash in the URL. Applies a small part of the patch to COUCHDB-200.
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
Diffstat (limited to 'share/www/script/browse.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 942 deletions
diff --git a/share/www/script/browse.js b/share/www/script/browse.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c27f48ef..00000000
--- a/share/www/script/browse.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,942 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
-// of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-// the License.
- * Page class for browse/index.html
- */
-function CouchIndexPage() {
- page = this;
- this.addDatabase = function() {
- $.showDialog("dialog/_create_database.html", {
- submit: function(data, callback) {
- if (! || == 0) {
- callback({name: "Please enter a name."});
- return;
- }
- $.couch.db({
- error: function(status, id, reason) { callback({name: reason}) },
- success: function(resp) {
- location.href = "database.html?" + encodeURIComponent(;
- callback();
- }
- });
- }
- });
- return false;
- }
- this.updateDatabaseListing = function(offset) {
- offset |= 0;
- $(document.body).addClass("loading");
- var maxPerPage = parseInt($("#perpage").val(), 10);
- $.couch.allDbs({
- success: function(dbs) {
- $("#paging a").unbind();
- $("#databases tbody.content").empty();
- if (dbs.length == 0) {
- $(document.body).removeClass("loading");
- }
- var dbsOnPage = dbs.slice(offset, offset + maxPerPage);
- $.each(dbsOnPage, function(idx, dbName) {
- $("#databases tbody.content").append("<tr>" +
- "<th><a href='database.html?" + encodeURIComponent(dbName) + "'>" +
- dbName + "</a></th>" +
- "<td class='size'></td><td class='count'></td>" +
- "<td class='seq'></td></tr>");
- $.couch.db(dbName).info({
- success: function(info) {
- $("#databases tbody.content tr:eq(" + idx + ")")
- .find("td.size").text($.futon.formatSize(info.disk_size)).end()
- .find("td.count").text(info.doc_count).end()
- .find("td.seq").text(info.update_seq);
- if (idx == dbsOnPage.length - 1) {
- $(document.body).removeClass("loading");
- }
- }
- });
- });
- $("#databases tbody tr:odd").addClass("odd");
- if (offset > 0) {
- $("#paging a.prev").attr("href", "#" + (offset - maxPerPage)).click(function() {
- page.updateDatabaseListing(offset - maxPerPage);
- });
- } else {
- $("#paging a.prev").removeAttr("href");
- }
- if (offset + maxPerPage < dbs.length) {
- $("#paging").attr("href", "#" + (offset + maxPerPage)).click(function() {
- page.updateDatabaseListing(offset + maxPerPage);
- });
- } else {
- $("#paging").removeAttr("href");
- }
- var firstNum = offset + 1;
- var lastNum = firstNum + dbsOnPage.length - 1;
- $("#databases tbody.footer tr td span").text(
- "Showing " + firstNum + "-" + lastNum + " of " + dbs.length +
- " databases");
- }
- });
- }
- * Page class for browse/database.html
- */
-function CouchDatabasePage() {
- var urlParts ="/");
- var dbName = decodeURIComponent(urlParts.shift());
- var viewName = (urlParts.length > 0) ? urlParts.join("/") : null;
- if (viewName) {
- viewName = decodeURIComponent(viewName);
- $.cookies.set(dbName + ".view", viewName);
- } else {
- viewName = $.cookies.get(dbName + ".view", "");
- if (viewName) {
- location.href = "database.html?" + dbName + "/" + viewName;
- }
- }
- var db = $.couch.db(dbName);
- this.dbName = dbName;
- this.viewName = viewName;
- this.db = db;
- this.isDirty = false;
- this.isTempView = viewName == "_slow_view";
- page = this;
- this.addDocument = function() {
- $.showDialog("dialog/_create_document.html", {
- submit: function(data, callback) {
- db.saveDoc(data.docid ? {_id: data.docid} : {}, {
- error: function(status, error, reason) {
- callback({docid: reason});
- },
- success: function(resp) {
- location.href = "document.html?" + encodeURIComponent(dbName) +
- "/" + encodeDocId(;
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
- this.compactDatabase = function() {
- $.showDialog("dialog/_compact_database.html", {
- submit: function(data, callback) {
- db.compact({
- success: function(resp) {
- callback();
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
- this.deleteDatabase = function() {
- $.showDialog("dialog/_delete_database.html", {
- submit: function(data, callback) {
- db.drop({
- success: function(resp) {
- callback();
- location.href = "index.html";
- if (window !== null) {
- $("#dbs li").filter(function(index) {
- return $("a", this).text() == dbName;
- }).remove();
- $.futon.navigation.removeDatabase(dbName);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
- this.populateViewEditor = function() {
- if (viewName.match(/^_design\//)) {
- page.revertViewChanges(function() {
- var dirtyTimeout = null;
- function updateDirtyState() {
- clearTimeout(dirtyTimeout);
- dirtyTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
- var buttons = $("#viewcode, #viewcode button.revert");
- page.isDirty = ($("#viewcode_map").val() !=
- || ($("#viewcode_reduce").val() != (page.storedViewCode.reduce || ""));
- if (page.isDirty) {
- buttons.removeAttr("disabled");
- } else {
- buttons.attr("disabled", "disabled");
- }
- }, 100);
- }
- $("#viewcode textarea").bind("input", updateDirtyState);
- if ($.browser.msie || $.browser.safari) {
- $("#viewcode textarea").bind("paste", updateDirtyState)
- .bind("change", updateDirtyState)
- .bind("keydown", updateDirtyState)
- .bind("keypress", updateDirtyState)
- .bind("keyup", updateDirtyState)
- .bind("textInput", updateDirtyState);
- }
- });
- } else if (viewName == "_slow_view") {
- page.updateViewEditor(
- $.cookies.get( + ".map"),
- $.cookies.get( + ".reduce", "")
- );
- }
- }
- this.populateViewsMenu = function() {
- var select = $("#switch select");
- db.allDocs({startkey: "_design/", endkey: "_design0",
- success: function(resp) {
- select[0].options.length = 3;
- for (var i = 0; i < resp.rows.length; i++) {
- db.openDoc(resp.rows[i].id, {
- success: function(doc) {
- var optGroup = $("<optgroup></optgroup>").attr("label", doc._id.substr(8));
- var optGroup = $(document.createElement("optgroup"))
- .attr("label", doc._id.substr(8));
- for (var name in doc.views) {
- if (!doc.views.hasOwnProperty(name)) continue;
- var option = $(document.createElement("option"))
- .attr("value", doc._id + "/" + name).text(name)
- .appendTo(optGroup);
- if (doc._id + "/" + name == viewName) {
- option[0].selected = true;
- }
- }
- optGroup.appendTo(select);
- }
- });
- }
- }
- });
- if (!viewName.match(/^_design\//)) {
- $.each(["_all_docs", "_design_docs", "_slow_view"], function(idx, name) {
- if (viewName == name) {
- select[0].options[idx].selected = true;
- }
- });
- }
- }
- this.revertViewChanges = function(callback) {
- if (!page.storedViewCode) {
- var viewNameParts = viewName.split("/");
- var designDocId = viewNameParts[1];
- var localViewName = viewNameParts[2];
- db.openDoc(["_design", designDocId].join("/"), {
- error: function(status, error, reason) {
- if (status == 404) {
- $.cookies.remove(dbName + ".view");
- location.reload();
- }
- },
- success: function(resp) {
- var viewCode = resp.views[localViewName];
- page.updateViewEditor(, viewCode.reduce || "");
- $("#viewcode button.revert, #viewcode").attr("disabled", "disabled");
- page.storedViewCode = viewCode;
- if (callback) callback();
- }
- });
- } else {
- $("#viewcode_map").val(;
- $("#viewcode_reduce").val(page.storedViewCode.reduce || "");
- page.isDirty = false;
- $("#viewcode button.revert, #viewcode").attr("disabled", "disabled");
- if (callback) callback();
- }
- }
- this.updateViewEditor = function(mapFun, reduceFun) {
- if (!mapFun) return;
- $("#viewcode_map").val(mapFun);
- $("#viewcode_reduce").val(reduceFun);
- var lines = Math.max(
- mapFun.split("\n").length,
- reduceFun.split("\n").length
- );
- $("#viewcode textarea").attr("rows", Math.min(15, Math.max(3, lines)));
- }
- this.saveViewAs = function() {
- if (viewName && /^_design/.test(viewName)) {
- var viewNameParts = viewName.split("/");
- var designDocId = viewNameParts[1];
- var localViewName = viewNameParts[2];
- } else {
- var designDocId = "", localViewName = "";
- }
- $.showDialog("dialog/_save_view_as.html", {
- load: function(elem) {
- $("#input_docid", elem).val(designDocId).suggest(function(text, callback) {
- db.allDocs({
- limit: 10, startkey: "_design/" + text,
- endkey: "_design/" + text + "ZZZZ",
- success: function(docs) {
- var matches = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < docs.rows.length; i++) {
- matches[i] = docs.rows[i].id.substr(8);
- }
- callback(matches);
- }
- });
- });
- $("#input_name", elem).val(localViewName).suggest(function(text, callback) {
- db.openDoc("_design/" + $("#input_docid").val(), {
- error: function() {}, // ignore
- success: function(doc) {
- var matches = [];
- if (!doc.views) return;
- for (var viewName in doc.views) {
- if (!doc.views.hasOwnProperty(viewName) || !viewName.match("^" + text)) {
- continue;
- }
- matches.push(viewName);
- }
- callback(matches);
- }
- });
- });
- },
- submit: function(data, callback) {
- if (!data.docid || ! {
- var errors = {};
- if (!data.docid) errors.docid = "Please enter a document ID";
- if (! = "Please enter a view name";
- callback(errors);
- } else {
- var viewCode = {
- map: $("#viewcode_map").val(),
- reduce: $("#viewcode_reduce").val() || undefined
- };
- var docId = ["_design", data.docid].join("/");
- function save(doc) {
- if (!doc) doc = {_id: docId, language: "javascript"};
- if (doc.views === undefined) doc.views = {};
- doc.views[] = viewCode;
- db.saveDoc(doc, {
- success: function(resp) {
- callback();
- page.isDirty = false;
- location.href = "database.html?" + encodeURIComponent(dbName) +
- "/" + encodeDocId(doc._id) +
- "/" + encodeURIComponent(;
- }
- });
- }
- db.openDoc(docId, {
- error: function(status, error, reason) {
- if (status == 404) save(null);
- else alert(reason);
- },
- success: function(doc) {
- save(doc);
- }
- });
- }
- }
- });
- }
- this.saveViewChanges = function() {
- var viewNameParts = viewName.split("/");
- var designDocId = viewNameParts[1];
- var localViewName = viewNameParts[2];
- $(document.body).addClass("loading");
- db.openDoc(["_design", designDocId].join("/"), {
- success: function(doc) {
- var viewDef = doc.views[localViewName];
- = $("#viewcode_map").val();
- viewDef.reduce = $("#viewcode_reduce").val() || undefined;
- db.saveDoc(doc, {
- success: function(resp) {
- page.isDirty = false;
- $("#viewcode button.revert, #viewcode")
- .attr("disabled", "disabled");
- $(document.body).removeClass("loading");
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
- this.updateDesignDocLink = function() {
- if (viewName && /^_design/.test(viewName)) {
- var docId = "_design/" + viewName.split("/")[1];
- $("#designdoc-link").attr("href", "document.html?" +
- encodeURIComponent(dbName) + "/" + encodeDocId(docId)).text(docId);
- } else {
- $("#designdoc-link").removeAttr("href").text("");
- }
- }
- this.updateDocumentListing = function(options) {
- $(document.body).addClass("loading");
- if (options === undefined) options = {};
- if (options.limit === undefined) {
- options.limit = parseInt($("#perpage").val(), 10);
- }
- if ( === undefined) {
- = true;
- }
- if ($("#documents thead th.key").is(".desc")) {
- if (typeof options.descending == 'undefined') options.descending = true;
- var descend = true;
- $.cookies.set(dbName + ".desc", "1");
- } else {
- var descend = false;
- $.cookies.remove(dbName + ".desc");
- }
- $("#paging a").unbind();
- $("#documents").find("tbody.content").empty().end().show();
- this.updateDesignDocLink();
- options.success = function(resp) {
- if (resp.offset === undefined) {
- resp.offset = 0;
- }
- var decending_reverse = ((options.descending && !descend) || (descend && (options.descending === false)));
- if (decending_reverse && resp.rows) {
- resp.rows = resp.rows.reverse();
- }
- if (resp.rows !== null && (decending_reverse ?
- (resp.total_rows - resp.offset > options.limit) :
- (resp.offset > 0))) {
- $("#paging a.prev").attr("href", "#" + (resp.offset - options.limit)).click(function() {
- var firstDoc = resp.rows[0];
- page.updateDocumentListing({
- startkey: firstDoc.key !== undefined ? firstDoc.key : null,
- startkey_docid:,
- skip: 1,
- descending: !descend,
- limit: options.limit
- });
- return false;
- });
- } else {
- $("#paging a.prev").removeAttr("href");
- }
- if (resp.rows !== null && (decending_reverse ?
- (resp.offset - resp.total_rows < options.limit) :
- (resp.total_rows - resp.offset > options.limit))) {
- $("#paging").attr("href", "#" + (resp.offset + options.limit)).click(function() {
- var lastDoc = resp.rows[resp.rows.length - 1];
- page.updateDocumentListing({
- startkey: lastDoc.key !== undefined ? lastDoc.key : null,
- startkey_docid:,
- skip: 1,
- descending: descend,
- limit: options.limit
- });
- return false;
- });
- } else {
- $("#paging").removeAttr("href");
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < resp.rows.length; i++) {
- var row = resp.rows[i];
- var tr = $("<tr></tr>");
- var key = "null";
- if (row.key !== null) {
- key = $.futon.formatJSON(row.key, {indent: 0, linesep: ""});
- }
- if ( {
- $("<td class='key'><a href='document.html?" + encodeURIComponent( +
- "/" + encodeDocId( + "'><strong></strong><br>" +
- "<span class='docid'>ID:&nbsp;" + + "</span></a></td>")
- .find("strong").text(key).end()
- .appendTo(tr);
- } else {
- $("<td class='key'><strong></strong></td>")
- .find("strong").text(key).end()
- .appendTo(tr);
- }
- var value = "null";
- if (row.value !== null) {
- value = $.futon.formatJSON(row.value, {
- html: true, indent: 0, linesep: "", quoteKeys: false
- });
- }
- $("<td class='value'><div></div></td>").find("div").html(value).end().appendTo(tr).dblclick(function() {
- location.href = this.previousSibling.firstChild.href;
- });
- tr.appendTo("#documents tbody.content");
- }
- var firstNum = 1;
- var lastNum = totalNum = resp.rows.length;
- if (resp.total_rows != null) {
- if (decending_reverse) {
- lastNum = Math.min(resp.total_rows, resp.total_rows - resp.offset);
- firstNum = lastNum - resp.rows.length + 1;
- } else {
- firstNum = Math.min(resp.total_rows, resp.offset + 1);
- lastNum = firstNum + resp.rows.length - 1;
- }
- totalNum = resp.total_rows;
- $("#paging").show();
- } else {
- $("#paging").hide();
- }
- $("#documents tbody.footer td span").text(
- "Showing " + firstNum + "-" + lastNum + " of " + totalNum +
- " row" + (firstNum != lastNum ? "s" : ""));
- $("#documents tbody tr:odd").addClass("odd");
- $(document.body).removeClass("loading");
- }
- options.error = function(status, error, reason) {
- alert("Error: " + error + "\n\n" + reason);
- $(document.body).removeClass("loading");
- }
- if (!viewName || viewName == "_all_docs") {
- $("#switch select")[0].selectedIndex = 0;
- db.allDocs(options);
- } else {
- if (viewName == "_slow_view") {
- $("#viewcode").show().removeClass("collapsed");
- var mapFun = $("#viewcode_map").val();
- $.cookies.set( + ".map", mapFun);
- var reduceFun = $("#viewcode_reduce").val() || null;
- if (reduceFun != null) {
- $.cookies.set( + ".reduce", reduceFun);
- } else {
- $.cookies.remove( + ".reduce");
- }
- db.query(mapFun, reduceFun, null, options);
- } else if (viewName == "_design_docs") {
- options.startkey = options.descending ? "_design0" : "_design";
- options.endkey = options.descending ? "_design" : "_design0";
- db.allDocs(options);
- } else {
- $("#viewcode").show();
- var currentMapCode = $("#viewcode_map").val();
- var currentReduceCode = $("#viewcode_reduce").val() || null;
- if (page.isDirty) {
- db.query(currentMapCode, currentReduceCode, null, options);
- } else {
- db.view(viewName.substr(8), options);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- window.onbeforeunload = function() {
- $("#switch select").val(viewName);
- if (page.isDirty) {
- return "You've made changes to the view code that have not been " +
- "saved yet.";
- }
- }
- * Page class for browse/database.html
- */
-function CouchDocumentPage() {
- var urlParts ="/");
- var dbName = decodeURIComponent(urlParts.shift());
- var idParts = urlParts.join("/").split("@", 2);
- var docId = decodeURIComponent(idParts[0]);
- var docRev = (idParts.length > 1) ? idParts[1] : null;
- var db = $.couch.db(dbName);
- this.dbName = dbName;
- this.db = db;
- this.docId = docId;
- this.doc = null;
- this.isDirty = false;
- page = this;
- this.addField = function() {
- if (!$("#fields tbody.content:visible").length) {
- $("#tabs li.tabular a").click(); // switch to tabular view
- }
- var fieldName = "unnamed";
- var fieldIdx = 1;
- while (page.doc.hasOwnProperty(fieldName)) {
- fieldName = "unnamed " + fieldIdx++;
- }
- page.doc[fieldName] = null;
- var row = _addRowForField(page.doc, fieldName);
- page.isDirty = true;
- _editKey(page.doc, row.find("th"), fieldName);
- }
- var _sortFields = function(a, b) {
- var a0 = a.charAt(0), b0 = b.charAt(0);
- if (a0 == "_" && b0 != "_") {
- return -1;
- } else if (a0 != "_" && b0 == "_") {
- return 1;
- } else if (a == "_attachments" || b == "_attachments") {
- return a0 == "_attachments" ? 1 : -1;
- } else {
- return a < b ? -1 : a != b ? 1 : 0;
- }
- }
- this.updateFieldListing = function() {
- $(document.body).addClass("loading");
- $("#fields tbody.content").empty();
- function handleResult(doc, revs) {
- page.doc = doc;
- var propNames = [];
- for (var prop in doc) {
- if (!doc.hasOwnProperty(prop)) continue;
- propNames.push(prop);
- }
- // Order properties alphabetically, but put internal fields first
- propNames.sort(_sortFields);
- for (var pi = 0; pi < propNames.length; pi++) {
- _addRowForField(doc, propNames[pi]);
- }
- if (revs.length > 1) {
- var currentIndex = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < revs.length; i++) {
- if (revs[i].rev == doc._rev) {
- currentIndex = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (currentIndex < revs.length - 1) {
- var prevRev = revs[currentIndex + 1].rev;
- $("#paging a.prev").attr("href", "?" + encodeURIComponent(dbName) +
- "/" + encodeDocId(docId) + "@" + prevRev);
- }
- if (currentIndex > 0) {
- var nextRev = revs[currentIndex - 1].rev;
- $("#paging").attr("href", "?" + encodeURIComponent(dbName) +
- "/" + encodeDocId(docId) + "@" + nextRev);
- }
- $("#fields tbody.footer td span").text("Showing revision " +
- (revs.length - currentIndex) + " of " + revs.length);
- }
- $(document.body).removeClass("loading");
- }
- db.openDoc(docId, {revs_info: true,
- success: function(doc) {
- var revs = doc._revs_info;
- delete doc._revs_info;
- if (docRev != null) {
- db.openDoc(docId, {rev: docRev,
- error: function(status, error, reason) {
- alert("The requested revision was not found. " +
- "You will be redirected back to the latest revision.");
- location.href = "?" + encodeURIComponent(dbName) +
- "/" + encodeDocId(docId);
- },
- success: function(doc) {
- handleResult(doc, revs);
- }
- });
- } else {
- handleResult(doc, revs);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- this.deleteDocument = function() {
- $.showDialog("dialog/_delete_document.html", {
- submit: function(data, callback) {
- db.removeDoc(page.doc, {
- success: function(resp) {
- callback();
- location.href = "database.html?" + encodeURIComponent(dbName);
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
- this.saveDocument = function() {
- $(document.body).addClass("loading");
- db.saveDoc(page.doc, {
- success: function(resp) {
- page.isDirty = false;
- location.href = "?" + encodeURIComponent(dbName) +
- "/" + encodeDocId(docId);
- }
- });
- }
- this.uploadAttachment = function() {
- if (page.isDirty) {
- alert("You need to save or revert any changes you have made to the " +
- "document before you can attach a new file.");
- return false;
- }
- $.showDialog("dialog/_upload_attachment.html", {
- load: function(elem) {
- $("input[name='_rev']", elem).val(page.doc._rev);
- },
- submit: function(data, callback) {
- if (!data._attachments || data._attachments.length == 0) {
- callback({_attachments: "Please select a file to upload."});
- return;
- }
- var form = $("#upload-form");
- form.find("#progress").css("visibility", "visible");
- form.ajaxSubmit({
- url: db.uri + encodeDocId(page.docId),
- success: function(resp) {
- form.find("#progress").css("visibility", "hidden");
- page.isDirty = false;
- location.href = "?" + encodeURIComponent(dbName) +
- "/" + encodeDocId(docId);
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
- window.onbeforeunload = function() {
- if (page.isDirty) {
- return "You've made changes to this document that have not been " +
- "saved yet.";
- }
- }
- function _addRowForField(doc, fieldName) {
- var row = $("<tr><th></th><td></td></tr>").find("th").append($("<b></b>")
- .text(fieldName)).end().appendTo("#fields tbody.content");
- if (fieldName == "_attachments") {
- row
- .find("td").append(_renderAttachmentList(doc[fieldName]));
- } else {
- var value = _renderValue(doc[fieldName]);
- row
- .find("th b").dblclick(function() {
- _editKey(doc, this, $(this).text());
- }).end()
- .find("td").append(value).dblclick(function() {
- _editValue(doc, this, $(this).prev("th").text());
- }).end();
- if (fieldName != "_id" && fieldName != "_rev") {
- row.find("th, td").attr("title", "Double click to edit");
- _initKey(doc, row, fieldName);
- _initValue(value);
- }
- }
- $("#fields tbody.content tr").removeClass("odd").filter(":odd").addClass("odd");
- return row;
- }
- function _editKey(doc, cell, fieldName) {
- if (fieldName == "_id" || fieldName == "_rev") return;
- var th = $(cell);
- th.empty();
- var input = $("<input type='text' spellcheck='false'>");
- input.dblclick(function() { return false; }).keydown(function(evt) {
- switch (evt.keyCode) {
- case 13: applyChange(); break;
- case 27: cancelChange(); break;
- }
- });
- var tools = $("<div class='tools'></div>");
- function applyChange() {
- input.nextAll().remove();
- var newName = input.val();
- if (!newName.length || newName == fieldName) {
- cancelChange();
- return;
- }
- doc[newName] = doc[fieldName];
- delete doc[fieldName];
- th.children().remove();
- th.append($("<b></b>").text(newName));
- _initKey(doc, th.parent("tr"), fieldName);
- page.isDirty = true;
- }
- function cancelChange() {
- th.children().remove();
- th.append($("<b></b>").text(fieldName));
- _initKey(doc, th.parent("tr"), fieldName);
- }
- $("<button type='button' class='apply'></button>").click(function() {
- applyChange();
- }).appendTo(tools);
- $("<button type='button' class='cancel'></button>").click(function() {
- cancelChange();
- }).appendTo(tools);
- tools.appendTo(th);
- input.val(fieldName).appendTo(th);
- input.each(function() { this.focus();; });
- }
- function _editValue(doc, cell, fieldName) {
- if (!fieldName || fieldName == "_id" || fieldName == "_rev") return;
- var td = $(cell);
- var value = doc[fieldName];
- var needsTextarea = $("dl", td).length > 0 || $("code", td).text().length > 60;
- td.empty();
- if (needsTextarea) {
- var input = $("<textarea rows='8' cols='40' spellcheck='false'></textarea>");
- } else {
- var input = $("<input type='text' spellcheck='false'>");
- }
- input.dblclick(function() { return false; }).keydown(function(evt) {
- switch (evt.keyCode) {
- case 13: if (!needsTextarea) applyChange(); break;
- case 27: cancelChange(); break;
- }
- });
- var tools = $("<div class='tools'></div>");
- function applyChange() {
- input.nextAll().remove();
- try {
- var newValue = input.val() || "null";
- if (newValue == doc[fieldName]) {
- cancelChange();
- return;
- }
- doc[fieldName] = JSON.parse(newValue);
- td.children().remove();
- page.isDirty = true;
- var value = _renderValue(doc[fieldName]);
- td.append(value);
- _initValue(value);
- } catch (err) {
- input.addClass("invalid");
- var msg = err.message;
- if (msg == "parseJSON") {
- msg = "Please enter a valid JSON value (for example, \"string\").";
- }
- $("<div class='error'></div>").text(msg).insertAfter(input);
- }
- }
- function cancelChange() {
- td.children().remove();
- var value = _renderValue(doc[fieldName]);
- td.append(value);
- _initValue(value);
- }
- $("<button type='button' class='apply' title='Apply change'></button>").click(function() {
- applyChange();
- }).appendTo(tools);
- $("<button type='button' class='cancel' title='Revert change'></button>").click(function() {
- cancelChange();
- }).appendTo(tools);
- tools.appendTo(td);
- input.val($.futon.formatJSON(value)).appendTo(td);
- input.each(function() { this.focus();; });
- if (needsTextarea) input.makeResizable({vertical: true});
- }
- function _initKey(doc, row, fieldName) {
- if (fieldName != "_id" && fieldName != "_rev") {
- $("<button type='button' class='delete' title='Delete field'></button>").click(function() {
- delete doc[fieldName];
- row.remove();
- page.isDirty = true;
- $("#fields tbody.content tr").removeClass("odd").filter(":odd").addClass("odd");
- }).prependTo(row.find("th"));
- }
- }
- function _initValue(value) {
- value.find("dd:has(dl)").hide().prev("dt").addClass("collapsed");
- value.find("dd:not(:has(dl))").addClass("inline").prev().addClass("inline");
- value.find("dt.collapsed").click(function() {
- $(this).toggleClass("collapsed").next().toggle();
- });
- }
- function _renderValue(value) {
- var type = typeof(value);
- if (type == "object" && value !== null) {
- var list = $("<dl></dl>");
- for (var i in value) {
- if (!value.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
- $("<dt></dt>").text(i).appendTo(list);
- $("<dd></dd>").append(_renderValue(value[i])).appendTo(list);
- }
- return list;
- } else {
- return $("<code></code>").addClass(type).text(
- value !== null ? JSON.stringify(value) : "null"
- );
- }
- }
- function _renderAttachmentList(attachments) {
- var ul = $("<ul></ul>").addClass("attachments");
- $.each(attachments, function(idx, attachment) {
- _renderAttachmentItem(idx, attachment).appendTo(ul);
- });
- return ul;
- }
- function _renderAttachmentItem(name, attachment) {
- var attachmentHref = db.uri + encodeDocId(docId)
- + "/" + encodeAttachment(name);
- var li = $("<li></li>");
- $("<a href='' title='Download file' target='_top'></a>").text(name)
- .attr("href", attachmentHref)
- .wrapInner("<tt></tt>").appendTo(li);
- $("<span>()</span>").text("" + $.futon.formatSize(attachment.length) +
- ", " + attachment.content_type).addClass("info").appendTo(li);
- if (name == "tests.js") {
- li.find('').append(', <a href="/_utils/couch_tests.html?'
- + attachmentHref + '">open in test runner</a>');
- }
- _initAttachmentItem(name, attachment, li);
- return li;
- }
- function _initAttachmentItem(name, attachment, li) {
- $("<button type='button' class='delete' title='Delete attachment'></button>").click(function() {
- delete page.doc._attachments[name];
- li.remove();
- page.isDirty = true;
- return false;
- }).prependTo($("a", li));
- }
-// Ideally these would be module-private. Maybe there's a helper they can go on.
-function encodeDocId(docid) {
- var encoded, parts = docid.split('/');
- if (parts[0] == '_design') {
- parts.shift();
- encoded = encodeURIComponent(parts.join('/'));
- return '_design/'+encoded;
- } else {
- return encodeURIComponent(docid);
- }
-function encodeAttachment(name) {
- var encoded = [], parts = name.split('/');
- for (var i=0; i < parts.length; i++) {
- encoded.push(encodeURIComponent(parts[i]));
- };
- return encoded.join('/');