path: root/apps/rexi/src
diff options
authorAdam Kocoloski <>2010-08-12 02:27:12 -0400
committerAdam Kocoloski <>2010-08-12 02:27:12 -0400
commit72d7a60124b4ee7e31912fe7ed3a50bbc5cb9f64 (patch)
treee62fdcea38de5d70d3fd4f7c860dabab0357f670 /apps/rexi/src
parent4b47d4c5f39a1998c07af07cf7e6b2163ce1eae5 (diff)
parent85ae6ca690edad17ceb92b856623a0a599924c77 (diff)
Add 'apps/rexi/' from commit '85ae6ca690edad17ceb92b856623a0a599924c77'
git-subtree-dir: apps/rexi git-subtree-mainline: 4b47d4c5f39a1998c07af07cf7e6b2163ce1eae5 git-subtree-split: 85ae6ca690edad17ceb92b856623a0a599924c77
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/rexi/src')
5 files changed, 243 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/rexi/src/rexi.erl b/apps/rexi/src/rexi.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ab1f05e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/rexi/src/rexi.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+-export([start/0, stop/0, restart/0]).
+-export([cast/2, cast/3, kill/2]).
+-export([reply/1, sync_reply/1, sync_reply/2]).
+-export([async_server_call/2, async_server_call/3]).
+-define(SERVER, rexi_server).
+start() ->
+ application:start(rexi).
+stop() ->
+ application:stop(rexi).
+restart() ->
+ stop(), start().
+%% @equiv cast(Node, self(), MFA)
+-spec cast(node(), {atom(), atom(), list()}) -> reference().
+cast(Node, MFA) ->
+ cast(Node, self(), MFA).
+%% @doc Executes apply(M, F, A) on Node.
+%% You might want to use this instead of rpc:cast/4 for two reasons. First,
+%% the Caller pid and the returned reference are inserted into the remote
+%% process' dictionary as `rexi_from', so it has a way to communicate with you.
+%% Second, the remote process is monitored. If it exits with a Reason other
+%% than normal, Caller will receive a message of the form
+%% `{Ref, {rexi_EXIT, Reason}}' where Ref is the returned reference.
+-spec cast(node(), pid(), {atom(), atom(), list()}) -> reference().
+cast(Node, Caller, MFA) ->
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ ok = gen_server:cast({?SERVER, Node}, {doit, {Caller,Ref}, MFA}),
+ Ref.
+%% @doc Sends an async kill signal to the remote process associated with Ref.
+%% No rexi_EXIT message will be sent.
+-spec kill(node(), reference()) -> ok.
+kill(Node, Ref) ->
+ ok = gen_server:cast({?SERVER, Node}, {kill, Ref}).
+%% @equiv async_server_call(Server, self(), Request)
+-spec async_server_call(pid() | {atom(),node()}, any()) -> reference().
+async_server_call(Server, Request) ->
+ async_server_call(Server, self(), Request).
+%% @doc Sends a properly formatted gen_server:call Request to the Server and
+%% returns the reference which the Server will include in its reply. The
+%% function acts more like cast() than call() in that the server process
+%% is not monitored. Clients who want to know if the server is alive should
+%% monitor it themselves before calling this function.
+-spec async_server_call(pid() | {atom(),node()}, pid(), any()) -> reference().
+async_server_call(Server, Caller, Request) ->
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ do_send(Server, {'$gen_call', {Caller,Ref}, Request}),
+ Ref.
+%% @doc convenience function to reply to the original rexi Caller.
+-spec reply(any()) -> any().
+reply(Reply) ->
+ {Caller, Ref} = get(rexi_from),
+ erlang:send(Caller, {Ref,Reply}).
+%% @equiv sync_reply(Reply, 300000)
+sync_reply(Reply) ->
+ sync_reply(Reply, 300000).
+%% @doc convenience function to reply to caller and wait for response. Message
+%% is of the form {OriginalRef, {self(),reference()}, Reply}, which enables the
+%% original caller to respond back.
+-spec sync_reply(any(), pos_integer() | infinity) -> any().
+sync_reply(Reply, Timeout) ->
+ {Caller, Ref} = get(rexi_from),
+ Tag = make_ref(),
+ erlang:send(Caller, {Ref, {self(),Tag}, Reply}),
+ receive {Tag, Response} ->
+ Response
+ after Timeout ->
+ timeout
+ end.
+%% internal functions %%
+% send a message as quickly as possible
+do_send(Dest, Msg) ->
+ case erlang:send(Dest, Msg, [noconnect]) of
+ noconnect ->
+ spawn(erlang, send, [Dest, Msg]);
+ ok ->
+ ok
+ end.
diff --git a/apps/rexi/src/rexi_app.erl b/apps/rexi/src/rexi_app.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dda57752
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/rexi/src/rexi_app.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+-export([start/2, stop/1]).
+start(_Type, StartArgs) ->
+ rexi_sup:start_link(StartArgs).
+stop(_State) ->
+ ok.
diff --git a/apps/rexi/src/rexi_monitor.erl b/apps/rexi/src/rexi_monitor.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bbff22b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/rexi/src/rexi_monitor.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+-export([start/1, stop/1]).
+%% @doc spawn_links a process which monitors the supplied list of items and
+%% returns the process ID. If a monitored process exits, the caller will
+%% receive a {rexi_DOWN, MonitoringPid, DeadPid, Reason} message.
+-spec start([pid() | atom() | {atom(),node()}]) -> pid().
+start(Procs) ->
+ Parent = self(),
+ spawn_link(fun() ->
+ [erlang:monitor(process, P) || P <- Procs],
+ wait_monitors(Parent)
+ end).
+%% @doc Cleanly shut down the monitoring process and flush all rexi_DOWN
+%% messages from our mailbox.
+-spec stop(pid()) -> ok.
+stop(MonitoringPid) ->
+ MonitoringPid ! {self(), shutdown},
+ flush_down_messages().
+%% internal functions %%
+wait_monitors(Parent) ->
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', _, process, Pid, Reason} ->
+ Parent ! {rexi_DOWN, self(), Pid, Reason},
+ wait_monitors(Parent);
+ {Parent, shutdown} ->
+ ok
+ end.
+flush_down_messages() ->
+ receive {rexi_DOWN, _, _, _} ->
+ flush_down_messages()
+ after 0 ->
+ ok
+ end.
diff --git a/apps/rexi/src/rexi_server.erl b/apps/rexi/src/rexi_server.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c4dc740d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/rexi/src/rexi_server.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2,
+ code_change/3]).
+-export([start_link/0, init_p/2]).
+-record(st, {
+ workers = ets:new(workers, [private, {keypos,2}])
+start_link() ->
+ gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
+init([]) ->
+ {ok, #st{}}.
+handle_call(_Request, _From, St) ->
+ {reply, ignored, St}.
+handle_cast({doit, From, MFA}, #st{workers=Workers} = St) ->
+ {LocalPid, Ref} = spawn_monitor(?MODULE, init_p, [From, MFA]),
+ {noreply, St#st{workers = add_worker({LocalPid, Ref, From}, Workers)}};
+handle_cast({kill, FromRef}, #st{workers=Workers} = St) ->
+ case find_worker_from(FromRef, Workers) of
+ {Pid, KeyRef, {_, FromRef}} ->
+ erlang:demonitor(KeyRef),
+ exit(Pid, kill),
+ {noreply, St#st{workers = remove_worker(KeyRef, Workers)}};
+ false ->
+ {noreply, St}
+ end.
+handle_info({'DOWN', Ref, process, _, normal}, #st{workers=Workers} = St) ->
+ {noreply, St#st{workers = remove_worker(Ref, Workers)}};
+handle_info({'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, Reason}, #st{workers=Workers} = St) ->
+ case find_worker(Ref, Workers) of
+ {Pid, Ref, From} ->
+ notify_caller(From, Reason),
+ {noreply, St#st{workers = remove_worker(Ref, Workers)}};
+ false ->
+ {noreply, St}
+ end;
+handle_info(_Info, St) ->
+ {noreply, St}.
+terminate(_Reason, St) ->
+ ets:foldl(fun({Pid, _, _}, _) -> exit(Pid,kill) end, nil, St#st.workers),
+ ok.
+code_change(_OldVsn, St, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, St}.
+%% @doc initializes a process started by rexi_server.
+-spec init_p({pid(), reference()}, {atom(), atom(), list()}) -> any().
+init_p(From, {M,F,A}) ->
+ put(rexi_from, From),
+ put(initial_call, {M,F,length(A)}),
+ try apply(M, F, A) catch _:Reason -> exit(Reason) end.
+%% internal
+add_worker(Worker, Tab) ->
+ ets:insert(Tab, Worker), Tab.
+remove_worker(Ref, Tab) ->
+ ets:delete(Tab, Ref), Tab.
+find_worker(Ref, Tab) ->
+ case ets:lookup(Tab, Ref) of [] -> false; [Worker] -> Worker end.
+find_worker_from(Ref, Tab) ->
+ case ets:match_object(Tab, {'_', '_', {'_', Ref}}) of
+ [] ->
+ false;
+ [Worker] ->
+ Worker
+ end.
+notify_caller({Caller, Ref}, Reason) ->
+ Caller ! {Ref, {rexi_EXIT, Reason}}.
diff --git a/apps/rexi/src/rexi_sup.erl b/apps/rexi/src/rexi_sup.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3a518e7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/rexi/src/rexi_sup.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+start_link(Args) ->
+ supervisor:start_link({local,?MODULE}, ?MODULE, Args).
+init([]) ->
+ Mod = rexi_server,
+ Spec = {Mod, {Mod,start_link,[]}, permanent, 100, worker, [Mod]},
+ {ok, {{one_for_one, 3, 10}, [Spec]}}.