path: root/apps/rexi/src/rexi_utils.erl
diff options
authorAdam Kocoloski <>2010-10-25 15:46:05 -0400
committerAdam Kocoloski <>2010-10-25 21:45:32 -0400
commitebac05f686b56791511cb9b599dfb5a742dcfc96 (patch)
tree00a789cd058f98fa014d927f094f9e6e9f91f6f2 /apps/rexi/src/rexi_utils.erl
parent952a85381ff4b5b34426000b1dee73c9e74becdd (diff)
use get-deps to pull down individual cloudant projects
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/rexi/src/rexi_utils.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/apps/rexi/src/rexi_utils.erl b/apps/rexi/src/rexi_utils.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b6102da..00000000
--- a/apps/rexi/src/rexi_utils.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-%% @doc set up the receive loop with an overall timeout
--spec recv([any()], integer(), function(), any(), timeout(), timeout()) ->
- {ok, any()} | timeout | {error, any()}.
-recv(Refs, Keypos, Fun, Acc0, infinity, PerMsgTO) ->
- process_mailbox(Refs, Keypos, Fun, Acc0, nil, PerMsgTO);
-recv(Refs, Keypos, Fun, Acc0, GlobalTimeout, PerMsgTO) ->
- TimeoutRef = erlang:make_ref(),
- TRef = erlang:send_after(GlobalTimeout, self(), {timeout, TimeoutRef}),
- try
- process_mailbox(Refs, Keypos, Fun, Acc0, TimeoutRef, PerMsgTO)
- after
- erlang:cancel_timer(TRef)
- end.
-process_mailbox(RefList, Keypos, Fun, Acc0, TimeoutRef, PerMsgTO) ->
- case process_message(RefList, Keypos, Fun, Acc0, TimeoutRef, PerMsgTO) of
- {ok, Acc} ->
- process_mailbox(RefList, Keypos, Fun, Acc, TimeoutRef, PerMsgTO);
- {stop, Acc} ->
- {ok, Acc};
- Error ->
- Error
- end.
-process_message(RefList, Keypos, Fun, Acc0, TimeoutRef, PerMsgTO) ->
- receive
- {timeout, TimeoutRef} ->
- timeout;
- {Ref, Msg} ->
- case lists:keyfind(Ref, Keypos, RefList) of
- false ->
- % this was some non-matching message which we will ignore
- {ok, Acc0};
- Worker ->
- Fun(Msg, Worker, Acc0)
- end;
- {Ref, From, Msg} ->
- case lists:keyfind(Ref, Keypos, RefList) of
- false ->
- {ok, Acc0};
- Worker ->
- Fun(Msg, {Worker, From}, Acc0)
- end;
- {rexi_DOWN, _RexiMonPid, ServerPid, Reason} = Msg ->
- io:format("rexi_DOWN ~p ~p", [ServerPid, Reason]),
- Fun(Msg, nil, Acc0)
- after PerMsgTO ->
- timeout
- end.