path: root/apps/fabric/src/fabric_rpc.erl
diff options
authorAdam Kocoloski <>2010-10-25 15:46:05 -0400
committerAdam Kocoloski <>2010-10-25 21:45:32 -0400
commitebac05f686b56791511cb9b599dfb5a742dcfc96 (patch)
tree00a789cd058f98fa014d927f094f9e6e9f91f6f2 /apps/fabric/src/fabric_rpc.erl
parent952a85381ff4b5b34426000b1dee73c9e74becdd (diff)
use get-deps to pull down individual cloudant projects
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/fabric/src/fabric_rpc.erl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 402 deletions
diff --git a/apps/fabric/src/fabric_rpc.erl b/apps/fabric/src/fabric_rpc.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index a7d555e0..00000000
--- a/apps/fabric/src/fabric_rpc.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
-% Copyright 2010 Cloudant
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
--export([get_db_info/1, get_doc_count/1, get_update_seq/1]).
--export([open_doc/3, open_revs/4, get_missing_revs/2, update_docs/3]).
--export([all_docs/2, changes/3, map_view/4, reduce_view/4, group_info/2]).
--export([create_db/3, delete_db/3, reset_validation_funs/1, set_security/3,
- set_revs_limit/3]).
--record (view_acc, {
- db,
- limit,
- include_docs,
- offset = nil,
- total_rows,
- reduce_fun = fun couch_db:enum_docs_reduce_to_count/1,
- group_level = 0
-%% rpc endpoints
-%% call to with_db will supply your M:F with a #db{} and then remaining args
-all_docs(DbName, #view_query_args{keys=nil} = QueryArgs) ->
- {ok, Db} = couch_db:open(DbName, []),
- #view_query_args{
- start_key = StartKey,
- start_docid = StartDocId,
- end_key = EndKey,
- end_docid = EndDocId,
- limit = Limit,
- skip = Skip,
- include_docs = IncludeDocs,
- direction = Dir,
- inclusive_end = Inclusive
- } = QueryArgs,
- {ok, Total} = couch_db:get_doc_count(Db),
- Acc0 = #view_acc{
- db = Db,
- include_docs = IncludeDocs,
- limit = Limit+Skip,
- total_rows = Total
- },
- EndKeyType = if Inclusive -> end_key; true -> end_key_gt end,
- Options = [
- {dir, Dir},
- {start_key, if is_binary(StartKey) -> StartKey; true -> StartDocId end},
- {EndKeyType, if is_binary(EndKey) -> EndKey; true -> EndDocId end}
- ],
- {ok, _, Acc} = couch_db:enum_docs(Db, fun view_fold/3, Acc0, Options),
- final_response(Total, Acc#view_acc.offset).
-changes(DbName, Args, StartSeq) ->
- #changes_args{style=Style, dir=Dir} = Args,
- case couch_db:open(DbName, []) of
- {ok, Db} ->
- Enum = fun changes_enumerator/2,
- Opts = [{dir,Dir}],
- Acc0 = {Db, StartSeq, Args},
- try
- {ok, {_, LastSeq, _}} =
- couch_db:changes_since(Db, Style, StartSeq, Enum, Opts, Acc0),
- rexi:reply({complete, LastSeq})
- after
- couch_db:close(Db)
- end;
- Error ->
- rexi:reply(Error)
- end.
-map_view(DbName, DDoc, ViewName, QueryArgs) ->
- {ok, Db} = couch_db:open(DbName, []),
- #view_query_args{
- limit = Limit,
- skip = Skip,
- keys = Keys,
- include_docs = IncludeDocs,
- stale = Stale,
- view_type = ViewType
- } = QueryArgs,
- MinSeq = if Stale == ok -> 0; true -> couch_db:get_update_seq(Db) end,
- Group0 = couch_view_group:design_doc_to_view_group(DDoc),
- {ok, Pid} = gen_server:call(couch_view, {get_group_server, DbName, Group0}),
- {ok, Group} = couch_view_group:request_group(Pid, MinSeq),
- View = fabric_view:extract_view(Pid, ViewName, Group#group.views, ViewType),
- {ok, Total} = couch_view:get_row_count(View),
- Acc0 = #view_acc{
- db = Db,
- include_docs = IncludeDocs,
- limit = Limit+Skip,
- total_rows = Total,
- reduce_fun = fun couch_view:reduce_to_count/1
- },
- case Keys of
- nil ->
- Options = couch_httpd_view:make_key_options(QueryArgs),
- {ok, _, Acc} = couch_view:fold(View, fun view_fold/3, Acc0, Options);
- _ ->
- Acc = lists:foldl(fun(Key, AccIn) ->
- KeyArgs = QueryArgs#view_query_args{start_key=Key, end_key=Key},
- Options = couch_httpd_view:make_key_options(KeyArgs),
- {_Go, _, Out} = couch_view:fold(View, fun view_fold/3, AccIn,
- Options),
- Out
- end, Acc0, Keys)
- end,
- final_response(Total, Acc#view_acc.offset).
-reduce_view(DbName, Group0, ViewName, QueryArgs) ->
- {ok, Db} = couch_db:open(DbName, []),
- #view_query_args{
- group_level = GroupLevel,
- limit = Limit,
- skip = Skip,
- keys = Keys,
- stale = Stale
- } = QueryArgs,
- GroupFun = group_rows_fun(GroupLevel),
- MinSeq = if Stale == ok -> 0; true -> couch_db:get_update_seq(Db) end,
- {ok, Pid} = gen_server:call(couch_view, {get_group_server, DbName, Group0}),
- {ok, #group{views=Views, def_lang=Lang}} = couch_view_group:request_group(
- Pid, MinSeq),
- {NthRed, View} = fabric_view:extract_view(Pid, ViewName, Views, reduce),
- ReduceView = {reduce, NthRed, Lang, View},
- Acc0 = #view_acc{group_level = GroupLevel, limit = Limit+Skip},
- case Keys of
- nil ->
- Options0 = couch_httpd_view:make_key_options(QueryArgs),
- Options = [{key_group_fun, GroupFun} | Options0],
- couch_view:fold_reduce(ReduceView, fun reduce_fold/3, Acc0, Options);
- _ ->
- lists:map(fun(Key) ->
- KeyArgs = QueryArgs#view_query_args{start_key=Key, end_key=Key},
- Options0 = couch_httpd_view:make_key_options(KeyArgs),
- Options = [{key_group_fun, GroupFun} | Options0],
- couch_view:fold_reduce(ReduceView, fun reduce_fold/3, Acc0, Options)
- end, Keys)
- end,
- rexi:reply(complete).
-create_db(DbName, Options, Doc) ->
- mem3_util:write_db_doc(Doc),
- rexi:reply(case couch_server:create(DbName, Options) of
- {ok, _} ->
- ok;
- Error ->
- Error
- end).
-delete_db(DbName, Options, DocId) ->
- mem3_util:delete_db_doc(DocId),
- rexi:reply(couch_server:delete(DbName, Options)).
-get_db_info(DbName) ->
- with_db(DbName, [], {couch_db, get_db_info, []}).
-get_doc_count(DbName) ->
- with_db(DbName, [], {couch_db, get_doc_count, []}).
-get_update_seq(DbName) ->
- with_db(DbName, [], {couch_db, get_update_seq, []}).
-set_security(DbName, SecObj, Options) ->
- with_db(DbName, Options, {couch_db, set_security, [SecObj]}).
-set_revs_limit(DbName, Limit, Options) ->
- with_db(DbName, Options, {couch_db, set_revs_limit, [Limit]}).
-open_doc(DbName, DocId, Options) ->
- with_db(DbName, Options, {couch_db, open_doc, [DocId, Options]}).
-open_revs(DbName, Id, Revs, Options) ->
- with_db(DbName, Options, {couch_db, open_doc_revs, [Id, Revs, Options]}).
-get_missing_revs(DbName, IdRevsList) ->
- % reimplement here so we get [] for Ids with no missing revs in response
- rexi:reply(case couch_db:open(DbName, []) of
- {ok, Db} ->
- Ids = [Id1 || {Id1, _Revs} <- IdRevsList],
- {ok, lists:zipwith(fun({Id, Revs}, FullDocInfoResult) ->
- case FullDocInfoResult of
- {ok, #full_doc_info{rev_tree=RevisionTree} = FullInfo} ->
- MissingRevs = couch_key_tree:find_missing(RevisionTree, Revs),
- {Id, MissingRevs, possible_ancestors(FullInfo, MissingRevs)};
- not_found ->
- {Id, Revs, []}
- end
- end, IdRevsList, couch_btree:lookup(Db#db.id_tree, Ids))};
- Error ->
- Error
- end).
-update_docs(DbName, Docs0, Options) ->
- case proplists:get_value(replicated_changes, Options) of
- true ->
- X = replicated_changes;
- _ ->
- X = interactive_edit
- end,
- Docs = make_att_readers(Docs0),
- with_db(DbName, Options, {couch_db, update_docs, [Docs, Options, X]}).
-group_info(DbName, Group0) ->
- {ok, Pid} = gen_server:call(couch_view, {get_group_server, DbName, Group0}),
- rexi:reply(couch_view_group:request_group_info(Pid)).
-reset_validation_funs(DbName) ->
- case couch_db:open(DbName, []) of
- {ok, #db{main_pid = Pid}} ->
- gen_server:cast(Pid, {load_validation_funs, undefined});
- _ ->
- ok
- end.
-%% internal
-with_db(DbName, Options, {M,F,A}) ->
- case couch_db:open(DbName, Options) of
- {ok, Db} ->
- rexi:reply(try
- apply(M, F, [Db | A])
- catch Exception ->
- Exception;
- error:Reason ->
- ?LOG_ERROR("~p ~p ~p~n~p", [?MODULE, {M,F}, Reason,
- erlang:get_stacktrace()]),
- {error, Reason}
- end);
- Error ->
- rexi:reply(Error)
- end.
-view_fold(#full_doc_info{} = FullDocInfo, OffsetReds, Acc) ->
- % matches for _all_docs and translates #full_doc_info{} -> KV pair
- case couch_doc:to_doc_info(FullDocInfo) of
- #doc_info{revs=[#rev_info{deleted=false, rev=Rev}|_]} ->
- Id =,
- Value = {[{rev,couch_doc:rev_to_str(Rev)}]},
- view_fold({{Id,Id}, Value}, OffsetReds, Acc);
- #doc_info{revs=[#rev_info{deleted=true}|_]} ->
- {ok, Acc}
- end;
-view_fold(KV, OffsetReds, #view_acc{offset=nil, total_rows=Total} = Acc) ->
- % calculates the offset for this shard
- #view_acc{reduce_fun=Reduce} = Acc,
- Offset = Reduce(OffsetReds),
- case rexi:sync_reply({total_and_offset, Total, Offset}) of
- ok ->
- view_fold(KV, OffsetReds, Acc#view_acc{offset=Offset});
- stop ->
- exit(normal);
- timeout ->
- exit(timeout)
- end;
-view_fold(_KV, _Offset, #view_acc{limit=0} = Acc) ->
- % we scanned through limit+skip local rows
- {stop, Acc};
-view_fold({{Key,Id}, Value}, _Offset, Acc) ->
- % the normal case
- #view_acc{
- db = Db,
- limit = Limit,
- include_docs = IncludeDocs
- } = Acc,
- Doc = if not IncludeDocs -> undefined; true ->
- case couch_db:open_doc(Db, Id, []) of
- {not_found, deleted} ->
- null;
- {not_found, missing} ->
- undefined;
- {ok, Doc0} ->
- couch_doc:to_json_obj(Doc0, [])
- end
- end,
- case rexi:sync_reply(#view_row{key=Key, id=Id, value=Value, doc=Doc}) of
- ok ->
- {ok, Acc#view_acc{limit=Limit-1}};
- timeout ->
- exit(timeout)
- end.
-final_response(Total, nil) ->
- case rexi:sync_reply({total_and_offset, Total, Total}) of ok ->
- rexi:reply(complete);
- stop ->
- ok;
- timeout ->
- exit(timeout)
- end;
-final_response(_Total, _Offset) ->
- rexi:reply(complete).
-group_rows_fun(exact) ->
- fun({Key1,_}, {Key2,_}) -> Key1 == Key2 end;
-group_rows_fun(0) ->
- fun(_A, _B) -> true end;
-group_rows_fun(GroupLevel) when is_integer(GroupLevel) ->
- fun({[_|_] = Key1,_}, {[_|_] = Key2,_}) ->
- lists:sublist(Key1, GroupLevel) == lists:sublist(Key2, GroupLevel);
- ({Key1,_}, {Key2,_}) ->
- Key1 == Key2
- end.
-reduce_fold(_Key, _Red, #view_acc{limit=0} = Acc) ->
- {stop, Acc};
-reduce_fold(_Key, Red, #view_acc{group_level=0} = Acc) ->
- send(null, Red, Acc);
-reduce_fold(Key, Red, #view_acc{group_level=exact} = Acc) ->
- send(Key, Red, Acc);
-reduce_fold(K, Red, #view_acc{group_level=I} = Acc) when I > 0, is_list(K) ->
- send(lists:sublist(K, I), Red, Acc).
-send(Key, Value, #view_acc{limit=Limit} = Acc) ->
- case rexi:sync_reply(#view_row{key=Key, value=Value}) of
- ok ->
- {ok, Acc#view_acc{limit=Limit-1}};
- stop ->
- exit(normal);
- timeout ->
- exit(timeout)
- end.
-changes_enumerator(DocInfo, {Db, _Seq, Args}) ->
- #changes_args{include_docs=IncludeDocs, filter=Acc} = Args,
- #doc_info{id=Id, high_seq=Seq, revs=[#rev_info{deleted=Del,rev=Rev}|_]}
- = DocInfo,
- case [X || X <- couch_changes:filter(DocInfo, Acc), X /= null] of
- [] ->
- {ok, {Db, Seq, Args}};
- Results ->
- ChangesRow = changes_row(Db, Seq, Id, Results, Rev, Del, IncludeDocs),
- Go = rexi:sync_reply(ChangesRow),
- {Go, {Db, Seq, Args}}
- end.
-changes_row(_, Seq, Id, Results, _, true, true) ->
- #view_row{key=Seq, id=Id, value=Results, doc=deleted};
-changes_row(_, Seq, Id, Results, _, true, false) ->
- #view_row{key=Seq, id=Id, value=Results, doc=deleted};
-changes_row(Db, Seq, Id, Results, Rev, false, true) ->
- #view_row{key=Seq, id=Id, value=Results, doc=doc_member(Db, Id, Rev)};
-changes_row(_, Seq, Id, Results, _, false, false) ->
- #view_row{key=Seq, id=Id, value=Results}.
-doc_member(Shard, Id, Rev) ->
- case couch_db:open_doc_revs(Shard, Id, [Rev], []) of
- {ok, [{ok,Doc}]} ->
- couch_doc:to_json_obj(Doc, []);
- Error ->
- Error
- end.
-possible_ancestors(_FullInfo, []) ->
- [];
-possible_ancestors(FullInfo, MissingRevs) ->
- #doc_info{revs=RevsInfo} = couch_doc:to_doc_info(FullInfo),
- LeafRevs = [Rev || #rev_info{rev=Rev} <- RevsInfo],
- % Find the revs that are possible parents of this rev
- lists:foldl(fun({LeafPos, LeafRevId}, Acc) ->
- % this leaf is a "possible ancenstor" of the missing
- % revs if this LeafPos lessthan any of the missing revs
- case lists:any(fun({MissingPos, _}) ->
- LeafPos < MissingPos end, MissingRevs) of
- true ->
- [{LeafPos, LeafRevId} | Acc];
- false ->
- Acc
- end
- end, [], LeafRevs).
-make_att_readers([]) ->
- [];
-make_att_readers([#doc{atts=Atts0} = Doc | Rest]) ->
- % % go through the attachments looking for 'follows' in the data,
- % % replace with function that reads the data from MIME stream.
- Atts = [Att#att{data=make_att_reader(D)} || #att{data=D} = Att <- Atts0],
- [Doc#doc{atts = Atts} | make_att_readers(Rest)].
-make_att_reader({follows, Parser}) ->
- fun() ->
- Parser ! {get_bytes, self()},
- receive {bytes, Bytes} -> Bytes end
- end;
-make_att_reader(Else) ->
- Else.