diff options
authorFilipe David Borba Manana <>2010-07-27 22:04:38 +0000
committerFilipe David Borba Manana <>2010-07-27 22:04:38 +0000
commit85331a427dc495617cf943ee6439a094d31513aa (patch)
parent89d0b4600cc80cb507b513c4b76af9c1eb60fb22 (diff)
Fix issues with the replicator when using HTTP Basic authentication, receiving an HTTP redirect
response, and loosing the authentication credentials because they're not found in the Location header's URL. This happens for example when the replicator does a request to the URI /somedb/_design%2Fmyddoc git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/src/couchdb/couch_rep_httpc.erl b/src/couchdb/couch_rep_httpc.erl
index 53e318d3..768d88a3 100644
--- a/src/couchdb/couch_rep_httpc.erl
+++ b/src/couchdb/couch_rep_httpc.erl
@@ -91,18 +91,30 @@ db_exists(Req, CanonicalUrl, CreateDB) ->
{ok, "200", _, _} ->
Req#http_db{url = CanonicalUrl};
{ok, "301", RespHeaders, _} ->
- MochiHeaders = mochiweb_headers:make(RespHeaders),
- RedirectUrl = mochiweb_headers:get_value("Location", MochiHeaders),
+ RedirectUrl = redirect_url(RespHeaders, Req#http_db.url),
db_exists(Req#http_db{url = RedirectUrl}, RedirectUrl);
{ok, "302", RespHeaders, _} ->
- MochiHeaders = mochiweb_headers:make(RespHeaders),
- RedirectUrl = mochiweb_headers:get_value("Location", MochiHeaders),
+ RedirectUrl = redirect_url(RespHeaders, Req#http_db.url),
db_exists(Req#http_db{url = RedirectUrl}, CanonicalUrl);
Error ->
?LOG_DEBUG("DB at ~s could not be found because ~p", [Url, Error]),
throw({db_not_found, ?l2b(Url)})
+redirect_url(RespHeaders, OrigUrl) ->
+ MochiHeaders = mochiweb_headers:make(RespHeaders),
+ RedUrl = mochiweb_headers:get_value("Location", MochiHeaders),
+ {url, _, Base, Port, _, _, Path, Proto} = ibrowse_lib:parse_url(RedUrl),
+ {url, _, _, _, User, Passwd, _, _} = ibrowse_lib:parse_url(OrigUrl),
+ Creds = case is_list(User) andalso is_list(Passwd) of
+ true ->
+ User ++ ":" ++ Passwd ++ "@";
+ false ->
+ []
+ end,
+ atom_to_list(Proto) ++ "://" ++ Creds ++ Base ++ ":" ++
+ integer_to_list(Port) ++ Path.
full_url(#http_db{url=Url} = Req) when is_binary(Url) ->
full_url(Req#http_db{url = ?b2l(Url)});
@@ -124,8 +136,7 @@ process_response({ok, Status, Headers, Body}, Req) ->
if Code =:= 200; Code =:= 201 ->
?JSON_DECODE(maybe_decompress(Headers, Body));
Code =:= 301; Code =:= 302 ->
- MochiHeaders = mochiweb_headers:make(Headers),
- RedirectUrl = mochiweb_headers:get_value("Location", MochiHeaders),
+ RedirectUrl = redirect_url(Headers, Req#http_db.url),
do_request(redirected_request(Req, RedirectUrl));
Code =:= 409 ->