diff options
authorBrad Anderson <>2010-05-07 11:18:25 -0400
committerBrad Anderson <>2010-05-09 22:56:25 -0400
commit7896702038b9b5c9adb3951a8196b198046783a2 (patch)
parentb8c3322645395de3775ad8b302133a8d80a39fef (diff)
disable some partition calls, and results from http admin layer
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/src/mem3.erl b/src/mem3.erl
index b932ca9b..b0105286 100644
--- a/src/mem3.erl
+++ b/src/mem3.erl
@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@
%% API
-export([start_link/0, start_link/1, stop/0, stop/1, reset/0]).
--export([join/3, clock/0, state/0, start_gossip/0]).
--export([partitions/0, fullmap/0]).
--export([nodes/0, nodes_for_part/1, nodes_for_part/2, all_nodes_parts/1]).
+-export([join/3, clock/0, state/0, nodes/0, start_gossip/0]).
+%-export([partitions/0, fullmap/0]).
+%-export([nodes/0, nodes_for_part/1, nodes_for_part/2, all_nodes_parts/1]).
%% for testing more than anything else
-export([merge_nodes/2, next_up_node/1, next_up_node/3]).
@@ -104,16 +104,16 @@ reset() ->
gen_server:call(?SERVER, reset).
-%% @doc retrieve the primary partition map. This is a list of partitions and
-%% their corresponding primary node, no replication partner nodes.
-partitions() ->
- mochiglobal:get(pmap).
+% %% @doc retrieve the primary partition map. This is a list of partitions and
+% %% their corresponding primary node, no replication partner nodes.
+% partitions() ->
+% mochiglobal:get(pmap).
-%% @doc retrieve the full partition map, like above, but including replication
-%% partner nodes. List should number 2^Q * N
-fullmap() ->
- lists:keysort(2, mochiglobal:get(fullmap)).
+% %% @doc retrieve the full partition map, like above, but including replication
+% %% partner nodes. List should number 2^Q * N
+% fullmap() ->
+% lists:keysort(2, mochiglobal:get(fullmap)).
%% @doc get the list of cluster nodes (according to membership module)
@@ -122,36 +122,36 @@ nodes() ->
gen_server:call(?SERVER, nodes).
-%% @doc get all the responsible nodes for a given partition, including
-%% replication partner nodes
-nodes_for_part(Part) ->
- nodes_for_part(Part, mochiglobal:get(fullmap)).
+% %% @doc get all the responsible nodes for a given partition, including
+% %% replication partner nodes
+% nodes_for_part(Part) ->
+% nodes_for_part(Part, mochiglobal:get(fullmap)).
-nodes_for_part(Part, NodePartList) ->
- Filtered = lists:filter(fun({_N, P}) -> P =:= Part end, NodePartList),
- {Nodes, _Parts} = lists:unzip(Filtered),
- lists:usort(Nodes).
+% nodes_for_part(Part, NodePartList) ->
+% Filtered = lists:filter(fun({_N, P}) -> P =:= Part end, NodePartList),
+% {Nodes, _Parts} = lists:unzip(Filtered),
+% lists:usort(Nodes).
-%% @doc return the partitions that reside on a given node
-parts_for_node(Node) ->
- lists:sort(lists:foldl(fun({N,P}, AccIn) ->
- case N of
- Node -> [P | AccIn];
- _ -> AccIn
- end
- end, [], mochiglobal:get(fullmap))).
+% %% @doc return the partitions that reside on a given node
+% parts_for_node(Node) ->
+% lists:sort(lists:foldl(fun({N,P}, AccIn) ->
+% case N of
+% Node -> [P | AccIn];
+% _ -> AccIn
+% end
+% end, [], mochiglobal:get(fullmap))).
-%% @doc get all the nodes and partitions in the cluster. Depending on the
-%% AllPartners param, you get only primary nodes or replication partner
-%% nodes, as well.
-%% No nodes/parts currently down are returned.
-all_nodes_parts(false) ->
- mochiglobal:get(pmap);
-all_nodes_parts(true) ->
- mochiglobal:get(fullmap).
+% %% @doc get all the nodes and partitions in the cluster. Depending on the
+% %% AllPartners param, you get only primary nodes or replication partner
+% %% nodes, as well.
+% %% No nodes/parts currently down are returned.
+% all_nodes_parts(false) ->
+% mochiglobal:get(pmap);
+% all_nodes_parts(true) ->
+% mochiglobal:get(fullmap).