diff options
authorJan Lehnardt <>2010-02-19 19:07:49 +0000
committerJan Lehnardt <>2010-02-19 19:07:49 +0000
commit3de86042d6bb3a99467e47cf76c87c390aeebd89 (patch)
parent993a5359338e45c17b95bef5b32e2e661e5d4fdc (diff)
add etap test for vhosts
git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
1 files changed, 96 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/etap/160-vhosts.t b/test/etap/160-vhosts.t
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..fa61cabf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/etap/160-vhosts.t
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env escript
+%% -*- erlang -*-
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+%% XXX: Figure out how to -include("couch_rep.hrl")
+-record(http_db, {
+ url,
+ auth = [],
+ resource = "",
+ headers = [
+ {"User-Agent", "CouchDB/"++couch_server:get_version()},
+ {"Accept", "application/json"},
+ {"Accept-Encoding", "gzip"}
+ ],
+ qs = [],
+ method = get,
+ body = nil,
+ options = [
+ {response_format,binary},
+ {inactivity_timeout, 30000}
+ ],
+ retries = 10,
+ pause = 1,
+ conn = nil
+server() -> "".
+dbname() -> "etap-test-db".
+config_files() ->
+ lists:map(fun test_util:build_file/1, [
+ "etc/couchdb/default_dev.ini",
+ "etc/couchdb/local_dev.ini"
+ ]).
+main(_) ->
+ test_util:init_code_path(),
+ etap:plan(2),
+ case (catch test()) of
+ ok ->
+ etap:end_tests();
+ Other ->
+ etap:diag(io_lib:format("Test died abnormally: ~p", [Other])),
+ etap:bail(Other)
+ end,
+ ok.
+test() ->
+ couch_server_sup:start_link(config_files()),
+ ibrowse:start(),
+ crypto:start(),
+ couch_server:delete(list_to_binary(dbname()), []),
+ {ok, Db} = couch_db:create(list_to_binary(dbname()), []),
+ %% end boilerplate, start test
+ couch_config:set("vhosts", "", "/etap-test-db", false),
+ test_regular_request(),
+ test_vhost_request(),
+ %% restart boilerplate
+ couch_db:close(Db),
+ couch_server:delete(list_to_binary(dbname()), []),
+ ok.
+test_regular_request() ->
+ case ibrowse:send_req(server(), [], get, []) of
+ {ok, _, _, Body} ->
+ {[{<<"couchdb">>, <<"Welcome">>},
+ {<<"version">>,_}
+ ]} = couch_util:json_decode(Body),
+ etap:is(true, true, "should return server info");
+ _Else -> false
+ end.
+test_vhost_request() ->
+ case ibrowse:send_req(server(), [], get, [], [{host_header, ""}]) of
+ {ok, _, _, Body} ->
+ {[{<<"db_name">>, <<"etap-test-db">>},_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_]}
+ = couch_util:json_decode(Body),
+ etap:is(true, true, "should return database info");
+ _Else -> false
+ end.