path: root/master.cfg
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'master.cfg')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 274 deletions
diff --git a/master.cfg b/master.cfg
index 82d8a5b..4c7c398 100644
--- a/master.cfg
+++ b/master.cfg
@@ -35,9 +35,7 @@ c['protocols'] = {'pb': {'port': PORT_MASTER}}
# the 'change_source' setting tells the buildmaster how it should find out
# about source code changes.
-github_repos_username = 'leapcode'
default_branch = 'develop'
-order_repos_index = 2
# XXX: leap_mx doesn't need bitmask_client or leap_mail, not sure if two
# pipelines here are worth it
@@ -49,9 +47,7 @@ REPOS=[
('leap_mx', default_branch, 6, ''),
-def github_repo_url(repo_name):
- return '' + github_repos_username + '/' + repo_name + '.git'
+from util import github_repo_url, order_repos_index
all_repositories = {
r'': 'leap_pycommon',
@@ -145,281 +141,18 @@ c['schedulers'].append(
# what steps, and which slaves can execute them. Note that any particular build will
# only take place on one slave.
-from buildbot.process.factory import BuildFactory
-from buildbot.steps.source.git import Git
-from import ShellCommand
-from buildbot.config import BuilderConfig
-def add_repo_to_factory(factory, repo_name, git_branch, namespace, venv_name):
- install_requirements = 'pkg/ --use-leap-wheels'
- install_requirements_tests = "if [ -f pkg/requirements-testing.pip ]; then pkg/ --testing --use-leap-wheels; fi"
- install = "python develop"
- workdir = repo_name
- sandbox_path = {'PATH': "../" + venv_name + '/bin/' + ':${PATH}'}
- sandbox_path_soledad = {'PATH': "../../" + venv_name + '/bin/' + ':${PATH}'}
- repo_url = github_repo_url(repo_name)
- factory.addStep(
- Git(repourl=repo_url, branch=git_branch, workdir=workdir, codebase=repo_name, mode='full', method='clobber', shallow=True, haltOnFailure=True, name="Pull " + repo_url))
- if 'bitmask_client' in repo_name:
- factory.addSteps([
- ShellCommand(command='pkg/',env=sandbox_path,haltOnFailure=False, workdir=workdir, name="postmkenv"),
- ShellCommand(command='make',env=sandbox_path,haltOnFailure=False, workdir=workdir, name="make")
- ])
- if 'soledad.git' in repo_url:
- for subpackage in ["common", "client", "server"]:
- if 'keymanager' in venv_name and subpackage is not "server" or 'keymanager' is not venv_name: # keymanager doesn't need soledad.server
- factory.addSteps([
- ShellCommand(command=install_requirements, env=sandbox_path_soledad, haltOnFailure=True, workdir=workdir+'/'+subpackage, name="reqs: " + repo_name+"."+subpackage),
- ShellCommand(command=install_requirements_tests, env=sandbox_path_soledad, haltOnFailure=True, workdir=workdir+'/'+subpackage, name="test reqs: " + repo_name+"."+subpackage),
- ShellCommand(command=install, env=sandbox_path_soledad, haltOnFailure=True, workdir=workdir+'/'+subpackage, name="Install " + repo_name+"."+subpackage)
- ])
- else:
- factory.addSteps([
- ShellCommand(command=install_requirements, env=sandbox_path, haltOnFailure=False, workdir=workdir, name="reqs: " + repo_name),
- ShellCommand(command=install_requirements_tests, env=sandbox_path, haltOnFailure=False, workdir=workdir, name="test reqs: " + repo_name),
- ShellCommand(command=install, env=sandbox_path, haltOnFailure=True, workdir=workdir, name="Install " + repo_name)
- ])
-def create_builder(repo_name):
- builder_name = 'builder_' + repo_name
- venv_name = "virtualenv_ci_" + builder_name
- venv_path = {'PATH': "./" + venv_name + '/bin' + ':${PATH}'}
- venv_path_factory = {'PATH': "../" + venv_name + '/bin' + ':${PATH}'}
- factory = BuildFactory()
- factory.addSteps([
- ShellCommand(command=["rm", "-rf", venv_name], haltOnFailure=True, workdir=".", name="Remove previous virtualenv"),
- ShellCommand(command=["virtualenv", "--python=python2", venv_name], haltOnFailure=True, workdir=".", name="Create new virtualenv"),
- ShellCommand(command=['pip', 'install', '-U', 'pip', 'setuptools', 'coverage'], env=venv_path, workdir=".", name="Update setuptools")
- ])
+from builders import Builders
- repo_index = [repo[order_repos_index] for repo in REPOS if repo[0] is repo_name][0]
- for repo_name, repo_branch, _, namespace, in sorted(REPOS, key = lambda repo: repo[order_repos_index])[0:repo_index]:
- add_repo_to_factory(factory, repo_name, repo_branch, namespace, venv_name)
- factory.addSteps([
- ShellCommand(command=['pep8', '.'],env=venv_path_factory,haltOnFailure=False, workdir=repo_name, name="pep8 on " + repo_name)])
- if namespace is not '':
- if repo_name is 'bitmask_client':
- factory.addStep(
- ShellCommand(command=['xvfb-run', 'coverage', 'run', '--omit=*/'+venv_name+'/*', venv_name + '/bin/trial', namespace], env=venv_path, workdir='.', name="trial "+namespace))
- else:
- factory.addStep(
- ShellCommand(command=['coverage', 'run', '--omit=*/'+venv_name+'/*', venv_name + '/bin/trial', namespace], env=venv_path, workdir='.', name="trial "+namespace))
- factory.addSteps([
- ShellCommand(command=['coverage', 'html'], env=venv_path, workdir='.', name="generate html coverage report for " +namespace),
- ShellCommand(command=publish_coverage_reports_command('htmlcov', repo_name), workdir='.', doStepIf=(lambda step: slaves.is_leap(step.getProperty('slavename'))))
- ])
- publish_leap_wheels(factory, repo_name, venv_path_factory, doStepIf=(lambda step: slaves.is_leap(step.getProperty('slavename'))))
- if repo_name == 'bitmask_client':
- publish_sumo = publish_sumo_command('`ls -t *SUMO.tar.gz | head -1`')
- factory.addSteps([
- ShellCommand(command=['make', 'sumo_tarball_latest'],
- env=venv_path_factory, workdir=repo_name,
- doStepIf=(lambda step: slaves.is_leap(step.getProperty('slavename'))),
- name="make sumo tarball"),
- ShellCommand(command=publish_sumo,
- env=venv_path_factory, workdir=repo_name + "/dist",
- doStepIf=(lambda step: slaves.is_leap(step.getProperty('slavename'))),
- name="publish sumo to ftp")
- ])
- return BuilderConfig(name=builder_name, slavenames=slaves.names(), factory=factory)
-def publish_coverage_reports_command(location, repo_name):
- target_directory = config.get('ftp', 'coverage_reports_target_directory') + '/' + repo_name + '_' + '`git -C ' + repo_name + ' describe`'
- return ftp_publish_dir_command(location, target_directory)
-def publish_leap_wheels(factory, repo_name, env, doStepIf):
- env_soledad = {'PATH': env['PATH'].replace('../', '../../', 1)}
- if repo_name == 'soledad':
- for subpackage in ["common", "client", "server"]:
- factory.addSteps([
- ShellCommand(command=['python', '', 'bdist_wheel'], env=env_soledad, doStepIf=doStepIf, haltOnFailure=True, workdir=repo_name+'/'+subpackage, name="leap wheels for " + repo_name+"."+subpackage),
- ShellCommand(command=publish_leap_wheels_soledad(subpackage, '`ls -t *.whl | head -1`'), env=env_soledad, doStepIf=doStepIf, haltOnFailure=True, workdir=repo_name+'/'+subpackage+'/dist', name="publish leap wheels for " + repo_name+"."+subpackage)])
- else:
- factory.addSteps([
- ShellCommand(command=['python', '', 'bdist_wheel'], env=env, doStepIf=doStepIf, workdir=repo_name, name="Generate leap wheels for "+repo_name),
- ShellCommand(command=publish_leap_wheels_command(repo_name, '`ls -t *.whl | head -1`'), env=env, doStepIf=doStepIf, workdir=repo_name + '/dist', name="Publish leap wheels for "+repo_name)
- ])
-def publish_leap_wheels_command(repo_name, location):
- directory = config.get('ftp', 'leap_wheels_directory')
- command = ftp_publish_command(location, directory) + ' && ' + ftp_soft_link(location, directory, 'leap.' + repo_name + '-latest.whl')
- return command
-def publish_leap_wheels_soledad(subpackage, location):
- directory = config.get('ftp', 'leap_wheels_directory')
- command = ftp_publish_command(location, directory) + ' && ' + ftp_soft_link(location, directory, 'leap.soledad.' + subpackage + '-latest.whl')
- return command
-def publish_sumo_command(location):
- directory = config.get('ftp', 'sumo_target_directory')
- command = ftp_publish_command(location, directory) + ' && ' + ftp_soft_link(location, directory, 'leap.bitmask-latest-SUMO.tar.gz')
- return command
-def ftp_soft_link(filename, target_directory, symlink_name):
- return ftp_ssh_command('ln -sf ' + target_directory + '/' + filename + ' ' + target_directory + '/' + symlink_name)
-def ftp_ssh_command(command):
- ssh_port = config.get('ftp', 'ssh_port')
- ssh_key = config.get('ftp', 'ssh_key')
- user = config.get('ftp', 'user')
- server = config.get('ftp', 'server')
- ssh_command = ['ssh',
- "-i", ssh_key,
- '-p', ssh_port,
- user + '@' + server,
- '"' + command + '"']
- # Flatten to a string so that a shell executes de command, and
- # expands ~
- return ' '.join(ssh_command)
-def ftp_publish_dir_command(from_dir, to_dir):
- return ftp_publish_command(from_dir + "/*", to_dir)
-def ftp_publish_command(from_location, to_location):
- ssh_port = config.get('ftp', 'ssh_port')
- ssh_key = config.get('ftp', 'ssh_key')
- user = config.get('ftp', 'user')
- server = config.get('ftp', 'server')
- ssh_mkdir_command = ['ssh',
- "-i", ssh_key,
- '-p', ssh_port,
- user + '@' + server,
- '"mkdir ' + to_location + '"']
- scp_command = ['scp',
- '-i', ssh_key,
- '-P', ssh_port,
- '-r', from_location,
- '"' + user + '@' + server + ':' + to_location +'"']
- ssh_command = ['ssh',
- "-i", ssh_key,
- '-p', ssh_port,
- user + '@' + server,
- '"chmod -R g+r ' + to_location + ' && chown -R ' + user + ':www-data ' + to_location + '"']
- # Flatten to a string so that a shell executes de command, and
- # expands ~
- return ' '.join(ssh_mkdir_command) + ' ; ' + ' '.join(scp_command) + ' && ' + ' '.join(ssh_command)
-def make_wheel_builder():
- builder_name = "builder_wheels"
- venv_name = "virtualenv_wheels"
- factory = BuildFactory()
- generate_wheels = 'pkg/'
- publish_wheels = publish_wheels_command()
- sandbox_path_top = {'PATH': "./" + venv_name + '/bin' + ':${PATH}'}
- sandbox_path = {'PATH': "../" + venv_name + '/bin' + ':${PATH}'}
- sandbox_path_soledad = {'PATH': "../../" + venv_name + '/bin/' + ':${PATH}'}
- factory.addStep(ShellCommand(command=["virtualenv", "--python=python2", venv_name], haltOnFailure=True, workdir=".", name="Create new virtualenv"))
- factory.addStep(ShellCommand(command=['pip', 'install', '-U', 'wheel'], env=sandbox_path_top, haltOnFailure=True, workdir=".", name="Install wheels"))
- for repo_name, git_branch, _, _ in REPOS:
- repo_url = github_repo_url(repo_name)
- workdir = repo_name
- factory.addStep(
- Git(repourl=repo_url, branch=git_branch, workdir=workdir, mode='full', method='clobber', shallow=True, haltOnFailure=True, name="Pull " + repo_url))
- if 'soledad' in repo_name:
- for subpackage in ["common", "client", "server"]:
- factory.addStep(
- ShellCommand(command=generate_wheels, env=sandbox_path_soledad, haltOnFailure=True, workdir=workdir+'/'+subpackage, name="wheels for " + repo_name+"."+subpackage))
- else:
- factory.addStep(
- ShellCommand(command=generate_wheels, env=sandbox_path, haltOnFailure=True, workdir=workdir, name="wheels for " + repo_name))
- factory.addStep(ShellCommand(command=publish_wheels, env=sandbox_path, doStepIf=(lambda step: slaves.is_leap(step.getProperty('slavename'))), workdir=".", name="publish wheels"))
- add_pyside_setup_repo(factory)
- return BuilderConfig(name=builder_name, slavenames=slaves.names(), factory=factory)
-def publish_wheels_command():
- original_wheelhouse = config.get('ftp', 'copy_wheels_from')
- directory = config.get('ftp', 'directory')
- return ftp_publish_dir_command(original_wheelhouse, directory)
-def add_pyside_setup_repo(factory):
- repo_name = "pyside-setup"
- repo_url = "" + repo_name + ".git"
- git_branch = "master"
- venv_name = "virtualenv_wheels"
- sandbox_path = {'PATH': "../" + venv_name + '/bin' + ':${PATH}'}
- publish_pyside_wheel = publish_pyside_command('`ls -t *.whl | head -1`')
- factory.addSteps([
- ShellCommand(command=['rm', '-rf', repo_name], workdir='.', env=sandbox_path, name="Remove previous pyside"),
- Git(repourl=repo_url, branch=git_branch, workdir=repo_name, mode='full', method='clobber', shallow=True, haltOnFailure=True, name="Pull " + repo_url),
- ShellCommand(command=['python', '', 'bdist_wheel', '--standalone'], workdir=repo_name, env=sandbox_path, name="Wheel for " + repo_name),
- ShellCommand(command=publish_pyside_wheel, workdir=repo_name + '/dist/', name="Publish pyside")
- ])
-def publish_pyside_command(location):
- directory = config.get('ftp', 'directory')
- command = ftp_publish_command(location, directory)
- return command
-def make_bundler_builder():
- builder_name = "builder_bundler"
- factory = BuildFactory()
- repo_name = "bitmask_bundler"
- repo_url = "" + repo_name + ".git"
- branch = "develop"
- workdir="build"
- repo_dir = workdir + "/" + repo_name
- bundler_output_dir = "bundler_output"
- sumo_tarball = "leap.bitmask-latest-SUMO.tar.gz"
- publish_bundle = publish_bundle_command('`ls -t *.tar.gz | head -1`')
- factory.addSteps([
- Git(repourl=repo_url, branch=branch, workdir=repo_dir, mode='full', method='clobber', shallow=True, haltOnFailure=True, name="Pull " + repo_url),
- ShellCommand(command="rm -rf " + bundler_output_dir, workdir=workdir, name="Remove previous bundler dir"),
- ShellCommand(command="mkdir " + bundler_output_dir, workdir=workdir, name="Create bundler dir"),
- ShellCommand(command="cp ../" + bundler_output_dir, workdir=repo_dir, haltOnFailure=True, name="Copy bundle_pyinstaller"),
- ShellCommand(command="mkdir files", workdir=workdir + '/' + bundler_output_dir, name="Create auxiliary folder"),
- ShellCommand(command="wget" + sumo_tarball, workdir=workdir + '/' + bundler_output_dir, haltOnFailure=True, name="Download sumo"),
- ShellCommand(command="./ " + sumo_tarball, workdir=workdir + '/' + bundler_output_dir, name="Create bundle"),
- ShellCommand(command=publish_bundle, workdir=workdir + '/' + bundler_output_dir, name="Publish bundle")
- ])
- return BuilderConfig(name=builder_name, slavenames=slaves.leap_names(), factory=factory)
-def publish_bundle_command(location):
- directory = config.get('ftp', 'bundle_target_directory')
- command = ftp_publish_command(location, directory) + ' && ' + ftp_soft_link(location, directory, 'bitmask-latest.tar.gz')
- return command
+builders = Builders(config, slaves, REPOS)
c['builders'] = []
for repo_name, _, _, _ in REPOS:
- c['builders'].append(create_builder(repo_name))
+ c['builders'].append(builders.create_builder(repo_name))
# 'status' is a list of Status Targets. The results of each build will be