#!/bin/bash # Usage set -e PROVIDER='demo.bitmask.net' BCTL='bitmaskctl' LEAP_HOME="$HOME/.config/leap" username="tmp_user_$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)" user="${username}@${PROVIDER}" pw="$(head -c 10 < /dev/urandom | base64)" # Stop any previously started bitmaskd # and start a new instance "$BCTL" stop [ -d "$LEAP_HOME" ] && rm -rf "$LEAP_HOME" "$BCTL" start # Register a new user "$BCTL" user create "$user" --pass "$pw" # Authenticate "$BCTL" user auth "$user" --pass "$pw" > /dev/null # Enable VPN "$BCTL" vpn enable # Get VPN cert "$BCTL" vpn get_cert "$user" "$BCTL" vpn start sleep 10 "$BCTL" vpn status tests/e2e/check_ip vpn_on "$BCTL" vpn stop sleep 5 tests/e2e/check_ip vpn_off echo "Succeeded - the vpn routed you through the expected address"